informa ció n del artí culo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 6 de julio de 2010 Aceptado el 21 ... more informa ció n del artí culo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 6 de julio de 2010 Aceptado el 21 de julio de 2010 On-line el 5 de noviembre de 2010 Palabras clave: Virus del papiloma humano Genotipificació n Hombres r e s u m e n Introducció n: La infecció n del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) es una infecció n de transmisió n sexual que implica a los hombres en la cadena epidemioló gica.
Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia Clinica, 2007
En la lepra, el análisis de segregación en varias poblaciones humanas sugiere una relación de ale... more En la lepra, el análisis de segregación en varias poblaciones humanas sugiere una relación de alelos particulares de los antígenos leucocitarios humanos (HLA) clase II con el desarrollo de las diferentes formas de la enfermedad.Con el objetivo de determinar si algún alelo de las moléculas de HLA clase II en la población de la provincia del Chaco, Argentina, podrían estar comprometidos en el desarrollo de algunas de las formas de lepra multibacilar (MB) y/o paucibacilar (PB), se determinó la frecuencia de los alelos de los loci DR y DQ en pacientes con lepra.Se analizaron 89 muestras de pacientes con lepra (MB 70; PB 19) y 112 controles sanos. Se determinaron los alelos del locus DR y DQ, utilizando amplificación genérica por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) e hibridación reversa con oligonucleótidos específicos (LIPA KEY-INNOGENETICS). Se encontró una disminución en la frecuencia del alelo DQB1*0201/0202/0203 en pacientes con lepra multibacilar y disminución del alelo DRB1*04 en pacientes con lepra paucibacilar respecto a controles, ambos con significación estadística.Según los resultados observados, DQB1*0201/0202/0203 podría ser un alelo de protección en la forma multibacilar de la lepra y el alelo DRB1*04 estaría relacionado con protección en lepra paucibacilar.Pensamos que las diferencias halladas con otras poblaciones caucásicas reportadas por otros autores se deben a que la población chaqueña de origen caucásico tiene una fuerte mezcla con nativos de América del Sur, guaraníes y tobas.Segregation analyses in several populations have suggested a relationship between specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles and the development of different types of leprosy. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of HLA class II DR and DQ alleles among leprosy patients in Chaco province, northeast Argentina, in an effort to determine whether these alleles might be involved in the development of the multibacillary (MB) and paucibacillary (PB) forms of leprosy.Samples from 89 leprosy patients (MB 70, PB 19) and 112 healthy control subjects were analyzed. The HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 alleles were determined by PCR amplification and reverse hybridization with sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes, and analyzed with the INNO-LiPA typing system and LiPA software. DQB1*0201/0202/0203 in patients with MB leprosy and DRB1*04 in patients with PB leprosy were detected at significantly lower frequencies as compared with the normal controls.These data indicate that DQB1* 0201/0202/0203 may be a protective factor in MB leprosy and DRB1*04 in PB leprosy.We attribute the differences between our findings and those of other authors to the fact that the Caucasian inhabitants of Chaco include a considerable mixture of South American natives (Guaraníes and Tobas).
Myoglobin and mitochondrial protein contents were measured spectrophotometrically in the sternoth... more Myoglobin and mitochondrial protein contents were measured spectrophotometrically in the sternothyroid muscle of 8 dogs, first in Denver, at a P<sub>B</sub> of 635 mm Hg, and after a 3-week exposure to a P<sub>B</sub> of 435 mm Hg, using a hypobaric chamber. The PaO ...
