Natural language is perhaps the most flexible and intuitive way for humans to communicate tasks t... more Natural language is perhaps the most flexible and intuitive way for humans to communicate tasks to a robot. Prior work in imitation learning typically requires each task be specified with a task id or goal image-something that is often impractical in open-world environments. On the other hand, previous approaches in instruction following allow agent behavior to be guided by language, but typically assume structure in the observations, actuators, or language that limit their applicability to complex settings like robotics. In this work, we present a method for incorporating free-form natural language conditioning into imitation learning. Our approach learns perception from pixels, natural language understanding, and multitask continuous control end-to-end as a single neural network. Unlike prior work in imitation learning, our method is able to incorporate unlabeled and unstructured demonstration data (i.e. no task or language labels). We show this dramatically improves language conditioned performance, while reducing the cost of language annotation to less than 1% of total data. At test time, a single language conditioned visuomotor policy trained with our method can perform a wide variety of robotic manipulation skills in a 3D environment, specified only with natural language descriptions of each task (e.g. "open the pick up the press the green button...") (see video). To scale up the number of instructions an agent can follow, we propose combining text conditioned policies with large pretrained neural language models. We find this allows a policy to be robust to many out-of-distribution synonym instructions, without requiring new demonstrations. See videos of a human typing live text commands to our agent at
In this paper, we study the problem of enabling a vision-based robotic manipulation system to gen... more In this paper, we study the problem of enabling a vision-based robotic manipulation system to generalize to novel tasks, a long-standing challenge in robot learning. We approach the challenge from an imitation learning perspective, aiming to study how scaling and broadening the data collected can facilitate such generalization. To that end, we develop an interactive and flexible imitation learning system that can learn from both demonstrations and interventions and can be conditioned on different forms of information that convey the task, including pre-trained embeddings of natural language or videos of humans performing the task. When scaling data collection on a real robot to more than 100 distinct tasks, we find that this system can perform 24 unseen manipulation tasks with an average success rate of 44%, without any robot demonstrations for those tasks.
Reinforcement learning systems have the potential to enable continuous improvement in unstructure... more Reinforcement learning systems have the potential to enable continuous improvement in unstructured environments, leveraging data collected autonomously. However, in practice these systems require significant amounts of instrumentation or human intervention to learn in the real world. In this work, we propose a system for reinforcement learning that leverages multi-task reinforcement learning bootstrapped with prior data to enable continuous autonomous practicing, minimizing the number of resets needed while being able to learn temporally extended behaviors. We show how appropriately provided prior data can help bootstrap both low-level multi-task policies and strategies for sequencing these tasks one after another to enable learning with minimal resets. This mechanism enables our robotic system to practice with minimal human intervention at training time, while being able to solve long horizon tasks at test time. We show the efficacy of the proposed system on a challenging kitchen manipulation task both in simulation and the real world, demonstrating the ability to practice autonomously in order to solve temporally extended problems.
Long-horizon planning in realistic environments requires the ability to reason over sequential ta... more Long-horizon planning in realistic environments requires the ability to reason over sequential tasks in high-dimensional state spaces with complex dynamics. Classical motion planning algorithms, such as rapidly-exploring random trees, are capable of efficiently exploring large state spaces and computing longhorizon, sequential plans. However, these algorithms are generally challenged with complex, stochastic, and high-dimensional state spaces as well as in the presence of narrow passages, which naturally emerge in tasks that interact with the environment. Machine learning offers a promising solution for its ability to learn general policies that can handle complex interactions and high-dimensional observations. However, these policies are generally limited in horizon length. Our approach, Broadly-Exploring, Local-policy Trees (BELT), merges these two approaches to leverage the strengths of both through a task-conditioned, modelbased tree search. BELT uses an RRT-inspired tree search to efficiently explore the state space. Locally, the exploration is guided by a task-conditioned, learned policy capable of performing general short-horizon tasks. This task space can be quite general and abstract; its only requirements are to be sampleable and to wellcover the space of useful tasks. This search is aided by a task-conditioned model that temporally extends dynamics propagation to allow long-horizon search and sequential reasoning over tasks. BELT is demonstrated experimentally to be able to plan long-horizon, sequential trajectories with a goal conditioned policy and generate plans that are robust.
