Papers by Marcello Mastrorilli

Agricultural Water Management, 2019
A six-year study was carried out to assess the effects of deficit (DI) and regulated deficit irri... more A six-year study was carried out to assess the effects of deficit (DI) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies on yield and water use efficiency of two hybrids of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L., hybrids Grande and Italo), in a typical semi-arid Mediterranean environment of Southern Italy. The experimental setup consisted of full irrigation (IRR; restoration of 100% of the crop evapotranspiration ET c ), DI (restoration of 50% of ET c from the first fern flush until the end of the growing season) and two RDI (1: no irrigation supply from the first fern flush, crop development stage more sensitive to water stress, until end of the growing season, RDI 1 ; 2: no irrigation supply from the second fern flush until the end of the growing season, RDI 2 ) treatments. The relationships between yield and water regimes in the multi-year dataset were analyzed using linear mixed effect models (LMM) taking into account residual autocorrelation and comparing different variance-covariance structures. Irrigation treatments affected significantly the asparagus productivity. The six-year average yield was highest under IRR treatment (6.4 t ha -1 ) and lowest under RDI 1 treatment (4.4 t ha -1 ). In comparison with IRR treatment, DI reduced ET c by 20% and yield by 13% (6-season average). Six-year average yields were similar in DI and RDI 2 treatments (5.6 and 5.4 t ha -1 , respectively). Asparagus yield varied with hybrid. Italo hybrid showed higher yield performances (5.6 t ha -1 ) respect to Grande (5.3 t ha -1 ). The soil water deficit tolerance, assessed through the "yield response factor" (Ky of the marketable yield), was 0.61 and this value indicates that asparagus is mildly negatively affected by sub-optimal irrigation regimes. On the contrary, irrigation water use efficiency (WUE I ) was clearly affected by the experimental treatment. WUE I was higher (2.8 kg m -3 ) if asparagus experiences the soil water shortage during the first fern flush (RDI 1 ). Operatively, full irrigation maximizes asparagus marketable yield, while reduced irrigation volume (DI or RDI 2 treatments) seems a promising strategy, since it allowed reducing on average the irrigation volume supplies by 34% with asparagus marketable yield loss by 13%.

Acta Horticulturae, 2011
No information seems to be available on the effect of mycorrhizae on reducing the environmental i... more No information seems to be available on the effect of mycorrhizae on reducing the environmental impact of saline-water irrigation. This study investigated 1) the behaviour of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal geranium plants irrigated with saline water; and 2) the influence of the symbiosis on the leachates and the substratum. Mycorrhizal (Glomus deserticola and Glomus intraradices) and non-mycorrhizal plants of Pelargonium × hortorum 'Markab' were grown in pots for three months in a greenhouse and subjected to three irrigation treatments. Each treatment represented an EC salinity level (0.85 dS m -1 , control, C; 3 dS m -1 , medium salinity, MS; 6 dS m -1 , high salinity, HS). The frequency and intensity of mycorrhizal colonization by G. intraradices in geranium roots was greater than colonization by G. deserticola. For increasing salinity levels, ionic uptake in geranium plants (Cl -, Na + and Ca 2+ ) was greater and accordingly, ionic concentrations (Cl -, Na + , Ca 2+ but also K + ) were higher in the leached water. The chemical composition of the substratum was significantly modified by salinity. Mycorrhizae increased leaf area and dry shoot weight and the Cl -, Na + and Ca 2+ concentrations found in mycorrhizal plants were smaller than in non-mycorrhizal plants. A decrease in Cl -and Na + concentration was observed in MS geraniums inoculated with G. deserticola, while G. intraradices reduced Ca 2+ and Cl -in HS plants. In leachates, the impact of salinity was mitigated by mycorrhizae, mainly G. intraradices and in the substratum, G. deserticola reduced Na + concentration in the HS treatment and total limestone in the MS treatment. Based on these results, mycorrhizal inoculation improves the growth of geranium plants under saline conditions and reduces harmful environmental effects caused by salinity. ns *, **, ***, and ns indicate the level of significance at P≤0.05, 0.01, 0.001 and the absence of significance, respectively according to Duncan's multiple range test.
Acta Horticulturae, 2002
International audienc
Symposium on Scheduling of Irrigation for Vegetable Crops under Field Condition, 1990
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 1998
Although canopy resistance to vapour water transport (rc) depends on climatic conditions and crop... more Although canopy resistance to vapour water transport (rc) depends on climatic conditions and crop water status, standard constant daily values are usually used. Thus models using rc to predict evapotranspiration (ET) fail if applied to water stressed crops. On the other hand, in the scientific literature it is possible to find daily rc models dependent on soil moisture, but, in
crop respon se to soil salin ity : review an d proposal of a n ew approach . In : Katerji N. (ed.... more crop respon se to soil salin ity : review an d proposal of a n ew approach . In : Katerji N. (ed.), Hamdy A. (ed.), van Hoorn I.W. (ed.), Mastrorilli M. ( ed.) .

