Papers by Márcio Nascimento Bezerra
Robôs, andróides, ciborgues, próteses mecânicas, engenharia genética, realidade virtual: todos fa... more Robôs, andróides, ciborgues, próteses mecânicas, engenharia genética, realidade virtual: todos fazem parte de um único e mesmo movimento, iniciado primevamente, quando a realidade passou a ser dividida entre natureza e cultura. Através desta contingência, a sociedade patriarcal ...
Robôs, andróides, ciborgues, próteses mecânicas, engenharia genética, realidade virtual: todos fa... more Robôs, andróides, ciborgues, próteses mecânicas, engenharia genética, realidade virtual: todos fazem parte de um único e mesmo movimento, iniciado primevamente, quando a realidade passou a ser dividida entre natureza e cultura. Através desta contingência, a sociedade patriarcal ...
PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 2018
A conquista de torneios continentais é um dos principais objetivos dos grandes clubes que buscam ... more A conquista de torneios continentais é um dos principais objetivos dos grandes clubes que buscam reconhecimento técnico e ganho econômico. Com a utilização de softwares capazes de gerar informações e estatísticas em larga escala, as comissões técnicas estão sempre à procura de novos conhecimentos capazes de trazerem vantagens a seus atletas, aumentando seu nível de competitividade frente a seus adversários. Nesse contexto, gerir tal conteúdo se torna fundamental para o planejamento do elenco, criação de estratégias de jogo, conhecimento dos adversários e de tudo que envolve as competições. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo é investigar os fatores de jogo que implicam diretamente nos resultados das partidas jogadas em casa na Copa Libertadores da América de 2017. Para isso foram feitas análises quantitativas baseadas nos scouts das partidas das fases de oitavas, quartas, semi e finais do torneio, apresentando através do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. Concluiu-se que, no geral, para os clubes que jogaram em casa, os scouts que se correlacionaram mais fortemente com os gols foram os chutes no gol (no alvo) e os de fora da área; a precisão dos passes e os escanteios. Já para os que jogaram em casa e venceram, os gols com os chutes totais, os no gol e os de dentro da área, além da precisão dos passes com os que foram completados no campo do adversário. Palavras Chave: Copa Libertadores da América. Correlação. Análise de desempenho. Fator casa. Gestão do futebol.
Lead is a naturally occurring element widely used for thousands of years. Currently, it is one of... more Lead is a naturally occurring element widely used for thousands of years. Currently, it is one of the most common contaminants of the environment, due to several industrial activities that promote its widespread distribution and due to its capability to enter the human body through inhalation (air), ingestion (food, water and contaminated soil) and dermal. Usually, the ammunition of firearms is made from 95 to 97% of lead. This study aimed to identify the lead exposure in the military police shot by a firearm and with some remaining fragments or bullet lodged in their bodies, more specifically, to determine lead concentrations in the blood of soldiers who got shot and remained with bullet and /or ammunition fragments lodged in their bodies, comparing those concentrations to the control group, and identify possible effects resulting from lead contamination in the military studied, relating them to the concentrations of lead found. For this there were selected 15 military policemen from Rio de Janeiro state, male, aged 36.00 + 6.75 years, height 1.74 + 0.05 meters, body weight of 80.36 + 14.19 kilograms and service time in PMERJ 16.14 + 7.10 years. We compared a group of military police of the state of Rio de Janeiro who had projectile and / or fragments of ammunition lodged in their bodies with another group of policemen who had never been shot. Blood samples were collected from participants, in which the lead concentration was determined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. It was determined an average blood lead concentration, in µg dL-1 , of 10.49 ± 9.62 for the exposed police officers and 2.43 ± 0.65 for control group. We used descriptive statistics, the Spearman correlation test, the hypothesis test of Mann-Whitney and linear regression. Although all results were below the limits established by Brazilian legislation, they showed a statistically significant difference between the blood samples (z =-3,130 and p = 0,002) in both groups. There was also a significant association between blood lead levels and bullet location of the exposed group (ρ = 0.730 and p = 0.031), but no correlation with the projectile exposure time or the bullet weight. There were significant differences among the possible neurologic effects of the groups (z =-2.261 p = 0.024). There were formulated equations that could predict future blood lead concentrations in exposed police officers, and these equations showed excellent correlation with effectively determined blood lead levels. There was considered that there was no military police totally free of lead exposure. It was concluded that the presence of projectile and / or fragments lodged in the body constitutes a significant source of the metal, thus increasing the contamination and the possibility of neurologic effects resulting from this contamination, which must have been augmented by occupational exposure that all police officers are subjected to. It was recommended to be made, whenever possible, the removal of the bullet and fragments of targeted individuals. The development of new studies on this subject, largely unexplored by the scientific community, as well as the lead contamination indexes formulated in this research are recommended to facilitate the decision-making process by physicians and surgeons.
