Tissue levels of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase in fish Astyanax bimac... more Tissue levels of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase in fish Astyanax bimaculatus from the Una River Basin doi: 10.4136/ambi-agua.1473
Ambiente E Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2015
Os peixes vivem todo o ciclo de vida na agua e recebem a influencia dos seus componentes fisico-q... more Os peixes vivem todo o ciclo de vida na agua e recebem a influencia dos seus componentes fisico-quimicos e biologicos ao longo do tempo. As atividades de lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e malato desidrogenase (MDH) de organismos aquaticos podem ser alteradas devido a presenca de poluentes na agua. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se as atividades de LDH e MDH nas brânquias e no figado de Astyanax bimaculatus (lambari do rabo amarelo) podem ser utilizadas como biomarcadoras do impacto ambiental na bacia hidrografica do rio Una (SP). Para isso, esses lambaris foram coletados em tres corpos d’agua dessa bacia, denominados p1 (rio Itaim), p2 (corrego a beira da Estrada Municipal de Remedios) e p3 (lago na Estrada Municipal Dr. Jose Luiz Cembranelli). As brânquias e o figado foram homogeneizados e, a seguir, esse material foi centrifugado e o sobrenadante foi utilizado para determinacao das atividades de LDH e MDH, atraves do metodo espectrofotometrico que determina a taxa de oxidacao ...
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, Dec 26, 2019
The activity of certain isozymes may serve as biomarkers of specific physiological conditions of ... more The activity of certain isozymes may serve as biomarkers of specific physiological conditions of living organisms. The present work aimed to evaluate malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes from the hepatic, branchial and renal tissues of the fish Astyanax bimaculatus as biochemical markers of environmental changes in the Una River Basin (Taubaté, SP, Brazil). For this study, the specimens were collected in water bodies located in three sampling sites of the basin, called P1 (Itaim stream), P2 (a stream along the Remédios municipal road) and P3 (a small lake near the Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli municipal road). Physicochemical analysis of the water from these sites indicated that P1 was the less polluted site, P2 presented high levels of electrolytes in water, and P3 presented the worst water quality among the sampling sites. The isoenzymes were separated by native-PAGE and identified by their activity on the polyacrylamide gel. The results indicated that four isozymes of MDH occur in the liver of these fish, and the activities of MDH-1 and MDH-4 were detected only in fish from P2, suggesting that these isoforms have potential as biomarkers of the presence of high levels of electrolytes in water. In the kidney, MDH-1 was detected in fish from P2 and P3, but it was not detected in those from P1, suggesting that the presence of this isozyme may be a biomarker of low-quality water. The gill MDH and LDH isozyme profiles of all tissues examined showed some similarities between individuals from the three collection sites, indicating that they are not suitable as biomarkers of the environmental conditions of these sites.
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, Dec 26, 2019
The Una River and its basin constitute an important water source for public supply in the municip... more The Una River and its basin constitute an important water source for public supply in the municipality of Taubaté (SP, Brazil). The present work aimed to investigate biochemical markers of environmental pollution in the Una river basin using enzymes extracted from the kidneys, gills and brains of Astyanax bimaculatus, a fish commonly found in this basin. Tissue levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were determined in tissues of A. bimaculatus collected in water bodies localized at Fazenda Piloto of the University of Taubaté (P1), the Remédios municipal road (P2) and at a small lake near the neighborhood of Ipiranga (P3), all located in the municipality of Taubaté. The lowest activities of renal and gill SOD were found in fish collected from P2 and P3, respectively. Renal and branchial CAT, renal MDH and LDH, as well as the activity of cerebral LDH were not affected by collection site. The activities of brain MDH and AChE were higher in fish from P3 in comparison with P1. These results along with earlier published findings, indicate that the hepatic SOD and CAT, gill SOD and LDH, muscle MDH and brain MDH and AChE are sensitive to contamination in the environment and hence can be considered as good candidate biomarkers of environmental change in the Una River basin.
