Papers by Maria Vretemark
Royal Society Open Science
Taxonomic identification of whale bones found during archaeological excavations is problematic du... more Taxonomic identification of whale bones found during archaeological excavations is problematic due to their typically fragmented state. This difficulty limits understanding of both the past spatio-temporal distributions of whale populations and of possible early whaling activities. To overcome this challenge, we performed zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry on an unprecedented 719 archaeological and palaeontological specimens of probable whale bone from Atlantic European contexts, predominantly dating from ca 3500 BCE to the eighteenth century CE. The results show high numbers of Balaenidae (many probably North Atlantic right whale ( Eubalaena glacialis )) and grey whale ( Eschrichtius robustus ) specimens, two taxa no longer present in the eastern North Atlantic. This discovery matches expectations regarding the past utilization of North Atlantic right whales, but was unanticipated for grey whales, which have hitherto rarely been identified in the European zooarchaeological record....
Lund Studies in Medival Archaeology, 1995
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
In northern Europe, the first indications of a Neolithic lifestyle appear around 4000 cal BC from... more In northern Europe, the first indications of a Neolithic lifestyle appear around 4000 cal BC from northern Germany up to middle Sweden and south-eastern Norway in an apparently short period of time, largely carried by immigrant populations bringing new species of plants and animals into the region. However, the nature of this domestication “package” is not everywhere the same, whereby both environmental and cultural filters acted on the particular set of species cultivated and bred in different regions. In Neolithic Scandinavia, cattle, pigs, and caprines (sheep and goat) are all present in varying proportions, with cattle more prominent in Denmark and pigs more prominent in more northerly areas. However, little is known about the ratio of sheep to goat remains within this region, largely due to difficulties in morphologically separating the two species. In this paper, we report the results from ZooMS analysis of 45 sheep/goat bone samples from two recently excavated Funnel Beaker s...
El uso creativo de la ley por parte de las comunidades indígenas. El caso de la comunidad mapuche... more El uso creativo de la ley por parte de las comunidades indígenas. El caso de la comunidad mapuche Kalfulafken The creative use of the law by indigenous communities. The case of the Kalfulafken mapuche community
Through the ages, numerous animal bones have been exeavated at the settlement area of the Viking ... more Through the ages, numerous animal bones have been exeavated at the settlement area of the Viking Period lown of Birka (Björkö). Despite its great archaeologieal and zoologica! imporlante, only a minor part of the total material has been ana-lyzed. In this paper, husbandry, hunting and fishing are studied from both a gco-graphic and a temporal point of view. Cattle and pigs were the most important mt-at-produters while sheep seem to have been raised predominantly for wool. Consumption of horse-meat cannot be proven, and horse bones are remarkablv few, The important role of Birka in the fur trade is implied by finds from several wild fur-bearing species, representing diverse biotopes and gcographic areas. Waterfowl too seem to have been huntt-d to a surprisingly great extent. The birds were most probably eaught in the outer arehipelago and brought to Birka for tra-ding purposes. On the other hand, almost all the species of fish found belong to a fauna still typical of Lake Mälaren, wh...
International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 2017
Fornvannen, 1988
osteologiska analyser av yngre järnålderns benrika brandgravar. (Osteological analyses of the ost... more osteologiska analyser av yngre järnålderns benrika brandgravar. (Osteological analyses of the osteologically richest Lale Iron Age cremations). Fornvännen 83, Stockholm. The authors have carried out osteological analyses on 14 cremation graves which are extremely rich in bones. The analysed Late Iron Age graves are concentrated to the Lake Mälaren valley. The resulta show tha) a great number ol animals were sacrificed on lhe funeral pyres in honour of the dead. The animals include trained falcons and bawks. They reveal that falconry already in the 6th century was pracliced by the wealthy class.
International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 2017
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2023
In northern Europe, the first indications of a Neolithic lifestyle appear around 4000 cal BC from... more In northern Europe, the first indications of a Neolithic lifestyle appear around 4000 cal BC from northern Germany up to middle Sweden and southeastern Norway in an apparently short period of time, largely carried by immigrant populations bringing new species of plants and animals into the region. However, the nature of this domestication "package" is not everywhere the same, whereby both environmental and cultural filters acted on the particular set of species cultivated and bred in different regions. In Neolithic Scandinavia, cattle, pigs, and caprines (sheep and goat) are all present in varying proportions, with cattle more prominent in Denmark and pigs more prominent in more northerly areas. However, little is known about the ratio of sheep to goat remains within this region, largely due to difficulties in morphologically separating the two species. In this paper, we report the results from ZooMS analysis of 45 sheep/goat bone samples from two recently excavated Funnel Beaker settlements in Karleby, Falbygden, Sweden. The ZooMS analyses gave a clear and somewhat surprising result: 33 of the samples were classed as sheep, one as deer, and none of them as goat. In all likelihood, goats have not been present at all on these sites. A survey of the literature shows that while small numbers of goats are likely present in Denmark from the Early Neolithic, their presence in Sweden at this time is ambiguous and the few claims merit reassessment. Furthermore, the low numbers in Scandinavia compared to central and southern Europe suggests an overall geographic trend, with decreasing proportions of caprines as well as goats in the north.