The Cerebellum, 2016
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is an autosomal dominant degenerative disease. Pathological ... more Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is an autosomal dominant degenerative disease. Pathological studies have demonstrated not only cerebellar and brainstem atrophy, but substantia nigra, motoneurons, basal ganglia, thalamus, and peripheral nerves involvement. These findings may explain non-motor and extra-cerebellar features in SCA2. We accessed the non-motor symptoms and extra-cerebellar signs in SCA2 patients in order to provide a better understanding on pathophysiological mechanisms and natural history of brain degeneration in the disease. Thirty-three SCA2 patients were evaluated and compared with 26 healthy subjects. We investigated the following variables: sleep disorders, cognitive deficit, olfactory impairment, urinary dysfunction, psychiatric symptoms, cramps, pain, movement disorders, and weight loss. SCA2 had a high frequency of REM sleep behavior disorder (48.48 %, N = 16) as well as excessive daytime sleepiness (42.42 %, N = 14). Chorea was present in 15.15 % (N = 5), dystonia in 27.27 % (N = 9), and parkinsonism in 27.27 % (N = 9). Slow saccadic pursuit was present in 87.87 % (N = 29) and ophtalmoparesis in 78.78 % (N = 26) of patients. Regarding sleep disorders, 18.18 % (N = 6) of patients had restless leg syndrome. Dysphagia was present in 39.39 % (N = 13), weight loss 24.24 % (N = 8), and urinary dysfunction 27.27 % (N = 9). Cramps was present in only 6 % of patients (N = 2). This study highlighted the high frequency of non-motor symptoms and extra-cerebellar signs in SCA2. Our findings demonstrate the widespread of nervous system involvement in SCA2 patients and contribute to better understand the natural history of brain degeneration in this genetic condition.
The Cerebellum, 2015
Peripheral neuropathy is frequent in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2), but the pattern and ch... more Peripheral neuropathy is frequent in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2), but the pattern and characteristics of nerve involvement are still an unsettled issue. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence, extent, and distribution of nerve involvement in SCA2 patients through neurophysiological studies. Thirty-one SCA2 patients and 20 control subjects were enrolled in this study. All subjects were prospectively evaluated through electromyography, including nerve conduction, needle electromyography in proximal and distal muscles of the upper and lower limbs, and sural radial amplitude ratio (SRAR). We aimed to differentiate distal axonopathy from diffuse nerve commitment, characterizing neuronopathy. Nerve involvement was observed in 83.6 % (26 individuals) of SCA2 patients. Among these, 19 had diffuse sensory abnormalities on nerve conduction predominantly on the upper limbs, with diffuse chronic denervation on needle electromyography and elevated SRAR values. Four individuals had only diffuse sensory involvement, and 2 had only motor involvement on needle evaluation and normal nerve conduction. These were interpreted as neuronopathy due to the diffuse distribution of the involvement. One individual had distal sensory axonopathy, with lower limb predominance. In this study, we found neuronopathy as the main pattern of nerve involvement in SCA2 patients and that motor involvement is a frequent feature. This information brings new insights into the understanding of the pathophysiology of nerve involvement in SCA2 and sets some key points about the phenotype, which is relevant to guide the genetic/molecular diagnosis.
