Papers by Maria Hajdukova
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Dec 14, 2023
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Mar 1, 2023
Context. The Shower Database (SD) of the Meteor Data Center (MDC) has been operating for 15 yr an... more Context. The Shower Database (SD) of the Meteor Data Center (MDC) has been operating for 15 yr and is used by the entire community of meteor astronomers. It contains meteor showers categorised in individual lists on the basis of their status. Since the inception of the SD, no objective rules for moving showers between individual lists have been established. The content of the SD has not yet been checked for the correctness of the meteor data contained therein. Aims. Our aims are (1) to formulate criteria for nominating meteor showers for established status, (2) to improve the rules for the removal of showers, (3) to verify and enhance the content of the SD, and (4) to improve the user area of the MDC SD. Methods. The criteria for moving showers from the Working list to the Lists of established or removed showers were generated using an empirical evaluation of their impact on the registered showers. The correctness of the parameters of each stream included in the SD was checked by comparing them with the values given in the source publications. Results. We developed a set of criteria for nominating showers to be established. We objectified rules for the temporary and permanent removal of meteor showers from the Working list. Both of our proposed new procedures were approved by a vote of the commission F1 of the IAU in July 2022. We verified more than 1350 data records of the MDC SD and introduced ∼1700 corrections. We included new parameters for shower characterisation. As a result of our verification procedure, 117 showers have been moved to the List of removed showers. As of October 2022, the SD contains 923 showers, 110 of which are in the List of established showers and 813 are in the Working list. We also improved the user area of the SD and added a simple tool to allow a quick check of the similarity of a new shower to those in the database.
Proceedings of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2023)
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Context. The Shower Database (SD) of the Meteor Data Center (MDC) has been operating for 15 yr an... more Context. The Shower Database (SD) of the Meteor Data Center (MDC) has been operating for 15 yr and is used by the entire community of meteor astronomers. It contains meteor showers categorised in individual lists on the basis of their status. Since the inception of the SD, no objective rules for moving showers between individual lists have been established. The content of the SD has not yet been checked for the correctness of the meteor data contained therein. Aims. Our aims are (1) to formulate criteria for nominating meteor showers for established status, (2) to improve the rules for the removal of showers, (3) to verify and enhance the content of the SD, and (4) to improve the user area of the MDC SD. Methods. The criteria for moving showers from the Working list to the Lists of established or removed showers were generated using an empirical evaluation of their impact on the registered showers. The correctness of the parameters of each stream included in the SD was checked by co...
arXiv (Cornell University), Oct 6, 2014
The objectives of this project are to predict new meteor showers associated with as many as possi... more The objectives of this project are to predict new meteor showers associated with as many as possible known periodic comets and to find a generic relationship of some already known showers with these comets. For a potential parent comet, we model a theoretical stream at the moment of its perihelion passage in a far past, and follow its dynamical evolution until the present. Subsequently, we analyze the orbital characteristics of the parts of the stream that approach the Earth's orbit. Modelled orbits of the stream particles are compared with the orbits of actual photographic, video, and radar meteors from several catalogues. The whole procedure is repeated for several past perihelion passages of the parent comet. To keep our description compact but detailed, we usually present only either a single or a few parent comets with their associated showers in one paper. Here, an overview of the results from the modelling of the meteor-shower complexes of more than ten parent bodies will be presented. This enables their diversities to be shown. Some parent bodies may associate meteor showers which exhibit a symmetry of their radiant areas with respect to the ecliptic (ecliptical, toroidal, or showers of an ecliptic-toroidal structure), and there are showers which have no counterpart with a similar ecliptical longitude on the opposite hemisphere. However, symmetry of the radiant areas of the pair filaments with respect to the Earth's apex is visible in almost all the complexes which we examined.
