M. Salvatores
At present Consultant in Reactor and Fuel Cycle Physics and part-time Scientific Advisor at the Idaho National Laboratory. Former Head of the Reactor and Fuel Cycle Physics Division at CEA-Cadarache. Subsequently named Research Director at that Institution.
Leader of international studies on innovative fuel cycles; presently performing basic research on nuclear data measurements, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, advanced simulation experimental validation and on methods for innovative reactor systems.
Received the “Grand Prix Ampère” of the French Academy of Sciences and the American Nuclear Society (ANS) “E. Wigner” Award.
Fellow of the ANS and member of the International Nuclear Energy Academy.
Founder of the International Summer School in Reactor Physics “Frédéric Joliot/Otto Hahn”.
More than 250 peer-reviewed articles.
Leader of international studies on innovative fuel cycles; presently performing basic research on nuclear data measurements, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, advanced simulation experimental validation and on methods for innovative reactor systems.
Received the “Grand Prix Ampère” of the French Academy of Sciences and the American Nuclear Society (ANS) “E. Wigner” Award.
Fellow of the ANS and member of the International Nuclear Energy Academy.
Founder of the International Summer School in Reactor Physics “Frédéric Joliot/Otto Hahn”.
More than 250 peer-reviewed articles.
Papers by M. Salvatores