Papers by Maria Eduarda Gonçalves
Francisco de la Fuente Sanchez Engenheiro electrotécnico pelo IST (1965), desenvolveu a sua carre... more Francisco de la Fuente Sanchez Engenheiro electrotécnico pelo IST (1965), desenvolveu a sua carreira profissional sobretudo no sector eléctrico. Já na EDP, e após a nacionalização do sector, desempenhou funções na área da Distribuição, onde chegou a director-geral da Distribuição Tejo. Com a constituição do Grupo EDP (1994) foi eleito para o Conselho de Administração em 1996, assumindo o cargo de presidente até 2006. Desempenhou funções em diversas empresas do sector em Portugal, Espanha e Brasil. Foi presidente do BCSD Portugal e da Fundação EDP. É vice-presidente do Conselho de Administração da EFACEC, administrador da Sonae Capital e vogal cooptado do Conselho de Escola do IST. Foram-lhe concedidas diversas distinções profissionais e, em 2006, foi-lhe atribuída pelo Presidente da República, Dr. Jorge Sampaio, a Grã-Cruz da Ordem do Mérito.
Philosophy of engineering and technology, Nov 24, 2022
In the mid-1980s, as a result of pressure from the national scientific community and the influence
In Portugal, public investment in research and development activities, as well as in
Na sociedade tecnologica atual tende a modificar-se a relacao dos individuos e das organizacoes c... more Na sociedade tecnologica atual tende a modificar-se a relacao dos individuos e das organizacoes com as criacoes intelectuais e a informacao em geral. Com a generalizacao do uso dos computadores e das redes de comunicacao eletronicas, expandem-se de forma extraordinaria as possibilidades, quer de criacao e producao quer de disseminacao e acesso a informacao e, do mesmo passo, de exercicio das liberdades publicas, nao so nos planos civico e politico, mas tambem como meios de acesso a ciencia, a cultura, a educacao, a saude, etc. e, de um modo geral, de comunicacao com os outros, abrindo caminho a reclamacao de um direito fundamental de acesso as redes e a informacao digital*. Esta expectativa, aliada a maior facilidade de acesso a obras intelectuais, entra, porem, em choque com os exclusivos atribuidos a criadores e, sobretudo, a produtores de informacao. Um olhar sobre a evolucao do quadro juridico da sociedade da informacao na Europa permite, efetivamente, sinalizar o alargamento da...
Public Understanding of Science, 1996
In the mid-1980s, as a result of pressure from the national scientific community and the influenc... more In the mid-1980s, as a result of pressure from the national scientific community and the influence of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's 1984 science and technology policy review, science was introduced into the Portuguese political agenda. A Framework Law and a series of institutional reforms were the most visible signs of change. Admission to the EC in 1986, however, provided an excuse for reducing the public R&D budget. While science policy remains, in the 1990s, a priority in the political discourse, there is a lack of correspondence between this discourse and policy practice. A survey of members of the Portuguese Parliament undertaken in 1995 was designed to shed some light on their perceptions and opinions concerning the value of science and the role of the Parliament in science policy, and, therefore, on the reasons for the gap between the discourse and practical behaviour of policy-makers in this field.
O livro é uma publicação resultante dos colóquios luso-brasileiros, uma experiência de três anos ... more O livro é uma publicação resultante dos colóquios luso-brasileiros, uma experiência de três anos de estudos e cooperação, cuja organização esteve a cargo das Faculdades de Direito e de Letras da UPorto e do centro de investigação CETAC.MEDIA, contando também com a colaboração do Programa de Pós-graduação Justiça Administrativa (PPGJA-UFF) e do Núcleo de Ciências do Poder Judiciário (Nupej) da UFF. Sob diversas temáticas – Direito e Informação: responsabilidades partilhadas, Responsabilidade profissional do gestor de informação, Responsabilidade civil, Responsabilidade criminal, Responsabilidade por violação de propriedade intelectual, Novos contextos de responsabilidade – o último colóquio reuniu investigadores e especialistas das áreas do Direito e da Ciência da Informação que, durante dois dias, debateram temas e problemas que implicam uma postura ética e profissional responsável e crítica, no quadro da sociedade em rede, digital e globalizada em que vivemos. This book is a public...
