Papers by Maja Drzazga-Lech
Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego/Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, May 14, 2024
Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego eBooks, 2019
Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2018
The book constitutes the first of the two volumes of the publication entitled The Silesian Monius... more The book constitutes the first of the two volumes of the publication entitled The Silesian Moniuszko. The reception of the figure and the output of the composer in Upper Silesia. A sociological study, based on research conducted by the author during the work on the dissertation entitled The construction of national identity through music. The reception of the figure and the output of the composer in Upper Silesia in the 20th century. A sociological study. The construction of national identity through music is a long process whose bulk progresses in the intersubjective space of social life. The indicator of the occurrence of this process has to do with situations in which the execution and the reception of selected pieces of music, or the reception of the figures of the composers who consciously perform the role of activists engaged in the life of their national community, or to whom the creators of reception ascribe the performance of such a role is accompanied by a process of mytho...
Jednym z najważniejszych zagadnień dla styku socjologii i antropologii polityki pozostaje sprawa ... more Jednym z najważniejszych zagadnień dla styku socjologii i antropologii polityki pozostaje sprawa tożsamości narodowej i jej komponentów zarówno kulturowych, jak i politycznych. Ignacy Jan Paderewski stanowi przykład osoby publicznej łączącej zarówno artystyczne, jak i polityczne aspekty w swoim działaniu na rzecz integracji polskiej wspólnoty narodowej. Obraz I.J. Paderewskiego kreowany na kartach „Śpiewaka Śląskiego” w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego to przede wszystkim wzór służby Polsce i symbol patriotyzmu, propagator niepodległości oraz autorytet moralny
Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2019
Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2017
The paper analyses the process of reception of the Polish national opera Halka, which was written... more The paper analyses the process of reception of the Polish national opera Halka, which was written by Stanisław Moniuszko during the times when Polish statehood did not exist. The author attempts to present how the socio-political and cultural context of reception can transform its national/social content. The musical piece in question has been also added new meanings, important for Silesian ethnic group that inhabited the region of the Silesian Opera’s cultural impact. Reviews, papers, as well as brief newspaper mentions, were the main object of the analysis. The specificity of the material under the analysis necessitated the usage of the QDA Miner software
The book constitutes the first of the two volumes of the publication entitled The Silesian Monius... more The book constitutes the first of the two volumes of the publication entitled The Silesian Moniuszko. The reception of the figure and the output of the composer in Upper Silesia. A sociological study, based on research conducted by the author during the work on the dissertation entitled The construction of national identity through music. The reception of the figure and the output of the composer in Upper Silesia in the 20th century. A sociological study. The construction of national identity through music is a long process whose bulk progresses in the intersubjective space of social life. The indicator of the occurrence of this process has to do with situations in which the execution and the reception of selected pieces of music, or the reception of the figures of the composers who consciously perform the role of activists engaged in the life of their national community, or to whom the creators of reception ascribe the performance of such a role is accompanied by a process of mytho...
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica
Autyzm jest pojęciem wieloznacznym, nieostrym. W nomenklaturze medycznej kilkakrotnie już zmienia... more Autyzm jest pojęciem wieloznacznym, nieostrym. W nomenklaturze medycznej kilkakrotnie już zmieniał się jego zakres semantyczny. W artykule przedstawiono sposoby występowania tego pojęcia w klasyfikacjach międzynarodowych DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) i ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems). Cechą wspólną tych definicji jest redukcjonistyczne podejście do pacjenta (jednostki zredukowanej do objawów chorobowych) i myślenie w kategoriach choroby bądź zaburzenia (ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder). Obecnie istnieją również inne ujęcia autyzmu, o uznanie prawomocności których zabiegają aktorzy społeczni/grupy interesu spoza establishmentu medycznego. W opinii publicznej silnie zakorzenione jest skojarzenie autyzmu z puzzlem bądź kolorem niebieskim spopularyzowane przez fundację Autism Speaks. Ponadto w wydarzeniach medialnych, publikacjach o charakterze popularno-naukowym, naukowym, w tym w literaturze terapeutyc...
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie, 2018
New medias online reality and process of building the identity of the people with Asperger syndro... more New medias online reality and process of building the identity of the people with Asperger syndrome. Sociological study New media is a space in which neuroatipical individuals can exist. They can articulate their subjectivity and construct their identity. The analysis of the webblogs of people who define themselves as Asperger Syndrome diagnosed shows how either individual or collective identity is forming. Bloggers describing their everyday life show their perspective, which is not available to neurotipical (NT) people. Thanks to online memoirs, attempts can be made to reconstruct their identity projects and analysis of adaptation strategies.
Papers by Maja Drzazga-Lech