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020
We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations of objects from monocular vide... more We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations of objects from monocular videos and demonstrate it is particularly useful for robotics. The main contributions of this paper are: 1) a self-supervised model called Object-Contrastive Network (OCN) that can discover and disentangle object attributes from video without using any labels; 2) we leverage self-supervision for online adaptation: the longer our online model looks at objects in a video, the lower the object identification error, while the offline baseline remains with a large fixed error; 3) we show the usefulness of our approach for a robotic pointing task; a robot can point to objects similar to the one presented in front of it. Videos illustrating online object adaptation and robotic pointing are provided as supplementary material.
In this work we explore a new approach for robots to teach themselves about the world simply by o... more In this work we explore a new approach for robots to teach themselves about the world simply by observing it. In particular we investigate the effectiveness of learning task-agnostic representations for continuous control tasks. We extend Time-Contrastive Networks (TCN) that learn from visual observations by embedding multiple frames jointly in the embedding space as opposed to a single frame. We show that by doing so, we are now able to encode both position and velocity attributes significantly more accurately. We test the usefulness of this self-supervised approach in a reinforcement learning setting. We show that the representations learned by agents observing themselves take random actions, or other agents perform tasks successfully, can enable the learning of continuous control policies using algorithms like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) using only the learned embeddings as input.
Acquiring multiple skills has commonly involved collecting a large number of expert demonstration... more Acquiring multiple skills has commonly involved collecting a large number of expert demonstrations per task or engineering custom reward functions. Recently it has been shown that it is possible to acquire a diverse set of skills by self-supervising control on top of human teleoperated play data. Play is rich in state space coverage and a policy trained on this data can generalize to specific tasks at test time outperforming policies trained on individual expert task demonstrations. In this work, we explore the question of whether robots can learn to play to autonomously generate play data that can ultimately enhance performance. By training a behavioral cloning policy on a relatively small quantity of human play, we autonomously generate a large quantity of cloned play data that can be used as additional training. We demonstrate that a general purpose goal-conditioned policy trained on this augmented dataset substantially outperforms one trained only with the original human data on...
Long-horizon planning in realistic environments requires the ability to reason over sequential ta... more Long-horizon planning in realistic environments requires the ability to reason over sequential tasks in high-dimensional state spaces with complex dynamics. Classical motion planning algorithms, such as rapidly-exploring random trees, are capable of efficiently exploring large state spaces and computing long-horizon, sequential plans. However, these algorithms are generally challenged with complex, stochastic, and high-dimensional state spaces as well as in the presence of narrow passages, which naturally emerge in tasks that interact with the environment. Machine learning offers a promising solution for its ability to learn general policies that can handle complex interactions and high-dimensional observations. However, these policies are generally limited in horizon length. Our approach, Broadly-Exploring, Local-policy Trees (BELT), merges these two approaches to leverage the strengths of both through a task-conditioned, model-based tree search. BELT uses an RRT-inspired tree sear...
We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations of objects from monocular vide... more We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations of objects from monocular videos and demonstrate it is particularly useful in situated settings such as robotics. The main contributions of this paper are: 1) a self-supervising objective trained with contrastive learning that can discover and disentangle object attributes from video without using any labels; 2) we leverage object self-supervision for online adaptation: the longer our online model looks at objects in a video, the lower the object identification error, while the offline baseline remains with a large fixed error; 3) to explore the possibilities of a system entirely free of human supervision, we let a robot collect its own data, train on this data with our self-supervise scheme, and then show the robot can point to objects similar to the one presented in front of it, demonstrating generalization of object attributes. An interesting and perhaps surprising finding of this approach is that given a limited ...
