Effect of th e slau gh terh ou se on beh aviou r, blood parameters, meat qu ality an d raw h am d... more Effect of th e slau gh terh ou se on beh aviou r, blood parameters, meat qu ality an d raw h am defects in h eavy pigs. In :
Industrie Alimentari, 2007
In the present research some qualitative traits of traditional salami made with organic pork meat... more In the present research some qualitative traits of traditional salami made with organic pork meat of Mora Romagnola crossbreeds, with and without nitrite (150 ppm) and starter culture of lactic acid bacteria, have been studied. The chemical composition of the salami does not differ in extensive way from that of commercial salami obtained with industrial process. The added nitrite resulted in a slight reduction of the weigh loss at the intermediate seasoning, specially when they were added together with lactic acid bateria starter. On the contrary, the final weight loss was the same for all the trials. Furthermore the nitrate gave salami with a lower content of TBARS and a more red colour. pH values were quite elevated during all the seasoning time and the lower values were detected in the groups with starter of lactic acid bacteria. The use of starter seems to be the most important variable between the trials, in particular way for its influence on microbial changes. The microorganisms were detected with conventional and colture independent methods.
Italian heavy pig production is founded both on traditional breeds, such as Large White, Landrace... more Italian heavy pig production is founded both on traditional breeds, such as Large White, Landrace and Duroc selected in Italy, and on hybrid pigs coming from specific plans of selection and crossbreeding. The aim of this work was to compare the characteristics of subcutaneous adipose tissue of fresh thighs obtained from pigs belonging to two genetic types and reared in the same farm. Thighs were destined to the production of PDO Italian dry-cured hams. Samples of subcutaneous adipose tissue from 46 thighs of traditional pigs (Italian Landrace x Large White cross) and from 32 thighs of Goland commercial hybrid line, were analysed for water and fat contents, fat iodine value and fatty acid composition. On the whole, hybrids showed, in comparison with traditional pigs, similar lipid content of subc utaneous adipose tissue but different lipid composition: higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (141.1 vs 102.8 mg/g fat; P<0.001), lower levels of saturated (334.9 vs 371.0 mg/g fa...
Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience, 2015
The mobilization of fatty acids during food deprivation is a selective process studied in differe... more The mobilization of fatty acids during food deprivation is a selective process studied in different species (humans, rodents, birds, viverrids). The aim of this work was to study the effect of fasting on selective mobilization in commercial pigs. A total of 16 barrows (Large White×Landrace (167 kg±12.5 kg live weight) were subdivided into two homogeneous groups, one subjected to 12 h and the other to 60 h of fasting (fasting time) before slaughtering. For each pig inner and outer backfat layer were sampled at slaughter and at ham trimming 24 h later (sampling time). Increasing the fasting time and the sampling time after slaughter caused an increase in the amount of free fatty acids in both layers. Therefore it can be argued that during fasting lipolysis is stimulated and remains active also after slaughtering. The factors that stimulate lipolysis determine a greater mobilization of unsaturated fatty acids than saturated ones. Thus fasting time may influence the suitability of pork ...
Acta Paediatrica, 1987
E\u2019 stata svolta un\u2019analisi sulla produttivit\ue0 di un allevamento bovino da latte nell... more E\u2019 stata svolta un\u2019analisi sulla produttivit\ue0 di un allevamento bovino da latte nella conversione da metodo tradizionale a biologico.Dall\u2019analisi dei dati ottenuti in riferimento al confronto fra la gestione convenzionale dei primi tre anni e la gestione biologica dei quattro successivi, sono emersi alcuni aspetti salienti che riguardano la produttivit\ue0, la riproduttivit\ue0 e lo stato sanitario degli animali.Per quanto concerne la produttivit\ue0 non sono state riscontrate differenze significative fra i due sistemi di allevamento, in relazione sia alla quantit\ue0 di latte prodotto che al contenuto in esso di proteine e grassi.I parametri riproduttivi hanno rilevato una diminuzione dell\u2019et\ue0 al parto delle primipare, nell\u2019allevamento biologico rispetto a quello convenzionale.Per quanto riguarda lo stato di salute negli animali oggetto della presente indagine \ue8 da sottolineare che negli anni relativi alla gestione biologica sono stati registrati, ...
