Papers by Mariangela Musolino

Valori e valutazioni, Nov 1, 2023
The general research here introduced concerns the phenomenon of urban sprawl unfolding in the las... more The general research here introduced concerns the phenomenon of urban sprawl unfolding in the last century and defined as "the physical pattern of lowdensity settlement in urban areas". The focus, as part of the more general research cited, is the relationship between sprawl and public transportation. The specific study here present is a possible approach to planning and managing policy responses to urban sprawl through the integration of consolidated settlement systems (with a view to their rerevitalization) with rail green public transportation in the framework of TOD (Transit-Oriented Development). A paramount issue emerges about sprawl: there are prototype case in which TOD and rail green public transportation help concentrate settlement instead of sprawl? No cases have been found. Instead the most recent literature recommends to perform new researches concerning solutions through real world applications, given the total shortage of case studies. The general research framework has been applied in a specific Case Study to support the community of Calabria, the southernmost Mediterranean region of mainland Italy in European Union, within the most urbanized sub-regional sub-area, in analyzing the rampant phenomenon of sprawl and, possibly, in addressing and mitigating it relying on TOD and rail green public transportation. In the Case Study of the present research there are three alternatives in sub regional public transportation: A1; A2; A3. A1 is the status quo. A2 is the upgrading of the railway which, although existing, is illogically neglected.

Smart innovation, systems and technologies, May 19, 2018
Generally, with reference to the geographical variability of real estate values, the observed var... more Generally, with reference to the geographical variability of real estate values, the observed variables may have non-linear relationships with the response variable. For this reason it’s possible to combine kriging techniques with additive models to obtain the geoadditive models. In this paper a geoadditive model based on penalized spline functions has been applied, in order to obtain improvements respect to usual Kriging techniques and to provide a spatial distribution of real estate unitary values for a central area of the city of Reggio Calabria (Italy). This is the first preliminary phase for the verification of the robustness of the real estate sample, or for the subsequent individuation of progressive real estate sub-samples, for to detect and to identify possible potential market premium in real estate exchange and rent markets for green buildings.
Turismo e Psicologia, 2015
Within the framework of the Sustainable Urban Regeneration (SUR), this paper addresses the issue ... more Within the framework of the Sustainable Urban Regeneration (SUR), this paper addresses the issue of sustainable maintenance of the historic city of Reggio Calabria rebuilt after the earthquake of 1908. The goal is to get a higher construction and architectural quality of the building stock and set new standards in the field of energy retrofit to answer the general demand for beauty expressed at the national level. Particular attention is devoted to the historical archival documentation and to the detailed methodology to estimate the cost of use by developing a Case Study. The methodological approach proposed, supported by dedicated tools for Data Base Management System and GIS, wishes to be the benchmark for similar initiatives that will be carried out on buildings in the same area and the starting point for the SUR of the historic center.

ArcHistoR, 2019
Risparmio energetico negli edifici mediante adozione di eco materiali e tecniche di Bio Edilizia.... more Risparmio energetico negli edifici mediante adozione di eco materiali e tecniche di Bio Edilizia. Obiettivo. L'obiettivo di ridurre i sovra consumi energetici negli edifici e promuovere le città post-carbone può essere raggiunto adottando diverse misure ad opera di individui, imprese, costruttori, governi. L'isolamento termico degli edifici, o "passivazione" risulta essere uno dei più importanti investimenti per raggiungere questi risultati. Metodi e Soluzioni. L'isolamento termico (o "passivazione") può essere realizzato con pannelli di sughero, che è un materiale naturale e rinnovabile. Esso stesso è il risultato dell'eliminazione (sequestration) della CO 2. Non solo, è un depositi di C. Può quindi efficacemente contribuire a realizzare concretamente lo Post Carbon City migliorando l'isolamento ed eliminando lo spreco di energia. Ampliare le aree occupate da sugherete aumenta in modo permanente l'assorbimento e la eliminazione definitivo ovvero il sequestro della CO 2. Risultati e Benefici. Solo alcuni dei primi benefici derivanti dalla policy integrata natura-based sopra sintetizzata. (a) La CO 2 non solo si sequestra e si elimina dall'atmosfera ma addirittura viene utilizzata dalle sughere per crescere e per produrre il sughero; (b) Si rendono disponibili nuovi quantitativi di sughero grezzo, come materia prima versatile; (b) Utilizzando i lavorati per la passivazione dei Bio Edifici Verdi, non solo si risparmia energia, ma anche si abbattono le conseguenti emissioni di CO 2 .
Advances in science, technology & innovation, 2022
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2022
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2022
The construction of new buildings or interventions to improve energy performance can be considere... more The construction of new buildings or interventions to improve energy performance can be considered "sustainable" if they meet the requirements which intersect with each other in the economic, social and environmental spheres. The paper has as its main topic detecting and quantifying the market premium attributable to housing properties with high energy performance characteristics. Through a semi-parametric additive model, extended to a wide real estate sample relating to the city of Reggio Calabria, it is demonstrated how the choice of sustainable interventions, oriented to "Green Building" practices, produce significant economic impacts in terms of increased market value of buildings as well as mitigating energy consumption while respecting the historical-architectural peculiarities of urban buildings