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2016
The enzymatic activity of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and its isoforms may vary in fishes accordin... more The enzymatic activity of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and its isoforms may vary in fishes according their living environment. The aim of this work was to investigate the activity of MDH in the muscle tissue of Astyanax bimaculatus (locally called as lambari do rabo amarelo), collected at three different points (P1, P2 and P3) in the Una River Basin (Taubaté, SP), to evaluate it as a candidate biomarker for environmental change. Cytosolic and mitochondrial isoforms of MDH were extracted from muscles. The results indicated that the total enzyme activity was 1.8 and 2.5 times higher in A. bimaculaus at P2, in comparison to specimens collected at P1 and P3, respectively. Seven MDH isoforms were detected in the muscle tissue (MDH-1 to MDH-7). MDH-1 levels of specimens collected at P3 were 1.9 and 2.4 times higher than those from P1 and P2, respectively. However, the levels of MDH-5, -6 and -7 of P3 specimens were significantly lower than P1 ones. These results are possibly related to wate...
All Antarctic vertebrates are directly or indirectly exposed to high levels of uoride present in ... more All Antarctic vertebrates are directly or indirectly exposed to high levels of uoride present in the exoskeleton of krill. Absence of uorosis in these organisms indicates high tolerance to this halogen. e present study investigated the e ect of uoride on the hepatic metabolism of N. rossii Antarctic sh. Levels of the enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GRED) and arginase (ARG) were determined. Specimens were subjected to eight di erent thermo-saline-trophic conditions, involving the interaction between two temperatures (0 o C or 4 o C), two salinities (20 or 35) and two trophic conditions (with or without uoride). Although uoride did not modulate the levels of SOD, CAT and GRED, low salinity reduced hepatic levels of GRED, revealing that this saline condition may be inducing oxidative stress. Fluoride raised arginase levels except in the case of the thermo-saline condition of 4-20. In relation to antioxidant defense, the liver of N. rossii sh was found to be more resistant to toxic e ects of uoride than the liver of non-Antarctic shes.
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, Jan 21, 2016
The gastropod Nacella concinna is the most conspicuous macroinvertebrate of the intertidal zone o... more The gastropod Nacella concinna is the most conspicuous macroinvertebrate of the intertidal zone of the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent islands. Naturally high levels of copper and cadmium in coastal marine ecosystems are accumulated in N. concinna tissues. We aimed to study the effects of metal cations on N. concinna arginase in the context of possible adaptive microevolution. Gills and muscle had the highest argininolytic activity, which was concentrated in the cytosol in both tissues. Gills had the highest levels of arginase and may be involved in the systemic control of l-arginine levels. The relatively high argininolytic activity of the N. concinna muscular foot, with KM=25.3±3.4mmolL(-1), may be involved in the control of l-arginine levels during phosphagen breakdown. N. concinna arginases showed the following preferences for metal cations: Ni(2+)>Mn(2+)>Co(2+)>Cu(2+) in muscle and Mn(2+)>Cu(2+) in gills. Cu(2+) activation is a unique characteristic of N. concinna ...
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2015
Fish spend their whole life cycle in water and receive the influence of its physico-chemical and ... more Fish spend their whole life cycle in water and receive the influence of its physico-chemical and biological components over time. The activities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) of aquatic organisms can be altered by pollutants in the water. The aim of this study was to determine whether the activities of LDH and MDH in the gills and liver of Astyanax bimaculatus (lambari do rabo amarelo or Two Spots Astyanax in English), can be used as biomarkers of environmental impact in the Una River (SP) Basin. The lambaris for these studies were collected from three water bodies of this basin designated as p1 (Itaim River), p2 (stream by the road to the Municipality of Remédios) and p3 (lake on the road to the Municipality of Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli). The gills and liver were homogenized and this material was then centrifuged and the supernatant was used for LDH and MDH activity assays using the spectrophotometric method, which determined oxidation rate of NADH. The activities of hepatic LDH and MDH and gill MDH were not statistically different in the lambaris collected at the three sites. In the gill tissue, LDH activity of lambaris from p3 was lower than that from p1.This inhibition of LDH in lambaris from p3, as well as the inferior quality of water there, suggest the occurrence of pollutants in this water. It is concluded that the LDH of lambari gills has potential for use as a biochemical marker of environmental impact in the Una River.