The effects of exposure to simulated altitude on skeletal muscle and on the cardiocirculatory sys... more The effects of exposure to simulated altitude on skeletal muscle and on the cardiocirculatory system rhave been studied on awake, conscious, dogs (16-39 kg) at rest and during moderate treadmill exercise at 15% incline. Measurements were obtained in Denver at a PB of 635 mm Hg and after 3 weeks of continuous exposure to a PB of 435 mm Hg using a hypobaric chamber. At both levels of PB the dogs showed marked panting, associated with pulmonary hyperventilation and low PaCO2&#39;s (28 mm Hg at 635 and 17 mm Hg at 435 mm Hg). Resting VO2&#39;s were high (12.4 and 11.4 ml/min-kg) reflecting the high respiratory outputs. [Hb] and Hct increased significantly after 3 weeks at 435 mm Hg with a 4 mm Hg decrease in P50. Q, HR, SV and systemic blood pressures were normal in both normoxic and hypoxic animals, at rest as well as during exercise. Arterial and mixed venous PO2&#39;s decreased in the hypoxic dogs (82 to 56 and 42 to 36 mm Hg, respectively) but arterial O2 content, arterial-venous O2 content difference and systemic O2 transport remained unchanged. Capillary density in the sternothyroid muscle doubled (617 to 1245 cap/mm2) after 3 weeks at a PB of 435, whereas the average muscle fiber diameter decreased about 30%. Calculations indicate that the PO2 in the &#39;lethal corner&#39; of the muscle fiber is relatively higher in the hypoxic animal because of the decrease in fiber size and intercapillary distances.
25 mongrel dogs (average b.w. 24.6 kg) were studied on several occasions at rest and during tread... more 25 mongrel dogs (average b.w. 24.6 kg) were studied on several occasions at rest and during treadmill exercise of up to 10 mph (15% incline). Minute ventilation (VE), oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), tidal volume (VT) and respiratory frequency (f) were determined at rest and at each level of exercise. Individual variability in resting VO2 was considerable (71--695 ml/min). Most often the dogs panted, with VE&#39;s above 25 liters/min and f&#39;s above 100 min-1. The averate VE/VO2 was 109 at rest. VO2 was linearly related to VE (VO2 = 9.17 VE + 66.9; r = 0.80). Differences in resting VE were largely due to differences in f (f = 3.57 VE + 21.2; r = 0.82). Considerable individual variability in VO2 for a given work load was also observed during exercise. Some dogs showed significant differences in VO2 from experiment to experiment while running at a given treadmill speed. These differences were largely related to the levels of VE. VE/VO2 decreased to 50. We found a leveling off of VO2 (at about 60 ml/min/kg) at treadmill speeds of 5 mph, suggesting that the maximal VO2 in dogs is less than previously reported.
European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1984
The present study was designed to test if both the intensity and duration of the 45-rain Square-W... more The present study was designed to test if both the intensity and duration of the 45-rain Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET) would produce changes in serum enzyme activities. Nine men, four sedentary (S) and five athletes (A), performed VO2 max and SWEET, at their Maximal Intensity of Endurance (MIE45) as defined by maximal heart rate and the impossibility of maintaining MIE 45 + 5% for 45 rain. Arterial blood was sampled at rest (R), exercise (Ex) (45th rain) and during recovery (15th rain) for measurements of levels of Haemoglobin (Hb), Haematocrit (Hct), pH and seven serum enzymes: Creatine kinase (CPK), Hexose-phosphate isomerase (PHI), Aldolase (ALD), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), Malate dehydrogenase (MDH), Aspartate amino-transferase (ASAT or GOT), and Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT or GPT). Five enzymes increased significantly during exercise (MIE4.5), the A % (Ex-R/R) increases were as follows: PHI (72%), MDH (28%), LDH (21%), CPK (17%), and GOT (13.5%), whilst only a 10% increase was observed for Hct and Hb and there was no significant change in the arterial pH. There was no correlation between the A% of Hb, Hct, pH, and the results for the enzymes. Thus, it does not seem that haemoconcentration and arterial blood acidosis which occur during exercise are only at the origin of the observed increases in enzymes. A difference between "sedentary" and "athletes" subjects was found at rest and exercise (A% = A -S/S) for CPK (R = 222%; Ex = 235%), GOT (R = 90%; Ex --75%) and ALD (R = 99%; Ex --54%). These results suggest that the MIE45, by measured increases in enzymatic activity, seems to require great muscular effort.
