Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health
RESUMO Introdução: A qualidade de vida no trabalho tem sido um tema recorrente na literatura, ten... more RESUMO Introdução: A qualidade de vida no trabalho tem sido um tema recorrente na literatura, tendo em vista seu papel de agente motivador para os trabalhadores e promotor de vantagem competitiva para organização. Objetivos: Este estudo pretende avaliar se a expectativa que o cadete da Academia Militar Portuguesa tem sobre o seu futuro influencia a sua saúde e qualidade de vida, em particular a satisfação profissional, a satisfação com a vida e o síndrome de burnout e o stress percebido. Método: Participaram do estudo 424 cadetes da Academia Militar Portuguesa, todos do sexo masculino, sendo 99 (23,3%) do primeiro ano, 105 (24,8%) do segundo ano, 109 (25,7%) do terceiro ano e 111 (26,2%) do quarto ano. Os participantes preencheram as escalas utilizadas para mensuração das variáveis do estudo de forma presencial, coletiva e voluntária. Foram respeitados todos os preceitos éticos para a realização da pesquisa. Resultados: A utilização da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais revelou que a expectativa futura de sucesso profissional e financeiro tem uma influência positiva e significativa sobre a satisfação com a vida e com o trabalho e uma influência negativa significativa sobre o stress percebido e a síndrome de burnout. Conclusão: A expectativa de futuro pode ser considerada como uma variável relevante para explicar a qualidade de vida de cadetes portugueses, ao menos no que se refere aos indicadores satisfação com a vida, satisfação com o trabalho, stress percebido e síndrome de burnout.
2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA)
Recent deep learning techniques have achieved satisfactory results for various image-related prob... more Recent deep learning techniques have achieved satisfactory results for various image-related problems. However, many research questions remain open in tasks involving video sequences. Several applications demand the understanding of complex events in videos, such as traffic monitoring, person re-identification, security and surveillance. In this work, we address the problem of human action recognition in videos through a multi-stream network that incorporates both spatial and temporal information. The main contribution of our work is a stream based on a new variant of the visual rhythm, called Learnable Visual Rhythm (LVR). We employ a deep network to extract features from the video frames in order to generate the rhythm. The features are collected at multiple depths of the network to enable the analysis of different abstraction levels. This strategy significantly outperforms the handcrafted version on the UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets. Experiments conducted on these datasets show that our final multi-stream network achieved competitive results compared to state-of-the-art approaches.
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2020
There are several aspects that may help in the characterization of an action being performed in a... more There are several aspects that may help in the characterization of an action being performed in a video, such as scene appearance and estimated movement of the involved objects. Many works in the literature combine different aspects to recognize the actions, which has shown to be superior than individual results. Just as important as the definition of representative and complementary aspects is the choice of good combination methods that exploit the strengths of each aspect. In this work, we propose a novel fusion strategy based on two fuzzy integral methods. This strategy is capable of generalizing other common operators, besides it allows more combinations to be evaluated by having a distinct impact in sets linearly dependent. Our experiments show that the fuzzy fusion outperforms the most commonly-used weighted average on the challenging UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets.
Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design, 2017
The current paper aims to present the process used for validating a VR game in its two modes: sin... more The current paper aims to present the process used for validating a VR game in its two modes: single and co-op. Through the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, it was possible to map the users’ initial perceptions, points of improvements, and expectations for the information assessment. Ultimately, it was possible to observe that although both single and co-op modes were introduced to participants, the latter created a greater level of engagement and motivation, increasing the participants’ interest.
Two main issues in ancient languages learning concern its main aim and its teaching method. These... more Two main issues in ancient languages learning concern its main aim and its teaching method. These two issues are discussed in this article supported by an analysis of some Greek and Latin textbooks published over the last twenty years. In the middle of the article I introduce the translation issue as an activity that has many merits in the language learning process and I propose that it can be used not only for testing but mainly for ancient language teaching as a valid activity for language practice and improvement. A case study, supported by Aesop’s fable “The cicada and the ant”, is developed as a way to illustrate the most common basic principles outlined in this article.
