Papers by Marie-Laure Mosini
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 26, 2023
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 3, 2023
Transfert de macrodéchets par les eaux pluviales urbaines : taux de fuite et facteurs d'influence.
Cette etude a permis d'analyser les variations du coefficient statistique d'ecoulement d&... more Cette etude a permis d'analyser les variations du coefficient statistique d'ecoulement d'un bassin versant, defini pour une duree et une periode de retour donnees, comme le rapport des quantiles d'intensite pluvieuse et de debits correspondants. Pour le bassin versant considere, il apparait que ce coefficient statistique d'ecoulement est relativement bien represente par une relation dependant uniquement de la periode de retour, de la duree et du coefficient d'impermeabilisation. Une telle relation presente un interet pratique certain, puisqu'elle permettrait de deduire le comportement hydrologique d'un bassin versant de la connaissance des caracteristiques des pluies et du coefficient d'impermeabilisation. Il convient cependant d'etendre ce travail a d'autres bassins versants jauges, afin de confirmer ce resultat et d'evaluer la representativite de la relation proposee. Dans ce cadre, le temps de concentration des bassins versants pourra etre etudie afin de verifier si ce parametre contribue a expliquer les variations du coefficient statistique d'ecoulement.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2011
Tâche A : Dérivation des réseaux de drainage des bassins et caractérisation fine de l'occupation ... more Tâche A : Dérivation des réseaux de drainage des bassins et caractérisation fine de l'occupation des sols (IRSTV, Cemagref, UMR EVS) .
Journal of Hydrology, 2013
The management of urban rainwater by local authorities evolves toward methods aiming to minimize ... more The management of urban rainwater by local authorities evolves toward methods aiming to minimize the influence of urbanization both on the urban water cycle and on receiving media and to keep the urban water cycle as close as possible as the water cycle in natural media. The development of these best management practices (hereafter called water sensitive urban design or WSUD) practices is intended to reduce both the increase of flow peaks and of flow volumes and to reduce pollutant fluxes, all resulting from the development of impervious surfaces. This development is based on devices, which store and infiltrate rainwater such as vegetated roofs, porous pavements, ditches, infiltration trenches, and dry detention storage. At a local scale, they affect the water budget by enhancing infiltration, evapotranspiration and a correct design is required for ensuring their efficiency and preventing malfunctioning such local ponding or local floods. As illustrated by the example of the metropolitan area of Nantes (Fig. 1), these WSUD practices mainly concern peri-urban zones which host the largest part of the on-going urban development. In conclusion of their review paper on urban hydrology, Fletcher et al. (2012) state that there is a clear trend towards more integrated management of stormwater. That evolution, requires to collect new types of data and to develop new types of models both for helping urban planners to design the storm water systems of urbanizing areas and for better understanding the hydrological influence of WSUD. If the effect of WSUD on peak flowrate is well established, its influence on the other hydrological fluxes of the water urban cycle to these techniques deserves an in-depth investigation, both a the local scale (in the vicinity of the WSUD devices), and the catchment scale. Recent research works have higlighted the need to develop “process-based” models in order to analyse and evaluate the influence of these new urban design options on both the water and energy budgets (Mitchell et al., 2008; Nakayama and Fujita, 2010). A more physically-based approach of urban hydrological modelling would contribute to a better representation of both the hydrological behaviour of urban catchments and source control devices (Xiao et al., 2007). [Display omitted]The objective of this study is to present the implementation of WSUD practices into a distributed hydrological model. This model, based on urban databanks, is called URBS-MO (for Urban Runoff Branching Structure Model, Rodriguez et al., 2008), and can reproduce both the spatial and temporal variability of the hydrological processes in an urban area, in particular the runoff contribution of each land use (house, natural soil, streets), the evapotranspiration and the storage capacity of each cadastral parcel.. The introduction of WSUD practices such as flat roofs (vegetated or not), permeable reservoir pavements, infiltration ditches or basins has been performed in this very modular model. An urban catchment located in Nantes (France) is taken as a case study to analyse the influence of these innovative techniques on the catchment hydrological catchment behaviour. An “eco-quartier” (neighbourhood sustainability program) has been built on this catchment, with a rainwater management strategy encompassing a large proportion of WSUD. This kind of neighbourhood is typical of the planning “tools” that will be implemented in peri-urban zones. The effect of the planned scenario compared to a conventional scenario is analysed both with regards to the statistical distribution of peak flowrates and with regards to the saturation level evolution (Fig. 2). Other hypothetic urban scenarios involving WSUDs are implemented and the influence of WSUD techniques is analysed both on the total runoff and on each component of the urban balance. [Display omitted]
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 19, 2009