Physiological studies suggest that Antarctic marine organisms are adversely affected by rising gl... more Physiological studies suggest that Antarctic marine organisms are adversely affected by rising global temperatures and ocean acidification and have poor prospects for survival. However, according to ecological studies, their vulnerability might be less severe than initially thought. Thus, a realistic forecast of species survival and Antarctic biodiversity should be based on studies from a variety of species under consideration of ecological factors. The limpet Nacella concinna is often found in the rocky intertidal and sublittoral zones of the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent subantarctic islands. This review summarizes most of the available information on the biology of this limpet, one of the most conspicuous invertebrates of the intertidal zone. There is some evidence that adult N. concinna are physiologically flexible and can acclimate to 3 °C. However, the requirements of the larval stage are poorly known, thus precluding realistic predictions of how elevated temperatures will affect N. concinna populations. Data on physiological performance (righting ability, tenacity and radula rasping rate) under different temperatures could provide a useful baseline for further field investigations on the effects of warming. The species could be used as model organism for investigating the biological effects of ongoing global warming on slow-growing Antarctic ectotherms. Nacella concinna might also be a better biomonitor for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons than other Antarctic mollusks.
The intertidal and subtidal environments in the Antarctic Peninsula are vulnerable to pollutants,... more The intertidal and subtidal environments in the Antarctic Peninsula are vulnerable to pollutants, such as diesel oil, a commonly used fuel. Nacella concinna is capable of accumulating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and is a potential biomonitor of diesel oil contamination. This work investigates the interaction of diesel oil, temperature and salinity on the activity of antioxidants enzymes defense of the gills, foot muscle and digestive glands. Upregulation of superoxide dismutase occurred in the three tissues by warming. The foot muscle catalase and the gill glutathione reductase were upregulated only by diesel. The inability to upregulate catalase and glutathione S-transferase in the digestive gland, as well as the increase of lipoperoxidation, suggested that this gland is more susceptible to the deleterious effects from oxidative stress.
EffEct of diEsEl on thE antioxidant dEfEnsE of thE digEstivE gland of thE antarctic gastropod Nac... more EffEct of diEsEl on thE antioxidant dEfEnsE of thE digEstivE gland of thE antarctic gastropod Nacella concinna (strEbEl, 1908
Raising human impact and pollution in Antarctica has focused studies to verify possible biomarker... more Raising human impact and pollution in Antarctica has focused studies to verify possible biomarker for environmental monitoring. Nacella concinna is the most conspicuous macro invertebrate of the Antarctic intertidal zone. e diesel oil leakage of icebreaker Bahia Paradise reduced in 50% N. concinna populations near Palmer Scienti c Station. e aim of this study was to verify the e ect of diesel oil on activity of enzymes hexokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, malate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phoshate dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase, catalase, superoxide dismutase and arginase of Nacella concinna gills. Specimens collected in Keller Peninsula were maintained in mini aquariums containing 1% or 5% of diesel oil. e results showed that the enzymes arginase, phosphofructokinase and catalase are potential biomarkers for diesel oil pollution.
e Antarctic Peninsula, a pristine natural system has been found to be very sensitive to changes i... more e Antarctic Peninsula, a pristine natural system has been found to be very sensitive to changes in the environment arising from climate changes and anthropic activities. e plasmatic levels of various metabolic constituents in sh have been used to identify the e ect of environmental changes. e present study aims to establish base line of plasmatic constituents (glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, total protein and albumin) concentrations in two Antarctic sh species, Notothenia rossii and Notothenia coriiceps, which are abundant in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Blood sample collection was done by caudal vessel puncture immediately a er capture. Plasmatic levels of glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol were signi cantly higher in N. rossii, at Refuge 2 compared to the other two sites, whereas there was no signi cant di erence in albumin and total protein concentrations from the three sites. For N. coriiceps, only the albumin levels were higher at Refuge 2 compared to the other sites. e di erences in the plasma constituent's levels may be due to the physical and chemical di erences in marine environments at sampling sites, as well as the morphological and lifestyle behavior of the two sh species.