We propose learning from teleoperated play data (LfP) as a way to scale up multi-task robotic ski... more We propose learning from teleoperated play data (LfP) as a way to scale up multi-task robotic skill learning. Learning from play (LfP) offers three main advantages: 1) It is cheap. Large amounts of play data can be collected quickly as it does not require scene staging, task segmenting, or resetting to an initial state. 2) It is general. It contains both functional and non-functional behavior, relaxing the need for a predefined task distribution. 3) It is rich. Play involves repeated, varied behavior and naturally leads to high coverage of the possible interaction space. These properties distinguish play from expert demonstrations, which are rich, but expensive, and scripted unattended data collection, which is cheap, but insufficiently rich. Variety in play, however, presents a multimodality challenge to methods seeking to learn control on top. To this end, we introduce Play-LMP, a method designed to handle variability in the LfP setting by organizing it in an embedding space. Play...
We present relay policy learning, a method for imitation and reinforcement learning that can solv... more We present relay policy learning, a method for imitation and reinforcement learning that can solve multi-stage, long-horizon robotic tasks. This general and universally-applicable, two-phase approach consists of an imitation learning stage that produces goal-conditioned hierarchical policies, and a reinforcement learning phase that finetunes these policies for task performance. Our method, while not necessarily perfect at imitation learning, is very amenable to further improvement via environment interaction, allowing it to scale to challenging long-horizon tasks. We simplify the long-horizon policy learning problem by using a novel data-relabeling algorithm for learning goal-conditioned hierarchical policies, where the low-level only acts for a fixed number of steps, regardless of the goal achieved. While we rely on demonstration data to bootstrap policy learning, we do not assume access to demonstrations of every specific tasks that is being solved, and instead leverage unstructur...
Discovering objects and their attributes is of great importance for autonomous agents to effectiv... more Discovering objects and their attributes is of great importance for autonomous agents to effectively operate in human environments. This task is particularly challenging due to the ubiquitousness of objects and all their nuances in perceptual and semantic detail. In this paper we present an unsupervised approach for learning disentangled representations of objects entirely from unlabeled monocular videos. These continuous representations are not biased by or limited to a discrete set of labels determined by human labelers. The proposed representation is trained with a metric learning loss, where nearest neighbors in embedding space are pulled together while being pushed against other objects. We show these unsupervised embeddings allow robots to discover object attributes that generalize to previously unseen environments. We quantitatively evaluate performance on a large-scale synthetic dataset with 12k object models, as well as on a real dataset collected by a robot and show that our unsupervised object understanding generalizes to previously unseen objects. Specifically, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on robotic manipulation tasks, such as pointing at and grasping of objects. An interesting and perhaps surprising finding in this approach is that given a limited set of objects, object correspondences will naturally emerge when using metric learning without requiring explicit positive pairs. Videos of robotic experiments are available at Objectness negative anchor positive OCN embedding deep network metric loss attraction repulsion
Natural language is perhaps the most versatile and intuitive way for humans to communicate tasks ... more Natural language is perhaps the most versatile and intuitive way for humans to communicate tasks to a robot. Prior work on Learning from Play (LfP) [Lynch et al, 2019] provides a simple approach for learning a wide variety of robotic behaviors from general sensors. However, each task must be specified with a goal image---something that is not practical in open-world environments. In this work we present a simple and scalable way to condition policies on human language instead. We extend LfP by pairing short robot experiences from play with relevant human language after-the-fact. To make this efficient, we introduce multicontext imitation, which allows us to train a single agent to follow image or language goals, then use just language conditioning at test time. This reduces the cost of language pairing to less than 1% of collected robot experience, with the majority of control still learned via self-supervised imitation. At test time, a single agent trained in this manner can perfor...
Mutual information maximization has emerged as a powerful learning objective for unsupervised rep... more Mutual information maximization has emerged as a powerful learning objective for unsupervised representation learning obtaining state-of-the-art performance in applications such as object recognition, speech recognition, and reinforcement learning. However, such approaches are fundamentally limited since a tight lower bound of mutual information requires sample size exponential in the mutual information. This limits the applicability of these approaches for prediction tasks with high mutual information, such as in video understanding or reinforcement learning. In these settings, such techniques are prone to overfit, both in theory and in practice, and capture only a few of the relevant factors of variation. This leads to incomplete representations that are not optimal for downstream tasks. In this work, we empirically demonstrate that mutual information-based representation learning approaches do fail to learn complete representations on a number of designed and real-world tasks. To...