SummarySeveral major migrations and population turnover events during the later Stone Age (after ... more SummarySeveral major migrations and population turnover events during the later Stone Age (after c. 11,000 cal. BP) are believed to have shaped the contemporary population genetic diversity in Eurasia. While the genetic impacts of these migrations have been investigated on regional scales, a detailed understanding of their spatiotemporal dynamics both within and between major geographic regions across Northern Eurasia remains largely elusive. Here, we present the largest shotgun-sequenced genomic dataset from the Stone Age to date, representing 317 primarily Mesolithic and Neolithic individuals from across Eurasia, with associated radiocarbon dates, stable isotope data, and pollen records. Using recent advances, we imputed >1,600 ancient genomes to obtain accurate diploid genotypes, enabling previously unachievable fine-grained population structure inferences. We show that 1) Eurasian Mesolitic hunter-gatherers were more genetically diverse than previously known, and deeply diver...
Viking and Medieval Scandinavia, 2008
Archaeologies of Animal Movement. Animals on the Move, 2021
In this contribution, we highlight some of the results from analyses of cattle management at two ... more In this contribution, we highlight some of the results from analyses of cattle management at two Neolithic settlement sites in Falbygden, western Sweden. The two sites are located close to each other in the parish of Karleby in central Falbygden. Both were excavated 2012–2017 and yielded abundant animal bones, due to the calcareous bedrock. 14C datings indicate that they were both inhabited continuously during the period c. 3200–2900 BC, i.e. the Middle Neolithic Funnel Beaker (TRB) culture.
The excavations at Nya Lödöse (1473–1624) revealed evidence of medicinal practice from the period... more The excavations at Nya Lödöse (1473–1624) revealed evidence of medicinal practice from the period in three forms: healed injuries and indications of disease found as pathologies on human bones, internal use of herbal medicine found in the stomach region of burials, and evidence of cultivation and preparation of medicinal plants in gardens inside and outside the town. Indications are that medical treatments were part of everyday life of the town and that a domestic tradition of medicine, closely linked to the scholarly practices of the time, was practiced. The skeletal remains from the town cemetery bear witness to the caring of injured and ill persons, probably within the family or household. There are also indications of more advanced treatments, possibly executed by professionals such as surgeons.
Large quantities of waste reveal where the workshops of comb makers were located in medieval town... more Large quantities of waste reveal where the workshops of comb makers were located in medieval towns. Fragments of bone and antler tell us from what species the raw materials came and how the supply was organized. ln the J J'h and J2'h centuries, antler was the dominant raw material for combs, usually from local populations of elk or red deer. However, there is at least one example where reindeer antler, transported from afar, was clearly preferred over local resources. During the 13th century there was a general change in the nature of the raw material to more bones [rom domestic animais, especially cattle and horses.
Insights into Y chromosomal genetic variation and effective population size in the extinct Europe... more Insights into Y chromosomal genetic variation and effective population size in the extinct European aurochs Bos primigenius
Arbets-och metodbeskrivning Metod Kontextuell metod Undersökningen genomfördes med en modifierad ... more Arbets-och metodbeskrivning Metod Kontextuell metod Undersökningen genomfördes med en modifierad kontextuell metod. Metoden innebär att samtliga stratigrafiska enheter undersöks och dokumenteras separat och på ett likvärdigt sätt i enlighet med den stratigrafiska sekvensen. Med kontext menas en stratigrafisk enhet som utgör ett eget tidsmässigt tolkat sammanhang. Kontexterna är de minsta registrerbara spåren efter händelser, aktiviteter eller skeenden vilka går att relatera till andra kontexter i termer av relativ tid. Metoden har tillämpats med framgång inom Riksantikvarieämbetets undersökningar under senare år, bland annat i kv Dalkarlen i Norrköping, kv Ansvaret i Jönköping, kv Bokbindaren i Linköping samt i de senaste årens undersökningar på Kvarnholmen (för en presentation av metoden se Larsson 2000; Tagesson 2003). Metodens grundtanke tillämpas i samtliga undersökningar, men det praktiska genomförandet har modifierats något för att passa lämningarna inom kv Gesällen. Det är viktigt att framhålla att vi har tillämpat samma metod som i kv Ansvaret i Jönköping, kv Magistern i Kalmar och kv Bokbindaren, Linköping, vilket möjliggör en jämförelse med dessa material. I den kontextuella undersöknkingsmetodiken är begreppet kontext centralt. Det syftar på den minsta stratigrafiska enhet som kan identifieras, I samband med kulturlämningens dekonstruktion urskiljer vi olika typer av kontexter, det kan röra sig om nedgrävningar, konstruktioner eller lager. Bland dessa