AGRADECIMENTOS À Deus, que me tranqüiliza espiritualmente e orienta a seguir os caminhos da vida.... more AGRADECIMENTOS À Deus, que me tranqüiliza espiritualmente e orienta a seguir os caminhos da vida. Aos meus pais, José Eduardo Bezerra e Maria Garcia Neta Bezerra que em todos os momentos apoiaram minhas decisões e deram o suporte afetivo necessário para concretizar meus objetivos. À minha esposa Ana Karine Baima Rebouças, por sua compreensão das várias horas que abdiquei a sua companhia. Aos meus irmãos, Roberta Garcia Bezerra e Daniel Eduardo Garcia Bezerra, que sempre souberam respeitar minhas vontades. À Professora Ana Lúcia Kassouf, pela amizade, paciência e dedicação de parte de seu tempo à leitura e contribuição de informações que resultou na elaboração desse estudo. Aos Professores Rodolfo Hoffamann e Lígia Vasconcellos, por suas exposições e detalhamentos objetivos de possíveis melhoras no trabalho. Aos amigos Laura Poggi, Davi Rogério (onça), Alexandre Nunes (tio conchas), Alexandre Nicolella, Andrea Ferro, Rosângela Maria, Luciane (Gaúcha) presentes nas horas de dificuldade e de alegria, compartilhando momentos de descontração e dando força nos períodos de angústia. Aos amigos e colegas de departamento que direta ou indiretamente contribuíram para elaboração desta dissertação. Aos funcionários do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira-INEP, pela atenção e disponibilidade de informações. Ao Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico-CNPQ, pela provisão de recursos que ajudaram na execução deste trabalho.
RESUMO As bactérias da classe dos streptomicetos são conhecidas por produzirem uma grande varieda... more RESUMO As bactérias da classe dos streptomicetos são conhecidas por produzirem uma grande variedade de metabólitos secundários dentre eles antibióticos e antitumorais. Por isso é de grande interesse aumentar os níveis de produção desses metabólitos. Os metabólitos secundários são sintetizados por rotas biosintéticas específicas, mas os precursores e co-fatores envolvidos nessas rotas são provenientes do metabolismo primário. O aumento no nível de produção de antibióticos em streptomicetos geralmente requer modificações do metabolismo primário, modificações estas que podem ser proposta por engenharia metabólica e obtidas por engenharia genética. Neste trabalho, através de simulações do modelo metabólico proposto, será mostrado como a regulação da expressão genética de genes envolvidos na biosíntese de ácidos graxos podem interferir nos níveis de produção de cosmomicina na cepa de Streptomyces olindensis ICB20.
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte, 2013
Saúde e Sociedade, 2012
Ao tomar conhecimento sobre uso inadequado de texto já publicado na Introdução do Artigo "Perfil ... more Ao tomar conhecimento sobre uso inadequado de texto já publicado na Introdução do Artigo "Perfil da produção científica em saúde do trabalhador", submetido no início de 2009 à Revista Saúde e Sociedade e publicado em junho de 2010, os autores gostariam de tornar público o que se segue:
Saúde e Sociedade, 2010
O objetivo deste estudo foi traçar o perfil da produção científica referente à saúde do trabalhad... more O objetivo deste estudo foi traçar o perfil da produção científica referente à saúde do trabalhador, no período compreendido entre 2001 e março de 2008. A pesquisa foi operacionalizada por meio da busca eletrônica de artigos indexados na base de dados Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), a partir dos descritores "saúde do(s) trabalhador(es)" e "saúde ocupacional". Foram analisados 170 artigos completos. O periódico Cadernos de Saúde Pública concentra a maior parte dos trabalhos (35.29%), seguido pela Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva (16,47%). Constatou-se, ainda, que o método de abordagem mais utilizado foi o quantitativo (53,52%), os objetos de estudo mais frequente foram as discussões conceituais das relações saúde-ambiente-trabalho (40,59%), e a população mais estudada foi a dos profissionais da área de saúde (20,59%). Verificou-se, ainda, que a produção científica nacional sobre o tema concentra-se na região sudeste (69,66%). O aumento da produção c...
