Papers by Malika Trabelsi-Ayadi
![Research paper thumbnail of Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Thermal Decomposition of [HGdP2O7 · 2 H2O] · NH3 Electric properties of HGdP2O7 and Gd2P4O13](
Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon and The Related Elements, Jan 9, 2019
Abstract A new gadolinium diphosphate [HGdP2O7 · 2 H2O] · NH3 was synthesized via a soft chemistr... more Abstract A new gadolinium diphosphate [HGdP2O7 · 2 H2O] · NH3 was synthesized via a soft chemistry route from evaporation of aqueous solution. It crystallizes in the space group Pī with Z = 2 and the following unit cell dimensions: a = 6.4609(2), b = 6.9810(2), c = 9.813(4) Ǻ, α = 81.345(3), β = 80.547(3), γ = 88.430(3)°. IR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of P-OH group, and both ammonia and water molecule in the studied material. The thermal decomposition of [HGdP2O7 · 2 H2O] · NH3, as investigated by Controlled Rate Thermal Analysis, took place in three stages between -23 and 600 °C leading to the anhydrous salt HGdP2O7. The calcination of the synthesized product at 850 °C in a static air furnace allowed us to obtain the tetraphosphate Gd2P4O13. X-ray powder diffraction and infrared spectroscopy were used to identify these materials. The electrical properties of HGdP2O7 and Gd2P4O13 were investigated through impedance complex analysis. Modest conductivity has been observed in both materials at relatively medium temperature range. Activation energies of 0.62 and 1.21 eV, were deduced from the Arrhenius plots for HGdP2O7 and Gd2P4O13, respectively. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT
Materials Science: An Indian Journal, 2013
The evaporation of a Tunisian brine sample involving the system Na + , K + , Mg 2+ / Cl-SO 4 2-H ... more The evaporation of a Tunisian brine sample involving the system Na + , K + , Mg 2+ / Cl-SO 4 2-H 2 O was studied under atmospheric pressure and at temperature room equal to 298 K. The selective densities of precipitation of halite (NaCl) and the co-precipitation of halite and sylvinite (KCl), and the co-precipitation of halite sylvinite and epsomite (MgSO 4 .7H 2 O), were determined. The sequence of crystallization determined experimentally has been compared with the theoretically sequence.

Journal de physique, Dec 1, 2004
Single crystals of Ba 1-x Yb x TiO 3 and Ba 1-x Sr x TiO 3 with tetragonal structure were grown b... more Single crystals of Ba 1-x Yb x TiO 3 and Ba 1-x Sr x TiO 3 with tetragonal structure were grown by the floating zone (FZ) method using an LHPG (Laser Heated Pedestal Growth) technique. The grown crystals, typically 1 mm in diameter and 8 mm in length, were yellowish transparent. Substitution of more than 2.5 at % Sr for Ba in BaTiO 3 and addition of 3 to 5 at % Ln (Ln= Yb, Eu), were effective in preventing the formation of the hexagonal phase. The Eu 3+ emission spectra recorded at room temperature demonstrate a significant intensity enhancement of the 5 D 0 → 7 F 1 magnetic dipolar transition compared to the 5 D 0 → 7 F 2 electric dipolar transition. Résumé. Les fibres monocristallines de Ba 1-x Yb x TiO 3 et Ba 1-x Sr x TiO 3 de structure quadratique ont été préparées par la méthode de la zone flottante (FZ) en utilisant la technique LHPG (Laser Heated Pedestal Growth). Les échantillons élaborés, de dimensions 1mm x 8 mm, sont jaunâtres et transparentes. La substitution du baryum par plus de 2,5 mol% de Sr dans BaTiO 3 et le dopage de 3 à 5 mol% de Ln (Ln = Yb, Eu) évitent la formation de la phase hexagonale. Le spectre d'émission de Eu 3+ enregistré à température ambiante montre le changement de structure traduit par la forte intensité de la transition dipolaire magnétique 5 D 0 → 7 F 1 comparée à celle de la transition dipolaire électrique 5 D 0 → 7 F 2 .
Materials Research Bulletin, Feb 1, 2003
The LiPO 3 ±Y(PO 3) 3 system has been studied for the ®rst time. Microdifferential thermal analys... more The LiPO 3 ±Y(PO 3) 3 system has been studied for the ®rst time. Microdifferential thermal analysis (m-DTA), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and X-ray diffraction were used to investigate the liquidus and solidus relations. The only new compound observed within this system is LiY(PO 3) 4 , melting incongruently at 1104 K. An eutectic appears at 4 AE 1 mol% Y(PO 3) 3 at 933 K. LiY(PO 3) 4 crystallizes in the monoclinic system C 2/c with a unit cell:
Materials Research Bulletin, Jul 1, 2000
Single crystals of KSmP 4 O 12 have been synthesized by a flux method. A single-crystal X-ray dif... more Single crystals of KSmP 4 O 12 have been synthesized by a flux method. A single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis characterized this structure as monoclinic with space group C2/c (No. 15) and parameters a ϭ 7.861(1), b ϭ 12.415(2), c ϭ 10.569(3) Å,  ϭ 110.78(1)°, Z ϭ 4, V ϭ 964.4(4) Å 3 , and D x ϭ 3.48 g⅐cm Ϫ3. A full-matrix least-squares refinement gave R ϭ 0.0285 for 1809 independent reflections. The atomic arrangement of the title compound can be described as a succession of layers extending along the [010] direction. P 4 O 12 anions are centered by the planes z ϭ 0 and z ϭ 1/2, whereas chains made by K ϩ and Sm 3ϩ cations are centered by the planes z ϭ 1/4 and z ϭ 3/4. Samarium and potassium are surrounded by eight and six oxygen atoms, respectively.
ChemInform, Nov 25, 2008
ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was e... more ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.
Solid State Sciences, Jun 1, 2002
Synthesis, IR absorption and single crystal structure are reported for a new diphosphate HSmP 2 O... more Synthesis, IR absorption and single crystal structure are reported for a new diphosphate HSmP 2 O 7 .4H 2 O. This salt crystallizes in a monoclinic cell, space group P2 1 /n with: a = 6.635(2), b = 11.529(4), c = 11.7581(9) Å, β = 92.02(2) • ; Z = 4. The crystal structure was refined to R = 0.0174 using 2918 reflections with I > 2σ (I). Crystal structure of HSmP 2 O 7 .4H 2 O is built up by corrugated layers of HP 2 O 3− 7 anions parallel to the (1 0 1) plane. Inside a layer the diphosphate anions are interconnected by water molecules as to form a chain parallel to the b direction. The cohesion between the layers is provided by water molecules and SmO 8 dodecahedra. 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2008
International audienc

