Papers by Magdalena Młynarczyk
Brain Sciences, Mar 28, 2023
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe
Thermal insulation may be influenced by the size of clothing and thus the volume of air gaps. The... more Thermal insulation may be influenced by the size of clothing and thus the volume of air gaps. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the size of outer wear clothing, and thus the indirect fit (the volume and size of air gaps), and thermal insulation in static and dynamic conditions. A set of underwear and two types of outerwear for workers of the energy sector and the chemical industry were selected for the study. Results showed that the value of thermal insulation (regardless of the type of outerwear) first increased with increasing clothing size.
Social and Occupational Ergonomics
Dehydration is very common among workers both at the beginning and end of work. Persistent or eve... more Dehydration is very common among workers both at the beginning and end of work. Persistent or even worsening dehydration after work indicates insufficient fluid intake at work. The aim of the study was to determine the differences in the type of consumed drinks during work between summer and winter periods in foresters. The study was carried out in summer (n = 10) and in winter (n = 10) among male foresters. Subjects completed a questionnaire regarding the amount of drinks consumed during 1 working day. It was observed that in summer the most consumed drink was water. Similarly, in the winter period, the volunteers drank water the most, but its consumption was almost twice lower than in the summer (p>0.05). On the other hand, tea consumption was 2/3 higher in winter compared to summer (p>0.05). There were also observed large, but nonsignificant, variations in volume of fluid intake between workers.In conclusion, the season of the year may affect workers’ choice of drink type. ...
Occupational Safety – Science and Practice
Stopień dopasowania odzieży do ludzkiego ciała ma wpływ na jej izolacyjność cieplną i tym samym –... more Stopień dopasowania odzieży do ludzkiego ciała ma wpływ na jej izolacyjność cieplną i tym samym – na poziom jej ciepłochronności. Określenie całkowitej objętości przestrzeni powietrznych pod odzieżą za pomocą techniki skanowania 3D może dostarczyć informacji przydatnych w ocenie dopasowania tej odzieży. W artykule przedstawiono sposób pomiaru przestrzeni powietrznych pod odzieżą z wykorzystaniem wspomnianej techniki oraz omówiono zależność między rozmiarem odzieży a stopniem jej dopasowania do sylwetki człowieka.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different seasons of the year and the time ... more The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different seasons of the year and the time of day (before work vs. after work) on hydration status in men. The study involved sixty foresters who spent most of the work outdoors. During three seasons of the year (summer, autumn, and winter), indices of hydration status (body mass (BM) and percentage change of BM, total body water (TBW) and percentage change of TBW, serum osmolality (Sosm) and percentage change of Sosm, urine osmolality, urine-specific gravity (USG), urine color, and thirst) were determined before work on the first day (time point 1 used as baseline), immediately after work on the first day (time point 2), and before work on the following day (time point 3). USG decreased at time point 2 compared to time point 1 (p < 0.001) and time point 3 (p = 0.03). At time point 2 (p = 0.002) in winter and time point 3 in autumn (p = 0.049), serum osmolality was higher than in summer. In conclusion, the differences in hydra...
Loughborough University, Jan 15, 2021
Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors
A young, healthy man wore the selected protective clothing and double gloves, which met the requi... more A young, healthy man wore the selected protective clothing and double gloves, which met the requirements of EN 511 standard. The selected manual tasks (e.g., Valpar Component Work Samples 1 - VCWS 1 Small Tools (Mechanical) (Bases of Virginia, LLC, USA)) were performed in a climatic chamber at low temperature (-1 degrees Celsius; 30.2 degrees Fahrenheit).Before entering and after exiting the chamber, changes in finger temperature and blood volume were determined using an infrared thermographic camera and plethysmograph. A decrease in both finger and hand temperature was observed after exposure to cold. In conclusion, the impact of low environment temperature (1h exposure) on the reduction of finger and hand skin temperature was significant. Even properly selected protective gloves, allowing for simultaneous performance of manual tasks, did not prevent the decline in hand and finger temperature. The low environment temperature (1h exposure) has a negative effect on hand and finger sk...