Este trabalho visa retratar o caso do Museu Historico de Morro Redondo que utiliza seu local fisi... more Este trabalho visa retratar o caso do Museu Historico de Morro Redondo que utiliza seu local fisico como um espaco de transformacao social, utilizando como principal ferramenta o teatro e as benesses que este possibilita na formacao e no desenvolvimento da crianca, considerando-a como um ser que, pensante, age no mundo em que se encontra. Por meiodo projeto de Extensao do curso de Museologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) denominado “Museu Morroredondense: Espaco de Memorias e identidades”, surge o subprojeto “Morro em Cena” que, acontece aos domingos, duas vezes por mes com um grupo de criancas do Colegio Bonfim e envolve voluntarios dos cursos de Psicologia e Museologia. Observa-se que alem dos ganhos notaveis em relacao ao desenvolvimento comportamental para as criancas, como desinibicao, autoestima, as oficinas proporcionam a transmissao de valores humanos mediados pela troca intergeracional. Cada pratica, cada atuacao, e um caminho de construcao simbolica e reciproc...
Advances in Usability, User Experience and Assistive Technology, 2018
Due to the sensation of frustration caused by both technological changes and the lack of knowledg... more Due to the sensation of frustration caused by both technological changes and the lack of knowledge required to interact with new technologies, some confusing experiences with mobile computing systems tends to discourage the use of new interfaces. Therefore, it is necessary to offer products and services that can be fully controlled by users, transforming complex processes into simple and objective interactions. For this, initially a preparation of the case study to define the object to be evaluated, which concluded that an analysis of the use of the search tools of the Android system could meet the requirements of the proposed work. This work has as a premise to create a combination of usability assessment techniques which allowed adding eye tracking data from the users’ experience to the experiments with traditional research methods. At the end of the study, it was possible to evaluate the contribution of each technique applied.
Studies suggest improvements in the employees’ quality of life, as well as costs reduction with h... more Studies suggest improvements in the employees’ quality of life, as well as costs reduction with health and absenteeism, and productivity increase. This article investigates the main characteristics of workplace wellness programs, their prevalence, impact on employees’ health and medical costs, facilitators of their success, and the role of incentives in such programs. Presenting case study results from the use of wearable devices in support of a corporate wellness program, which through a chatbot manual and a simple competition system managed to promote engagement and satisfaction by participants, and signals opportunities for further study Use of these devices as a tool for health promotion within companies.
One of the major problems of fish farming in tanks is the control and frequency of feeding. For a... more One of the major problems of fish farming in tanks is the control and frequency of feeding. For a more accurate data collection for research purposes, correct food distribution control is required. As an alternative to maintain an amount of homogeneous food in fish feed, this work presents a control system of low cost controlled feeding via microcontroller board, taking into account the amount of food and feeding time of the animals. The prototype developed is divided into three parts, an electromechanical part, the electronic part that is the Arduino platform and a small software that intervenes the previous parts.
Here, the authors (i) discuss the most prominent co-catalyst for H 2 generation structured in the... more Here, the authors (i) discuss the most prominent co-catalyst for H 2 generation structured in the form of Me-TiO 2 /MCM-41 (Me: Ag, Co, Cu, Ni) based on structural, electronic, textural, morphological and optical characterization techniques, such as XRD, wide and small angle, XPS, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, B.E.T., textural analysis, photoacoustic spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy; and (ii) evaluate the difference in hydrogen production in two distinct geometric reactors based on a theoretical study of light distribution inside the reactors supported by the experimental quantum yield calculation. As a result, copper-doped photocatalyst generated higher hydrogen amount compared to the others. The high photocatalyst performance was due to the greater lamp spectrum absorption, marked by the low bandgap value, and high photoactivity justified by the low rate of electronic recombination. The hydrogen generation in the quartz reactor was seven times higher than the annular one, and when at maximum light power, it is comparable to the most sophisticated reaction systems found in literature. The larger light exposure area per unit volume of the quartz reactor compared to the annular one is the reason why it obtained better results due to the lower emitted photon blockade, with a 1.81% apparent quantum yield.