<jats:p>&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;We present a concise description of the meteor shower data... more <jats:p>&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;We present a concise description of the meteor shower database, its origin, structure and, in particular, the current requirements for the introduction of new data, unknown as well as known meteor showers.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt; &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;1. Introduction&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;Many meteoroid streams (showers) are known; to date (May 2021), 838 showers have been registered at the IAU MDC database, of which 112 have been officially named by the IAU, [1, 2, 3]. As to the 702 showers included in the Working List of the Meteor Data Center (MDC), there is no consensus about it among meteor astronomers. The main difficulty in determining the number of actually existing streams is due to the lack of a precise definition of a meteoroid stream [6]. Until 2009, the IAU had not approved any official name of a meteor shower. To make up for these shortcomings, during the IAU GA in Prague in 2006, Commission 22 established a Task Group for Meteor Shower Nomenclature. Its purpose was to formulate meteor shower nomenclature rules. As a result, in August of 2009, 64 meteor showers were officially named by the IAU, see [7]. In 2007, the meteor shower database was created as part of the IAU MDC and was posted on the website.&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;The database was not intended to include the complete information on meteor showers. The purpose of it is to give unique names to the meteor showers, the discovery of which has been documented in the literature.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt; &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;For already known 'old' showers, their traditional names were accepted. In the case of showers identified after 2007, new nomenclature rules were applied, slightly modified over time, see [1, 2, 3, 8, 9].&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt; &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;2. MDC structure&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;The IAU MDC database includes five lists of meteor showers data:&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;&amp;amp;#8226; List of All Showers actually registered in the database.&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;&amp;amp;#8226; List of Established Showers officially named by the IAU.&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;&amp;amp;#8226; The Working List; the showers that have already been, or will be, published in the scientific literature.&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;&amp;amp;#8226; List of Meteor Shower Groups (shower complexes).&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;&amp;amp;#8226; List of Removed Showers; contains a list of showers already included in the database, but which have been removed from it for various reasons, see [9].&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;All the data from these lists may be displayed by the Web browser, or, except for the List of Removed Showers, can be downloaded as ASCII files.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt; &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;3. Shower data submission rules&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;Since 2019, new rules have been established for the introduction and removal of meteoroid streams from the MDC [9]. Before publication, each new meteor shower must receive a unique name from the MDC, as well as a numeric and a 3-letter code. To be included in the MDC, the discovery of a shower or the redetermination of the parameters of a known shower, must be published in a scientific journal, or in the amateur journals WGN (the Journal of the IMO) or MeteorNews. To avoid deleting submitted data from the database, the manuscript of the relevant publication must be submitted to the MDC within half a year of requesting the shower names and numbers.&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;Additionally, any future submissions for new names (as well as for known streams) should be accompanied by a &amp;amp;#8220;lookup table&amp;amp;#8221; containing the data of all members of the identified stream.&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;The required data formats for the submitted mean shower parameters, as well as for the Lookup tables data, are given on the MDC website.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt; &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;Acknowledgements&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;TJJ is grateful to the EPSC organizers for drawing only 50 EU per abstract. After all, they could have asked for 100 EU. The work of MH was supported by the Slovak Grant Agency for Science (VEGA), grant No. 2/0037/18, and by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV-16-0148.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt; &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;References&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;[1] Jopek, T. J., Jenniskens, P., in: Cooke, W. J., Moser, D. E., Hardin, B. F., Janches, D. (Eds.), Meteoroids: The Smallest Solar System Bodies, Proceedings of the Meteoroids Conference Held in Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, May 24&amp;amp;#8211;28, 2010, pp. 7&amp;amp;#8211;13. NASA/CP-2011-216469, 2011&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;[2] Jopek, T. J., Ka&amp;amp;#328;uchov&amp;amp;#225;, Z., in &amp;quot;Meteoroids 2013&amp;quot;, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference held at A.M. University, Poznan, Poland, Aug. 26-30, 2013, Eds.: T.J. Jopek, F.J.M. Rietmeijer, J. Watanabe, I.P. Williams, A.M. University Press, p. 353, 2014&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;[3] Jopek, T. J., Ka&amp;amp;#328;uchov&amp;amp;#225;, Z., Planetary and Space Science, 143, 3, 2017&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;[4] Narziev, M., Chebotarev, R. P., Jopek, T.…
Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2021), 2021
The present work is based on an analysis of 64 650 precisely-determined meteor orbits collected i... more The present work is based on an analysis of 64 650 precisely-determined meteor orbits collected in the Japanese meteor shower catalogue from video observations by SonotaCo [5]. The shower meteor data have been analysed with the aim of determining the orbits' distribution in major meteor streams with heliocentric velocities close to the parabolic limit, in which the errors in the velocity determination correspond to large differences in 1/a. As the value of semimajor axis a is very sensitive to the value of the heliocentric velocity vH, especially near the parabolic limit, any error in the determination of vH can push the orbit over the parabolic limit and create a group of meteoroids apparently moving in hyperbolic orbits.