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2014
This paper seeks to identify the biomarker response to oxidative stress in Astyanax bimaculatus, ... more This paper seeks to identify the biomarker response to oxidative stress in Astyanax bimaculatus, a freshwater fish, collected from the Una River and its associated water bodies. The fish were collected using fishing nets at three different points on the river basin, namely Fazenda Piloto (FP), Ipiranga (IP) and Remédios (RM), during the period from December 2013 to March 2014. Physical and chemical analyses of the water at the sample locations indicate that IP and RM possibly have larger concentration of either natural or anthropic pollutants as compared to FP. FP can therefore be considered as the point less impacted by pollutants than other points. Hepatic activity of antioxidant stress enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), were measured in the specimens. The levels of SOD were reduced at RM while they were elevated in fish collected at IP. The CAT levels for the fish at RM and IP were about 148.9% and 202.4% above the values at FP, respectively. These results suggest that antioxidant enzymes could be used as biomarkers to measure oxidative stress caused by pollutants in the Una River Basin.
e Antarctic continent is considered one of the most well preserved areas of the planet; however, ... more e Antarctic continent is considered one of the most well preserved areas of the planet; however, human occupation of this environment, for research purposes, generates impacts on the ecosystem, especially near scienti c stations. Studies on structural alterations, mainly of the liver and gills of sh are an important source of information of environmental toxicity. is work intended to evaluate histopathologically, the livers and gills of the Antarctic sh species Notothenia coriiceps and Notothenia rossii captured in Admiralty Bay, where the Comandante Ferraz Brasilian Antarctica Station is located. Histological and ultrastructure techniques were employed. e only liver diseases found were necroses and hyperplasia, aneurysm and branchial detachment were the diseases found on the gills. e occurrence of alterations, both in the liver and gills, was low and punctual, although with higher incidence in the N. coriiceps than N. rossii. It can be concluded that the low alteration occurrence rate, does not a ect the functionality of the analyzed organs, as it presents no lethality to the species.
and in front of the oil tank of Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz. e enzyme activitie... more and in front of the oil tank of Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz. e enzyme activities were undertaken on the gills and foot tissues of these limpets. ere were no signi cant di erences in the activities of malate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and hexokinase from foot tissue and citrate synthase, phosphofrutokinase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase from gills in samples from the six sites. us, they are candidates for biochemical markers because these enzyme activities are not a ected by small genetic variations between populations, as well as small natural di erences in the environment.
e burning of fossil fuels, sewage dumping and leakage of combustible oil has been polluting Antar... more e burning of fossil fuels, sewage dumping and leakage of combustible oil has been polluting Antarctica around the scienti c stations and ship anchoring locations. e present work evaluated the e ect of sewage e uent of Antarctic Station Commandant Ferraz (EACF) on the plasmatic levels of glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, total proteins, albumin and globulins of Antarctic sh Notothenia rossii. e bioassays were conducted with e uent from the sewage processing station of EACF diluted in seawater. In the presence of sewage, glucose, triglycerides, total proteins and globulins reduced in the plasma of N. rossii, where as albumin and cholesterol increased. In this case, the reduction of energy metabolites (glucose and triglycerides) plasmatic levels can be related with the rise in energy demand of N. rossii induced by the sewage.
The Antarctic marine environment has unique characteristics such as isolation, low and even tempe... more The Antarctic marine environment has unique characteristics such as isolation, low and even temperatures, as well as high levels of fluoride in the trophic web. The objective of the present study is to verify the effect of temperature, salinity and dietary fluoride in the diet on the levels of plasma constituents of the fish Notothenia rossii. The sample collection and the bioassay were conducted at Antarctic scientific station Comandante Ferraz. The fish were acclimated in an aquarium at temperatures of 0 and 4 °C; salinity of 35 and 20 psu, using feed with and without fluoride. The combination of these variables resulted in 8 experimental groups. The calcium serum levels were reduced in hyposaline stress and temperature elevation reduced the plasmatic levels of magnesium and chloride. The trophic fluoride isolatedly was not capable of changing the non-protein electrolytes levels.
