Papers by Margarida Ribeiro
Lidar com as problemáticas da saúde, implica um domínio dos processos cognitivos (raciocínio, res... more Lidar com as problemáticas da saúde, implica um domínio dos processos cognitivos (raciocínio, resolução de problemas e tomada de decisão) e de desempenhos práticos, o que obriga a afectação de um conjunto de atitudes e comportamentos específicos. Este estudo, implementou e avaliou o impacto de experiências pedagógicas desenvolvidas com os estudantes da unidade curricular Radiologia do Sistema Nervoso (RSN) da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL). Aplicaram-se metodologias de ensino mistas (presenciais e virtuais) utilizadas na leccionação teórica e prática no ano curricular 2008/2009. Para a avaliação do perfil de aprendizagem dos estudantes foi aplicado o método de Honey & Munford e para a avaliação e monitorização dos conhecimentos aplicaram-se check list baseadas nos conteúdos programáticos. A monitorização das ferramentas da plataforma moodle complementaram a restante informação. Verificou-se uma progressão de aprendizagem positiva para um grupo de estudante...
O joelho é uma articulação complexa onde se relacionam superfícies convexas (os côndilos femorais... more O joelho é uma articulação complexa onde se relacionam superfícies convexas (os côndilos femorais) e superfícies planas (os planaltos tibiais). É suscetível de sofrer lesões, tanto traumáticas como degenerativas. As principais causas das lesões traumáticas do joelho ocorrem na idade jovem ou adulta e estão muitas vezes associadas à prática de desportos, onde os ligamentos são frequentemente envolvidos. Devido ao seu excelente contraste para estruturas de partes moles a ressonância magnética (RM) tem provado ser um método de imagem preciso na identificação destas importantes estruturas. O ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) funciona como estabilizador nos movimentos de translação e rotação do joelho, sobretudo na translação anterior da tíbia em relação ao fémur. É uma estrutura que apesar de ter sido, até ao momento, alvo de várias investigações, as opiniões divergem relativamente à sua anatomia e à sua função. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar a estrutura, morfologia, biomecânic...
Saúde & Tecnologia, 2015
Introduction – The piston effect is one of the main problems regarding the effectiveness of prost... more Introduction – The piston effect is one of the main problems regarding the effectiveness of prosthesis. A decrease of the piston effect can lead to a more natural gait by increasing proprioceptivity. Objectives – Check if there is a difference in piston effect values among various suspension systems for transtibial prosthesis with the use of Liners, and test the application of imaging tests in the analysis of the better prosthetic solution for a particular individual. Methods – Radiography of the prosthesis, in charge, in the orthostatic position, keeping the weight of the amputee equally distributed on bothfeet. Then was held another x-ray in the saggittal plane with the knee flexed at 30° with a weight of 5kg applied at the distal end of the prosthesis during 30sec. After these two exams the measurements for each type of suspension system was taken. Results – Of the four studied systems only three have piston values since one of the systems did not create enough suspension to with...
