Papers by Maria Kossowska
Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, Jul 7, 2022
Th e results of lichenological studies on hornfels outcrops in the Izerskie Mountains (Sudetes, S... more Th e results of lichenological studies on hornfels outcrops in the Izerskie Mountains (Sudetes, SW Poland) are presented. Th is substrate is connected with the igneous intrusion into the country rocks and is characterized by a richer chemical and mineral composition than the surrounding rock bodies. In the six analyzed sites, a total of 48 saxicolous lichen species were found. Hornfels as a substrate for lichen vegetation is distinguished by the presence of lichens typical for rocks rich in metal compounds, in the study area represented by Rhizocarpon oederi, Lecidea silacea and Porpidia melinodes, and lichens that prefer mineral-enriched rocks, like Lecanora campestris, L. rupicola, Lecidea fuscoatra, Porpidia cinereoatra and Rimularia gibbosa. Th e three mentioned metallophilous species are some of the rarest components of the lichen biota in Poland, known from single localities. Other rare and locally endangered lichens recorded on hornfels include Lambiella furvella, Stereocaulon dactylophyllum and Umbilicaria pustulata.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2014
The paper presents the results of studies of <em>Xanthoparmelia pulla</em> group in P... more The paper presents the results of studies of <em>Xanthoparmelia pulla</em> group in Poland. The morphological and chemical analysis of herbarium materials confirmed the presence of four species of this group reported from Poland before. The study however, revealed considerable changes it the partiuclular species distribution. <em>X.…
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2004
A preliminary red list of threatened lichens of Lower Silesia (SW Poland) is presented. Species h... more A preliminary red list of threatened lichens of Lower Silesia (SW Poland) is presented. Species have been valuated according to the Red Data Book Categories (IUCN). The list comprises 602 taxa (ca. 60% of the whole lichen flora of Lower Silesia). 52 species are considered as rare (category R), 84 - as vulnerable (V), and 63 species - as endangered (E). The Silesian lichen flora is characterized by great numbers of taxa with extinct (Ex -140 taxa), and indeterminate (I - 263 taxa) categories.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2013
Caloplaca subpallida, described from Europe by Magnusson [1], belongs to the C. ferruginea group ... more Caloplaca subpallida, described from Europe by Magnusson [1], belongs to the C. ferruginea group [2,3], which includes species with whitish, greyish or blackish thalli lacking anthraquinones, and ferrugineous apothecia, which contain anthraquinones. The species of the group are characterized by their content of chemosyndromes based on 7-chloroemodin [4]. This is a large group of ca. 35 species [2,3], which have different habitat preferences, growing on siliceous or calcareous rocks, bark of trees, wood or bryophytes. According to Gaya et al. [5], the C. ferruginea group is polyphyletic and taxonomically very problematic; therefore the group is in urgent need of a thorough revision worldwide. However, some recent contributions to its understanding have been undertaken by Vondrák & Hrouzek [6], Arup et al. [7] and Arup & Åkelius [8]. The C. ferruginea group, represented by ca. 22 species in Poland [9-13], has not been subjected to detailed studies, although taxonomic notes on some species are included in the papers by Wilk & Flakus [10], Wilk & Śliwa [11] and Wilk [12], which refer to the following taxa: C. albolutescens (Nyl.) H. Olivier, C. conciliascens (Nyl.) Zahlbr., C. percrocata (Arnold) J. Steiner, C. soralifera Vondrák & Hrouzek and C. teicholyta (Ach.) J. Steiner. Furthermore, the two first authors of the present study have paid special attention on this species group during lichenological studies in SW Poland. Based on these surveys, Kossowska [13] reported C. cf. atroflava (Turner) Mong. from serpentinites of the Sudety Mts and the Przedgórze Sudeckie foreland; more recent work has shown that C. subpallida was included in the material published by Kossowska [13], and subsequent studies carried out in the same area by the first author yielded additional records of the latter species. In this paper, C. subpallida is reported as new to Poland, and a detailed description of the species with notes on its habitat and distribution are provided. Taxonomic affinities of the species with other taxa are discussed, with particular reference to C. oxfordensis based on the type material examination.