The Neurologist, 2011
Ginkgo biloba is a herbal medication that is often used worldwide. Although side effects are unco... more Ginkgo biloba is a herbal medication that is often used worldwide. Although side effects are uncommon, G. biloba has been associated with serious bleeding complications, especially intracranial hemorrhage. We report the case of a young woman who made chronic use of G. biloba and suffered from cerebral bleeding without any structural abnormalities. Several studies have pointed to the association between G. biloba and intracranial hemorrhage.
The Cerebellum, 2014
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 or Machado-Joseph disease is the most common spinocerebellar ataxia... more Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 or Machado-Joseph disease is the most common spinocerebellar ataxia. In this neurological disease, anatomical, physiological, clinical, and functional neuroimaging demonstrate a degenerative process besides the cerebellum. We performed neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies-polysomnography, transcranial sonography, vestibular-evoked myogenic potential, single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with 99m Tc-TRODAT-1, and a formal neuropsychological evaluation in a patient with sleep complaints and positive testing for Machado-Joseph disease, without cerebellar atrophy, ataxia, or cognitive complaints. Polysomnography disclosed paradoxical high amplitude of submental muscle, characterizing REM sleep without atonia phenomenon. Transcranial sonography showed hyperechogenicity of the substantia nigra. There was an absence of vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials on both sides in the patient under study, in opposite to 20 healthy subjects. Brain imaging SPECT with 99m Tc-TRODAT-1 demonstrated a significant lower DAT density than the average observed in six healthy controls. Electroneuromyography was normal. Neuropsychological evaluation demonstrated visuospatial and memory deficits. Impairment of midbrain cholinergic and pontine noradrenergic systems, dysfunction of the pre-synaptic nigrostriatal system, changes in echogenicity of the substantia nigra, and damage to vestibulo-cervical pathways are supposed to occur previous to cerebellar involvement in Machado-Joseph disease.
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 2013
Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) are a group of neurodegenerative diseases that may affect the cereb... more Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) are a group of neurodegenerative diseases that may affect the cerebellum and its connections. Although the clinical spectrum of SCA is mostly characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia, phenotypic variability has often been reported. Moreover, a wide range of non-ataxia features can be observed during disease progression. Among non-ataxia features, several types of movement disorders may be found in SCA, and are not uncommon [1]. Almost all types of movement disorders can be detected in patients with SCA, and may be related to basal ganglia involvement. Up to this moment, 36 subtypes of SCA are known. The most common related movement disorders with SCA subtype are: myoclonus in SCA2 and SCA14; dystonia in SCA2, SCA3 and SCA17; eyelid dystonia in SCA3; chorea in SCA3 and SCA17; parkinsonism in SCA2, SCA3 and SCA17; akathisia in SCA3; action tremor SCA12 and SCA27; palatal tremor in SCA20 [1–4]. Thus, the observed movement disorder, when present in combination with cerebellar ataxia, could point to the underlying SCA. Conversely, some patients with SCA may present with complex and unusual movement disorders. Herein, we describe four patients presenting with unusual movement disorders in three different subtypes of SCA. We also comment on phenomenology and underlying pathophysiology involved.
Neurology India, 2011
The most frequent neurologic manifestations of hepatitis C virus infection include peripheral neu... more The most frequent neurologic manifestations of hepatitis C virus infection include peripheral neuropathy axonal type and central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis. Affected patients usually have cryoglobulinemia and other signs of vasculitis. Demyelinating lesions, both central and peripheral are rarely described. We present a case of simultaneous peripheral nervous system and CNS demyelination that comes in relapsing episodes, with negative cryoglobulins.
