Papers by Margarita Diges
Justicia: revista de derecho procesal, 1988
Poder Judicial eBooks, 1994
... Cambiar idioma Idioma Català. Cambiar. El psicólogo forense experimental y la evaluación de c... more ... Cambiar idioma Idioma Català. Cambiar. El psicólogo forense experimental y la evaluación de credibilidad de las declaraciones en los casos de abuso sexual a menores. ...
Psychological Applications and Trends 2021, Apr 23, 2021
The present experiment examines how instructions (absolute judgement vs. relative judgement) affe... more The present experiment examines how instructions (absolute judgement vs. relative judgement) affect the performance in simultaneous lineups (present perpetrator and absent perpetrator). To find out whether the participants really followed the instructions, their eye movements were recorded when they faced the photo lineup. Sixty participants (44 women and 16 men) took part in the experiment. Overall, the results showed that participants with absolute judgement instructions made significantly less inter-photograph comparisons than those with relative judgement instructions. In the present perpetrator lineup, hit rate was lower for participants with absolute judgement instructions than with relative judgement instructions. In the absent perpetrator lineup, no differences were between both instruction conditions. Furthermore, as was expected, no relationship was found between "pre" and "post" confidence and accuracy in the lineups. Moreover, we examined participants' metamemory evaluations about their examination pattern of the photographs in the lineup. Our results did not show high incongruity between the own participants' judgment and their visual behavior.
Infancia y Sociedad: Revista de estudios, 1994
Revista De Psicologia Social, 1991
... Dirección del autor: Margarita Diges. ... a un testigo creíble ante otras personas (normalmen... more ... Dirección del autor: Margarita Diges. ... a un testigo creíble ante otras personas (normalmente jurados), incorporan un amplio número de conocimientos de Psicología social al estudio del testimonio de testigos y, en los últimos arios, observamos cómo han cobrado vitalidad ya ...
Memory, Oct 1, 2007
In two experiments, congruence of postevent information was manipulated in order to explore its r... more In two experiments, congruence of postevent information was manipulated in order to explore its role in the misinformation effect. Congruence of a detail was empirically defined as its compatibility (or match) with a concrete event. Based on this idea it was predicted that a congruent suggested detail would be more easily accepted than an incongruent one. In Experiments 1 and 2 two factors (congruence and truth value) were manipulated within-subjects, and a two-alternative forced-choice recognition test was used followed by phenomenological judgements. Furthermore, in the second experiment participants were asked to describe four critical items (two seen and two suggested details) to explore differences and similarities between real and unreal memories. Both experiments clearly showed that the congruence of false information caused a robust misinformation effect, so that congruent information was much more accepted than false incongruent information. Furthermore, congruence increased the descriptive and phenomenological similarities between perceived and suggested memories, thus contributing to the misleading effect.
Memory, May 1, 2002
Lists of thematically related words were presented to participants with or without a concurrent t... more Lists of thematically related words were presented to participants with or without a concurrent task. In Experiments 1 and 2, respectively, English or Spanish word lists were either low or high in concreteness (concrete vs abstract words) and were presented, respectively, auditorily or visually for study. The addition of a concurrent visual or auditory task, respectively, substantially reduced correct recall and doubled the frequency of false memory reports (nonstudied critical or theme words). Divided attention was interpreted as having reduced the opportunity for participants to monitor successfully their elicitations of critical associates. Comparisons of concrete and abstract lists revealed significantly more recalls of false memories for abstract than concrete word lists. Comparisons between two levels of attention, two levels of word concreteness, and two presentation modalities failed to support the "more is less" effect by which enhanced correct recall is accompanied by increased frequencies of false memories.
Jueces para la democracia, 2010
Diario La Ley, 2017
Esta guia se basa en investigacion cientifica sobre memoria y sugestion, asi como en protocolos i... more Esta guia se basa en investigacion cientifica sobre memoria y sugestion, asi como en protocolos internacionales de actuacion, y se presenta en dos partes. En esta segunda parte, se presentan los pasos a seguir para realizar la entrevista de investigacion, con el objetivo de conseguir del menor la mejor y mas extensa informacion original, libre de influencias sugestivas y coactivas. Asimismo se proponen vias concretas para tratar algunos casos especiales. En conjunto, la guia proporciona herramientas para valorar la calidad de las entrevistas a menores que se realizan en el contexto juridico.
Estudios De Psicologia, 2004
Resumen En este estudio se investiga la influencia de dos variables relevantes para la magnitud d... more Resumen En este estudio se investiga la influencia de dos variables relevantes para la magnitud del efecto de información engañosa. La demora transcurrida entre la percepción del suceso (accidente de tráfico) y la prueba de recuperación; y la redacción de las preguntas críticas del cuestionario post-suceso, que implica información sugerida de distinto carácter perceptivo: un objeto concreto congruente (señal de stop), y una sugestión más sutil a través del verbo empleado para describir el accidente (chocar vs. empotrarse). Los resultados indican que en condiciones de demora los sujetos aceptan esa señal de tráfico, e incluso la enriquecen con información contextual. Por otro lado, sus estimaciones inmediatas de velocidades y tiempos son más elevadas cuando se describe el accidente como un “empotramiento” que cuando se describe como un “choque”, y con la demora esas estimaciones se ajustan más al esquema de interpretación del accidente proporcionado. Por tanto, cuando se facilita el debilitamiento o deterioro de la memoria original (recuperación demorada), los sujetos atribuyen erróneamente información concreta, que han embellecido contextualmente, al suceso original y, además, el esquema de interpretación proporcionado se hace más relevante.
Estudios De Psicologia, 1987
Revista de psicología general y aplicada: Revista de la Federación Española de Asociaciones de Psicología, 1982
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 31, 1996
Papers by Margarita Diges