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018
In this work we explore a new approach for robots to teach themselves about the world simply by o... more In this work we explore a new approach for robots to teach themselves about the world simply by observing it. In particular we investigate the effectiveness of learning task-agnostic representations for continuous control tasks. We extend Time-Contrastive Networks (TCN) that learn from visual observations by embedding multiple frames jointly in the embedding space as opposed to a single frame. We show that by doing so, we are now able to encode both position and velocity attributes significantly more accurately. We test the usefulness of this self-supervised approach in a reinforcement learning setting. We show that the representations learned by agents observing themselves take random actions, or other agents perform tasks successfully, can enable the learning of continuous control policies using algorithms like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) using only the learned embeddings as input. We also demonstrate significant improvements on the real-world Pouring dataset with a relative error reduction of 39.4% for motion attributes and 11.1% for static attributes compared to the single-frame baseline. Video results are available at
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018
We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations and robotic behaviors entirely... more We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations and robotic behaviors entirely from unlabeled videos recorded from multiple viewpoints, and study how this representation can be used in two robotic imitation settings: imitating object interactions from videos of humans, and imitating human poses. Imitation of human behavior requires a viewpoint-invariant representation that captures the relationships between end-effectors (hands or robot grippers) and the environment, object attributes, and body pose. We train our representations using a metric learning loss, where multiple simultaneous viewpoints of the same observation are attracted in the embedding space, while being repelled from temporal neighbors which are often visually similar but functionally different. In other words, the model simultaneously learns to recognize what is common between different-looking images, and what is different between similar-looking images. This signal causes our model to discover attributes that do not change across viewpoint, but do change across time, while ignoring nuisance variables such as occlusions, motion blur, lighting and background. We demonstrate that this representation can be used by a robot to directly mimic human poses without an explicit correspondence, and that it can be used as a reward function within a reinforcement learning algorithm. While representations are learned from an unlabeled collection of task-related videos, robot behaviors such as pouring are learned by watching a single 3rd-person demonstration by a human. Reward functions obtained by following the human demonstrations under the learned representation enable efficient reinforcement learning that is practical for real-world robotic systems. Video results, open-source code and dataset are available at
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2016
Search is at the heart of modern e-commerce. As a result, the task of ranking search results auto... more Search is at the heart of modern e-commerce. As a result, the task of ranking search results automatically (learning to rank) is a multibillion dollar machine learning problem. Traditional models optimize over a few hand-constructed features based on the item's text. In this paper, we introduce a multimodal learning to rank model that combines these traditional features with visual semantic features transferred from a deep convolutional neural network. In a large scale experiment using data from the online marketplace Etsy 1 , we verify that moving to a multimodal representation significantly improves ranking quality. We show how image features can capture fine-grained style information not available in a text-only representation. In addition, we show concrete examples of how image information can successfully disentangle pairs of highly different items that are ranked similarly by a text-only model.
Abstract: We find that across a wide range of robot policy learning scenarios, treating 1 supervi... more Abstract: We find that across a wide range of robot policy learning scenarios, treating 1 supervised policy learning with an implicit model generally performs better, on average, 2 than commonly used explicit models. We present extensive experiments on this finding, 3 and we provide both intuitive insight and theoretical arguments distinguishing the proper4 ties of implicit models compared to their explicit counterparts, particularly with respect 5 to approximating complex, potentially discontinuous and multi-valued (set-valued) 6 functions. On robotic policy learning tasks we show that implicit behavioral cloning 7 policies with energy-based models (EBM) often outperform common explicit (Mean 8 Square Error, or Mixture Density) behavioral cloning policies, including on tasks with 9 high-dimensional action spaces and visual image inputs. We find these policies provide 10 competitive results or outperform state-of-the-art offline reinforcement learning methods 11 on the challenging h...