Atualmente tem sido defendida a importância de haver por parte das empresas uma atuação voltada p... more Atualmente tem sido defendida a importância de haver por parte das empresas uma atuação voltada para questões que contribuam direta ou indiretamente para a sociedade de uma maneira geral. Taisações têm sido reunidas sob o rótulo de responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC). A lógica do discurso oficial e de alguns autores é que empresas socialmente responsáveis agregam valor a seus produtos, sendo privilegiadas pelos consumidores, o que tem sido questionado por diversos autores. É nesse sentido que no presente estudo o objetivo foi investigar a compreensão que os cidadãos têm a respeito das RSC, a partir da teoria das Representações Sociais. A utilização de tal teoria se justifica tendo em vista o objetivo de investigar a relação entre RSC e comportamento do consumidor. Participaram do estudo 168 indivíduos da cidade de Volta Redonda - RJ com média de idade de 27 anos, variando de 17 a 51 anos, de ambos os sexos. Para análise de dados foi realizada a Análise de Conteúdo das categori...
Zika virus (ZIKV) has been associated with serious health conditions, and an intense search to di... more Zika virus (ZIKV) has been associated with serious health conditions, and an intense search to discover different ways to prevent and treat ZIKV infection is underway. Berberine and emodin possess several pharmacological properties and have been shown to be particularly effective against the entry and replication of several viruses. We show that emodin and berberine trigger a virucidal effect on ZIKV. When the virus was exposed to 160 µM of berberine, a reduction of 77.6% in the infectivity was observed; when emodin was used (40 µM), this reduction was approximately 83.3%. Dynamic light scattering data showed that both compounds significantly reduce the hydrodynamic radius of virus particle in solution. We report here that berberine and emodin, two natural compounds, have strong virucidal effect in Zika virus.
We show as the dynamics for the inflaton, under slow-roll regime, can be treated in a other dynam... more We show as the dynamics for the inflaton, under slow-roll regime, can be treated in a other dynamics, following the deformation procedure. In a direct way we present a relationship between two slow-roll inflationary potentials, and we apply this framework to show how to construct an eternal inflation from chaotic inflation, or even, a natural inflation from hilltop inflation, easily.
Hydraulic pipes and cable bundles attached to host structures are widely found in engineering. Th... more Hydraulic pipes and cable bundles attached to host structures are widely found in engineering. This paper explores how variability in the connection points between structures affects the coupled dynamics. One at a time, two different one-dimensional waveguides are attached to a thin plate through a different set of point connections. Measurements considering randomly spaced connections were made and the experimental results are presented and compared to previously developed models. When multiples attachments are considered, the structure accommodates standing-like waves between the attachments, amplifying its response. It was possible to see the variability due the random spacing and, in a frequency-averaged sense, good agreement between the experimental data and the models were obtained. A comparison of the spatial response of the experiment and the infinite system is also presented.
Os preparados sólidos para refresco já estão perfeitamente integrados ao dia a dia do consumidor ... more Os preparados sólidos para refresco já estão perfeitamente integrados ao dia a dia do consumidor brasileiro, em função da sua facilidade de preparo, rendimento e do preço de mercado, bastante inferior, se comparado às bebidas prontas para o consumo, o que o torna mais acessível economicamente, principalmente para as populações de baixa renda. Dentro deste contexto, neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar à composição físico-química, mineral e o comportamento higroscópico de quatro diferentes marcas de preparado sólido para refresco sabor manga. As isotermas de adsorção foram construídas através do ajuste de dados experimentais aos modelos matemáticos de BET, GAB, Oswim e Henderson. Os resultados físico-químicos da avaliação mostram que os preparados sólidos para refrescos são fontes consideráveis de ácido ascórbico e açúcar redutor e no que se refere à composição mineral são fontes importantes de cálcio, sódio e potássio. Foi também observado que os preparados sólidos das quatro marcas estudadas são produtos muito higroscópicos.