Tissue levels of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase in fish Astyanax bimac... more Tissue levels of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase in fish Astyanax bimaculatus from the Una River Basin doi: 10.4136/ambi-agua.1473
Ambiente E Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2015
Os peixes vivem todo o ciclo de vida na agua e recebem a influencia dos seus componentes fisico-q... more Os peixes vivem todo o ciclo de vida na agua e recebem a influencia dos seus componentes fisico-quimicos e biologicos ao longo do tempo. As atividades de lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e malato desidrogenase (MDH) de organismos aquaticos podem ser alteradas devido a presenca de poluentes na agua. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se as atividades de LDH e MDH nas brânquias e no figado de Astyanax bimaculatus (lambari do rabo amarelo) podem ser utilizadas como biomarcadoras do impacto ambiental na bacia hidrografica do rio Una (SP). Para isso, esses lambaris foram coletados em tres corpos d’agua dessa bacia, denominados p1 (rio Itaim), p2 (corrego a beira da Estrada Municipal de Remedios) e p3 (lago na Estrada Municipal Dr. Jose Luiz Cembranelli). As brânquias e o figado foram homogeneizados e, a seguir, esse material foi centrifugado e o sobrenadante foi utilizado para determinacao das atividades de LDH e MDH, atraves do metodo espectrofotometrico que determina a taxa de oxidacao ...
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, Dec 26, 2019
The activity of certain isozymes may serve as biomarkers of specific physiological conditions of ... more The activity of certain isozymes may serve as biomarkers of specific physiological conditions of living organisms. The present work aimed to evaluate malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes from the hepatic, branchial and renal tissues of the fish Astyanax bimaculatus as biochemical markers of environmental changes in the Una River Basin (Taubaté, SP, Brazil). For this study, the specimens were collected in water bodies located in three sampling sites of the basin, called P1 (Itaim stream), P2 (a stream along the Remédios municipal road) and P3 (a small lake near the Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli municipal road). Physicochemical analysis of the water from these sites indicated that P1 was the less polluted site, P2 presented high levels of electrolytes in water, and P3 presented the worst water quality among the sampling sites. The isoenzymes were separated by native-PAGE and identified by their activity on the polyacrylamide gel. The results indicated that four isozymes of MDH occur in the liver of these fish, and the activities of MDH-1 and MDH-4 were detected only in fish from P2, suggesting that these isoforms have potential as biomarkers of the presence of high levels of electrolytes in water. In the kidney, MDH-1 was detected in fish from P2 and P3, but it was not detected in those from P1, suggesting that the presence of this isozyme may be a biomarker of low-quality water. The gill MDH and LDH isozyme profiles of all tissues examined showed some similarities between individuals from the three collection sites, indicating that they are not suitable as biomarkers of the environmental conditions of these sites.
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, Dec 26, 2019
The Una River and its basin constitute an important water source for public supply in the municip... more The Una River and its basin constitute an important water source for public supply in the municipality of Taubaté (SP, Brazil). The present work aimed to investigate biochemical markers of environmental pollution in the Una river basin using enzymes extracted from the kidneys, gills and brains of Astyanax bimaculatus, a fish commonly found in this basin. Tissue levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were determined in tissues of A. bimaculatus collected in water bodies localized at Fazenda Piloto of the University of Taubaté (P1), the Remédios municipal road (P2) and at a small lake near the neighborhood of Ipiranga (P3), all located in the municipality of Taubaté. The lowest activities of renal and gill SOD were found in fish collected from P2 and P3, respectively. Renal and branchial CAT, renal MDH and LDH, as well as the activity of cerebral LDH were not affected by collection site. The activities of brain MDH and AChE were higher in fish from P3 in comparison with P1. These results along with earlier published findings, indicate that the hepatic SOD and CAT, gill SOD and LDH, muscle MDH and brain MDH and AChE are sensitive to contamination in the environment and hence can be considered as good candidate biomarkers of environmental change in the Una River basin.