Conflicting data have been reported on “sports anaemia” and anaemia during physical training. Mos... more Conflicting data have been reported on “sports anaemia” and anaemia during physical training. Most of these results are of studies at rest before or after training. The aim of this investigation was to further study the profiles of serum iron (Se Fe) and transferrin (Se Tr), in 14 physically trained men (28±6 years) during an exhaustive interval training session. The 45 min Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET) was performed on a cycle ergometer. To the SWEET base, established as a % of individual \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{{\text{2 max}}} }\) ,a peak of 1 min at \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{{\text{2 max}}} }\) was added every 5 minutes. Arterial blood samples were taken at rest, during the SWEET at the 14th, 15th, 29th, 30th, 44th and 45th minutes, just before and after the peaks, and at the 15th min of recovery. Lactate, acidity [H+], PaCO2, PaO2, Haematocrit (Hct), Haemoglobin (Hb), Se Fe and Se Tr were measured. After the SWEET, weight loss was 0.89±0.15 kg. Lactate and serum iron rose progressively at the base levels and at the peaks, while PaCO2 and bicarbonate fell progressively. Hct, [Hb], serum transferrin and [H+] increased significantly at the 14th min of SWEET and thereafter no change was observed. At the 45th min with respect to the value at rest, Se Fe increased as much as +32%, Se Tr +13% and [Hb] +8%. Haemoconcentration could explain the changes in Se Tr but not the total significant increase in Se, Fe, which moreover is not explained by acidosis [H+]. If serum transferrin was saturated, the transitory iron changes during SWEET would make way for a readily available iron reserve for synthesis of myoglobin, and moreover it is probable that a certain quantity of iron lost in the sweat and in the urine could explain the iron deficiency observed with training programmes.
The influence of work intensity and duration on the white blood cell (WBC), lymphocyte (L) and pl... more The influence of work intensity and duration on the white blood cell (WBC), lymphocyte (L) and platelet (P) count response to exercise was studied in 16 trained subjects (22±5.4 years, \(\bar x\) ±SD). They performed three cyclo-ergospirometric protocols: A) 10 min at 150 W followed by a progressive test (30 W/3 min) till exhaustion; B) constant maximal work ( \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) ); C) a 45 min Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET), (n=5). Arterial blood samples were taken: at rest, submaximal and maximal exercise in A; maximal exercise in B; 15th, 30th and 45th min in the SWEET. Lactate, [H+], PaCO2, PaO2, [Hct], Hb, cortisol, ACTH, total platelet volume (TPV), total blood red cell (RBC), WBC, L and P were measured. At 150 W, WBC, L, P, and TPV increased. \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) did not differ between A and B, but a difference was found in total exercise time (A=25±3 min; B=7±2 min, p \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) , the increase was very small for Hct, [Hb], and RBC (10%), in contrast with large changes for WBC (+93%), L (+137%), P (+32%), TPV (+35%), [H+] (+39%), lactate (+715%), and ACTH (+95%). At \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) there were no differences in these variables between A and B. During the SWEET: WBC, L, P, TPV and ACTH increased at the 15th min as much as in \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) , but no difference was observed between the 15th, 30th and 45th min, except for ACTH which continued to rise; the lactate increase during the SWEET was about half (+341%) the value observed at \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) , and [H+] did not vary with respect to values at rest. The data show that the increase in WBC, L, P, and TPV is small in submaximal exercise but larger at \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) and during the SWEET; high intensity plays a greater role than the total time of exercise in the variation, and haemoconcentration, cortisol and acidosis seem to have little influence.
74 subjects of different ages: normal children, 19 boys (A) and 7 girls (C) aged between 11 and 1... more 74 subjects of different ages: normal children, 19 boys (A) and 7 girls (C) aged between 11 and 15 years; asthmatic boys (n = 7, group B) and girls (n = 7, group D), with similar ages; normal male adult subjects (n = 10, group E) and pulmonary patients with restrictive (n = 8, group G) or obstructive (n = 16, group F) ventilatory impairment, were submitted to measurements of vital capacity (VC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s, (FEV1), maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV), maximal peak expiratory (PEF) and inspiratory (PIF) flows at rest, and two maximal exercise stress tests in which the ventilation at maximal exercise (MEV) were retained. Indirect MVV was obtained by multiplying the FEV1 by 35 and 37.5. The correlation coefficients between MVV and VC, FEV1, PEF and PIF were always as high as r greater than 0.76. (p less than 0.001), with a discrepancy between the calculated and measured MVV. The average ratio MVV/FEV1 always exceeds 39 and is much higher in groups B, C and G. The mean percent values of the ratio MEV/MVV were 0.63 in normal men and 0.74 in normal boys. In patients, this ratio is higher than in adult normals: F = 0.81 and G = 0.88, and is not due to methodological errors, but seems to correspond to several physiological features playing only a role during exercise (MEV). This work shows the difficulty in predicting correctly the MVV at rest and in assessing the ventilatory reserve during maximal exercise in chronic pulmonary patients.