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a utilização de práticas de gestão econômica e financei... more RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a utilização de práticas de gestão econômica e financeira por Consórcios Intermunicipais de Saúde (CIS), estabelecidos no Rio Grande do Sul. Os CIS são estruturas de cooperação regional e intergovernamental formados entre municípios para atuar de forma conjunta na área da saúde pública. As práticas de gestão econômica e financeira são vistas como importantes para apoiar o processo decisório visando ao planejamento, execução, controle e avaliação de desempenho das organizações em geral. Trata-se de um estudo qualiquantitativo, de natureza aplicada e descritiva, no qual as percepções dos gestores dos CIS quanto à utilização destas práticas de gestão foram coletadas por meio de instrumento de pesquisa formatado com escalas do tipo Likert e tratados de forma objetiva, com uso de técnicas de estatística descritiva e exploratória. Assim, os CIS foram classificados e agrupados conforme o grau de utilização das práticas de gestão. Os principais achados indicam que o CIS é uma instância de execução e realização e não, propriamente, de formular estratégias para reduzir custos e ampliar e qualificar a oferta do serviço público de atendimento à saúde. Por esta razão, faz uso reduzido das práticas de gestão econômica e financeira. Além disso, a preocupação precípua da gestão dos CIS é voltada para o cumprimento estrito das obrigações legais e normativas para si e para os municípios associados.
This work discusses the usability experiments conducted around a proof-of-concept implementation ... more This work discusses the usability experiments conducted around a proof-of-concept implementation of a novel tablet-based Digital Teaching Platform (DTP). The platform is intended to address specific issues with tablet usage in a classroom setting, and address problems with technology adoption in education, particularly in Brazil. We evaluated the DTP in two separate studies, a Usability experiment in a laboratory setting, and an in-situ experiment in Brazilian classrooms, with the aim of identifying specific problems with the current solution, and identifying usage patterns that better engage students in the classroom. We found that our DTP leads, overall, to a very satisfactory experience. However, any such platform aimed at classroom usage should take special care to address note-taking, and tasks related to collaboration, sharing, and general social aspects of the classroom experience.
One of the great issues in translation theory concerns the level of inferencing allowed to the tr... more One of the great issues in translation theory concerns the level of inferencing allowed to the translator when trying to clarify to the reader of the target text the nuances, conflicts, disturbances and ambiguities that might be present in the source text. On the other hand, the translation critic is interested in identifying, after comparing the original text and the translated text, how much the first was altered, smoothed, explained, interpreted, etc. by the translator and, if possible, which motives lead to these interferences in the source text. The present work, using as illustration one of the most controversial extracts of the translation of the Bible's New Testament (the first verse of the first chapter of St. John's Gospel), tries to identify a field for the application of Sperber and Wilson's Relevance theory, viewing it as a tool that can be used to aid both the translator and the translation critic.
