Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública, 2005
Objetivos: Conocer los perfiles geneticos de M. tuberculosis y determinar el patron de resistenci... more Objetivos: Conocer los perfiles geneticos de M. tuberculosis y determinar el patron de resistencia a drogas en una poblacion de sujetos infectados provenientes del sur de Lima mediante el marcador genetico IS6110 (RFLP-IS6110). Materiales y Metodos: Entre octubre de 2002 y abril de 2003 se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 15 anos con tuberculosis (TB) pulmonar frotis positivo procedentes de servicios de salud del distrito Villa Maria del Triunfo y del Hospital Maria Auxiliadora. Se realizo la prueba de sensibilidad a las cuatro drogas de primera linea rifampicina (RIF), isoniacida (INH), estreptomicina (SM) y etambutol (EMB) por el metodo de proporciones, y la genotipificacion mediante el metodo estandar de RFLP-IS6110. Se recolecto informacion de los casos de los registros del establ
Comuni@cción: Revista de Investigación en Comunicación y Desarrollo, 2014
La investigación tuvo como objetivo general identificar la relación directa existente entre el cl... more La investigación tuvo como objetivo general identificar la relación directa existente entre el clima institucional y el desempeño docente, asimismo, se observó las percepciones de los educandos de los Centros Técnicos Productivos del ámbito de la provincia Melgar - Ayaviri, por ello nuestra investigación es de tipo cuantitativo. donde se utilizó el método descriptivo-explicativo de diseño no experimental descriptivo -correlacional, en la cual se consideró población censal de los Centros Técnicos Productivos CETPROS del ámbito de dicha provincia. Para la indagación se aplicó como instrumento la encuesta considerando los criterios de motivación en el trabajo, satisfacción laboral, relaciones interpersonales, conflicto, comunicación, supervisión, así también en el cuestionario de preguntas se aplicó la escala Likert, siendo el grado de medición con mayor aproximación en actitudes. Las conclusiones indican la existencia de una correlación alta y positiva entre las variables clima institucional y desempeño docente. El análisis estadístico correlacional se realizó con el estadígrafo de correlación Spearman o método de las diferencias; dicho método nos permitió conocer el alto grado de afinidad y situación determinante del clima institucional ante el desempeño docente
The overall objective research was to identify the direct relationship between school climate and... more The overall objective research was to identify the direct relationship between school climate and teacher performance also perceptions of students of the Technical Production Centres in the field of the province Melgar Ayaviri was observed, so our research is quantitative where the descriptiveexplanatory method -correlacional descriptive nonexperimental design was used, in which census population of the Technical Productive CETPROs the scope of the province of Melgar Ayaviri 2013. Inquiry centers was considered as applied considering the survey instrument criteria work motivation, job satisfaction, interpersonal relationships, conflict, communication, monitoring, and also in the list of questions the Likert scale was applied, with the degree of measurement most closely in attitudes. The findings indicate the existence of a high and positive correlation between institutional climate variables and teacher performance. The correlational statistical analysis was performed using the Spea...
Revista de Investigaciones, 2018
En el centro poblado La Rinconada se realiza actividad minera, como consecuencia de ésta los suel... more En el centro poblado La Rinconada se realiza actividad minera, como consecuencia de ésta los suelos se encuentran contaminados por diferentes metales pesados, uno de ellos es el cadmio metal que causa daños a la salud humana. El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la capacidad de absorción del girasol (Helianthus annus L.) en suelos que tienen contenido de cadmio del Centro Poblado La Rinconada. La investigación se realizó en ambiente controlado al interior de invernadero, el diseño experimental utilizado fue Bloque Completo al Azar (DBCA), considerando como factor principal la parte de la planta (raíz, tallo y hojas) y bloques a dos ambientes de cultivo. El análisis de contenido de cadmio tanto en el suelo como en tejidos vegetales se realizó por método de absorción atómica en Laboratorios Analíticos del Sur (LAS). Los resultados fueron: la muestra de suelo en invernadero presentó un valor promedio de 24.36 mg/kg, en intemperie 21.76 mg/kg de cadmio, no existiendo diferencia estadística entre ambos ambientes (p=0.112). En ambiente exterior se obtuvo en hoja una media de 0.21 mg/kg de cadmio, en raíz 0.88 y tallo 0.29, en interior en hoja 0.29 mg/kg, raíz con 1.80 y tallo 0.27, siendo estadísticamente superior el contenido en raíz (p<0.05). La raíz de plantas de girasol presenta una media de absorción de cadmio de 5.716%, tallo con 1.217% y hojas 0.529% de absorción; la mayor absorción del cadmio se produce a nivel radicular.
