Papers by Mustafa TANDOĞAN

International Journal of New Trends in Social Sciences
In parallel with rapidly changing world, in self renewing business life, individuals have to dete... more In parallel with rapidly changing world, in self renewing business life, individuals have to determine their own career path properly and the organisations have to choose up the employees who will make them superior, provide the added value and make progress consistently. This necessity caused career management to be appeared. Thus, individual organisation integration was supplied bringing need based targets into conformity with the organisations’ future goals. At this stage with career planning, both individuals have to determine their own goals and the organisation also has to analyse to what extent it can provide these requirements. A well organised career planning carries weight in the terms of supplying prudential productivity. Thereby, the sustainability of career management and planning is possible with a career development system. Career development is a process which contains to provide the facilities of improving the personnel’s knowledge, skills and talents. Thus, it ...
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 2017
The Journal of International Management Research, 2016
These days, the survival and the ability to gain competitive advantage of organizations depend on... more These days, the survival and the ability to gain competitive advantage of organizations depend on their available qualified human resources and how well they can keep these resources. The transformation that changed traditional personnel management to human resources management is not enough against rapidly changing environmental conditions. Structural changes carried out by the businesses themselves are not enough to create radical changes and they are also not enough to provide businesses with sustainability. To have weight in competition, to keep up with the times and most importantly, to survive, organizations need to transform and they need to approach human resources from a strategic perspective.

Gunumuz otel isletmeleri uygulamaya aldiklari insan kaynaklari yonetimi politikalari ile yapilari... more Gunumuz otel isletmeleri uygulamaya aldiklari insan kaynaklari yonetimi politikalari ile yapilarinda gerceklestirmeye calistiklari olusumda; isletme yonunden onemliligi bulunan stratejik insan kaynaklari yonetimi politikalarini meydana getirerek yeni ve modern bir yaklasim kapsaminda stratejik sekilde dusunen ve farklilasmaya acik bir yapiya gecmeyi amaclamaktadirlar. Bu calismada otel calisanlarinin verimliliklerinde stratejik insan kaynaklari yonetimi uygulamalarinin etkisi incelenmistir. Bu nedenle bir otel isletmesi calisanlarinin verimlilikleri uzerinde stratejik insan kaynaklari uygulamalarinin etkileri incelenmistir. Bu kapsamda, stratejik insan kaynaklari uygulamalari ve bu uygulamalar arasindaki iliskiler belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Otel isletmesinde calisan 190 personele anket uygulanmistir. Stratejik insan kaynaklari yonetiminin calisan verimliligi uzerine etkisi teorik olarak aciklanmistir. Sonucta, stratejik insan kaynaklari uygulamalarinin calisanlarin verimliligini ol...

Gunumuz otel isletmeleri uygulamaya aldiklari insan kaynaklari yonetimi politikalari ile yapilari... more Gunumuz otel isletmeleri uygulamaya aldiklari insan kaynaklari yonetimi politikalari ile yapilarinda gerceklestirmeye calistiklari olusumda; isletme yonunden onemliligi bulunan stratejik insan kaynaklari yonetimi politikalarini meydana getirerek yeni ve modern bir yaklasim kapsaminda stratejik sekilde dusunen ve farklilasmaya acik bir yapiya gecmeyi amaclamaktadirlar. Bu calismada otel calisanlarinin verimliliklerinde stratejik insan kaynaklari yonetimi uygulamalarinin etkisi incelenmistir. Bu nedenle bir otel isletmesi calisanlarinin verimlilikleri uzerinde stratejik insan kaynaklari uygulamalarinin etkileri incelenmistir. Bu kapsamda, stratejik insan kaynaklari uygulamalari ve bu uygulamalar arasindaki iliskiler belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Otel isletmesinde calisan 190 personele anket uygulanmistir. Stratejik insan kaynaklari yonetiminin calisan verimliligi uzerine etkisi teorik olarak aciklanmistir. Sonucta, stratejik insan kaynaklari uygulamalarinin calisanlarin verimliligini ol...

Bulletin of "Turan" University
The purpose of this research is to find out whether HRM implementations actualized by businesses ... more The purpose of this research is to find out whether HRM implementations actualized by businesses affect organizational performance. HRM is a strategic approach towards finding human resource that is the key source of the organization for gaining and increasing performance. In this research the relationship between HRM and performance of an organization has been analyzed in relation with HRM functions, i.e. labour force planning, recruitment and placement, in-service training performance assessing, and charging, awarding. HRM is implementation of plans, programs and strategies revealed in line with the purposes and objectives of an organization to find the human resource needed. The more concordance of HRM with the organization and the best implementations in HRM are applied the more the organizational performance indicators. HRM contributes for organizational success combining human and information source. Effective HRM implementations provide competitive advantage as well. The article states that strategic, well-planned HRM has been observed to positively affect organizational performance, as HRM practices affect extremely important organizational outputs for organizational performance such as financial performance, labor turnover and productivity. The article also states the increase in in-service training programs contributes significantly to the achievement of organizational goals and increasing labor productivity in organizations with low productivity.

International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR)
Turizm, milyonlarca etkileşimin bir arada ortaya çıktığı, kendine özgü tarihi ve dili olan ve çok... more Turizm, milyonlarca etkileşimin bir arada ortaya çıktığı, kendine özgü tarihi ve dili olan ve çok sayıda insanın katıldığı bir kitle hareketi niteliği taşımaktadır. Turizm sektörü, dünyanın en önemli ve gelir getirici sektörlerinden biri olması dolayısıyla, 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren ülke politikalarında öncelik verilen bir sektör haline gelmiştir. Bu durum birçok ülke, bölge, kent, yöre ve yerlerin gelişmesine yol açmış, ayrıca başta ekonomik olmak üzere, sosyo-kültürel ve siyasi değişimlere de neden olmuştur. Bu değişimler arasındaki öncelikli faktör, ekonomik etkilerin her geçen gün daha da önem kazanmaya başlaması olmuştur. Tabii ki turizm olgusunun bu yönü, destinasyonlar yani seyahat edilen yerlerdeki yönetimler tarafından da hızla anlaşılmış ve küresel ekonomide oldukça önemli gelir potansiyeli bulunan turizm sektöründen daha fazla pay alabilmek için yoğun çabalar harcanmaya başlanmıştır. Bu açıdan destinasyonların kendilerini geliştirebilmeleri ve rakiplerinden farklılıklarını ortaya koyabilmeleri gerekmektedir. Herhangi bir ülkede veya destinasyonda çeşitli turizm ürünlerinin geliştirilmesi, turizm pazarına sunulabilecek turistik ürünlerin tek boyutlu bir yapıdan kurtarılarak çok boyutlu bir niteliğe kavuşturulması, turizm pazarının gelişmesinin ilk adımlarından biridir
International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 2017
International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 2019
International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR)

International Journal of New Trends in Social Sciences, 2018
In parallel with rapidly changing world, in self-renewing business life, individuals have to dete... more In parallel with rapidly changing world, in self-renewing business life, individuals have to determine their own career path properly and the organisations have to choose up the employees who will make them superior, provide the added value and make progress consistently. This necessity caused career management to be appeared. Thus, individual-organisation integration was supplied bringing need-based targets into conformity with the organisations' future goals. At this stage with career planning, both individuals have to determine their own goals and the organisation also has to analyse to what extent it can provide these requirements. A well organised career planning carries weight in the terms of supplying prudential productivity. Thereby, the sustainability of career management and planning is possible with a career development system. Career development is a process which contains to provide the facilities of improving the personnel's knowledge, skills and talents. Thus,...
International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR)
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences
Papers by Mustafa TANDOĞAN