Oxygen consumption (VO2) was studied during two maximal exercise tests (MET) performed on a cycle... more Oxygen consumption (VO2) was studied during two maximal exercise tests (MET) performed on a cycle ergometer: one progressive (P-MET), the other constant (C-MET) in 6 normal men and in 21 male outpatients with chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD) from 34 to 64 years old. All of them were working. Clinical, spirographic (VC, FEV1) and cardiorespiratory parameters (VE, VO2, VCO2, f and RR) were measured. Arterial lactate was measured in the P-MET. In all patients the FEV1/VC ratio was lower than 60%. No adverse clinical effects were observed in both MET. In 19% of patients (n = 4) the VO2 was lower in the P-MET by about 20% than that observed in the C-MET. The execution of a second P-MET in these 4 patients showed values superimposed on those obtained with C-MET. Although the range of interindividual variability was considerable (VO2 0.95-2.5 l X min-1, and VE from 24 to 104 l X min-1), the comparison between the two MET showed a high correlation for VO2 (r = 0.989), VE (r = 0.969) and HR (r = 0.983) on the two occasions. A &#39;leveling off&#39; of VO2 was observed in 15 patients in the P-MET. In 81% of patients VO2 max was obtained by the criteria of maximal HR (220 - age), respiratory quotient greater than 1.0, and arterial lactate greater than 8 mEq X l-1. In patients in which these criteria were not met only the reproducibility of the VO2 obtained in both the P-MET and the C-MET indicated that the maximal VO2 for these 4 patients had been reached.
15 patients with chronic airway obstruction were submitted to a program of pulmonary rehabilitati... more 15 patients with chronic airway obstruction were submitted to a program of pulmonary rehabilitation. After having been studied first with clinical, radiological and functional tests (spirometry, spontaneous breathing and arterial blood gases), they were treated in the respiratory ambulance care unit for about 4 weeks. Subsequently they were hospitalized. On entering the hospital, the same tests were performed and were
A new 45 min Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET) performed on a cycle ergometer and desig... more A new 45 min Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET) performed on a cycle ergometer and designed for endurance training was studied in 43 normal subjects: Untrained (U), twelve women and seven men and Trained (T), eight women and 16 men. Among them seven were elite sportsmen (E). Preliminary measurements were made of \(\dot V\operatorname{O} _2 \) max by constant power and Maximal Tolerated Power (MTP) in a progressive test (+30 W/3 min). To the SWEET's base, established as a % of individual MTP, a peak of 1 min at MTP was added every 5 minutes. Maximum Intensity of Endurance during the SWEET (MIE45) is defined by both maximal heart rate (HR) at the end of the test and the impossibility of maintaining 5% above the percent MTP of the MIE45 for 45 min. Exhaustion was reached at the end of the MIE45, which could be expressed as % MTP, as total energy expenditure (TEE) in liters of O2, or as total mechanical work (TMW) in kiloJoules per kg of weight (kJ·kg−1). \(\dot V_E\) , \(\dot V{\text{CO}}_2\) , \(\dot V\operatorname{O} _2 \) and HR were continuously measured. \(\dot V\operatorname{O} _2 \) max, TMW and % MTP were significantly higher in T than in U subjects. The E subjects show the highest values of those parameters. TMW and TEE were well correlated (r=0.992, pn=43) indicating good efficiency. TMW in T (r=0.453) and in E men (r=0.442) were however less well correlated to the \(\dot V\operatorname{O} _2 \) max. MIE45 therefore gives different information in the evaluation of “endurance capacity” at the time of measurement than that provided by \(\dot V\operatorname{O} _2 \) max. Because of the high TEE per session it could be useful for endurance training of T and U subjects.