Uma das grandes questões em tradução diz respeito ao nível de interferência permissível ao tradut... more Uma das grandes questões em tradução diz respeito ao nível de interferência permissível ao tradutor ao traduzir um poema. Como o tradutor reproduzirá na nova língua a força particular e peculiar mais os significados tanto interiores como exteriores criados unicamente e exclusivamente pelo escritor original para (e em) uma língua e cultura diferentes? Traduzir um poema não é compor outro poema. Se o tradutor assim o faz, não teremos uma tradução de uma obra que já existe, mas uma nova obra e um novo autor. Será isso o que o leitor de uma tradução estará esperando? Estes são os pontos discutidos neste artigo, utilizando como exemplo um poema grego da série Anacreontea e uma tradução para o português. Finalmente, o que a lexicografia tem a ver com tudo isso? Palavras-chave: poesia grega, tradução de poesia,
Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health
RESUMO Introdução: A qualidade de vida no trabalho tem sido um tema recorrente na literatura, ten... more RESUMO Introdução: A qualidade de vida no trabalho tem sido um tema recorrente na literatura, tendo em vista seu papel de agente motivador para os trabalhadores e promotor de vantagem competitiva para organização. Objetivos: Este estudo pretende avaliar se a expectativa que o cadete da Academia Militar Portuguesa tem sobre o seu futuro influencia a sua saúde e qualidade de vida, em particular a satisfação profissional, a satisfação com a vida e o síndrome de burnout e o stress percebido. Método: Participaram do estudo 424 cadetes da Academia Militar Portuguesa, todos do sexo masculino, sendo 99 (23,3%) do primeiro ano, 105 (24,8%) do segundo ano, 109 (25,7%) do terceiro ano e 111 (26,2%) do quarto ano. Os participantes preencheram as escalas utilizadas para mensuração das variáveis do estudo de forma presencial, coletiva e voluntária. Foram respeitados todos os preceitos éticos para a realização da pesquisa. Resultados: A utilização da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais revelou que a expectativa futura de sucesso profissional e financeiro tem uma influência positiva e significativa sobre a satisfação com a vida e com o trabalho e uma influência negativa significativa sobre o stress percebido e a síndrome de burnout. Conclusão: A expectativa de futuro pode ser considerada como uma variável relevante para explicar a qualidade de vida de cadetes portugueses, ao menos no que se refere aos indicadores satisfação com a vida, satisfação com o trabalho, stress percebido e síndrome de burnout.
2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA)
Recent deep learning techniques have achieved satisfactory results for various image-related prob... more Recent deep learning techniques have achieved satisfactory results for various image-related problems. However, many research questions remain open in tasks involving video sequences. Several applications demand the understanding of complex events in videos, such as traffic monitoring, person re-identification, security and surveillance. In this work, we address the problem of human action recognition in videos through a multi-stream network that incorporates both spatial and temporal information. The main contribution of our work is a stream based on a new variant of the visual rhythm, called Learnable Visual Rhythm (LVR). We employ a deep network to extract features from the video frames in order to generate the rhythm. The features are collected at multiple depths of the network to enable the analysis of different abstraction levels. This strategy significantly outperforms the handcrafted version on the UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets. Experiments conducted on these datasets show that our final multi-stream network achieved competitive results compared to state-of-the-art approaches.
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2020
There are several aspects that may help in the characterization of an action being performed in a... more There are several aspects that may help in the characterization of an action being performed in a video, such as scene appearance and estimated movement of the involved objects. Many works in the literature combine different aspects to recognize the actions, which has shown to be superior than individual results. Just as important as the definition of representative and complementary aspects is the choice of good combination methods that exploit the strengths of each aspect. In this work, we propose a novel fusion strategy based on two fuzzy integral methods. This strategy is capable of generalizing other common operators, besides it allows more combinations to be evaluated by having a distinct impact in sets linearly dependent. Our experiments show that the fuzzy fusion outperforms the most commonly-used weighted average on the challenging UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets.
Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design, 2017
The current paper aims to present the process used for validating a VR game in its two modes: sin... more The current paper aims to present the process used for validating a VR game in its two modes: single and co-op. Through the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, it was possible to map the users’ initial perceptions, points of improvements, and expectations for the information assessment. Ultimately, it was possible to observe that although both single and co-op modes were introduced to participants, the latter created a greater level of engagement and motivation, increasing the participants’ interest.
Two main issues in ancient languages learning concern its main aim and its teaching method. These... more Two main issues in ancient languages learning concern its main aim and its teaching method. These two issues are discussed in this article supported by an analysis of some Greek and Latin textbooks published over the last twenty years. In the middle of the article I introduce the translation issue as an activity that has many merits in the language learning process and I propose that it can be used not only for testing but mainly for ancient language teaching as a valid activity for language practice and improvement. A case study, supported by Aesop’s fable “The cicada and the ant”, is developed as a way to illustrate the most common basic principles outlined in this article.
