Papers by Marimuthu Elayaraja
Neyveli lignite formation is one of the largest tertiary brown coal filed lignite formation found... more Neyveli lignite formation is one of the largest tertiary brown coal filed lignite formation found in the Neyveli, Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu, India. So far many mega fossils and micro fossils reported from this formation. The present study is about a charcoalified wood found in this formation. The fossil wood is identified as Dryobalanoxylon as a new species D. neyveliensis sp.nov. This is a first report of Dryobalanoxylon from the Neyveli formation. Keywords: Dryobalanoxylon neyveliensis sp.nov., Neyveli formation, Tertiary.
Neyveli lignite formation is one of the largest tertiary brown coal filed lignite formation found... more Neyveli lignite formation is one of the largest tertiary brown coal filed lignite formation found in the Neyveli, Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu, India. So far many mega fossils and micro fossils reported from this formation. The present study is about a charcoalified wood found in this formation. The fossil wood is identified as Dryobalanoxylon as a new species D. neyveliensis sp.nov. This is a first report of Dryobalanoxylon from the Neyveli formation.
Papers by Marimuthu Elayaraja