eLS, 2014
ABSTRACT The concept of crop water use efficiency (WUE), determined by the ratio between the mark... more ABSTRACT The concept of crop water use efficiency (WUE), determined by the ratio between the marketable yield and the seasonal values of actual evapotranspiration, has become a suitable tool for analysing the strategies that allow attaining the best use of water in agriculture. Crop WUE is easy to quantify from field measurements, but it is a complex indicator because wide differences can be observed for the WUE values of the same species cultivated under the same site. In this article, the major causes of the large range of WUE values are identified and analysed. The authors demonstrate that the WUE variability can be ascribed mainly to three factors: agro‐techniques (water regime, mineral supply and water quality), crop (species, varieties and sensitivity of the growth stage to the stress) and environment (climate, atmospheric pollution, soil texture and climate change). Understanding and taking into consideration the WUE variability are primary conditions for advanced studies on WUE. The paths for further research and management programmes, allowing to valorise the water in agriculture, can be drawn from the analysis reported here.
Maydica, 1998
... Other subjects, Zea mays; Modelli di simulazione; Resa delle colture; Tolleranza alla salinit... more ... Other subjects, Zea mays; Modelli di simulazione; Resa delle colture; Tolleranza alla salinita'; Stress da siccita ... Abstract (English), In order to verify if salinity stress may be simulated as a water stress ... L'accordo fra i dati era molto buono per la biomassa; per quanto riguarda il LAI, i ...

Trees, 2014
ABSTRACT The poplars (Populus spp.) are the most sensitive plants to water deficit conditions amo... more ABSTRACT The poplars (Populus spp.) are the most sensitive plants to water deficit conditions among the woody species utilized for biomass production for energetic purposes; their productivity is associated with water availability in the soil. In the Mediterranean environment, crops are mainly limited by evapotranspirative demand that is not balanced by rainfall supply. As new hybrids with high growth rates and resistance to water stress are selected, the use of poplar as an energy crop may increase in Southern regions of Mediterranean Europe. The growth dynamics and physiological characteristics of poplar hybrid genotypes have been monitored for two years at a site with a Mediterranean climate, Apulia region, that could be used for energy crops. Unrooted cuttings of three recently selected genotypes of poplar (‘Neva’, ‘Dvina’ and ‘Lena’) and two “traditional” genotypes (‘Luisa Avanzo’ and ‘Bellini’) were planted in the spring of 2010 at two different densities: (a) low plant density = 1667 cuttings ha-1 (LPD); (b) high plant density = 6667 cuttings ha-1 (HPD). The genotypes ‘Lena’ and ‘Dvina’ showed the lowest survival rates and the poorest growth among the hybrid poplar tested. The genotype ‘Bellini’ had low stomatal sensitivity to soil water content and a moderate productive performance. The genotypes ‘Luisa Avanzo’ and ‘Neva’ had a good degree of rooting and sprouting, high values of leaf relative water content (RWCl) and low values of stomatal conductance (gs) during the summer months. In “Neva”, these characteristics were associated with the best yields (4 t ha-1) in HPD.

Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 2011
ABSTRACT This study aims to evaluate the potential effects of the climatic variations on the refe... more ABSTRACT This study aims to evaluate the potential effects of the climatic variations on the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) and, consequently, on the crop water requirements in the Apulian Tavoliere, one of the largest irrigated districts of Southern Italy. To reach this purpose, both climatic parameters (air temperature and rainfall) and estimated water requirements of ‘processing’ tomato (among the most representative irrigated crops in the district since the mid-1970s and, therefore, chosen as a study-case) were analyzed in order to find out if a time trend exists or does not. The analysis covered the period from 1957 to 2008. The analysis showed that the rainfall amounts decreased (−3.4 mm per year in the analyzed period), while air temperature increased (0.18 °C and 0.25−°C per decade for minimum and maximum, respectively). As a consequence of the climatic variation during the considered period, a growth trend of the ET0 (1.4 mm per year) and water deficit (3.2 mm per year) took place. As a consequence, the water amounts for irrigating the same crop in the considered period were growing. This increased consumption is in agreement with the perception of the farmers of the district but never documented. Through the FAO AquaCrop model, the tomato irrigation water requirements have been simulated during the considered period. The trend analysis of the seasonal evapotranspiration values simulated in 52 years confirmed the increase in tomato water requirements (0.7 mm per year).