<p&amp... more <p>The urbanisation leads to modifications in the water budget, not only at the surface but in groundwater as well. Few urban modelling studies deal with this topic, due to the lack of appropriate models. The URBS (Urban Runoff Branching Structure) model has been developed since several decades to simulate water transfers at the scale of an urban district. An integrated modelling approach is deliberately adopted to account for the numerous elements that influence urban hydrology: the spatial distribution of the sealed surfaces, interactions between the urban soil and water networks or underground, sustainable drainage systems…. In URBS, the spatial discretization of a catchment is based on Urban Hydrologic Elements (UHE) constituted by cadastral parcels and the adjacent streets, connected to the drainage network. URBS is able to perform continuous and long-period simulations (typically several years) of water fluxes in urban districts for small time-steps (typically few-minutes), with rainfall and potential evapotranspiration as input data.</p><p>The URBS model is adopted to study the hydrological impact of the Moulon district layout, a 200 ha development operation of the Paris-Saclay Cluster (currently underway). The project should result in an increase of sealed surfaces from 14% to 35% and a densification of underground constructions such as networks and basements. A shallow unconfined aquifer extends on the whole area. The fluctuations of ground-water levels have been monitored at an hourly time-step with 8 piezometers since 2012. Water-table levels exhibit significant variations, with near-saturation levels during winter and several meters depths during summer, although the piezometers do not all exhibit the same dynamics.</p><p>A calibration of the URBS model is first conducted for a 2-year period using only piezometric data and no flowrate data. The calibration is solely performed for the parameters influencing the soil compartment: soil permeability and parameters of the sewer infiltration process. Model performances are rather satisfactory with good representation of the observed levels for several piezometers, despite some difficulties for two piezometers exhibiting atypical variations. Once the URBS model is calibrated for the initial situation, simulations are conducted for the project layout (accounting for land-use modification and underground constructions) so as to evaluate the hydrological impacts of the development. Simulation results suggest that an increase of water table levels might be expected after the development of the district (this somehow surprising result may partly originate from the decrease of evapotranspiration fluxes associated with the increased of sealed surfaces).</p><p>The analysis of these first simulations also suggests that large uncertainties might be expected regarding the water levels computed by URBS. A simplified uncertainty analysis (based on Monte-Carlo simulations) is thus conducted to evaluate and distinguish uncertainties associated with model parameters and the total uncertainties in model outputs. While the results clearly evidence the importance of total uncertainties (although the uncertainties due to the model parameters remain low), they also confirm that groundwater depths could be reduced by the construction of the Moulon district.</p>
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2011
Tâche A : Dérivation des réseaux de drainage des bassins et caractérisation fine de l'occupation ... more Tâche A : Dérivation des réseaux de drainage des bassins et caractérisation fine de l'occupation des sols (IRSTV, Cemagref, UMR EVS) .
Cette etude a permis d'analyser les variations du coefficient statistique d'ecoulement d&... more Cette etude a permis d'analyser les variations du coefficient statistique d'ecoulement d'un bassin versant, defini pour une duree et une periode de retour donnees, comme le rapport des quantiles d'intensite pluvieuse et de debits correspondants. Pour le bassin versant considere, il apparait que ce coefficient statistique d'ecoulement est relativement bien represente par une relation dependant uniquement de la periode de retour, de la duree et du coefficient d'impermeabilisation. Une telle relation presente un interet pratique certain, puisqu'elle permettrait de deduire le comportement hydrologique d'un bassin versant de la connaissance des caracteristiques des pluies et du coefficient d'impermeabilisation. Il convient cependant d'etendre ce travail a d'autres bassins versants jauges, afin de confirmer ce resultat et d'evaluer la representativite de la relation proposee. Dans ce cadre, le temps de concentration des bassins versants pour...
Le modele pluie-debit CANOE est evalue sur un bassin versant nantais instrumente par le LCPC depu... more Le modele pluie-debit CANOE est evalue sur un bassin versant nantais instrumente par le LCPC depuis 1998 (bassin versant des Gohards). Deux objectifs sont vises. Une etude de sensibilite est tout d'abord menee. Celle-ci analyse l'influence des parametres d'entree du modele sur les resultats de la modelisation, et permet au concepteur de definir ces valeurs. Cette etude montre l'importance des parametres de la fonction de production comme, par exemple, le type de coefficient de ruissellement. Dans un second temps, les debits de pointe simules pour une periode de retour de 5 ans sont compares aux debits mesures in situ, classes par une etude statistique, afin de tester la capacite du modele a reproduire des debits de pointe. les resultats de la determination des debits de pointe quinquennaux par le modele sont encourageants, notamment lors de la simulation d'une pluie de projet de type double triangle. Le choix du type de coefficient de ruissellement joue la aussi ...