Natural language is perhaps the most flexible and intuitive way for humans to communicate tasks t... more Natural language is perhaps the most flexible and intuitive way for humans to communicate tasks to a robot. Prior work in imitation learning typically requires each task be specified with a task id or goal image-something that is often impractical in open-world environments. On the other hand, previous approaches in instruction following allow agent behavior to be guided by language, but typically assume structure in the observations, actuators, or language that limit their applicability to complex settings like robotics. In this work, we present a method for incorporating free-form natural language conditioning into imitation learning. Our approach learns perception from pixels, natural language understanding, and multitask continuous control end-to-end as a single neural network. Unlike prior work in imitation learning, our method is able to incorporate unlabeled and unstructured demonstration data (i.e. no task or language labels). We show this dramatically improves language conditioned performance, while reducing the cost of language annotation to less than 1% of total data. At test time, a single language conditioned visuomotor policy trained with our method can perform a wide variety of robotic manipulation skills in a 3D environment, specified only with natural language descriptions of each task (e.g. "open the pick up the press the green button...") (see video). To scale up the number of instructions an agent can follow, we propose combining text conditioned policies with large pretrained neural language models. We find this allows a policy to be robust to many out-of-distribution synonym instructions, without requiring new demonstrations. See videos of a human typing live text commands to our agent at
In this paper, we study the problem of enabling a vision-based robotic manipulation system to gen... more In this paper, we study the problem of enabling a vision-based robotic manipulation system to generalize to novel tasks, a long-standing challenge in robot learning. We approach the challenge from an imitation learning perspective, aiming to study how scaling and broadening the data collected can facilitate such generalization. To that end, we develop an interactive and flexible imitation learning system that can learn from both demonstrations and interventions and can be conditioned on different forms of information that convey the task, including pre-trained embeddings of natural language or videos of humans performing the task. When scaling data collection on a real robot to more than 100 distinct tasks, we find that this system can perform 24 unseen manipulation tasks with an average success rate of 44%, without any robot demonstrations for those tasks.
Reinforcement learning systems have the potential to enable continuous improvement in unstructure... more Reinforcement learning systems have the potential to enable continuous improvement in unstructured environments, leveraging data collected autonomously. However, in practice these systems require significant amounts of instrumentation or human intervention to learn in the real world. In this work, we propose a system for reinforcement learning that leverages multi-task reinforcement learning bootstrapped with prior data to enable continuous autonomous practicing, minimizing the number of resets needed while being able to learn temporally extended behaviors. We show how appropriately provided prior data can help bootstrap both low-level multi-task policies and strategies for sequencing these tasks one after another to enable learning with minimal resets. This mechanism enables our robotic system to practice with minimal human intervention at training time, while being able to solve long horizon tasks at test time. We show the efficacy of the proposed system on a challenging kitchen manipulation task both in simulation and the real world, demonstrating the ability to practice autonomously in order to solve temporally extended problems.
Long-horizon planning in realistic environments requires the ability to reason over sequential ta... more Long-horizon planning in realistic environments requires the ability to reason over sequential tasks in high-dimensional state spaces with complex dynamics. Classical motion planning algorithms, such as rapidly-exploring random trees, are capable of efficiently exploring large state spaces and computing longhorizon, sequential plans. However, these algorithms are generally challenged with complex, stochastic, and high-dimensional state spaces as well as in the presence of narrow passages, which naturally emerge in tasks that interact with the environment. Machine learning offers a promising solution for its ability to learn general policies that can handle complex interactions and high-dimensional observations. However, these policies are generally limited in horizon length. Our approach, Broadly-Exploring, Local-policy Trees (BELT), merges these two approaches to leverage the strengths of both through a task-conditioned, modelbased tree search. BELT uses an RRT-inspired tree search to efficiently explore the state space. Locally, the exploration is guided by a task-conditioned, learned policy capable of performing general short-horizon tasks. This task space can be quite general and abstract; its only requirements are to be sampleable and to wellcover the space of useful tasks. This search is aided by a task-conditioned model that temporally extends dynamics propagation to allow long-horizon search and sequential reasoning over tasks. BELT is demonstrated experimentally to be able to plan long-horizon, sequential trajectories with a goal conditioned policy and generate plans that are robust.