Primer Semestre 2012 Profesor: Luis Vega A Clasificación de acuerdo a su aplicación Intercambiado... more Primer Semestre 2012 Profesor: Luis Vega A Clasificación de acuerdo a su aplicación Intercambiador de Calor: Realiza la función doble de calentar y enfriar dos fluidos.
informa ció n del artí culo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 6 de julio de 2010 Aceptado el 21 ... more informa ció n del artí culo Historia del artículo: Recibido el 6 de julio de 2010 Aceptado el 21 de julio de 2010 On-line el 5 de noviembre de 2010 Palabras clave: Virus del papiloma humano Genotipificació n Hombres r e s u m e n Introducció n: La infecció n del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) es una infecció n de transmisió n sexual que implica a los hombres en la cadena epidemioló gica.
Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia Clinica, 2007
En la lepra, el análisis de segregación en varias poblaciones humanas sugiere una relación de ale... more En la lepra, el análisis de segregación en varias poblaciones humanas sugiere una relación de alelos particulares de los antígenos leucocitarios humanos (HLA) clase II con el desarrollo de las diferentes formas de la enfermedad.Con el objetivo de determinar si algún alelo de las moléculas de HLA clase II en la población de la provincia del Chaco, Argentina, podrían estar comprometidos en el desarrollo de algunas de las formas de lepra multibacilar (MB) y/o paucibacilar (PB), se determinó la frecuencia de los alelos de los loci DR y DQ en pacientes con lepra.Se analizaron 89 muestras de pacientes con lepra (MB 70; PB 19) y 112 controles sanos. Se determinaron los alelos del locus DR y DQ, utilizando amplificación genérica por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) e hibridación reversa con oligonucleótidos específicos (LIPA KEY-INNOGENETICS). Se encontró una disminución en la frecuencia del alelo DQB1*0201/0202/0203 en pacientes con lepra multibacilar y disminución del alelo DRB1*04 en pacientes con lepra paucibacilar respecto a controles, ambos con significación estadística.Según los resultados observados, DQB1*0201/0202/0203 podría ser un alelo de protección en la forma multibacilar de la lepra y el alelo DRB1*04 estaría relacionado con protección en lepra paucibacilar.Pensamos que las diferencias halladas con otras poblaciones caucásicas reportadas por otros autores se deben a que la población chaqueña de origen caucásico tiene una fuerte mezcla con nativos de América del Sur, guaraníes y tobas.Segregation analyses in several populations have suggested a relationship between specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles and the development of different types of leprosy. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of HLA class II DR and DQ alleles among leprosy patients in Chaco province, northeast Argentina, in an effort to determine whether these alleles might be involved in the development of the multibacillary (MB) and paucibacillary (PB) forms of leprosy.Samples from 89 leprosy patients (MB 70, PB 19) and 112 healthy control subjects were analyzed. The HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 alleles were determined by PCR amplification and reverse hybridization with sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes, and analyzed with the INNO-LiPA typing system and LiPA software. DQB1*0201/0202/0203 in patients with MB leprosy and DRB1*04 in patients with PB leprosy were detected at significantly lower frequencies as compared with the normal controls.These data indicate that DQB1* 0201/0202/0203 may be a protective factor in MB leprosy and DRB1*04 in PB leprosy.We attribute the differences between our findings and those of other authors to the fact that the Caucasian inhabitants of Chaco include a considerable mixture of South American natives (Guaraníes and Tobas).
Myoglobin and mitochondrial protein contents were measured spectrophotometrically in the sternoth... more Myoglobin and mitochondrial protein contents were measured spectrophotometrically in the sternothyroid muscle of 8 dogs, first in Denver, at a P<sub>B</sub> of 635 mm Hg, and after a 3-week exposure to a P<sub>B</sub> of 435 mm Hg, using a hypobaric chamber. The PaO ...
The effects of exposure to simulated altitude on skeletal muscle and on the cardiocirculatory sys... more The effects of exposure to simulated altitude on skeletal muscle and on the cardiocirculatory system rhave been studied on awake, conscious, dogs (16-39 kg) at rest and during moderate treadmill exercise at 15% incline. Measurements were obtained in Denver at a PB of 635 mm Hg and after 3 weeks of continuous exposure to a PB of 435 mm Hg using a hypobaric chamber. At both levels of PB the dogs showed marked panting, associated with pulmonary hyperventilation and low PaCO2&#39;s (28 mm Hg at 635 and 17 mm Hg at 435 mm Hg). Resting VO2&#39;s were high (12.4 and 11.4 ml/min-kg) reflecting the high respiratory outputs. [Hb] and Hct increased significantly after 3 weeks at 435 mm Hg with a 4 mm Hg decrease in P50. Q, HR, SV and systemic blood pressures were normal in both normoxic and hypoxic animals, at rest as well as during exercise. Arterial and mixed venous PO2&#39;s decreased in the hypoxic dogs (82 to 56 and 42 to 36 mm Hg, respectively) but arterial O2 content, arterial-venous O2 content difference and systemic O2 transport remained unchanged. Capillary density in the sternothyroid muscle doubled (617 to 1245 cap/mm2) after 3 weeks at a PB of 435, whereas the average muscle fiber diameter decreased about 30%. Calculations indicate that the PO2 in the &#39;lethal corner&#39; of the muscle fiber is relatively higher in the hypoxic animal because of the decrease in fiber size and intercapillary distances.