Environmental Science: an Indian journal, 2011
The ability of local clay fromJebelKebir (north of Tunisia) to remove heavy metal ions fromwastew... more The ability of local clay fromJebelKebir (north of Tunisia) to remove heavy metal ions fromwastewater was tested. The original claywas characterized using several techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electronmicroscopy (TEM) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The cation exchange capacities (CEC) as well as the specific surface area (SSA) were determined using the adsorption isotherm obtained with methylene bleu in aqueous solution. Chemical compositions were determined by the inductively coupled plasma technique (ICP). The results showthat thematerial is a smectite with a small proportion of kaolinite. The CEC and SSAvalues for the rawclay sample (JKb) are respectively 25meq /100 g, 206m2 /g of fired clay; and 50 meq /100 g and 403 m2/g of fired clay for Na-purified clay. During the removal process, batch technique is used, and the effects of heavy metal concentration and agitation time on adsorption efficiency are studied. The adsorption mechanism of Cr (III) and Fe (III) ions onto adsorbentswas evaluated in terms of kinetics and equilibrium. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms are applied in order to determine the efficiency of raw and Na-purified clay used as an adsorbent. In all cases results show that both Fe (III) and Cr (III) adsorption isotherms have a positive retention. In addition, it is concluded that natural clay can be used as an effective adsorbent for removing Fe (III) and Cr (III) fromwastewater.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2007
Clay Minerals, Sep 1, 2002
AB ST R ACT : Three raw samples of Fe-rich smectites from Gafsa (Jebels Shemsi and Hammadi, Tunis... more AB ST R ACT : Three raw samples of Fe-rich smectites from Gafsa (Jebels Shemsi and Hammadi, Tunisia) have been characterized by different techniques which indicate that they contain (15À20%) illite, probably interstratified and to a lesser extent they also contain kaolinite, calcite, quartz and Fe oxides. These samples present a relatively high Fe content (~9%) in the <2 mm fraction. From EPR and Mössbauer spectroscopy it is deduced that Fe is mainly present as Fe(III) in the octahedral environment of smectites and also in Fe-oxyhydroxides associated with the clays. Aluminiumpillared clays have been prepared from the Na +-purified samples, and their thermal stability and acidity have been studied.
Thermochimica Acta, Apr 1, 2005
A kinetic study of the transformation of HGdP 2 O 7 .1.5H 2 O into HGdP 2 O 7 .0.5H 2 O has been ... more A kinetic study of the transformation of HGdP 2 O 7 .1.5H 2 O into HGdP 2 O 7 .0.5H 2 O has been achieved by means of isothermal thermogravimetry experiments under controlled water vapour pressure. This pressure was found to have an accelerating effect upon the rate of reaction. The kinetic curves giving the extent of reaction versus time can be described using a Mampel's model. Via this modeling, values of surfacic growth rate and frequency of nucleation have been determined.

Acta Chromatographica, Jun 1, 2019
An accurate, sensitive, and reproducible high-performance liquid chromatographic method with diod... more An accurate, sensitive, and reproducible high-performance liquid chromatographic method with diode array detection has been developed for simultaneous determination of erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin residues in fish muscles. Analysis was carried out using a Shodex Asahipak high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) column, monitoring was at 210 nm and a mobile phase consisting of a mixture of acetonitrile and phosphate buffer (pH 11 ± 0.05) in the ratio of 60:40 (v/v). Solid-phase extraction method was used in samples extraction and purification. Recoveries were in the range 72.0-92.2% with relative standard deviation (RSD) from 2.3% to 8.3%. This method was validated for fish muscles in aquaculture following the commission decision 2002/657/EC criteria. It is demonstrated that the new method is robust for detection and quantification of the three macrolides residues. Decision limit (CCα) was from 214 to 228 μg/kg and capacity of detection (CCβ) was from 228 to 256 μg/kg.