<p&amp... more <p>The urbanisation leads to modifications in the water budget, not only at the surface but in groundwater as well. Few urban modelling studies deal with this topic, due to the lack of appropriate models. The URBS (Urban Runoff Branching Structure) model has been developed since several decades to simulate water transfers at the scale of an urban district. An integrated modelling approach is deliberately adopted to account for the numerous elements that influence urban hydrology: the spatial distribution of the sealed surfaces, interactions between the urban soil and water networks or underground, sustainable drainage systems…. In URBS, the spatial discretization of a catchment is based on Urban Hydrologic Elements (UHE) constituted by cadastral parcels and the adjacent streets, connected to the drainage network. URBS is able to perform continuous and long-period simulations (typically several years) of water fluxes in urban districts for small time-steps (typically few-minutes), with rainfall and potential evapotranspiration as input data.</p><p>The URBS model is adopted to study the hydrological impact of the Moulon district layout, a 200 ha development operation of the Paris-Saclay Cluster (currently underway). The project should result in an increase of sealed surfaces from 14% to 35% and a densification of underground constructions such as networks and basements. A shallow unconfined aquifer extends on the whole area. The fluctuations of ground-water levels have been monitored at an hourly time-step with 8 piezometers since 2012. Water-table levels exhibit significant variations, with near-saturation levels during winter and several meters depths during summer, although the piezometers do not all exhibit the same dynamics.</p><p>A calibration of the URBS model is first conducted for a 2-year period using only piezometric data and no flowrate data. The calibration is solely performed for the parameters influencing the soil compartment: soil permeability and parameters of the sewer infiltration process. Model performances are rather satisfactory with good representation of the observed levels for several piezometers, despite some difficulties for two piezometers exhibiting atypical variations. Once the URBS model is calibrated for the initial situation, simulations are conducted for the project layout (accounting for land-use modification and underground constructions) so as to evaluate the hydrological impacts of the development. Simulation results suggest that an increase of water table levels might be expected after the development of the district (this somehow surprising result may partly originate from the decrease of evapotranspiration fluxes associated with the increased of sealed surfaces).</p><p>The analysis of these first simulations also suggests that large uncertainties might be expected regarding the water levels computed by URBS. A simplified uncertainty analysis (based on Monte-Carlo simulations) is thus conducted to evaluate and distinguish uncertainties associated with model parameters and the total uncertainties in model outputs. While the results clearly evidence the importance of total uncertainties (although the uncertainties due to the model parameters remain low), they also confirm that groundwater depths could be reduced by the construction of the Moulon district.</p>
Global Solutions for Urban Drainage, 2002
While urban stormwater infiltration is receiving greater attention as a technique for reducing ru... more While urban stormwater infiltration is receiving greater attention as a technique for reducing runoff flow and its associated pollutant discharge, the sizing of retention/infiltration basins must take into account the variability in infiltration capacity displayed by the soils present. In the first part of this paper, the temporal infiltration variability in urban soils is studied by focusing on the results of a hydrological monitoring program conducted on urban catchment basins. The second part is devoted to evaluating the effect of soil drainage on infiltration capacity and, as a consequence, on the sizing of retention facilities. These investigations reveal the apparent advantages in simulating the operations of retention/infiltration facilities using actual rainfall data. Such simulations must be able to incorporate both in-soil flows and the effects of their eventual drainage systems.
… 2009, held 19-24 …, 2009
Journal of Hydrology, 2013
The management of urban rainwater by local authorities evolves toward methods aiming to minimize ... more The management of urban rainwater by local authorities evolves toward methods aiming to minimize the influence of urbanization both on the urban water cycle and on receiving media and to keep the urban water cycle as close as possible as the water cycle in natural media. The development of these best management practices (hereafter called water sensitive urban design or WSUD) practices is intended to reduce both the increase of flow peaks and of flow volumes and to reduce pollutant fluxes, all resulting from the development of impervious surfaces. This development is based on devices, which store and infiltrate rainwater such as vegetated roofs, porous pavements, ditches, infiltration trenches, and dry detention storage. At a local scale, they affect the water budget by enhancing infiltration, evapotranspiration and a correct design is required for ensuring their efficiency and preventing malfunctioning such local ponding or local floods. As illustrated by the example of the metropo...
The FluxSAP 2010 is the first of two experimental campaigns aiming at quantitatively assessing th... more The FluxSAP 2010 is the first of two experimental campaigns aiming at quantitatively assessing the contribution of urban vegetation in the sensible heat and water vapour fluxes, over an heterogeneous area including buildings, semi-impervious surfaces, low and high vegetation. The 2010 experiment objective was primarily the feasibility of measurements with five different methods, and their analysis with respect to the surface cover mode variability of their footprints.
Papers by Marie-Laure Mosini