25 mongrel dogs (average b.w. 24.6 kg) were studied on several occasions at rest and during tread... more 25 mongrel dogs (average b.w. 24.6 kg) were studied on several occasions at rest and during treadmill exercise of up to 10 mph (15% incline). Minute ventilation (VE), oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), tidal volume (VT) and respiratory frequency (f) were determined at rest and at each level of exercise. Individual variability in resting VO2 was considerable (71--695 ml/min). Most often the dogs panted, with VE&#39;s above 25 liters/min and f&#39;s above 100 min-1. The averate VE/VO2 was 109 at rest. VO2 was linearly related to VE (VO2 = 9.17 VE + 66.9; r = 0.80). Differences in resting VE were largely due to differences in f (f = 3.57 VE + 21.2; r = 0.82). Considerable individual variability in VO2 for a given work load was also observed during exercise. Some dogs showed significant differences in VO2 from experiment to experiment while running at a given treadmill speed. These differences were largely related to the levels of VE. VE/VO2 decreased to 50. We found a leveling off of VO2 (at about 60 ml/min/kg) at treadmill speeds of 5 mph, suggesting that the maximal VO2 in dogs is less than previously reported.
European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1984
The present study was designed to test if both the intensity and duration of the 45-rain Square-W... more The present study was designed to test if both the intensity and duration of the 45-rain Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET) would produce changes in serum enzyme activities. Nine men, four sedentary (S) and five athletes (A), performed VO2 max and SWEET, at their Maximal Intensity of Endurance (MIE45) as defined by maximal heart rate and the impossibility of maintaining MIE 45 + 5% for 45 rain. Arterial blood was sampled at rest (R), exercise (Ex) (45th rain) and during recovery (15th rain) for measurements of levels of Haemoglobin (Hb), Haematocrit (Hct), pH and seven serum enzymes: Creatine kinase (CPK), Hexose-phosphate isomerase (PHI), Aldolase (ALD), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), Malate dehydrogenase (MDH), Aspartate amino-transferase (ASAT or GOT), and Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT or GPT). Five enzymes increased significantly during exercise (MIE4.5), the A % (Ex-R/R) increases were as follows: PHI (72%), MDH (28%), LDH (21%), CPK (17%), and GOT (13.5%), whilst only a 10% increase was observed for Hct and Hb and there was no significant change in the arterial pH. There was no correlation between the A% of Hb, Hct, pH, and the results for the enzymes. Thus, it does not seem that haemoconcentration and arterial blood acidosis which occur during exercise are only at the origin of the observed increases in enzymes. A difference between "sedentary" and "athletes" subjects was found at rest and exercise (A% = A -S/S) for CPK (R = 222%; Ex = 235%), GOT (R = 90%; Ex --75%) and ALD (R = 99%; Ex --54%). These results suggest that the MIE45, by measured increases in enzymatic activity, seems to require great muscular effort.