Este trabalho visa retratar o caso do Museu Historico de Morro Redondo que utiliza seu local fisi... more Este trabalho visa retratar o caso do Museu Historico de Morro Redondo que utiliza seu local fisico como um espaco de transformacao social, utilizando como principal ferramenta o teatro e as benesses que este possibilita na formacao e no desenvolvimento da crianca, considerando-a como um ser que, pensante, age no mundo em que se encontra. Por meiodo projeto de Extensao do curso de Museologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) denominado “Museu Morroredondense: Espaco de Memorias e identidades”, surge o subprojeto “Morro em Cena” que, acontece aos domingos, duas vezes por mes com um grupo de criancas do Colegio Bonfim e envolve voluntarios dos cursos de Psicologia e Museologia. Observa-se que alem dos ganhos notaveis em relacao ao desenvolvimento comportamental para as criancas, como desinibicao, autoestima, as oficinas proporcionam a transmissao de valores humanos mediados pela troca intergeracional. Cada pratica, cada atuacao, e um caminho de construcao simbolica e reciproc...
Advances in Usability, User Experience and Assistive Technology, 2018
Due to the sensation of frustration caused by both technological changes and the lack of knowledg... more Due to the sensation of frustration caused by both technological changes and the lack of knowledge required to interact with new technologies, some confusing experiences with mobile computing systems tends to discourage the use of new interfaces. Therefore, it is necessary to offer products and services that can be fully controlled by users, transforming complex processes into simple and objective interactions. For this, initially a preparation of the case study to define the object to be evaluated, which concluded that an analysis of the use of the search tools of the Android system could meet the requirements of the proposed work. This work has as a premise to create a combination of usability assessment techniques which allowed adding eye tracking data from the users’ experience to the experiments with traditional research methods. At the end of the study, it was possible to evaluate the contribution of each technique applied.
Studies suggest improvements in the employees’ quality of life, as well as costs reduction with h... more Studies suggest improvements in the employees’ quality of life, as well as costs reduction with health and absenteeism, and productivity increase. This article investigates the main characteristics of workplace wellness programs, their prevalence, impact on employees’ health and medical costs, facilitators of their success, and the role of incentives in such programs. Presenting case study results from the use of wearable devices in support of a corporate wellness program, which through a chatbot manual and a simple competition system managed to promote engagement and satisfaction by participants, and signals opportunities for further study Use of these devices as a tool for health promotion within companies.
One of the major problems of fish farming in tanks is the control and frequency of feeding. For a... more One of the major problems of fish farming in tanks is the control and frequency of feeding. For a more accurate data collection for research purposes, correct food distribution control is required. As an alternative to maintain an amount of homogeneous food in fish feed, this work presents a control system of low cost controlled feeding via microcontroller board, taking into account the amount of food and feeding time of the animals. The prototype developed is divided into three parts, an electromechanical part, the electronic part that is the Arduino platform and a small software that intervenes the previous parts.
Here, the authors (i) discuss the most prominent co-catalyst for H 2 generation structured in the... more Here, the authors (i) discuss the most prominent co-catalyst for H 2 generation structured in the form of Me-TiO 2 /MCM-41 (Me: Ag, Co, Cu, Ni) based on structural, electronic, textural, morphological and optical characterization techniques, such as XRD, wide and small angle, XPS, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, B.E.T., textural analysis, photoacoustic spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy; and (ii) evaluate the difference in hydrogen production in two distinct geometric reactors based on a theoretical study of light distribution inside the reactors supported by the experimental quantum yield calculation. As a result, copper-doped photocatalyst generated higher hydrogen amount compared to the others. The high photocatalyst performance was due to the greater lamp spectrum absorption, marked by the low bandgap value, and high photoactivity justified by the low rate of electronic recombination. The hydrogen generation in the quartz reactor was seven times higher than the annular one, and when at maximum light power, it is comparable to the most sophisticated reaction systems found in literature. The larger light exposure area per unit volume of the quartz reactor compared to the annular one is the reason why it obtained better results due to the lower emitted photon blockade, with a 1.81% apparent quantum yield.