Zeszyty Naukowe SGSP, 2021
Every day, firefighters put their health and life at risk by saving people and their property not... more Every day, firefighters put their health and life at risk by saving people and their property not only during fires, but by being always ready during all kinds of unfortunate events. Therefore, they need special personal protective equipment, including protective clothing. The purpose of the study was to compare thermal properties of new (PROTON and SYRIUSZ) and old (US-03) personal protective clothing for firefighters. Measurements of thermal insulation (total, effective and local) were carried out using a full body shape thermal manikin Newton consisting of 34 segments, in which temperature and heat flux were controlled independently. Results of the total thermal insulation of the entire clothing reveal differences between all three models. The lowest values were noticed for the model PROTON with light and shorter jacket and the highest values of thermal insulation for the new model SYRIUSZ, indicating that this model protect the user against heat most effectively. New models of p...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Our research aimed to determine the impact of two types of protective gloves. The research tested... more Our research aimed to determine the impact of two types of protective gloves. The research tested the glove performance on men exposed to a range of temperatures reflecting the working conditions in fruit and vegetable processing. The gloves were assessed for performance within the time required to complete a specific manual task and for performance relative to the subjective thermal sensations in the male subjects. Six males participated in a total of 3 study variants: at +5 °C (with double gloves and single glove), at −1 °C (with double gloves and single glove) and in reference conditions +20 °C (without gloves), in which they performed manual tasks. The measurement of manual task performance time was used to assess manual dexterity. Subjective thermal sensations were determined. Differences in the time required to complete specific tasks were observed between the variants with gloves (both at a temperature of +5 °C and −1 °C), and without gloves (p < 0.05). The type of protect...
Specialist clothing for firefighters must comply with a number of various standards in terms of e... more Specialist clothing for firefighters must comply with a number of various standards in terms of e.g. water vapour resistance. The use of different materials and constructional solutions may affect the results of thermal parameters of the clothing. A search for new solutions can lead to ergonomic products. The aim of the article was to show whether there were differences in thermal parameters between the special clothing currently used for firefighters in Poland and clothing that takes into account new materials and trends in the construction of the above-mentioned type of clothing. The research results indicate no difference between the sets of clothing tested in terms of global thermal parameters; however, differences are recorded for values of local thermal insulation and water vapour resistance. These differences are attributable mainly to the construction of the clothing and not to the materials used.
Occupational Safety – Science and Practice, 2020
Zgodnie z obowiązującymi w Polsce przepisami prawa, pracodawca zobowiązany jest zapewnić pracowni... more Zgodnie z obowiązującymi w Polsce przepisami prawa, pracodawca zobowiązany jest zapewnić pracownikowi bezpieczne warunki pracy. W przypadku narażenia pracownika na szkodliwe oddziaływanie środowiska zimnego, pracodawca musi zapewnić mu odpowiednio dobraną ciepłochronną odzież, spełniającą wymagania zapisów normy PN-EN 342:2018-01. Z uwagi na istotne zmiany, jakie zostały wprowadzone w nowym wydaniu wymienionego dokumentu, w szczególności w aspekcie metodyki badań izolacyjności cieplnej z wykorzystaniem manekina termicznego, w artykule zamieszczono informacje nt. różnic pomiędzy wydaniami normy PN-EN 342 z 2006 r. oraz 2018 r. Wyjaśniono również pojęcia związane z oceną skuteczności ochrony odzieży przed zimnem.
Indoor and Built Environment, 2021
Thermal conditions in operating rooms are mainly dictated by the need to meet the safety/comfort ... more Thermal conditions in operating rooms are mainly dictated by the need to meet the safety/comfort requirements of the patient. However, the accuracy of performed surgical procedures depends on the surgeon and others members of medical team. Hence, their comfort sensation should be also factored in. The study sought to find out how thermal sensations of people working in surgical clothing can be modified through a local change in air velocity and temperature around the user. A series of tests was carried out with a thermal manikin to make an accurate assessment of the effectiveness of this type of equipment. The tests included changes of the ambient temperature, supply air temperature and air velocity. The operational efficiency was assessed on the basis of the equivalent temperature index ( teq). Results show that the final result of teq was mostly determined by air velocity rather than the supply air temperature.
Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy, 2021
The assessment of maximum allowable heat load of a body in a hot environment is determined using ... more The assessment of maximum allowable heat load of a body in a hot environment is determined using the WBGT index. The name of the WBGT index is derived from the measurement of two parameters: natural wet-bulb temperature and black globe temperature. WBGT as an indicator used to assess the heat load (until 2017) was related to the metabolic heat production and placed in the form of tables in the Polish edition of Standard No.PN-EN 27243:2005 (and PN-EN 27243:2005P). In 2017, this standard was replaced by Standard No. EN ISO 7243:2017, and in January 2018, the Polish translation of Standard No. PN-EN ISO 7243:2018-01 was approved. This article describes the methodology of conducting WBGT research according to Standard No. PN-EN ISO 7243:2018-01. This article discusses the problems of occupational safety and health, which are covered by health sciences and environmental engineering.
Occupational Safety – Science and Practice, 2019
Comparison of the results of tests carried out in a climatic chamber with volunteers at ambient c... more Comparison of the results of tests carried out in a climatic chamber with volunteers at ambient conditions: ta = 42 °C; RH = 80%; the vapor pressure = 6.56 kPa, V = 0.5 m/s; with predictions from numerical simulation made by the PHS program, they showed their satisfactory compatibility. This confirms the possibility of using the PHS program to predict the heat load of a human being in an extreme hot environment, when the vapor pressure in the surrounding environment exceeds 4.5 kPa, indicated in PN-EN ISO 7933:2005 as a limit value.
Occupational Safety – Science and Practice, 2018
The firefighters work in extreme environmental conditions and have to solve a wide variety of pro... more The firefighters work in extreme environmental conditions and have to solve a wide variety of problems during their work. These can be rescuing and firefighting actions or removing effects of accidents or natural disasters. In order to protect, not only others but also themselves, they must be focused as much as possible in order to avoid mistakes. Optimal conditions for such work could create so-called thermal comfort, characterized by a thermoneutral state of a body. Lack of thermal comfort can also cause an increased number of mistakes. That is why it is so important to select the right protection and to know the impact of the protective clothing (special clothing) on the thermal sensation of firefighters. This article presents the requirements for special clothing for firefighters, the results of thermal insulation tests of the above-mentioned clothing and the analysis of thermal sensations of its users (by PMV index).
Occupational Safety – Science and Practice, 2018
The wide range of tasks performed by firefighters of the State Fire Service – and the multitude o... more The wide range of tasks performed by firefighters of the State Fire Service – and the multitude of risks they are exposed to – have contributed to qualifying this profession as carrying a very high level of risk. The article analyzes the causes and effects of firefighters’ accidents in the State Fire Service in 2010 – 2016.
Occupational Safety – Science and Practice, 2021
Wymiana ciepła w układzie odzież – źródło ciepła zależy w dużej mierze od izolacyjności cieplnej ... more Wymiana ciepła w układzie odzież – źródło ciepła zależy w dużej mierze od izolacyjności cieplnej odzieży. Jest to podstawowy parametr opisujący użyty zestaw odzieży, na który składa się opór cieplny poszczególnych warstw odzieży. Uwzględnia on także występujące pomiędzy warstwami pustki powietrza, których występowanie związane jest ze stopniem dopasowania odzieży do sylwetki użytkownika. Rozmiar powstałych pustek powietrza może być analizowany za pomocą technik skanowania 3D. W artykule przedstawiono problem występowania pustek powietrza (a więc pośrednio stopnia dopasowania odzieży do sylwetki) i ich znaczenie.
Occupational Safety – Science and Practice, 2021
Ekspozycja na środowisko zimne może negatywnie wpływać na organizm pracownika. Niekorzystne warun... more Ekspozycja na środowisko zimne może negatywnie wpływać na organizm pracownika. Niekorzystne warunki mogą prowadzić do wychłodzenia części dystalnych, jak również organizmu, a nawet do hipotermii. W artykule skupiono uwagę na jednym z elementów wpływu środowiska zimnego na organizm człowieka, a dokładniej na sprawności manualnej. Przedstawiono w nim wpływ środowiska zimnego na zmiany sprawności rąk, które z kolei mogą przekładać się na zwiększenie ilości wypadków, a więc bezpieczeństwo pracy.
Papers by Magdalena Młynarczyk