Conflicting data have been reported on “sports anaemia” and anaemia during physical training. Mos... more Conflicting data have been reported on “sports anaemia” and anaemia during physical training. Most of these results are of studies at rest before or after training. The aim of this investigation was to further study the profiles of serum iron (Se Fe) and transferrin (Se Tr), in 14 physically trained men (28±6 years) during an exhaustive interval training session. The 45 min Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET) was performed on a cycle ergometer. To the SWEET base, established as a % of individual \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{{\text{2 max}}} }\) ,a peak of 1 min at \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{{\text{2 max}}} }\) was added every 5 minutes. Arterial blood samples were taken at rest, during the SWEET at the 14th, 15th, 29th, 30th, 44th and 45th minutes, just before and after the peaks, and at the 15th min of recovery. Lactate, acidity [H+], PaCO2, PaO2, Haematocrit (Hct), Haemoglobin (Hb), Se Fe and Se Tr were measured. After the SWEET, weight loss was 0.89±0.15 kg. Lactate and serum iron rose progressively at the base levels and at the peaks, while PaCO2 and bicarbonate fell progressively. Hct, [Hb], serum transferrin and [H+] increased significantly at the 14th min of SWEET and thereafter no change was observed. At the 45th min with respect to the value at rest, Se Fe increased as much as +32%, Se Tr +13% and [Hb] +8%. Haemoconcentration could explain the changes in Se Tr but not the total significant increase in Se, Fe, which moreover is not explained by acidosis [H+]. If serum transferrin was saturated, the transitory iron changes during SWEET would make way for a readily available iron reserve for synthesis of myoglobin, and moreover it is probable that a certain quantity of iron lost in the sweat and in the urine could explain the iron deficiency observed with training programmes.
The influence of work intensity and duration on the white blood cell (WBC), lymphocyte (L) and pl... more The influence of work intensity and duration on the white blood cell (WBC), lymphocyte (L) and platelet (P) count response to exercise was studied in 16 trained subjects (22±5.4 years, \(\bar x\) ±SD). They performed three cyclo-ergospirometric protocols: A) 10 min at 150 W followed by a progressive test (30 W/3 min) till exhaustion; B) constant maximal work ( \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) ); C) a 45 min Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET), (n=5). Arterial blood samples were taken: at rest, submaximal and maximal exercise in A; maximal exercise in B; 15th, 30th and 45th min in the SWEET. Lactate, [H+], PaCO2, PaO2, [Hct], Hb, cortisol, ACTH, total platelet volume (TPV), total blood red cell (RBC), WBC, L and P were measured. At 150 W, WBC, L, P, and TPV increased. \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) did not differ between A and B, but a difference was found in total exercise time (A=25±3 min; B=7±2 min, p \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) , the increase was very small for Hct, [Hb], and RBC (10%), in contrast with large changes for WBC (+93%), L (+137%), P (+32%), TPV (+35%), [H+] (+39%), lactate (+715%), and ACTH (+95%). At \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) there were no differences in these variables between A and B. During the SWEET: WBC, L, P, TPV and ACTH increased at the 15th min as much as in \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) , but no difference was observed between the 15th, 30th and 45th min, except for ACTH which continued to rise; the lactate increase during the SWEET was about half (+341%) the value observed at \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) , and [H+] did not vary with respect to values at rest. The data show that the increase in WBC, L, P, and TPV is small in submaximal exercise but larger at \(\dot V_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{max}}}\) and during the SWEET; high intensity plays a greater role than the total time of exercise in the variation, and haemoconcentration, cortisol and acidosis seem to have little influence.
74 subjects of different ages: normal children, 19 boys (A) and 7 girls (C) aged between 11 and 1... more 74 subjects of different ages: normal children, 19 boys (A) and 7 girls (C) aged between 11 and 15 years; asthmatic boys (n = 7, group B) and girls (n = 7, group D), with similar ages; normal male adult subjects (n = 10, group E) and pulmonary patients with restrictive (n = 8, group G) or obstructive (n = 16, group F) ventilatory impairment, were submitted to measurements of vital capacity (VC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s, (FEV1), maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV), maximal peak expiratory (PEF) and inspiratory (PIF) flows at rest, and two maximal exercise stress tests in which the ventilation at maximal exercise (MEV) were retained. Indirect MVV was obtained by multiplying the FEV1 by 35 and 37.5. The correlation coefficients between MVV and VC, FEV1, PEF and PIF were always as high as r greater than 0.76. (p less than 0.001), with a discrepancy between the calculated and measured MVV. The average ratio MVV/FEV1 always exceeds 39 and is much higher in groups B, C and G. The mean percent values of the ratio MEV/MVV were 0.63 in normal men and 0.74 in normal boys. In patients, this ratio is higher than in adult normals: F = 0.81 and G = 0.88, and is not due to methodological errors, but seems to correspond to several physiological features playing only a role during exercise (MEV). This work shows the difficulty in predicting correctly the MVV at rest and in assessing the ventilatory reserve during maximal exercise in chronic pulmonary patients.