Atualmente tem sido defendida a importância de haver por parte das empresas uma atuação voltada p... more Atualmente tem sido defendida a importância de haver por parte das empresas uma atuação voltada para questões que contribuam direta ou indiretamente para a sociedade de uma maneira geral. Taisações têm sido reunidas sob o rótulo de responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC). A lógica do discurso oficial e de alguns autores é que empresas socialmente responsáveis agregam valor a seus produtos, sendo privilegiadas pelos consumidores, o que tem sido questionado por diversos autores. É nesse sentido que no presente estudo o objetivo foi investigar a compreensão que os cidadãos têm a respeito das RSC, a partir da teoria das Representações Sociais. A utilização de tal teoria se justifica tendo em vista o objetivo de investigar a relação entre RSC e comportamento do consumidor. Participaram do estudo 168 indivíduos da cidade de Volta Redonda - RJ com média de idade de 27 anos, variando de 17 a 51 anos, de ambos os sexos. Para análise de dados foi realizada a Análise de Conteúdo das categori...
Zika virus (ZIKV) has been associated with serious health conditions, and an intense search to di... more Zika virus (ZIKV) has been associated with serious health conditions, and an intense search to discover different ways to prevent and treat ZIKV infection is underway. Berberine and emodin possess several pharmacological properties and have been shown to be particularly effective against the entry and replication of several viruses. We show that emodin and berberine trigger a virucidal effect on ZIKV. When the virus was exposed to 160 µM of berberine, a reduction of 77.6% in the infectivity was observed; when emodin was used (40 µM), this reduction was approximately 83.3%. Dynamic light scattering data showed that both compounds significantly reduce the hydrodynamic radius of virus particle in solution. We report here that berberine and emodin, two natural compounds, have strong virucidal effect in Zika virus.
We show as the dynamics for the inflaton, under slow-roll regime, can be treated in a other dynam... more We show as the dynamics for the inflaton, under slow-roll regime, can be treated in a other dynamics, following the deformation procedure. In a direct way we present a relationship between two slow-roll inflationary potentials, and we apply this framework to show how to construct an eternal inflation from chaotic inflation, or even, a natural inflation from hilltop inflation, easily.
Hydraulic pipes and cable bundles attached to host structures are widely found in engineering. Th... more Hydraulic pipes and cable bundles attached to host structures are widely found in engineering. This paper explores how variability in the connection points between structures affects the coupled dynamics. One at a time, two different one-dimensional waveguides are attached to a thin plate through a different set of point connections. Measurements considering randomly spaced connections were made and the experimental results are presented and compared to previously developed models. When multiples attachments are considered, the structure accommodates standing-like waves between the attachments, amplifying its response. It was possible to see the variability due the random spacing and, in a frequency-averaged sense, good agreement between the experimental data and the models were obtained. A comparison of the spatial response of the experiment and the infinite system is also presented.
Os preparados sólidos para refresco já estão perfeitamente integrados ao dia a dia do consumidor ... more Os preparados sólidos para refresco já estão perfeitamente integrados ao dia a dia do consumidor brasileiro, em função da sua facilidade de preparo, rendimento e do preço de mercado, bastante inferior, se comparado às bebidas prontas para o consumo, o que o torna mais acessível economicamente, principalmente para as populações de baixa renda. Dentro deste contexto, neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar à composição físico-química, mineral e o comportamento higroscópico de quatro diferentes marcas de preparado sólido para refresco sabor manga. As isotermas de adsorção foram construídas através do ajuste de dados experimentais aos modelos matemáticos de BET, GAB, Oswim e Henderson. Os resultados físico-químicos da avaliação mostram que os preparados sólidos para refrescos são fontes consideráveis de ácido ascórbico e açúcar redutor e no que se refere à composição mineral são fontes importantes de cálcio, sódio e potássio. Foi também observado que os preparados sólidos das quatro marcas estudadas são produtos muito higroscópicos.