International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 2002
ABSTRACT In contrast to civil and political rights, and to economic and social rights, which have... more ABSTRACT In contrast to civil and political rights, and to economic and social rights, which have been constructed and guaranteed within the framework of the nation-state, the new rights that aim to respond to opportunities and risks arising from new information and communication technologies, biotechnologies or, more generally, technology-based industrial development, are emerging in a context characterized by the strengthening of trans-national forces and dynamics (so-called 'globalization') and the erosion of state sovereignty. The state's loss of power and autonomy to regulate economic and social activity, as well as to protect individual rights, has been accentuated in the European Community (EC) as a result of a process that to a certain degree anticipated contemporary global tendencies. The EC appears, therefore, as a privileged observatory of the possible impact of globalization on the contents of rights, whether 'classical' rights or new rights, such as the rights of access to information, new forms of intellectual property or rights to be consulted or to participate in decision-making about environmental risk. My main objective in this article is to analyze recent developments in the EC's legal framework of informational and environmental policies with a view to evaluate how opportunities for individual and collective action and welfare, made possible by new information and communication technologies or claimed by environmentally alert citizens, are being defined in the form of rights recognized to individuals or social groups.
Computer Law & Security Review, 2012
The adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon and the granting to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the... more The adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon and the granting to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the same legal force as the Treaty has lent a new impulse to the consideration of fundamental human rights by the European Union (EU). The question remains, however, as to how this legal discourse, centred upon human rights, is actually shaping the EU regulatory framework in specific policy domains. The aim of this paper is to critically appraise the ways that the fundamental rights of security, privacy and freedom guaranteed by the Charter are being construed in the context of EU law and policy on biometrics, an ethically and morally sensitive security technology whose development and use are being actively promoted by the EU. We conclude that the interpretation of the pertinent rights, as well as their balancing, owes a great deal to the goals of EU policies for research and development, and under the auspices of Freedom, Security and Justice, shaped largely by political and economic considerations. These considerations then tend to prevail over ethically or morally-based legal claims. ª 2012 Maria Eduarda Gonç alves, Maria Inê s Gameiro. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 5 This paper is based on work undertaken as part of the research project 'The Landscape and Isobars of European Values in Relation to Science and New Technology (Value Isobars)' (2009e2011), funded under the EU's 7th Framework Programme on R&D. 1 European Commission, 'Strategy for the effective implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights by the European Union',
Science and Public Policy, 2009
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 1991
... o seu código de conduta para a esfera da moral e da ética, remetendo em ... Maria Eduarda Gon... more ... o seu código de conduta para a esfera da moral e da ética, remetendo em ... Maria Eduarda Gonçalves 94 nalidade da ordem normativo-científlca é também de molde a condicionar a ... E estas relações afectam a própria estrutura vaíorativa e normativa da ciência (4). A questão é ...
Análise Social, 2007
L'article nous presente les principaux resultats d'une enquete realisee a la population p... more L'article nous presente les principaux resultats d'une enquete realisee a la population portugaise sur le risque environnemental et de sante publique. Elle avait pour but d'evaluer les perceptions et les comportements de cette population face a differents risques, ainsi que ses niveaux de confiance dans les agents intervenant dans les processus d'evaluation et de gestion du risque. Les auteurs ont encore cherche a comprendre la variation de ces donnees en fonction de la matrice d'insertion sociale des individus concernes.
he need for fast diagnostic image viewing in zero footprint web applications and the ever increas... more he need for fast diagnostic image viewing in zero footprint web applications and the ever increasing image sizes for new modalities such as digital pathology have painfully brought to light that the currently available image compression methods fall short. JPEG2000 delivers the image quality required for medical grade viewing, but is supported on fewer than 10% of desktop web browsers installed today ( and even then it does not support the high bit depth images required by medical applications. JPEG2000's high computational complexity and inability to do fast compression and viewing of images undoubtedly contributed to its lack of adoption. The venerable JPEG standard is supported in all installed web browsers today, and allows for fast viewing and compression, but it cannot provide medical grade image quality, lossless compression, or high bit depths. To remedy the situation medical image web applications need to take full control of the image path by implementing the image decompression in the application itself, instead of relying on web browser implementations. This will give users and manufacturers the confidence that medical images will be displayed in their full intended fidelity! This paper introduces a simple, fast, yet efficient image compression method that can be implemented in zero footprint web applications to provide fast medical grade image viewing on today's web browser installed base, on the premise and in the cloud. Due to its efficiency it is very suitable for fast and affordable compression and viewing of very large images and is used as such by Philips in the iSyntax file format in use in its digital pathology products today.
Papers by Maria Eduarda Gonçalves