Modern Fiction Studies, 1998
Comuni Ccion Revista De Investigacion En Comunicacion Y Desarrollo, 2010
Valderrama P., A. Tesis: Manejo de residuos sólidos y salud de familias que habitan próximas a la... more Valderrama P., A. Tesis: Manejo de residuos sólidos y salud de familias que habitan próximas a la bahía interior del lago Titicaca", Universidad Nacional d e l Altiplano, 2007. Publicaciones audiovisuales AUTORIDAD ATÓNOMA BINACIONAL DEL LAGO TITICACA (ALT), Spot institucional sobre descontaminación de la bahía interior del lago Titicaca (CD). 2007, 2008. CENTRO DE COMUNICACIONES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL ALTIPLANO (CECUNA), Los medios unidos, campaña Titicaca Limpio Ahora (CD). 2007. EMPRESA MUNICIPAL DE SANEAMIENTO BÁSICO Y MUNICIPALIDAD PROVINCIAL DE PUNO. Spots institucionales sobre descontaminación de la bahía interior del lago Titicaca (CD). 2007, 2008.
Comuni Ccion Revista De Investigacion En Comunicacion Y Desarrollo, 2013
Revista De Actualizacion Clinica Investiga, Nov 1, 2012
Parasitology, 2003
The technique of Random Amplification Polymorphic DNA allows fragments of the genome to be amplif... more The technique of Random Amplification Polymorphic DNA allows fragments of the genome to be amplified by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) without previous knowledge of their sequences. The protozoa of the genus Leishmania present great genetic variability, making it difficult to characterize the different species. A method is developed with a single 10-mers long primer, which allows the species L. braziliensis, L. mexicana, L. infantum, L. tropica, L. chagasi, L. amazonensis and L. major to be differentiated. These products amplified by RAPD have also facilitated the design of some primers that amplify L. braziliensis DNA exclusively.
International Review of Mission, 2011
Abstract Motivated by the centenary of the IRM, this article is a reflection from an indigenous p... more Abstract Motivated by the centenary of the IRM, this article is a reflection from an indigenous perspective. Indigenous Peoples' experience with mission movements is vast, complex and varied, depending on the context. The mission of God has always been in relation to the original peoples of the land, who have been part of the church even when these relations have been neither fair nor harmonious. Indigenous Peoples have been persecuted, demonized and excluded, as well as assimilated and westernized in order to survive, but now they are not only arising again as peoples but raising up the importance of indigenous spiritual perspectives and theological reflection. Dialogue with indigenous wisdom and theologies was mandated by the 2006 assembly of the WCC, but that necessitates recognizing and welcoming "otherness" and revisiting syncretism. From Abya Yala Human history is a vast storehouse of multiple relationships. The history of Gods reflects the history of the relationships among human populations, social sectors and their life projects. The following excerpt from a pre-Columbian Mesoamerican and Mexican myth presents the relation of the two gods represented respectively by Sun and Dog. The Sun said: 'free the dog (Xolotl) who does not want to die. There is reason if he is happy and makes other happy. I do not want more sacrifices! I will eat stars instead. My heat will be to caress People, animals and plants (1) According to Eleazar Lopez, the Sun represents the god of the great Aztec urban empire while the Dog is the god of the Huasteca agricultural people living under the rule of Aztecas. Xolotl, the Dog is close to the life of people and makes them happy. Their happiness makes the Sun want the blood of Xolotl as a sacrifice. Xolotl escapes from the violence of the priests of the Sun and is able to change the Sun's intent to sacrifice Xolotl. The Sun promises its heat will be a caress, rather than burning or hurting other Gods, peoples, animals or nature. The Sun changes, and so also can Gods and their priests. This strengthens believers, especially the humble, the poor and nature. In Abya Yala (2), the "mature land, fertile and abundant," there has been a long experience of Christian missions, both Catholic and Protestant. Our continent is Christian but it is also Amerindia, an Indian/indigenous continent. It is also the place where peoples came from elsewhere, voluntarily or involuntarily, and settled permanently. It is IndoAfroMestizaAmgricaLatina' which