Lenin's death and the struggle for leadership. Emergence of Stalin, his background, aims, ideolo... more Lenin's death and the struggle for leadership. Emergence of Stalin, his background, aims, ideology and support. Methods used to come to power. Concept of Totalitarianism: Stalin's aims and overview the extent to which it was achieved. Key Questions: 'What Methods and conditions did Stalin use to gain power?' 'What were Stalin's aims and ideology?' 'To what extent was the rise to power of Stalin due to personal appeal and ability?' Establishment of authoritarian and single party states. Stalin's Communist Government: ideology. Stalin's 1936 Constitution Structure and organisation of Government and administration Methods and use of force: show trials, purges and secret police. Nature, extent and treatment of opposition in his early years. Political opposition, military and ordinary people in opposition. Key Questions: 'How did Stalin keep control?' 'Account for the ineffectiveness of internal opposition to Stalin.' "In order to achieve and retain power a leader of a single-party state needed to be ruthless, blind to human suffering and yet charismatic." To what extent do you agree with this assertion? 'Assess the importance of ideology in Stalin's policies.' 'Assess the methods used by Stalin to maintain power.' Domestic policies and impact. Stalin's Economic Policies: Modernising Industry; the Five Year Plans and impact. Modernising agriculture; Collectivisation and impact. Successes and weaknesses of economic policies. Key Question: 'To what extent were the economic policies for the good of the USSR or were they established to consolidate Stalin's power?' Domestic policies and impact. Propaganda: the Cult of the Personality -Stalinisation Education and the treatment of the young The Treatment of Women in Stalin's Russia Religion, art and culture under Stalin Treatment of the Minorities under Stalin Key Questions: 'How had life changed for people living during Stalin's rule?' 'To what extent had Stalin managed a 'Social Revolution'?' 'Assess the successes and failures of Stalin's Domestic policies'. 'In what ways and with what results was propaganda used under Stalin?' 'Examine the treatment of women in Stalinist Russia.' 'Assess the Education policy and /or the developments of the arts in the USSR under Stalin.' 'To what extent was the USSR an orthodox communist state under Stalin?'
Lenin's death and the struggle for leadership. Emergence of Stalin, his background, aims, ideolo... more Lenin's death and the struggle for leadership. Emergence of Stalin, his background, aims, ideology and support. Methods used to come to power. Concept of Totalitarianism: Stalin's aims and overview the extent to which it was achieved. Key Questions: 'What Methods and conditions did Stalin use to gain power?' 'What were Stalin's aims and ideology?' 'To what extent was the rise to power of Stalin due to personal appeal and ability?' Establishment of authoritarian and single party states. Stalin's Communist Government: ideology. Stalin's 1936 Constitution Structure and organisation of Government and administration Methods and use of force: show trials, purges and secret police. Nature, extent and treatment of opposition in his early years. Political opposition, military and ordinary people in opposition. Key Questions: 'How did Stalin keep control?' 'Account for the ineffectiveness of internal opposition to Stalin.' "In order to achieve and retain power a leader of a single-party state needed to be ruthless, blind to human suffering and yet charismatic." To what extent do you agree with this assertion? 'Assess the importance of ideology in Stalin's policies.' 'Assess the methods used by Stalin to maintain power.' Domestic policies and impact. Stalin's Economic Policies: Modernising Industry; the Five Year Plans and impact. Modernising agriculture; Collectivisation and impact. Successes and weaknesses of economic policies. Key Question: 'To what extent were the economic policies for the good of the USSR or were they established to consolidate Stalin's power?' Domestic policies and impact. Propaganda: the Cult of the Personality -Stalinisation Education and the treatment of the young The Treatment of Women in Stalin's Russia Religion, art and culture under Stalin Treatment of the Minorities under Stalin Key Questions: 'How had life changed for people living during Stalin's rule?' 'To what extent had Stalin managed a 'Social Revolution'?' 'Assess the successes and failures of Stalin's Domestic policies'. 'In what ways and with what results was propaganda used under Stalin?' 'Examine the treatment of women in Stalinist Russia.' 'Assess the Education policy and /or the developments of the arts in the USSR under Stalin.' 'To what extent was the USSR an orthodox communist state under Stalin?'
Papers by Máté Füzesi