Papers by Milena Cvetković

The lateralization of upper limbs, i.e. the tendency to use one arm more often in comparison to t... more The lateralization of upper limbs, i.e. the tendency to use one arm more often in comparison to the other one while performing unimanual actions is the most obvious example of cerebral lateralization and it represents a characteristic of human population. The percentage representation of right-handed persons in comparison to the left-handed is approximately 90%-10% on the global level. The representation of left-handed persons is significantly lower than the right-handed, which was taken as the basis of a lateralization phenomenon research. For the sake of this research, lateralization is defined through seven unimanual skills, the performance of which requires precision. Based on the data analysis, both direction and degree of lateralization, as well as ipsilateral correlation with other organs (leg, eye and ear) were defined. The aim of this research was also to determine the potential correlation of hand lateralization with the observed phenotypic and cognitive characteristics of...

Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2018
The skill of writing with the left or right hand is often taken as a hand lateralization predicto... more The skill of writing with the left or right hand is often taken as a hand lateralization predictor. Taking into consideration that such a manifestation is usually practiced, left-handedness often becomes "concealed", making it harder to be phenotypically measured. The aim of this study is to determine the predictability of multiple manual skills in relation to the type of handedness. The sample of 756 primary-school students with the aid of Edinburgh Handedness Inventory showed that writing and drawing skills using a particular hand have a very clear mutual correlation (0.86 with the left-handed, and 0.50 with the right-handed). However, the correlation was not determined with other observed unimanual skills, such as throwing, using scissors, using a tooth brush, using a key and holding a glass. In addition to that, writing as such is not a reliable hand lateralization predictor. In relation to hand lateralization, writing shows a low determination coefficient with the left-handed, whereas for other skills R2 varies within the range 0.43-0.66. The numbers are similar to the righthanded, where R2 varies within the range 0.28-0.53, for all skills, except writing and drawing. A conclusion can be drawn that writing is not a reliable predictor of lateralization to left or right, but that those are skills in relation to which there is no cultural pressure.

Genetika, 2015
Craniofacial characteristics are used to identify similarities and differences between human popu... more Craniofacial characteristics are used to identify similarities and differences between human populations or within a single population. The aim of this study is to provide data on the differences/similarities between two groups of subjects, left-handed and right-handed children, based on the parameters that determine the phenotypic characteristics of the head and face: head dimensions, face dimensions, hair color, eye color and earlobe shape. The study participants included 1354 students aged 7 to 15 years from regular schools of southeastern Serbia. The instruments used include: the Edinburgh Handedness Questionnaire for handedness determination, the cephalometer, and the questionnaire. 135 students (9.97%) were identified as left-handed, and the differences in the observed parameters were recorded between left-handed and right-handed girls in relation to the cephalic index, nasal index, head breadth, face breadth, and eye color.

Genetika, 2014
Craniofacial anthropometry is used to determine similarities and differences within a single popu... more Craniofacial anthropometry is used to determine similarities and differences within a single population or between populations, as well as to determine the secular trends. The aim of the study is to determine differences in the cephalic index of school children from the city of Nis (southeastern Serbia) in two periods-in 1983 and 2010. Subjects were aged 7-15. The first group of subjects (from 1983) included 968 children of both genders, while the second group of subjects (from 2010) included 1037 children, also of both genders. The test was performed according to the instructions of the International Biology Program (IBP). The head length and head breadth were measured, and based on these parameters the cephalic index was determined. The results show that during the time debrachycephalization appeared, because brachycephalic was dominant with the children from 1983, while mesocephalic was dominant with the second group (2010). Genderual dimorphism exists in both groups of subjects.

Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2012
Pojava menarhe je siguran znak nastanka puberteta kod devojčica. Mnogobrojna istraživanja su poka... more Pojava menarhe je siguran znak nastanka puberteta kod devojčica. Mnogobrojna istraživanja su pokazala da je period puberteta kod devojčica povezan sa povećanjem vrednosti somatskih karakteristika. Antropološko ispitivanje mase tela, visine tela i širine karlice, u korelaciji sa pojavom menarhe, izvršeno je na dva uzorka devojčica od 8 do 15 godina. Prvi uzorak obuhvata 464 devojčice merene u periodu 1983/84. godine, a drugi 449 devojčica merenih 2010. godine u Nišu. Cilj rada bio je utvrđivanje korelacije pojave menarhe, telesnih karakteristika premenarhalnih i postmenarhalnih devojčica, kao i razlike u ovim karakteristikama za određeni vremenski period, kako bi se utvrdila akceleracija ili deceleracija. Ispitivanje je vršeno po metodama IBP. Kod oba uzorka najraniji period pojave menarhe je 11 godina, ali su telesni pokazatelji veći kod devojčica sa menarhom. Takođe, sve merene karakteristike, kao i indeks telesne mase, veći su kod devojčica merenih 2010. godine.

Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2015
Rukost se definiše kao sposobnost korišćenja određene ruke za izvođenje finih, preciznih radnji, ... more Rukost se definiše kao sposobnost korišćenja određene ruke za izvođenje finih, preciznih radnji, ne samo kao dominacija leve/desne ruke u odnosu na pisanje. Na to ukazuje činjenica da se dominacija određene ruke javlja još u preistorijsko vreme. Rukost se, sa evolucionog stanovišta, posmatra i kao osobina koja je u korelaciji sa razvojem sposobnosti govora, a time i kao osobina koja je u vezi sa cerebralnom lateralizacijom. Međutim, često se sa rukošću povezuju i razni kognitivni poremećaji. Uticaj nasleđa i uticaj sredine podjednako su značajni za razvoj rukosti, mada upravo njihov zajednički uticaj onemogućava da se nedvosmisleno odredi mehanizam razvoja određenog tipa rukosti. Ključne reči: rukost, evolucija rukosti, genetika rukosti. Uvod U pojedinim kulturama, u kojima se piše zdesna u levo (npr. arapsko društvo), očekivalo bi se da je levorukost i poželjna osobina. Sa evolucione perspektive, ako bilo koji tip rukosti daje neku prednost, onda bi očekivani odnos bio 50:50 (Gutwiski i sar, 2011). S druge strane, ako bilo koji od dva tipa rukosti ima veću prednost, onda bi se očekivalo da se drugi tip polako gubi, čak i da nestane. Ipak, levorukost se javlja rano u ljudskoj filogeniji, na šta ukazuju i ispitivanja roda Homo, ali uvek sa manjom zastupljenošću u odnosu na desnorukost. Time se rukost može dovesti u vezu sa razvojem manuelnih sposobnosti, razvojem mozga i cerebralne lateralizacije, ali i sa prenošenjem ove osobine kroz generacije. MeĎutim, još uvek ne postoje jasna slaganja u literaturi da li je levorukost u većoj meri definisana nasleĎem i ako jeste, koji su geni ili grupe gena odgovorni za ovaj fenomen.
Papers by Milena Cvetković