Biologia, 2011
A commented list of 19 particularly interesting and noteworthy lichen species collected recently ... more A commented list of 19 particularly interesting and noteworthy lichen species collected recently in the Giant Mts (Karkonosze, Krkonoše) is given. Most of them were found on the basalt outcrop in the western wall of the Mały Śnieżny Kocioł cirque (germ. Kleine Schneegrube), which is the most valuable and most conserved area in this mountain range. Two species are new to Poland: Lecanora gangaleoides and Lecidea praenubila. Umbilicaria cinereorufescens is reported for the first time from the Sudety Mts as a whole. Three species are new for the Giant Mts: Buellia ocellata, Diplotomma lutosum and Fuscidea praeruptorum. Eight species: Aspicilia microlepis, Belonia russula, Caloplaca crenularia, C. nivalis, Gyalecta biformis, Koerberiella wimmeriana, Miriquidica complanata and Polyblastia cruenta were re-discovered after over 100 years on the historical locality in the Mały Śnieżny Kocioł cirque.
Results of a revision of the lichen herbarium material collected in 1969 on a basalt outcrop in t... more Results of a revision of the lichen herbarium material collected in 1969 on a basalt outcrop in the Maly Śniezny Kociol cirque (Karkonosze Mts) and hold in KRAP are presented. 28 specimens appeared to be misidentifi ed. Based on the revision ten species: Aspicilia calcarea, Bacidia bagliettoana, Caloplaca sinapisperma, Collema crispum, Diploschistes gypsaceus, Lep- togium lichenoides, Peltigera canina, Pertusaria pseudocorallina, Pseudosagedia byssophila and Stereocaulon pileatum must be excluded from the checklist of lichens of the Polish Karkonosze Mts. In examined material some species very rare in the Karkonosze Mts were also found: Calo- placa ammiospila, Collema fl accidum, Lecidea atrobrunnea, Porina cfr. lectissima, Rhizocarpon lavatum and Stereocaulon nanodes.
PIETRZYKOWSKA, K. AND KOSSOWSKA, M. 2010. Lichens of anthropogenic calacareous substrates in surr... more PIETRZYKOWSKA, K. AND KOSSOWSKA, M. 2010. Lichens of anthropogenic calacareous substrates in surroundings of mountain shelter-houses in the Polish part of the Karkonosze Mts. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 17(1): 141-147. Krakow. PL ISSN 1640-629X. ABSTRACT: Paper presents the results of lichenological investigations on man-made rock sub- strates (concrete, mortar) in surroundings of 8 shelter-houses in the Karkonosze Mts (the Sudetes, SW Poland). Twenty eight lichen species have been found. Ten of them: Acarospora glauco- carpa, Caloplaca citrina, C. crenulatella, C. decipiens, C. velana, Lecania sylvestris, Lecanora albescens, Lecidella stigmatea, Physcia dubia and Thelidium minimum are new to the whole Karkonosze Mts; six others: Acarospora heppii, Aspicilia moenium, Eiglera fl avida, Lecanora dispersa, Phaeophyscia nigricans and Sarcogyne regularis are reported for the fi rst time from the Polish part of the range.
Polish Botanical Journal, 2007
The genus Pleopsidium was introduced by Körber (1855) to include the single species P. fl avum, w... more The genus Pleopsidium was introduced by Körber (1855) to include the single species P. fl avum, with two varieties: typical and b. chlorophanum (Wahlenb.) Körb. Contemporaries of Körber, and later scientists, regarded the species as a representative of the genus Acarospora. The generic name Pleopsidium was restored by Hafellner (1993), who confi rmed the morphological distinctiveness of several yellow species within Acarospora (‘A. chlorophana group’). The genus includes crustose lichens with yellow, placodioid thalli, lecanorine apothecia and multi-spored asci of a particular structure (Pleopsidium type). Today, the genus Pleopsidium includes four species: P. fl avum (Bellardi) Körb., P. chlo rophanum (Wahlenb.) Zopf, P. gobiense (H. Magn.) Hafellner and P. discurrens (Zahlbr.) Obermayer (see Hafellner 1993; Obermayer 1996). The fi rst two species are widely distributed all over the world, while the remaining ones seem to be limited in their distribution to Central Asia, that is, t...
... części Szrenicy (powyżej górnej granicy lasu) znajdują się trzy okazałe skałki lub grupy skal... more ... części Szrenicy (powyżej górnej granicy lasu) znajdują się trzy okazałe skałki lub grupy skalne: Końskie Łby na północnym zboczu, nieco oddalona od nich w kierunku wschodnim Szrenicka Skała przy górnej stacji wyciągu krzesełkowego oraz Trzy Świnki na zboczu ...
Kossowska, M. 2008. New and interesting lichenicolous fungi of the Karkonosze Mountains, SW Poland.