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020
We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations of objects from monocular vide... more We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations of objects from monocular videos and demonstrate it is particularly useful for robotics. The main contributions of this paper are: 1) a self-supervised model called Object-Contrastive Network (OCN) that can discover and disentangle object attributes from video without using any labels; 2) we leverage self-supervision for online adaptation: the longer our online model looks at objects in a video, the lower the object identification error, while the offline baseline remains with a large fixed error; 3) we show the usefulness of our approach for a robotic pointing task; a robot can point to objects similar to the one presented in front of it. Videos illustrating online object adaptation and robotic pointing are provided as supplementary material.
In this work we explore a new approach for robots to teach themselves about the world simply by o... more In this work we explore a new approach for robots to teach themselves about the world simply by observing it. In particular we investigate the effectiveness of learning task-agnostic representations for continuous control tasks. We extend Time-Contrastive Networks (TCN) that learn from visual observations by embedding multiple frames jointly in the embedding space as opposed to a single frame. We show that by doing so, we are now able to encode both position and velocity attributes significantly more accurately. We test the usefulness of this self-supervised approach in a reinforcement learning setting. We show that the representations learned by agents observing themselves take random actions, or other agents perform tasks successfully, can enable the learning of continuous control policies using algorithms like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) using only the learned embeddings as input.
Acquiring multiple skills has commonly involved collecting a large number of expert demonstration... more Acquiring multiple skills has commonly involved collecting a large number of expert demonstrations per task or engineering custom reward functions. Recently it has been shown that it is possible to acquire a diverse set of skills by self-supervising control on top of human teleoperated play data. Play is rich in state space coverage and a policy trained on this data can generalize to specific tasks at test time outperforming policies trained on individual expert task demonstrations. In this work, we explore the question of whether robots can learn to play to autonomously generate play data that can ultimately enhance performance. By training a behavioral cloning policy on a relatively small quantity of human play, we autonomously generate a large quantity of cloned play data that can be used as additional training. We demonstrate that a general purpose goal-conditioned policy trained on this augmented dataset substantially outperforms one trained only with the original human data on...
Long-horizon planning in realistic environments requires the ability to reason over sequential ta... more Long-horizon planning in realistic environments requires the ability to reason over sequential tasks in high-dimensional state spaces with complex dynamics. Classical motion planning algorithms, such as rapidly-exploring random trees, are capable of efficiently exploring large state spaces and computing long-horizon, sequential plans. However, these algorithms are generally challenged with complex, stochastic, and high-dimensional state spaces as well as in the presence of narrow passages, which naturally emerge in tasks that interact with the environment. Machine learning offers a promising solution for its ability to learn general policies that can handle complex interactions and high-dimensional observations. However, these policies are generally limited in horizon length. Our approach, Broadly-Exploring, Local-policy Trees (BELT), merges these two approaches to leverage the strengths of both through a task-conditioned, model-based tree search. BELT uses an RRT-inspired tree sear...
We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations of objects from monocular vide... more We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations of objects from monocular videos and demonstrate it is particularly useful in situated settings such as robotics. The main contributions of this paper are: 1) a self-supervising objective trained with contrastive learning that can discover and disentangle object attributes from video without using any labels; 2) we leverage object self-supervision for online adaptation: the longer our online model looks at objects in a video, the lower the object identification error, while the offline baseline remains with a large fixed error; 3) to explore the possibilities of a system entirely free of human supervision, we let a robot collect its own data, train on this data with our self-supervise scheme, and then show the robot can point to objects similar to the one presented in front of it, demonstrating generalization of object attributes. An interesting and perhaps surprising finding of this approach is that given a limited ...