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a utilização de práticas de gestão econômica e financei... more RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a utilização de práticas de gestão econômica e financeira por Consórcios Intermunicipais de Saúde (CIS), estabelecidos no Rio Grande do Sul. Os CIS são estruturas de cooperação regional e intergovernamental formados entre municípios para atuar de forma conjunta na área da saúde pública. As práticas de gestão econômica e financeira são vistas como importantes para apoiar o processo decisório visando ao planejamento, execução, controle e avaliação de desempenho das organizações em geral. Trata-se de um estudo qualiquantitativo, de natureza aplicada e descritiva, no qual as percepções dos gestores dos CIS quanto à utilização destas práticas de gestão foram coletadas por meio de instrumento de pesquisa formatado com escalas do tipo Likert e tratados de forma objetiva, com uso de técnicas de estatística descritiva e exploratória. Assim, os CIS foram classificados e agrupados conforme o grau de utilização das práticas de gestão. Os principais achados indicam que o CIS é uma instância de execução e realização e não, propriamente, de formular estratégias para reduzir custos e ampliar e qualificar a oferta do serviço público de atendimento à saúde. Por esta razão, faz uso reduzido das práticas de gestão econômica e financeira. Além disso, a preocupação precípua da gestão dos CIS é voltada para o cumprimento estrito das obrigações legais e normativas para si e para os municípios associados.
This work discusses the usability experiments conducted around a proof-of-concept implementation ... more This work discusses the usability experiments conducted around a proof-of-concept implementation of a novel tablet-based Digital Teaching Platform (DTP). The platform is intended to address specific issues with tablet usage in a classroom setting, and address problems with technology adoption in education, particularly in Brazil. We evaluated the DTP in two separate studies, a Usability experiment in a laboratory setting, and an in-situ experiment in Brazilian classrooms, with the aim of identifying specific problems with the current solution, and identifying usage patterns that better engage students in the classroom. We found that our DTP leads, overall, to a very satisfactory experience. However, any such platform aimed at classroom usage should take special care to address note-taking, and tasks related to collaboration, sharing, and general social aspects of the classroom experience.
One of the great issues in translation theory concerns the level of inferencing allowed to the tr... more One of the great issues in translation theory concerns the level of inferencing allowed to the translator when trying to clarify to the reader of the target text the nuances, conflicts, disturbances and ambiguities that might be present in the source text. On the other hand, the translation critic is interested in identifying, after comparing the original text and the translated text, how much the first was altered, smoothed, explained, interpreted, etc. by the translator and, if possible, which motives lead to these interferences in the source text. The present work, using as illustration one of the most controversial extracts of the translation of the Bible's New Testament (the first verse of the first chapter of St. John's Gospel), tries to identify a field for the application of Sperber and Wilson's Relevance theory, viewing it as a tool that can be used to aid both the translator and the translation critic.
Uma das grandes questões em tradução diz respeito ao nível de interferência permissível ao tradut... more Uma das grandes questões em tradução diz respeito ao nível de interferência permissível ao tradutor ao traduzir um poema. Como o tradutor reproduzirá na nova língua a força particular e peculiar mais os significados tanto interiores como exteriores criados unicamente e exclusivamente pelo escritor original para (e em) uma língua e cultura diferentes? Traduzir um poema não é compor outro poema. Se o tradutor assim o faz, não teremos uma tradução de uma obra que já existe, mas uma nova obra e um novo autor. Será isso o que o leitor de uma tradução estará esperando? Estes são os pontos discutidos neste artigo, utilizando como exemplo um poema grego da série Anacreontea e uma tradução para o português. Finalmente, o que a lexicografia tem a ver com tudo isso? Palavras-chave: poesia grega, tradução de poesia,
Papers by Marcos Souza