Ai titolari di 74 allevamenti suini, 55 della provincia di Reggio Emilia e 19 della provincia di ... more Ai titolari di 74 allevamenti suini, 55 della provincia di Reggio Emilia e 19 della provincia di Modena, \ue8 stato inviato un questionario volto a rilevare le caratteristiche generali dell\u2019azienda (numero di suini, indirizzo produttivo e sua organizzazione, assistenza tecnica e veterinaria) e i parametri ambientali e manageriali specifici per ciascuna categoria produttiva (tipo di illuminazione, ventilazione, sistema di alimentazione, pavimento, arricchimento ambientale). Nella seconda fase dell\u2019indagine sono state visitate 17 unit\ue0 produttive facenti capo alle aziende resesi disponibili al sopralluogo, al fine di ottenere informazioni dirette sui principali criteri strutturali o design criteria (temperatura, umidit\ue0 relativa, pulizia delle strutture, odori, polverosit\ue0, illuminazione, sistema di alimentazione e di approvvigionamento idrico, arricchimento ambientale, presenza di roditori e/o insetti, partecipazione del personale a corsi sul benessere animale) e sui principali criteri animali o animal criteria (salute, pulizia, lesioni, comportamenti anomali, body condition score, uniformit\ue0) ritenuti indicativi del livello di benessere dei suini. A fronte di un livello generalmente e spesso molto soddisfacente in termini di animal criteria, emergono soprattutto carenze legate alla mancata frequenza a corsi specifici da parte del personale e ad insufficienze relative all\u2019arricchimento ambientale e al grado di illuminazione./ A questionnaire dealing with the general aspects of the farm (number of pigs, type of production and organization, technical and veterinary assistance) and the specific environmental and managerial parameters for each animal category (type of illumination, ventilation, feeding system, floor, environmental enrichment) was sent to the owners of 55 piggeries located in the province of Reggio Emilia and to 19 farmers of the province of Modena. In a second phase of the survey 17 farming units were directly inspected in order to get information on the main design criteria (temperature, relative humidity, cleanliness of the facilities, presence of bad smells and dusty, illumination level, feeding and drinking system, environmental enrichment, presence of rodents and flies, vocational training of stockmen) and animal criteria (health, cleanliness, lesions, abnormal behaviours, body condition score and uniformity) which are believed to be indicative of the welfare level of the pigs. Facing a generally satisfactory level in terms of animal criteria, the main deficiencies detected were tied to a lack of vocational training of stockmen and to insufficient enrichment and illumination levels of the environment
The effects of two different electric stunning voltages of pigs (70-80 Volts vs. 130-140 Volts) a... more The effects of two different electric stunning voltages of pigs (70-80 Volts vs. 130-140 Volts) and of two different methodologies of carcass scalding (open steam nozzles vs. closed steam nozzles in the scalding bath) on the incidence of "red skin" defect of raw Parma hams were evaluated. At trimming (24 hours post mortem), two hundred left-thighs from pigs reared in two different farms, balanced for stunning and scalding methods, were evaluated subjectively on the basis of the intensity of red skin colour, using a 3 point scale system where 1=defect absent, 2=slight defect and 3=serious defect, and colour of skin was measured. Results indicate that red skin defect incidence decreased with both increasing of electric stunning voltage and closing the steam nozzles during the scalding of the carcass
Nowadays, the Mora Romagnola (MR) is a small numbered autochthonous Italian pig breed, and, thus,... more Nowadays, the Mora Romagnola (MR) is a small numbered autochthonous Italian pig breed, and, thus, is often crossed with genetically improved animals, including commercial hybrids, to get subjects which are reared outdoors for the production of fresh meat and traditional seasoned salami. This research aims to get preliminary information on both carcass and meat quality traits of either purebred MR, or PICxMR (MR50), or (PICxMR)xMR (MR75), reared outdoors in an organic pig farm on Reggio Emilia Apennines, in Italy. Examined carcases (4 MR, 5 MR50, and 7 MR75), though showing high and extremely variable weights (MR 152.2 kg, MR50 245.3 kg, MR75 214.4 kg), produced very valuable lean cuts contents (MR 60.1%, MR50 53.3%, MR75 56.0%) and fair adipose cuts contents (MR 32.0%, MR50 41,2%, MR75 37,2%). On average, Longissimus dorsi muscle (LD) contained 69.1% water, 22.4% protein, and 6.8% fat, with no difference among the genetic types. Colour and pH values of thigh and LD muscles at 24h p.m. showed optimal values, suitable even for PDO productio
Archivos de Zootecnia, 2018
La inmunocastración ha resultado una estrategia útil en el cerdo para prevenir el olor sexual en ... more La inmunocastración ha resultado una estrategia útil en el cerdo para prevenir el olor sexual en la carne. En trabajos previos se indica que los cerdos inmunocastrados (IC) pueden presentar mejores índices productivos que los castrados quirúrgicamente (SC). Además de las ventajas en bienestar animal que conlleva esta práctica, la mejora en producción puede tener interés en razas como la Ibérica, con capacidad de crecimiento limitada. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido examinar los efectos de la inmunocastración sobre los índices productivos del cerdo Ibérico, el uso de la proteína en la dieta y las características de la canal, en animales alimentados con dietas de diferente concentración proteica. Se utilizaron 27 animales de tres sexos (machos IC, machos SC, y hembras IC) alimentados con 3 dietas isoenergéticas (160, 140 y 120 g PB/kg materia seca), con tres animales por cada combinación de tratamientos. Los animales se vacunaron contra la hormona liberadora de gonadotropina a los...
Veterinary Research Communications, 2007
Veterinary Research Communications, 2008
Veterinary Research Communications, 2009