European Journal of Agronomy, 2009
ABSTRACT The effect of soil texture on water use efficiency (WUE) was analyzed for six crops cult... more ABSTRACT The effect of soil texture on water use efficiency (WUE) was analyzed for six crops cultivated on loam and clay soils. Results were obtained after a long-term study, carried out in a lysimetric set-up, in conditions of experimental neutrality (climate, agro-techniques, and variety were the same for each crop) with the sole exception of the soil texture, which was the variable to be studied.In the case of potato, corn, sunflower, and sugar beet, WUE was reduced significantly when crops were grown in clay soil. The reductions ranged from 22% to 25%. The decrease of WUE in clay soil was coupled with significant reductions in yield and in ET, except in the case of the corn crop. The reduction in WUE in corn depended solely on the yield decrease.A 10% decrease in WUE values was also observed for the soy-bean and tomato grown in clay soil, but it was not statistically significant.Different causes which may reduce the WUE values observed in the clay soil are discussed. It seems coherent to hypothesize that, during the active growing phase, a deficit in water uptake occurs in the plants growing in the clay soil. This hypothesis is consistent with the observations of stomatal conductance, daily evapotranspiration, and leaf surface.In conclusion, the operative development of this study is outlined.
European Journal of Agronomy, 2008
... The sectorial analysis of water use in the Mediterranean region shows that 72% of the availab... more ... The sectorial analysis of water use in the Mediterranean region shows that 72% of the available water is used for agricultural purposes (Hamdy and Lacirignola, 1999). ... Their crops are over-irrigated by 30???49% (Hamdy and Katerji, 2006). ...

European Journal of Agronomy, 2009
The presence of windbreaks is usually considered positive in mitigating the evapotranspiration (E... more The presence of windbreaks is usually considered positive in mitigating the evapotranspiration (ET). For this reason, the windbreak barrier is included among the agro-techniques specific for the dry-farming systems. Objective of the study is to analyze the actual benefits of windbreaks on crop water requirements and yield. The 3-year field study has been carried integrating agronomic and microclimatic approaches. Study concerned durum wheat growing in open field, in a typical Mediterranean environment. A Cupressus arizonica L. windbreak (3 m in height) bordered at North the experimental field. The analysis of the microclimatic observations shows that, when wind blew from the North direction, the windbreak presence influenced the wind speed until the distance 12.7H (H is the windbreak height), and temperature increased in a distance of 4.7H from the barrier. On the basis of the soil water content, continuously measured by TDR technique, evapotranspiration (ET d ) was daily determined and season ET calculated. Windbreaks mitigated ET for a distance of 12.7 times the windbreak height. Out of this area, the ET was 16% higher than the ET measured near the windbreak belt (<4.7H). Yield performances changed accordingly the distance from the windbreak. Within the distance of 18 times the windbreak height, wheat productions were higher than those obtained in the zone not influenced by the windbreaks. Within the protected area, wheat water use efficiency (WUE, calculated as the ratio between yield and seasonal evapotranspiration) attained the maximum value of 1.15; out of the windbreak protection, WUE was 0.70 kg m -3 . Since windbreaks reduce ET, farms of the Mediterranean environments should be re-designed in order to consider the windbreaks as possible issue of sustainability.
Ecological Modelling, 1997
The evapotranspiration of a crop (ET), in every water condition, is modelled starting from the Pe... more The evapotranspiration of a crop (ET), in every water condition, is modelled starting from the Penman-Monteith combination equation. The model is subdivided into two submodels, the first one takes into account the behaviour of the crop subjected to environmental demands (the atmospheric thermodynamic status); whereas the second submodel depends only on available energy (this second factor is the ‘equilibrum evapotranspiration’).
Papers by Marcello Mastrorilli