urskiljer vi ett antal olika undertyper, varianter. I bilaga 1 görs en mer detaljerad beskrivning av vilka typer och varianter som förekommer i undersökningen. För kulturlagren finns vidare ett antal varianter. Vi tillämpar även en särskild metodik där kulturlagrens tillkomstsätt tolkas i fält, som primär-, sekundär-eller tertiärdeponerade. Vi gör även en tolkning i fält av kulturlagrets funktion genom en särskild kulturlagertypologi (för en närmare beskrivning, se Tagesson 2003). Den kontextuella metoden medför att samtliga kontexter i princip tillmäts likvärdigt källvärde, något som i sin tur omfattar en flexibel undersökningsmetodik, där graden av intensitet görs på ett medvetet sätt, med hänsyn till kontextens källvärde. I klartext betyder detta i vanliga fall att konstruktioner och primär-och sekundärdeponerade kulturlager ("avsatta" kulturlager) i huvudsak undersöks och dokumenteras fullt ut, genom fingrävning för hand och där allt fyndmaterial tas tillvara. För tertiärdeponerade ("påförda") kulturlager gäller att de undersöks genom att kulturlagren rensas fram i plan, dokumenteras och undersöks partiellt genom provrutor (s k sampling). Det är således den aktiva och medvetna tolkningen av kulturlagrens tillkomstsätt som avgör undersökningsmetodiken. För en mer detaljerad beskrivning av undersökningsmetodiken hänvisas till bilaga 1, inledning. Undersökningsmetodik och arbetsorganisation Vid undersökningen i kv Gesällen prövades en organisation som omfattade en tydlig ansvarsfördelning enligt HUKI-modell. Detta innebär att olika medarbetares ansvar tydliggörs i grafisk form, där det anges vilka som är huvudansvarig, utförare, konsulteras respektive informeras. Projektledare Göran Tagesson ansvarade för den övergripande arbetsplaner ingen, ekonomi samt dokumentation och tolkning av fornlämningen. Biträdande projektledare Annika Konsmar hade framför allt ansvar för etablering och logistik, inklusive arbetet med miljöfarliga massor och arbetsmiljö. Arkeolog Elisabet Schager ansvarade för fortlöpande registrering i Intrasis, liksom överföring av foton. Arkeolog Annika Jeppsson ansvarade för fyndregistrering i fält. Arkeologerna Emelie Sunding och Jimmy Karlqvist ansvarade för det pedagogiska arbetet, se under rubriken "Kommunikation och förmedling". Fas 286S:5. Brukning Fasen omfattar en första brukningsnivå, brukning KG391 och KG374 av hus KG372. Fas 286S:6. Ombyggnation Fasen omfattar en ombyggnation KG375 av husets norra rum. Fas 286S:7. Destruktion Fasen består av utjämning KG376 vilken representerar en destruktion av husets norra del KG372. Fas 286S:8. Ombyggnation Fasen består av ytterligare en ombyggnation KG347 av husets norra rum. Fas 286S:9. Ombyggnation, 1720-30-talet Fasen omfattar ytterligare ett par ombyggnationer KG348 och KG392 av husets norra respektive södra rum. Tre myntfynd i konstruktionslager antyder en datering av konstruktionen till 1720-30-talet. Fas 286S:10. Destruktion, efter 1800 (=fas 286N:2) Fasen omfattar en utjämning KG371 över delar av hus i KG372 samt destruktion KG349 och KG350 i norra delen av hus KG372. Myntfynd antyder en datering till efter sekelskiftet 1800. I den norra delen av tomten (fas 286N:9) fanns rasering KG266. Fas 286S:11. Konstruktion (etablering) 1800-tal? Fasen omfattar en nyetablering av ytan då halvkällare KG229 tillkom.
Written contemporary sources of animal sacrificial rituals in Iron Age Scandinavia are almost non... more Written contemporary sources of animal sacrificial rituals in Iron Age Scandinavia are almost non-existent. However, we have some rare descriptions about the people of northern Europe from Roman historians. Most famous of these is of course Tacitus who gives us valuable information about life in Scandinavia during the first century AD. Among other things we learn about fertility rituals carried out in sacrificial bogs and we understand the close connection between the goddess and water. Tacitus’ descriptions, as well as younger sources such as the Old Norse religious texts of Scandinavia, also clearly tell us about the magic role of different animals such as birds, wild boar, wolf and horse. In the archaeological material we try to recognize traces of religious acts that once took place. But how can we tell the difference and distinguish between the remains of ritual animal offerings on one hand and the normal kitchen waste on the other? This paper deals with some examples of horse ...
Papers by Maria Vretemark
Historien om Kalmar under 1600- och 1700-talet är väl känd och gör sig påmind i stadsrummet. Men kunskapen om lämningarna under mark, rester efter byggnader, kulturlager och föremål, det underjordiska arkivet, har hittills varit mindre väl känd. Under senare år har en serie arkeologiska undersökningar genomförts i centrala Kalmar på Kvarnholmen, som sammantaget har bidragit till en fördjupad bild av hur den nya staden konstruerats och hur bebyggelsen planerats som en spegel av ett strikt hierarkiskt klassamhälle. Texterna i denna bok har skrivits av arkeologer, historiker och olika naturvetenskapliga specialister, de flesta knutna till Arkeologerna, Statens historiska museer och Kalmar läns museum. Sammantaget presenteras här bilden av den nya stadsetableringen under stormaktstiden och vad som sedan hände.