testifies to its ability to generate life amidst suffering, exploitation and marginalization. New paradigms of civilization arise from these lands, many of them arising from the cultural matrix of the descendants of the first nations of Abya Yala. Abya Yala was conquered by violent military forces, which were legitimized theologically. Social and religious relations between the original inhabitants of Abya Yala and the descendants of the conquistadores are very complex, but usually only analyzed from non-indigenous perspectives. Elites of the Christian churches have not made efforts to understand this reality from indigenous perspectives but instead have been allies of the continued domination of indigenous and impoverished populations. Despite a history of pain and subjugation, Abya Yala is also a continent where the grace of God can be perceived in very creative ways. The daily life of simple people, especially their ability to resist and withstand multiple conflicts and aggressions, witnesses to the wonderful strength and faith of the peoples as well as their amazing capacity to recreate their culture and religion. The arrival of the Christian God was welcomed 520 years ago, as well as today, insofar as the gospel values inclusiveness, which is characteristic of indigenous cultures and worldviews. But this has never been reciprocal. Indigenous Gods were sentenced to death and their believers accused of idolatry. …
Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, 2007
Malaria Journal, 2012
Background: Malaria is a leading public health problem in Ethiopia. Accurate diagnosis of Plasmod... more Background: Malaria is a leading public health problem in Ethiopia. Accurate diagnosis of Plasmodium infections is crucial for the reduction of malaria in tropical areas and for epidemiological studies. The role of light microscopy (LM) as gold standard has been questioned and, therefore, new molecular methods have been developed for the detection of Plasmodium species. The aim of the present work was to compare different malaria diagnostic methods in order to detect the most common species of Plasmodium and to broaden the knowledge of malaria prevalence in a hospital in a rural area in Ethiopia. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 471 individuals was carried out in a hospital in the rural area of Gambo (Ethiopia). Blood samples were prepared for microscopic observation and collected in filter paper for Seminested-Multiplex PCR (SnM-PCR) and real time PCR (qPCR) testing. The SnM-PCR was considered as the gold standard technique and compared with the rest. Thus, agreement between SnM-PCR and LM was determined by calculating Kappa Statistics and correlation between LM and qPCR quantification was calculated by pair-wise correlation coefficient. Results: Samples analysed by LM and SnM-PCR were positive for Plasmodium sp. 5.5% and 10.5%, respectively. Sensitivity was 52.2% by LM and 70% by qPCR. Correlation coefficient between microscopy counts and qPCR densities for Plasmodium vivax was R 2 = 0.586. Prevalence was estimated at 7% (95% CI: 4.7-9.3). Plasmodium vivax was the dominant species detected and the difference was statistically significant (χ 2 = 5.121 p < 0.05). The highest prevalence of the parasite (10.9%) was observed in age groups under 15 years old. Conclusion: Accurate malaria diagnostic methods have a great effect in the reduction of the number of malaria-infected individuals. SnM-PCR detection of malaria parasites may be a very useful complement to microscopic examination in order to obtain the real prevalence of each Plasmodium species. Although SnM-PCR shows that it is a good tool for the determination of Plasmodium species, today light microscopy remains the only viabletool for malaria diagnosis in developing countries. Therefore, reinforcement in the training of microscopists is essential for making the correct diagnosis of malaria. Plasmodium vivax was the predominant species in Gambo, a meso-endemic area for this species.
International Review of Mission, 2009
... Marisol relates that Carlos and Rafa baptized their younger child in the evangelic Sunday ser... more ... Marisol relates that Carlos and Rafa baptized their younger child in the evangelic Sunday service ... 19 Juan José Tamayo, Espiritualidad y respeto de la diversidad ... María Chávez Quispe is the Indigenous Peoples Consultant in the World Council of Churches since December 2008 ...