European Neurology, 2013
Objective: Neuropathy is a well-recognized feature in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) or Mac... more Objective: Neuropathy is a well-recognized feature in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) or Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), but the pattern of neuropathy is still a matter of debate. This study aimed to evaluate peripheral nerve involvement in MJD patients. Neurophysiological and clinical data were analyzed to distinguish neuronopathy from length-dependent distal axonopathy. Methods: In the present study we evaluated 26 patients with clinical and molecular-proven MJD and investigated their peripheral nerve involvement. Neurophysiological and clinical data were compared and correlated aiming to distinguish neuronopathy from distal axonopathy. Results: The neurophysiological evaluation showed that 42.3% of the patients had polyneuropathy. Among these patients, 81.8% presented neuronopathy. Conclusion: We concluded that neuronopathy is the most common form of peripheral nerve involvement in MJD patients.
European Neurology, 2011
Objective: To evaluate a group of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) or Machado-Joseph disease ... more Objective: To evaluate a group of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) or Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) (SCA3/MJD) patients and assess whether there is an association between neuropathy and serum ferritin levels and restless legs syndrome (RLS). Methods: Twenty-six SCA3/MJD patients underwent electromyography studies to check for neuropathy. Their serum ferritin levels were measured as well. These findings were evaluated based on the presence or not of RLS and its severity. Results: The proportion of neuropathy in the RLS group was not significantly higher compared to the non-RLS group (23 vs. 15%, Fisher’s exact test, p = 1.000). Furthermore, no association was found between RLS and ferritin levels. Conclusion: We found no correlation between neuropathy or ferritin levels and RLS in SCA3/MJD patients.
Profª Drª Gorete Ribeiro de Macedo RESUMO: Biossurfactantes são moléculas anfipáticas sintetizada... more Profª Drª Gorete Ribeiro de Macedo RESUMO: Biossurfactantes são moléculas anfipáticas sintetizadas por microrganismos como bactérias, leveduras ou fungos filamentosos cultivados em várias fontes de carbono, entre as quais destacam-se a sacarose e os hidrocarbonetos. Estas moléculas, compostas por uma parte hidrofílica e outra hidrofóbica, agem preferencialmente na interface de fluidos de diferentes polaridades. Devido a esta característica, são potencialmente utilizados em inúmeras indústrias como a têxtil, a farmacêutica, a de cosmético, a alimentícia e especialmente nas indústrias petroquímicas. Por estas potenciais aplicações é de interesse industrial o desenvolvimento de processos de produção de biosurfactante em grande escala que os tornem economicamente competitivos com os surfactantes sintéticos. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar a produção de biossurfactante utilizando um substrato não convencionalmelaço de cana-proveniente da indústria açucareira, reduzindo os custos de produção. A cepa identificada como AP029/GLVIIA, isolada de poços de petróleo do Estado do RN e utilizada nestes ensaios, pertence à coleção de cultura do Departamento de Antibióticos da UFPE. Os cultivos foram submetidos a diferentes condições utilizando um planejamento fatorial 2 4 com duplicata no ponto central, no qual os fatores estudados foram concentração de melaço, concentração de nitrato (fonte de nitrogênio), agitação e razão de aeração. Os ensaios foram realizados em shaker a temperatura de 38°C. Amostras foram retiradas em tempos regulares de até 60 ou 72 horas completadas de cultivo para a análise do consumo de substrato, da concentração celular, da tensão superficial, da diluição micelar crítica (CMD-1 e CMD-2) e da produção de proteína. Os resultados mostraram que nas melhores condições de cultivo foram obtidos 3,480 g/L de biomassa, uma redução da tensão superficial de aproximadamente 41%, 67% de consumo de substrato e a síntese de 0,2805g/L de proteína.
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2009
diSSecÇÃo eSpontÂnea de carÓtida coM paraliSia reSidual do nervo hipogloSSo: a iMportÂncia da ava... more diSSecÇÃo eSpontÂnea de carÓtida coM paraliSia reSidual do nervo hipogloSSo: a iMportÂncia da avaliaÇÃo por reS
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 2011
Papers by Márcio Nascimento Bezerra