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2016
The enzymatic activity of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and its isoforms may vary in fishes accordin... more The enzymatic activity of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and its isoforms may vary in fishes according their living environment. The aim of this work was to investigate the activity of MDH in the muscle tissue of Astyanax bimaculatus (locally called as lambari do rabo amarelo), collected at three different points (P1, P2 and P3) in the Una River Basin (Taubaté, SP), to evaluate it as a candidate biomarker for environmental change. Cytosolic and mitochondrial isoforms of MDH were extracted from muscles. The results indicated that the total enzyme activity was 1.8 and 2.5 times higher in A. bimaculaus at P2, in comparison to specimens collected at P1 and P3, respectively. Seven MDH isoforms were detected in the muscle tissue (MDH-1 to MDH-7). MDH-1 levels of specimens collected at P3 were 1.9 and 2.4 times higher than those from P1 and P2, respectively. However, the levels of MDH-5, -6 and -7 of P3 specimens were significantly lower than P1 ones. These results are possibly related to wate...
All Antarctic vertebrates are directly or indirectly exposed to high levels of uoride present in ... more All Antarctic vertebrates are directly or indirectly exposed to high levels of uoride present in the exoskeleton of krill. Absence of uorosis in these organisms indicates high tolerance to this halogen. e present study investigated the e ect of uoride on the hepatic metabolism of N. rossii Antarctic sh. Levels of the enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GRED) and arginase (ARG) were determined. Specimens were subjected to eight di erent thermo-saline-trophic conditions, involving the interaction between two temperatures (0 o C or 4 o C), two salinities (20 or 35) and two trophic conditions (with or without uoride). Although uoride did not modulate the levels of SOD, CAT and GRED, low salinity reduced hepatic levels of GRED, revealing that this saline condition may be inducing oxidative stress. Fluoride raised arginase levels except in the case of the thermo-saline condition of 4-20. In relation to antioxidant defense, the liver of N. rossii sh was found to be more resistant to toxic e ects of uoride than the liver of non-Antarctic shes.
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, Jan 21, 2016
The gastropod Nacella concinna is the most conspicuous macroinvertebrate of the intertidal zone o... more The gastropod Nacella concinna is the most conspicuous macroinvertebrate of the intertidal zone of the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent islands. Naturally high levels of copper and cadmium in coastal marine ecosystems are accumulated in N. concinna tissues. We aimed to study the effects of metal cations on N. concinna arginase in the context of possible adaptive microevolution. Gills and muscle had the highest argininolytic activity, which was concentrated in the cytosol in both tissues. Gills had the highest levels of arginase and may be involved in the systemic control of l-arginine levels. The relatively high argininolytic activity of the N. concinna muscular foot, with KM=25.3±3.4mmolL(-1), may be involved in the control of l-arginine levels during phosphagen breakdown. N. concinna arginases showed the following preferences for metal cations: Ni(2+)>Mn(2+)>Co(2+)>Cu(2+) in muscle and Mn(2+)>Cu(2+) in gills. Cu(2+) activation is a unique characteristic of N. concinna ...
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2015
Fish spend their whole life cycle in water and receive the influence of its physico-chemical and ... more Fish spend their whole life cycle in water and receive the influence of its physico-chemical and biological components over time. The activities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) of aquatic organisms can be altered by pollutants in the water. The aim of this study was to determine whether the activities of LDH and MDH in the gills and liver of Astyanax bimaculatus (lambari do rabo amarelo or Two Spots Astyanax in English), can be used as biomarkers of environmental impact in the Una River (SP) Basin. The lambaris for these studies were collected from three water bodies of this basin designated as p1 (Itaim River), p2 (stream by the road to the Municipality of Remédios) and p3 (lake on the road to the Municipality of Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli). The gills and liver were homogenized and this material was then centrifuged and the supernatant was used for LDH and MDH activity assays using the spectrophotometric method, which determined oxidation rate of NADH. The activities of hepatic LDH and MDH and gill MDH were not statistically different in the lambaris collected at the three sites. In the gill tissue, LDH activity of lambaris from p3 was lower than that from p1.This inhibition of LDH in lambaris from p3, as well as the inferior quality of water there, suggest the occurrence of pollutants in this water. It is concluded that the LDH of lambari gills has potential for use as a biochemical marker of environmental impact in the Una River.