We propose learning from teleoperated play data (LfP) as a way to scale up multi-task robotic ski... more We propose learning from teleoperated play data (LfP) as a way to scale up multi-task robotic skill learning. Learning from play (LfP) offers three main advantages: 1) It is cheap. Large amounts of play data can be collected quickly as it does not require scene staging, task segmenting, or resetting to an initial state. 2) It is general. It contains both functional and non-functional behavior, relaxing the need for a predefined task distribution. 3) It is rich. Play involves repeated, varied behavior and naturally leads to high coverage of the possible interaction space. These properties distinguish play from expert demonstrations, which are rich, but expensive, and scripted unattended data collection, which is cheap, but insufficiently rich. Variety in play, however, presents a multimodality challenge to methods seeking to learn control on top. To this end, we introduce Play-LMP, a method designed to handle variability in the LfP setting by organizing it in an embedding space. Play...
We present relay policy learning, a method for imitation and reinforcement learning that can solv... more We present relay policy learning, a method for imitation and reinforcement learning that can solve multi-stage, long-horizon robotic tasks. This general and universally-applicable, two-phase approach consists of an imitation learning stage that produces goal-conditioned hierarchical policies, and a reinforcement learning phase that finetunes these policies for task performance. Our method, while not necessarily perfect at imitation learning, is very amenable to further improvement via environment interaction, allowing it to scale to challenging long-horizon tasks. We simplify the long-horizon policy learning problem by using a novel data-relabeling algorithm for learning goal-conditioned hierarchical policies, where the low-level only acts for a fixed number of steps, regardless of the goal achieved. While we rely on demonstration data to bootstrap policy learning, we do not assume access to demonstrations of every specific tasks that is being solved, and instead leverage unstructur...
Discovering objects and their attributes is of great importance for autonomous agents to effectiv... more Discovering objects and their attributes is of great importance for autonomous agents to effectively operate in human environments. This task is particularly challenging due to the ubiquitousness of objects and all their nuances in perceptual and semantic detail. In this paper we present an unsupervised approach for learning disentangled representations of objects entirely from unlabeled monocular videos. These continuous representations are not biased by or limited to a discrete set of labels determined by human labelers. The proposed representation is trained with a metric learning loss, where nearest neighbors in embedding space are pulled together while being pushed against other objects. We show these unsupervised embeddings allow robots to discover object attributes that generalize to previously unseen environments. We quantitatively evaluate performance on a large-scale synthetic dataset with 12k object models, as well as on a real dataset collected by a robot and show that our unsupervised object understanding generalizes to previously unseen objects. Specifically, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on robotic manipulation tasks, such as pointing at and grasping of objects. An interesting and perhaps surprising finding in this approach is that given a limited set of objects, object correspondences will naturally emerge when using metric learning without requiring explicit positive pairs. Videos of robotic experiments are available at Objectness negative anchor positive OCN embedding deep network metric loss attraction repulsion
Natural language is perhaps the most versatile and intuitive way for humans to communicate tasks ... more Natural language is perhaps the most versatile and intuitive way for humans to communicate tasks to a robot. Prior work on Learning from Play (LfP) [Lynch et al, 2019] provides a simple approach for learning a wide variety of robotic behaviors from general sensors. However, each task must be specified with a goal image---something that is not practical in open-world environments. In this work we present a simple and scalable way to condition policies on human language instead. We extend LfP by pairing short robot experiences from play with relevant human language after-the-fact. To make this efficient, we introduce multicontext imitation, which allows us to train a single agent to follow image or language goals, then use just language conditioning at test time. This reduces the cost of language pairing to less than 1% of collected robot experience, with the majority of control still learned via self-supervised imitation. At test time, a single agent trained in this manner can perfor...
Mutual information maximization has emerged as a powerful learning objective for unsupervised rep... more Mutual information maximization has emerged as a powerful learning objective for unsupervised representation learning obtaining state-of-the-art performance in applications such as object recognition, speech recognition, and reinforcement learning. However, such approaches are fundamentally limited since a tight lower bound of mutual information requires sample size exponential in the mutual information. This limits the applicability of these approaches for prediction tasks with high mutual information, such as in video understanding or reinforcement learning. In these settings, such techniques are prone to overfit, both in theory and in practice, and capture only a few of the relevant factors of variation. This leads to incomplete representations that are not optimal for downstream tasks. In this work, we empirically demonstrate that mutual information-based representation learning approaches do fail to learn complete representations on a number of designed and real-world tasks. To...