Oxygen consumption (VO2) was studied during two maximal exercise tests (MET) performed on a cycle... more Oxygen consumption (VO2) was studied during two maximal exercise tests (MET) performed on a cycle ergometer: one progressive (P-MET), the other constant (C-MET) in 6 normal men and in 21 male outpatients with chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD) from 34 to 64 years old. All of them were working. Clinical, spirographic (VC, FEV1) and cardiorespiratory parameters (VE, VO2, VCO2, f and RR) were measured. Arterial lactate was measured in the P-MET. In all patients the FEV1/VC ratio was lower than 60%. No adverse clinical effects were observed in both MET. In 19% of patients (n = 4) the VO2 was lower in the P-MET by about 20% than that observed in the C-MET. The execution of a second P-MET in these 4 patients showed values superimposed on those obtained with C-MET. Although the range of interindividual variability was considerable (VO2 0.95-2.5 l X min-1, and VE from 24 to 104 l X min-1), the comparison between the two MET showed a high correlation for VO2 (r = 0.989), VE (r = 0.969) and HR (r = 0.983) on the two occasions. A &#39;leveling off&#39; of VO2 was observed in 15 patients in the P-MET. In 81% of patients VO2 max was obtained by the criteria of maximal HR (220 - age), respiratory quotient greater than 1.0, and arterial lactate greater than 8 mEq X l-1. In patients in which these criteria were not met only the reproducibility of the VO2 obtained in both the P-MET and the C-MET indicated that the maximal VO2 for these 4 patients had been reached.
15 patients with chronic airway obstruction were submitted to a program of pulmonary rehabilitati... more 15 patients with chronic airway obstruction were submitted to a program of pulmonary rehabilitation. After having been studied first with clinical, radiological and functional tests (spirometry, spontaneous breathing and arterial blood gases), they were treated in the respiratory ambulance care unit for about 4 weeks. Subsequently they were hospitalized. On entering the hospital, the same tests were performed and were
A new 45 min Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET) performed on a cycle ergometer and desig... more A new 45 min Square-Wave Endurance Exercise Test (SWEET) performed on a cycle ergometer and designed for endurance training was studied in 43 normal subjects: Untrained (U), twelve women and seven men and Trained (T), eight women and 16 men. Among them seven were elite sportsmen (E). Preliminary measurements were made of \(\dot V\operatorname{O} _2 \) max by constant power and Maximal Tolerated Power (MTP) in a progressive test (+30 W/3 min). To the SWEET's base, established as a % of individual MTP, a peak of 1 min at MTP was added every 5 minutes. Maximum Intensity of Endurance during the SWEET (MIE45) is defined by both maximal heart rate (HR) at the end of the test and the impossibility of maintaining 5% above the percent MTP of the MIE45 for 45 min. Exhaustion was reached at the end of the MIE45, which could be expressed as % MTP, as total energy expenditure (TEE) in liters of O2, or as total mechanical work (TMW) in kiloJoules per kg of weight (kJ·kg−1). \(\dot V_E\) , \(\dot V{\text{CO}}_2\) , \(\dot V\operatorname{O} _2 \) and HR were continuously measured. \(\dot V\operatorname{O} _2 \) max, TMW and % MTP were significantly higher in T than in U subjects. The E subjects show the highest values of those parameters. TMW and TEE were well correlated (r=0.992, pn=43) indicating good efficiency. TMW in T (r=0.453) and in E men (r=0.442) were however less well correlated to the \(\dot V\operatorname{O} _2 \) max. MIE45 therefore gives different information in the evaluation of “endurance capacity” at the time of measurement than that provided by \(\dot V\operatorname{O} _2 \) max. Because of the high TEE per session it could be useful for endurance training of T and U subjects.
Primer Semestre 2012 Profesor: Luis Vega A Clasificación de acuerdo a su aplicación Intercambiado... more Primer Semestre 2012 Profesor: Luis Vega A Clasificación de acuerdo a su aplicación Intercambiador de Calor: Realiza la función doble de calentar y enfriar dos fluidos.
Papers by Manuel Giménez