... części Szrenicy (powyżej górnej granicy lasu) znajdują się trzy okazałe skałki lub grupy skal... more ... części Szrenicy (powyżej górnej granicy lasu) znajdują się trzy okazałe skałki lub grupy skalne: Końskie Łby na północnym zboczu, nieco oddalona od nich w kierunku wschodnim Szrenicka Skała przy górnej stacji wyciągu krzesełkowego oraz Trzy Świnki na zboczu ...
... części Szrenicy (powyżej górnej granicy lasu) znajdują się trzy okazałe skałki lub grupy skal... more ... części Szrenicy (powyżej górnej granicy lasu) znajdują się trzy okazałe skałki lub grupy skalne: Końskie Łby na północnym zboczu, nieco oddalona od nich w kierunku wschodnim Szrenicka Skała przy górnej stacji wyciągu krzesełkowego oraz Trzy Świnki na zboczu ...
Abstract: Kossowska, M. & Szczepańska, K. 2020. Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of basalto... more Abstract: Kossowska, M. & Szczepańska, K. 2020. Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of basaltoid rocks in Lower Silesia (SW Poland). – Herzogia 33: 9 –24. We present the results of lichenological studies conducted on 12 natural and anthropogenic outcrops of basaltoid rock within four physiogeographical units (mesoregions) of the Sudety Mountains and their foothills. In total, 92 taxa of lichens and six of lichenicolous fungi were recorded. The basaltoid rocks turned out to be a refuge for lichen biodiversity, including a number of rare and in Poland endangered species, e.g. Caloplaca chlorina, C. subpallida, Lasallia pustulata, Lecanora orosthea, L. pannonica, L. subaurea, Ramalina capitata, Rhizocarpon geminatum, Rimularia furvella and Stereocaulon pileatum. In the four analysed mesoregions, the lichen biota of basaltoid rocks were quite homogeneous with Sørensen-Dice similarity coefficients ranging from 53 to 68 %. However, individual mesoregions differed in the overall number of lichens, species composition and the number of exclusive species. Among the most frequent taxa, there was a distinct group which includes species that are characteristic for either neutral to basic substrata (Lecidella scabra) and mineral- or metal-rich rocks (Caloplaca subpallida, Lecanora rupicola, Lecidea fuscoatra, Rhizocarpon distinctum). These species, together with Trapelia placodioides, were present in all four mesoregions and may be considered typical for Lower Silesian basaltoids.
Acta Mycologica
Records of 10 rare and noteworthy lichen species in Poland have been presented. Four species, <... more Records of 10 rare and noteworthy lichen species in Poland have been presented. Four species, <em>Japewia subaurea</em>, <em>Myriolecis persimilis</em>, <em>Palicella filamentosa</em>, and <em>Scoliciosporum sarothamni</em> are new to the Polish part of the Sudetes. <em>Anisomeridium polypori</em> and <em>Pyrenula coryli</em> are new species to the Karkonosze Mountains.
Abstract: Szczepańska, K. & Kossowska, M. 2017. Cetrariella commixta and the genus Melanelia ... more Abstract: Szczepańska, K. & Kossowska, M. 2017. Cetrariella commixta and the genus Melanelia (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) in Poland. — Herzogia 30: 272–288. The paper presents the distribution and ecology of Cetrariella commixta and the species of Melanelia occurring in Poland. Morphological and chemical analyses of herbarium material confirmed the presence of three species of the studied group, earlier recorded in the country: Cetrariella commixta, Melanelia hepatizon and M. stygia. Cetrariella commixta is a rare species with distribution limited to the Sudetes. None of the previously reported localities of this taxon in the Carpathians were confirmed. Chemotaxonomic studies demonstrated the presence of two chemotypes of C. commixta in the country, but no correlation between chemical races and distribution was observed. In contrast, Melanelia hepatizon and M. stygia proved to be rather common in Poland, where their distribution is restricted to the mountain regions. Additionally, Melanelia agnata is reported here as a new species to Poland. It is the rarest species of the studied group, occurring only in few localities in the High Tatras. It should be considered critically endangered in the country.
Geoscience Records, 2016
The contribution of C, N and S, as well as the isotopic composition of C and N of atmospheric pol... more The contribution of C, N and S, as well as the isotopic composition of C and N of atmospheric pollutants, are assumed to be reflected in the organic compounds inbuilt into the lichen thallus. The chemical and isotopic analyses were carried out on lichen
Papers by Maria Kossowska