Integrated Evaluation for the Management of Contemporary Cities, 2018
The Encyclical Letter (Laudato si’, 2) teaches that Earth cries out because of the harm Humanity ... more The Encyclical Letter (Laudato si’, 2) teaches that Earth cries out because of the harm Humanity has inflicted on her by its irresponsible use and abuse of the Earth goods, such as soil, and it calls people to global ecological conversion in key sectors such as soil to replace consumption as the basis for urban development via new buildings and the consequential pollution of areas and landscape. This research is devoted to answer the encyclical call by conceiving, designing and testing cases of Historic Center treasuring, an alternative to new buildings, additional development and further urban sprawl. This research tries to enhance the process of urban sustainability by the mean of a new methodology for Historic Center that includes total knowledge, analysis, valuation, treasuring and valorization. Attributions: Malerba A. authored § Abstract, 2; Massimo D. E. authored § 3, 4; Musolino M. authored § 1, 5.
Within the framework of the Sustainable Urban Regeneration (SUR), this paper addresses the issue ... more Within the framework of the Sustainable Urban Regeneration (SUR), this paper addresses the issue of sustainable maintenance of the historic city of Reggio Calabria rebuilt after the earthquake of 1908. The goal is to get a higher construction and architectural quality of the building stock and set new standards in the field of energy retrofit to answer the general demand for beauty expressed at the national level. Particular attention is devoted to the historical archival documentation and to the detailed methodology to estimate the cost of use by developing a Case Study. The methodological approach proposed, supported by dedicated tools for Data Base Management System and GIS, wishes to be the benchmark for similar initiatives that will be carried out on buildings in the same area and the starting point for the SUR of the historic center.

Aestimum, Jun 1, 2009
Lo sviluppo economico locale basato sulla tesaurizzazione del capitale fisso naturale e insediati... more Lo sviluppo economico locale basato sulla tesaurizzazione del capitale fisso naturale e insediativo, in particolare nelle aree protette e nei territori rurali di pre-parco, è obiettivo su cui cresce la consapevolezza e la sensibilità di comunità e di enti locali. L'obiettivo viene progressivamente articolato a scala regionale in sintonia con indirizzi più generali, introdotti a livello inter-governativo nel 1987 (Wced, 1987) e nel 1992 (Unced, 1992; Keating, 1993), e sempre più influenti nelle agende ambientali locali per il sustainable development (Piani Locali di Azione Ambientale) derivanti dall' Agenda per il ventunesimo secolo, capitolo 28, adottata dalla Conferenza di RiO. Nel recepire quest'ultimo accordo inter-governativo, l'Unione Europea (UC, 1992; EU, 2000) ha stimolato le regioni, con attenzione specifica alle aree mediterranee con ritardo di sviluppo, a promuovere l'uso compatibile di risorse ambientali e insediative al fine di una crescita sostenibile del prodotto e del reddito delle comunità locali. La conservazione, l'apertura compatibile alla domanda esterna, e la fruizione dei beni naturali-ambientali (natural environment) e storico-insediativi (man-made environment) costituiscono elementi per la gestione sostenibile delle attività di tutela e trasmissione inter generazionale dei valori di non-uso, sia delle attività imprenditoriali di attualizzazione dei potenziali valori d'uso. Un'area di intervento di promettente potenzialità per lo sviluppo, nelle regioni in ritardo economico, è il turismo ambientale e culturale nelle aree protette. Anche l'ospitalità diffusa, complementare alla ricettività tradizionale, è recepita nell'estimo dello sviluppo e nella Dipartimento PAU, Università degli Studi di Reggio Caiabria. Professore Ordinario di Valutazione Economica dei Progetti. Ricercatore confermato di Estimo. 3Ricercatrice a contratto.

This study concerns the determination of empirical evidence of a real estate market premium for G... more This study concerns the determination of empirical evidence of a real estate market premium for Green Buildings and of an aware role of the private real estate market as driver to foster-up urban and architectural sustainability and energy efficiency. In real estate markets, there is growing relevance of Green Buildings, especially in cities where the greater part of residential buildings is built before the first regulations on energy performance. Through policies oriented towards sustainable practices, a twofold goal can be achieved: energy consumption mitigation respecting the historical value for existing buildings, direct economic impacts on real estate values. In some metropolitan or urban contexts, the “green premium” for buildings can be understood as a real “gold premium”. This result has been highlighted and quantified with a real estate market analysis developed for a central area of an Italian mid-size city, pursued through the innovative tool of Evolutionary Polynomial ...
Papers by Mariangela Musolino