Poster: "ECR 2018 / C-2116 / Radiographic patterns evaluation of bone fractures in three pae... more Poster: "ECR 2018 / C-2116 / Radiographic patterns evaluation of bone fractures in three paediatric hospitals" by: "M. M. C. P. Ribeiro1, A. R. M. Codesso1, D. C. S. Fernandes2; 1Lisbon/PT, 2Cascais/PT"
J. Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2013
Critical and self critical capabilities Capacity to adapt to new situations Capacity to generate ... more Critical and self critical capabilities Capacity to adapt to new situations Capacity to generate new ideas (creativity) Ability to problem solve Possess decision making skills Command of interpersonal skills Initiative and leadership skills Team working skills Ability to communicate with non-experts in the field Be able to work in an international context Respect the diversity of cultures and customs of other countries Be able to work autonomously Project design and management Demonstrate an ethical commitment Evaluation and maintenance of quality of work
Saúde & Tecnologia, 2015
Aims – To assess the potential of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H‑MRS) in the diagnostic of d... more Aims – To assess the potential of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H‑MRS) in the diagnostic of degenerative disease of the lumbar disc and to advocate the adding of this technique in the classification of the invertebral disc involution vs degeneration (L4‑L5 and L5‑S1) in the clinical routine of lumbar pain status, not related with mechanic causes. Material and method – We studied 102 out of 123 lumbar intervertebral discs. The distribution among spaces was 61 discs at L4‑L5, 41 at L5‑S1 level and 34 at D12‑L1 level. The magnetic resonance studies were performed using a 1.5 T scan-ner. A single‑voxel Point Resolved Spectra Selection (PRESS) technique was used. The ratios [Lac/Nacetyl], [Nacetyl/(Lac+Lip)] and additionally the resonance of lipids were applied to evaluate the biochemistry of the discs, its involution, disc disruption and eventual susceptibility to initiate degeneration process. The ratios and the lipidic value of L4‑L5‑S1 discs were ascertained with the different be...
Saúde & Tecnologia, 2015
Introduction – The piston effect is one of the main problems regarding the effectiveness of prost... more Introduction – The piston effect is one of the main problems regarding the effectiveness of prosthesis. A decrease of the piston effect can lead to a more natural gait by increasing proprioceptivity. Objectives – Check if there is a difference in piston effect values among various suspension systems for transtibial prosthesis with the use of Liners, and test the application of imaging tests in the analysis of the better prosthetic solution for a particular individual. Methods – Radiography of the prosthesis, in charge, in the orthostatic position, keeping the weight of the amputee equally distributed on bothfeet. Then was held another x-ray in the saggittal plane with the knee flexed at 30° with a weight of 5kg applied at the distal end of the prosthesis during 30sec. After these two exams the measurements for each type of suspension system was taken. Results – Of the four studied systems only three have piston values since one of the systems did not create enough suspension to with...
Contribuir para maximizar a taxa de sucesso de exames de RM em utentes claustrofóbicos. Metodolog... more Contribuir para maximizar a taxa de sucesso de exames de RM em utentes claustrofóbicos. Metodologia Resultados Factores Condicionantes % das Respostas Configuração do Equipamento: RM de campo aberto 75,8 % Presença de acompanhante na sala de exame 24,2 % Atitude do TR 24,2 % Força de vontade em concluir o exame 19,4 % Permanecer de olhos fechados 6,5 % Tomar ansiolítico 4,8 % Modificação no posicionamento 4,8% Utilização de venda nos olhos 4,8 % Quadro 3: Factores referidos pelos utentes claustrofóbicos que pensam ter contribuído para o sucesso do exame de RM.
F1000posters, Jul 31, 2014
Judo is one of the sports where visually impaired athletes can practice and compete in a almost i... more Judo is one of the sports where visually impaired athletes can practice and compete in a almost identical manner as sighted athletes. In fact, visually impaired athletes may have some advantage over sighted athletes as they can "predict" the opponent's action faster by compensating the lack of vision with improved sensory modalities such as touch and hearing. Several neuroimaging studies have shown that, in visual impaired individuals, the occipital cortex is recruited in non-visual tasks such as Braille reading (Burton, 2002; Sadato, 2002); memory recovery (Amedi, 2003); sound localization (Gougoux, 2005); or other auditory functions (Arno, 2001). Additionally, other studies suggest that these individuals also have larger cortical representation of auditory and sensorymotor functions, as well as in voice perception (Gougoux, 2009). Twelve judo athletes (aged 19 to 52 years old), 6 visually impaired (2 early and 4 late totally blind) and 6 sighted, were studied by fMRI using a 1.5T MRI scanner (General Electric, Milwaukee, USA) and an 8-channel neurovascular coil. fMRI data was acquired using: 3 64*64 125
A Comissão Europeia irá lançar, num futuro próximo, uma nova directiva relativa à protecção radio... more A Comissão Europeia irá lançar, num futuro próximo, uma nova directiva relativa à protecção radiológica - Basic Safety Standards – a qual irá substituir, num único documento, os actualmente existentes. Durante as últimas três décadas, em Portugal, a protecção radiológica contra radiações ionizantes tem sido regulada segundo cinco directivas, publicadas entre 1989 e 2003. Têm sido relatados vários incidentes ocorridos em ambiente clínico, nomeadamente naqueles que operam com radiação ionizante, pois na maioria dos casos, as regras, boas práticas e infra-estruturas não estão adequadas para esta finalidade. As questões ligadas com esta temática estão agora em análise e sob discussão pública. É, contudo, importante entender os desafios e requisitos da nova directiva para melhorar e assegurar a excelência dos resultados nas organizações de cuidados de saúde. Este novo documento reúne as abordagens da International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP), International Atomic Energy Age...
Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2013
The amount of fat is a component that complicates the clinical evaluation and the differential di... more The amount of fat is a component that complicates the clinical evaluation and the differential diagnostic between benign and malign lesions in the breast MRI examinations. To overcome this problem, an effective erasing of the fat signal over the images acquisition process, is essentials. This study aims to compare three fat suppression techniques (STIR, SPIR, SPAIR) in the MR images of the breast and to evaluate the best image quality regarding its clinical usefulness. To mimic breast women, a breast phantom was constructed. First the exterior contour and, in second time, its content which was selected based on 7 samples with different components. Finally it was undergone to a MRI breast protocol with the three different fat saturation techniques. The examinations were performed on a 1.5 T MRI system (Philips ®). A group of 5 experts evaluated 9 sequences, 3 of each with fat suppression techniques, in which the frequency offset and TI (Inversion Time) were the variables changed. This qualitative image analysis was performed according 4 parameters (saturation uniformity, saturation efficacy, detail of the anatomical structures and differentiation between the fibroglandular and adipose tissue), using a five-point Likert scale. The statistics analysis showed that anyone of the fat suppression techniques demonstrated significant differences compared to the others with (p > 0.05) and regarding each parameter independently. By Fleiss' kappa coefficient there was a good agreement among observers P(e) = 0.68. When comparing STIR, SPIR and SPAIR techniques it was confirmed that all of them have advantages in the study of the breast MRI. For the studied parameters, the results through the Friedman Test showed that there are similar advantages applying anyone of these techniques.
Em três equipamentos de Ressonância Magnética [1, 5T] avaliaram-se e compararam-se 3 modelos de b... more Em três equipamentos de Ressonância Magnética [1, 5T] avaliaram-se e compararam-se 3 modelos de bobinas dedicadas para estudos mamários. A variável qualidade de imagem foi avaliada quantitativamente através dos indicadores:(i) relação entre o sinal eo ruído ( ...
Aims – The aim of this study was i) to evaluate the potential of the DWI sequence in the characte... more Aims – The aim of this study was i) to evaluate the potential of the DWI sequence in the characterization of malignant breast lesions; ii) to verify if this sequence should incorporate the breast MRI protocol and iii) to correlate the apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) values and histological results. Methodology – The sample includes 18 female patients between the ages of 38 and 71 years, who presented with malignant breast lesion confirmed by histology. The DWI sequence was added to the MRI standard protocol to calculate the ADC values. Results – In the results obtained we observed that the range of the ADC values calculated in the center of the malignant lesions, showed a mean and standard deviation of 0.89 ± 0.14 x10-3 mm2 / s. This method of using the ADC values for the detection of malignant lesions showed a sensitivity of 100%. Conclusion – The DWI technique proved to be a useful method in the characterization of malignant breast lesions, as it showed a sensitivity of 100%, so we suggest its inclusion in the Breast MR standard protocol.
Papers by Margarida Ribeiro