Acta Crystallographica Section A, Aug 23, 2005
Two kinds of superstructures of wollastonite whose compositions were Ca(Ge0.55, Si0.45)O3 and Ca(... more Two kinds of superstructures of wollastonite whose compositions were Ca(Ge0.55, Si0.45)O3 and Ca(Ge0.65, Si0.35)O3 were synthesized. The former is called 0.55Wo and the latter 0.65Wo in this abstract. The lattice constants of 0.55Wo and 0.65Wo are: (angstrom, degree) a=2X8.016(4), 2X8.038(5), b=7.421(1), 7.451(1), c=7.157(2), 7.194(1), alpha=90.08(2), 89.93(1), beta=94.86(2), 94.85(2), gamma=103.44(2), 103.34(1), respectively. Though both of them are twice as large as the basic structure of wollastonite, those structures are different. Basically, 0.55Wo has the two units of the basic-wollastonite along a-axis and has no other partial structures in it. The largest difference between the basic wollastonite and 0.55Wo is the fact that the basic wollastonite has an inversion center but 0.55Wo has not it. Therefore, the basic wollastonite includes only 15 independent atoms but 0.55Wo includes the 60 atoms in the unite cell. The final R-value was 6% after the structure refinement of 0.55Wo. 0.65Wo has the two units of the basic-wollastonite along aaxis, too. However, the X-ray diffracrion pattern of 0.65Wo was largely different from that of 0.55Wo and it showed the extinction rule of the pseudo-C lattice. The structure model having the stacking of the basic-wollastonite unit with b/2 displacement were tried and the R-value was 9% after the structure refinement.
Journal of Separation Science, Aug 26, 2018
We investigated cuttlefish bone powder for the solid-phase extraction of naproxen, ibuprofen, and... more We investigated cuttlefish bone powder for the solid-phase extraction of naproxen, ibuprofen, and carbamazepine. The basic principles controlling the extraction are presented to aid in the choice of the nature and quantity of the extracting phase according to the sample matrix and the solute properties, based on the mechanisms of phase retention. Their retention mechanism is based on hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions. The results show a significant recovery rate for the three drugs, selectivity, and low cost. The method has successfully reduced the amount of tested pharmaceuticals with recoveries &gt;87% at pH 4.

Desalination and Water Treatment, Jan 12, 2016
AbstractThe aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of two Tunisian mineral clays to cap... more AbstractThe aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of two Tunisian mineral clays to capture chromium(III) and cadmium(II) present in landfills leachate and to understand the corresponding mechanisms of sorption. Kinetic studies, adsorption isotherms, particle size distributions as well as zeta potential evolution with adsorbed amount, and pH were studied. The kinetic study revealed that a pseudo-second-order model agrees with the heavy metals adsorption experimental values for both clays. Negative zeta potential was obtained over the entire studied pH range (3–8) and no isoelectric point was found. Adsorption of Cr(III) had a significant effect on the zeta potential which goes from negative values to positive ones, indicating specific adsorption. Upon the addition of Cd(II), the clay surfaces stayed negatively charged whatever the cadmium concentration.
Applied Water Science, Apr 21, 2016
This study aimed to describe the adsorption of three pharmaceuticals compounds (ibuprofen, naprox... more This study aimed to describe the adsorption of three pharmaceuticals compounds (ibuprofen, naproxen and carbamazepine) onto natural clay on the basis of equilibrium parameters such as a function of time, effect of pH, varying of the concentration and the temperature. Adsorption kinetic data were modeled using the Lagergren's first-order and the pseudo-second-order kinetic equations. The kinetic results of adsorption are described better using the pseudo-second order model. The isotherm results were tested in the Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich models. The thermodynamic parameters obtained indicate that the adsorption of pharmaceuticals on the clay is a spontaneous and endothermic process.
Applied Clay Science, Mar 1, 2009

Environmental Technology, Aug 16, 2017
Pharmaceutical products including analgesics, antibiotics, and antiepileptics are often present i... more Pharmaceutical products including analgesics, antibiotics, and antiepileptics are often present in wastewater treatment effluents, lakes, and rivers and have been found in waterways of many countries. The adsorption of two common pharmaceuticals present in surface waters, clarithromycin (CLR) and atenolol (ATN), onto cuttlefish bone powder treated with HCl has been investigated. Adsorption experiments were carried out at different pH conditions and the experimental equilibrium data were fitted to the Langmuir and Freundlich. For the same experimental conditions (pH = 7), the estimated adsorption capacities are from 34.5 mg g(-1) for CLR and 39.5 mg g(-1) for ATN. The influence of adsorption pH was established for each compound. The negative values of ΔG at different temperatures for all samples indicate the spontaneous nature of the sorption process.
Papers by Malika Trabelsi-Ayadi