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018
In this work we explore a new approach for robots to teach themselves about the world simply by o... more In this work we explore a new approach for robots to teach themselves about the world simply by observing it. In particular we investigate the effectiveness of learning task-agnostic representations for continuous control tasks. We extend Time-Contrastive Networks (TCN) that learn from visual observations by embedding multiple frames jointly in the embedding space as opposed to a single frame. We show that by doing so, we are now able to encode both position and velocity attributes significantly more accurately. We test the usefulness of this self-supervised approach in a reinforcement learning setting. We show that the representations learned by agents observing themselves take random actions, or other agents perform tasks successfully, can enable the learning of continuous control policies using algorithms like Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) using only the learned embeddings as input. We also demonstrate significant improvements on the real-world Pouring dataset with a relative error reduction of 39.4% for motion attributes and 11.1% for static attributes compared to the single-frame baseline. Video results are available at
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018
We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations and robotic behaviors entirely... more We propose a self-supervised approach for learning representations and robotic behaviors entirely from unlabeled videos recorded from multiple viewpoints, and study how this representation can be used in two robotic imitation settings: imitating object interactions from videos of humans, and imitating human poses. Imitation of human behavior requires a viewpoint-invariant representation that captures the relationships between end-effectors (hands or robot grippers) and the environment, object attributes, and body pose. We train our representations using a metric learning loss, where multiple simultaneous viewpoints of the same observation are attracted in the embedding space, while being repelled from temporal neighbors which are often visually similar but functionally different. In other words, the model simultaneously learns to recognize what is common between different-looking images, and what is different between similar-looking images. This signal causes our model to discover attributes that do not change across viewpoint, but do change across time, while ignoring nuisance variables such as occlusions, motion blur, lighting and background. We demonstrate that this representation can be used by a robot to directly mimic human poses without an explicit correspondence, and that it can be used as a reward function within a reinforcement learning algorithm. While representations are learned from an unlabeled collection of task-related videos, robot behaviors such as pouring are learned by watching a single 3rd-person demonstration by a human. Reward functions obtained by following the human demonstrations under the learned representation enable efficient reinforcement learning that is practical for real-world robotic systems. Video results, open-source code and dataset are available at
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2016
Search is at the heart of modern e-commerce. As a result, the task of ranking search results auto... more Search is at the heart of modern e-commerce. As a result, the task of ranking search results automatically (learning to rank) is a multibillion dollar machine learning problem. Traditional models optimize over a few hand-constructed features based on the item's text. In this paper, we introduce a multimodal learning to rank model that combines these traditional features with visual semantic features transferred from a deep convolutional neural network. In a large scale experiment using data from the online marketplace Etsy 1 , we verify that moving to a multimodal representation significantly improves ranking quality. We show how image features can capture fine-grained style information not available in a text-only representation. In addition, we show concrete examples of how image information can successfully disentangle pairs of highly different items that are ranked similarly by a text-only model.
Abstract: We find that across a wide range of robot policy learning scenarios, treating 1 supervi... more Abstract: We find that across a wide range of robot policy learning scenarios, treating 1 supervised policy learning with an implicit model generally performs better, on average, 2 than commonly used explicit models. We present extensive experiments on this finding, 3 and we provide both intuitive insight and theoretical arguments distinguishing the proper4 ties of implicit models compared to their explicit counterparts, particularly with respect 5 to approximating complex, potentially discontinuous and multi-valued (set-valued) 6 functions. On robotic policy learning tasks we show that implicit behavioral cloning 7 policies with energy-based models (EBM) often outperform common explicit (Mean 8 Square Error, or Mixture Density) behavioral cloning policies, including on tasks with 9 high-dimensional action spaces and visual image inputs. We find these policies provide 10 competitive results or outperform state-of-the-art offline reinforcement learning methods 11 on the challenging h...
Papers by Corey Lynch