Planetary and Space Science, 2020
This review discusses the unsolved problem of the detection of interstellar particles in the Eart... more This review discusses the unsolved problem of the detection of interstellar particles in the Earth's atmosphere and the presence of interstellar meteors in meteor databases. Owing to the difficulties in obtaining accurate meteor measurements and, consequently, the meteoroids' orbital parameters, the identification of interstellar meteors based on their hyperbolic excess velocities is extremely challenging. Moreover, it has to be verified whether the orbit's hyperbolicity was not produced in the Solar System. Searches for interstellar meteors have been carried out using different observational techniques for more than a quarter of a century and, although they have produced many valuable results, not a single case of a meteor claimed to be produced by an interstellar particle has proven satisfactorily convincing. The reason rests in the constraints of the meteor observations, which we outline here, using meteor datasets obtained by various techniques.
Planetary and Space Science, 2017
We use the Slovak and Czech video meteor observations, as well as video meteoroid orbits collecte... more We use the Slovak and Czech video meteor observations, as well as video meteoroid orbits collected in the CAMS, SonotaCo, EDMOND and DMS catalogues, for an analysis of the distribution of meteoroid orbits within the stream of the Geminids and of the dispersion of their radiants. We concentrate on the influence of the measurement errors on the precision of the orbits obtained from the video networks that are based on various meteordetection software packages and various meteor orbital element softwares. The Geminids radiant dispersion obtained from the large video catalogues reaches the dispersion of the radio observed Geminids, wherby the diffused marginal regions are affected mostly by meteoroids with extreme values (small or large) of the semi-major axes. Meteoroids of shorter semimajor axes concentrate at the eastern side of the radiant area and those of longer semi-major axes at the western part. The observed orbital dispersions in the Geminid stream described by the median absolute deviation range from 0.029 to 0.042 AU −1 for the video catalogues. The distribution of the semi-major axes of video meteors in all the databases, except for the Ondřejov (Czech) data, seem to be systematically biased in comparison with the photographic and radio meteors. The determined velocities of the video data are underestimated, probably as a consequence of the methods used for the positional and velocity measurements. The largest shift is observed in the EDMOND and SonotaCo catalogues.
Planetary and Space Science, 2015
The radar meteor orbits of the most recent version of the IAU Meteor Data Center have been analys... more The radar meteor orbits of the most recent version of the IAU Meteor Data Center have been analysed and the hyperbolic orbits among them have been examined with the aim of to determining a real proportion of interstellar orbits in this database. It is shown from the tests that a large proportion of meteors with hyperbolic orbits is concentrated to
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013
Aims. We studied the structure of the meteoroid particle complexes released from asteroid 196 256... more Aims. We studied the structure of the meteoroid particle complexes released from asteroid 196 256 (2003 EH1) to reveal the relationship to the meteor showers observed in Earth's atmosphere that belong to this complex as well. In addition, we studied the relationship between the asteroid and comet 96P/Machholz, which is situated in the same orbital phase space. Methods. For nine perihelion passages of the parent asteroid in the past, we modeled the associated theoretical streams and followed their dynamical evolution until the present. Subsequently, we analyzed the orbital characteristics of the modeled streams, especially of the parts that approach Earth's orbit. Results. We confirm the filamentary structure of the complex, which is qualitatively identical to the complex of 96P. Six wellestablished and two minor filaments approach the orbit of the Earth, producing four well-known meteor showers, daytime Arietids, Southern δ-Aquarids, Quadrantids, and Northern δ-Aquarids.
Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2021), 2021
Papers by Maria Hajdukova