Physiological studies suggest that Antarctic marine organisms are adversely affected by rising gl... more Physiological studies suggest that Antarctic marine organisms are adversely affected by rising global temperatures and ocean acidification and have poor prospects for survival. However, according to ecological studies, their vulnerability might be less severe than initially thought. Thus, a realistic forecast of species survival and Antarctic biodiversity should be based on studies from a variety of species under consideration of ecological factors. The limpet Nacella concinna is often found in the rocky intertidal and sublittoral zones of the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent subantarctic islands. This review summarizes most of the available information on the biology of this limpet, one of the most conspicuous invertebrates of the intertidal zone. There is some evidence that adult N. concinna are physiologically flexible and can acclimate to 3 °C. However, the requirements of the larval stage are poorly known, thus precluding realistic predictions of how elevated temperatures will affect N. concinna populations. Data on physiological performance (righting ability, tenacity and radula rasping rate) under different temperatures could provide a useful baseline for further field investigations on the effects of warming. The species could be used as model organism for investigating the biological effects of ongoing global warming on slow-growing Antarctic ectotherms. Nacella concinna might also be a better biomonitor for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons than other Antarctic mollusks.
The intertidal and subtidal environments in the Antarctic Peninsula are vulnerable to pollutants,... more The intertidal and subtidal environments in the Antarctic Peninsula are vulnerable to pollutants, such as diesel oil, a commonly used fuel. Nacella concinna is capable of accumulating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and is a potential biomonitor of diesel oil contamination. This work investigates the interaction of diesel oil, temperature and salinity on the activity of antioxidants enzymes defense of the gills, foot muscle and digestive glands. Upregulation of superoxide dismutase occurred in the three tissues by warming. The foot muscle catalase and the gill glutathione reductase were upregulated only by diesel. The inability to upregulate catalase and glutathione S-transferase in the digestive gland, as well as the increase of lipoperoxidation, suggested that this gland is more susceptible to the deleterious effects from oxidative stress.
EffEct of diEsEl on thE antioxidant dEfEnsE of thE digEstivE gland of thE antarctic gastropod Nac... more EffEct of diEsEl on thE antioxidant dEfEnsE of thE digEstivE gland of thE antarctic gastropod Nacella concinna (strEbEl, 1908
Raising human impact and pollution in Antarctica has focused studies to verify possible biomarker... more Raising human impact and pollution in Antarctica has focused studies to verify possible biomarker for environmental monitoring. Nacella concinna is the most conspicuous macro invertebrate of the Antarctic intertidal zone. e diesel oil leakage of icebreaker Bahia Paradise reduced in 50% N. concinna populations near Palmer Scienti c Station. e aim of this study was to verify the e ect of diesel oil on activity of enzymes hexokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, malate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phoshate dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase, catalase, superoxide dismutase and arginase of Nacella concinna gills. Specimens collected in Keller Peninsula were maintained in mini aquariums containing 1% or 5% of diesel oil. e results showed that the enzymes arginase, phosphofructokinase and catalase are potential biomarkers for diesel oil pollution.
e Antarctic Peninsula, a pristine natural system has been found to be very sensitive to changes i... more e Antarctic Peninsula, a pristine natural system has been found to be very sensitive to changes in the environment arising from climate changes and anthropic activities. e plasmatic levels of various metabolic constituents in sh have been used to identify the e ect of environmental changes. e present study aims to establish base line of plasmatic constituents (glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, total protein and albumin) concentrations in two Antarctic sh species, Notothenia rossii and Notothenia coriiceps, which are abundant in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Blood sample collection was done by caudal vessel puncture immediately a er capture. Plasmatic levels of glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol were signi cantly higher in N. rossii, at Refuge 2 compared to the other two sites, whereas there was no signi cant di erence in albumin and total protein concentrations from the three sites. For N. coriiceps, only the albumin levels were higher at Refuge 2 compared to the other sites. e di erences in the plasma constituent's levels may be due to the physical and chemical di erences in marine environments at sampling sites, as well as the morphological and lifestyle behavior of the two sh species.
Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2014
This paper seeks to identify the biomarker response to oxidative stress in Astyanax bimaculatus, ... more This paper seeks to identify the biomarker response to oxidative stress in Astyanax bimaculatus, a freshwater fish, collected from the Una River and its associated water bodies. The fish were collected using fishing nets at three different points on the river basin, namely Fazenda Piloto (FP), Ipiranga (IP) and Remédios (RM), during the period from December 2013 to March 2014. Physical and chemical analyses of the water at the sample locations indicate that IP and RM possibly have larger concentration of either natural or anthropic pollutants as compared to FP. FP can therefore be considered as the point less impacted by pollutants than other points. Hepatic activity of antioxidant stress enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), were measured in the specimens. The levels of SOD were reduced at RM while they were elevated in fish collected at IP. The CAT levels for the fish at RM and IP were about 148.9% and 202.4% above the values at FP, respectively. These results suggest that antioxidant enzymes could be used as biomarkers to measure oxidative stress caused by pollutants in the Una River Basin.
e Antarctic continent is considered one of the most well preserved areas of the planet; however, ... more e Antarctic continent is considered one of the most well preserved areas of the planet; however, human occupation of this environment, for research purposes, generates impacts on the ecosystem, especially near scienti c stations. Studies on structural alterations, mainly of the liver and gills of sh are an important source of information of environmental toxicity. is work intended to evaluate histopathologically, the livers and gills of the Antarctic sh species Notothenia coriiceps and Notothenia rossii captured in Admiralty Bay, where the Comandante Ferraz Brasilian Antarctica Station is located. Histological and ultrastructure techniques were employed. e only liver diseases found were necroses and hyperplasia, aneurysm and branchial detachment were the diseases found on the gills. e occurrence of alterations, both in the liver and gills, was low and punctual, although with higher incidence in the N. coriiceps than N. rossii. It can be concluded that the low alteration occurrence rate, does not a ect the functionality of the analyzed organs, as it presents no lethality to the species.
and in front of the oil tank of Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz. e enzyme activitie... more and in front of the oil tank of Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz. e enzyme activities were undertaken on the gills and foot tissues of these limpets. ere were no signi cant di erences in the activities of malate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and hexokinase from foot tissue and citrate synthase, phosphofrutokinase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase from gills in samples from the six sites. us, they are candidates for biochemical markers because these enzyme activities are not a ected by small genetic variations between populations, as well as small natural di erences in the environment.
e burning of fossil fuels, sewage dumping and leakage of combustible oil has been polluting Antar... more e burning of fossil fuels, sewage dumping and leakage of combustible oil has been polluting Antarctica around the scienti c stations and ship anchoring locations. e present work evaluated the e ect of sewage e uent of Antarctic Station Commandant Ferraz (EACF) on the plasmatic levels of glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, total proteins, albumin and globulins of Antarctic sh Notothenia rossii. e bioassays were conducted with e uent from the sewage processing station of EACF diluted in seawater. In the presence of sewage, glucose, triglycerides, total proteins and globulins reduced in the plasma of N. rossii, where as albumin and cholesterol increased. In this case, the reduction of energy metabolites (glucose and triglycerides) plasmatic levels can be related with the rise in energy demand of N. rossii induced by the sewage.
The Antarctic marine environment has unique characteristics such as isolation, low and even tempe... more The Antarctic marine environment has unique characteristics such as isolation, low and even temperatures, as well as high levels of fluoride in the trophic web. The objective of the present study is to verify the effect of temperature, salinity and dietary fluoride in the diet on the levels of plasma constituents of the fish Notothenia rossii. The sample collection and the bioassay were conducted at Antarctic scientific station Comandante Ferraz. The fish were acclimated in an aquarium at temperatures of 0 and 4 °C; salinity of 35 and 20 psu, using feed with and without fluoride. The combination of these variables resulted in 8 experimental groups. The calcium serum levels were reduced in hyposaline stress and temperature elevation reduced the plasmatic levels of magnesium and chloride. The trophic fluoride isolatedly was not capable of changing the non-protein electrolytes levels.
Papers by Mariana Feijó