Community service is carried out to welcome the obligatory halal food and beverage on October 17,... more Community service is carried out to welcome the obligatory halal food and beverage on October 17, 2024. Most micro and small businesses do not understand. The methods used are 1) exploring the understanding of halal certification, 2) conducting socialization of mandatory halal, 3) providing assistant staff for processing halal products by conducting training, and 4) assisting in registering self-declared halal certification through the Si Halal application. The results of community service activities provided 140 assistants in the process of halal products and issued halal certificates for food and beverage products owned by micro-small business actors in 91 certificates. Some obstacles are faced by unstable internet connection, the motivation of assistants and business actors fluctuate, the ability to operate gadgets is still limited, and many business actors do not have NPWP and NIB. As the obligation for halal certification is getting closer, it is necessary to socialize the obli...
In their capacity as social beings, humans cannot fulfill all their needs without the assistance ... more In their capacity as social beings, humans cannot fulfill all their needs without the assistance of others. This is based on the diversity of individual needs and their limitations in meeting these various needs. The aim of this research is to analyze the concept of muamalah based on contemporary fiqh principles. The research employs a qualitative approach using literature review and descriptive analysis techniques. The findings of this research indicate that the fundamental principle of contemporary fiqh muamalah is that all muamalah practices are permissible unless there is evidence prohibiting them. Additionally, scholars adhere to key principles of muamalah, such as the principle of avoiding riba (usury), avoiding gharar (uncertainty or ambiguity) and tadlis (deception), abstaining from maysir (speculation), refraining from engaging in haram products, and avoiding invalid or void contractual practices. These principles must not be violated as they have become axioms in fiqh muamalah.
Nilai uang dalam sistem keuangan merujuk pada daya beli atau kemampuan pertukaran suatu mata uang... more Nilai uang dalam sistem keuangan merujuk pada daya beli atau kemampuan pertukaran suatu mata uang dalam lingkungan keuangan. Beberapa penelitian telah membahas kedua konsep ini, namun mereka bersifat teoritis dan kurang menganalisis dampaknya dengan pendekatan praktis dalam konteks sistem keuangan Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep nilai uang dalam sistem keuangan Islam. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur terkait sistem keuangan Islam. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa mekanisme investasi menurut prinsip-prinsip Islam tidak sama dengan mekanisme konvensional yang merumuskan nilai waktu uang dalam bentuk bunga. Mekanisme investasi menurut sistem keuangan Islam didasarkan pada: a) harta harus berputar agar tidak menganggur, b) semakin sering berputar, harta akan berkembang, c) masa depan tidak pasti, dalam bisnis dapat menghasilkan keuntungan, kerugian, atau impas, d) hasil bisnis atau pengembalian bisnis di masa dep...
Jurnal Justisia Ekonomika: Magister Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Economic development is now increasingly rapid along with the times, there are many records that ... more Economic development is now increasingly rapid along with the times, there are many records that say that the Islamic economy existed long before the conventional economy emerged. Based on the content in the verses of the Qur'an, especially about the stories of the Prophets and Apostles, it can be seen that economic practices have existed since the time of the Prophet Adam. While Islamic economic thought itself began since the revelation of the Qur'an and the lifetime of the Prophet at the end of the 6th century AD to the beginning of the 7th century AD. Starting with the life of Prophet Adam as the first creature created by Allah SWT, it has been explained in the Qur'an about his early life while in heaven which was then revealed to earth and how Prophet Adam lived a life on earth that was much different from in heaven, thus it can be concluded that It can be seen that the values of economics have actually existed since the first creature was created, namely the prophet...
One of the big problems facing the Indonesian nation at this time is the problem of poverty and p... more One of the big problems facing the Indonesian nation at this time is the problem of poverty and poverty. One of the solutions to prevent and at the same time overcome poverty is the development of a people's economy that is fair and equitable based on prosperity, which is far from capitalism and socialism but respects ownership of individual rights and at the same time maintains shared ownership. The purpose of this research is to find answers about the potential for the existence of places of worship in empowering the community's economy. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method with a content analysis approach and library research to find out the conclusions from a text, journal or literature and research results or data sources that have been collected. The results obtained are that places of worship consisting of mosques, churches, monasteries, temples and temples have great potential in empowering the economy of their people. The economic empowe...
Keberadaan legalitas usaha sangat penting sekali. Legalitas usaha merupakan standar yang harus di... more Keberadaan legalitas usaha sangat penting sekali. Legalitas usaha merupakan standar yang harus dipenuhi oleh pelaku usaha, walaupun usaha yang dijalankan berskala kecil atau mikro (UMKM) supaya usahanya dapat dinyatakan sah secara hukum. Akan tetapi legalitas usaha sering diabaikan oleh para pelaku usaha, termasuk oleh pelaku usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM). Tujuan diadakan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat, khususnya pemilik UMKM di PCM Gunung Anyar, kecamatan Gunung Anyar Kotamadya Surabaya, tentang tata cara mengurus dokumen legalitas usaha sebagai upaya perlindungan kepada pelaku usaha UMKM. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan dengan sosialisasi yang diikuti oleh pelaku usaha yang berada di wilayah PCM Gunung Anyar. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam kegiatan ini adalah pengelolaan sumber daya manusia terkait pentingnya memiliki legalitas usaha dan pembuatan panduan tata cara mengurus dokumen legalitas usaha untuk UMKM. Penerbitan Nomo...
Kebanyakan pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil masih berstatus sebagai usaha informal yang belum mempuny... more Kebanyakan pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil masih berstatus sebagai usaha informal yang belum mempunyai ijin usaha yang berbadan hukum dan tak memiliki Nomor induk Berusaha (NIB). Sehingga pelaku usha mikro dan kecil mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses program-program pendanaan dalam pengembangan usahanya seperti pembiayaan dari perbankkan, investasi, pengadaan barang, kontrak kerja dengan korporasi dan kemudahan lainnya. Pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil harus bertransformasi dari usaha informal yang tidak berbadan hukum menjadi usaha formal dengan membangun ekosistem usaha salah satunya dengan penerbitan nomor ijin berusaha (NIB). Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi pada para pelaku usaha tentang pentingnya legalitas usaha untuk keberlanjutan usaha dan mendampingi pembuatan NIB secara on line melalui aplikasi on line single submission (OSS). Metode pengabdian dengan memberikan pendampingan secara door to door menuju ke tempat para pelakau usaha un...
The purpose of this study is to generate a sense of optimism in the community in general and the ... more The purpose of this study is to generate a sense of optimism in the community in general and the government in particular in overcoming the economic recession that is hitting Indonesia. This countermeasures by looking at the potential of waqf in Indonesia, especially cash waqf as a role model. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results show that the cash waqf instrument has enormous benefits during a pandemic like this, both in the economic sector and in the non-economic sector. In the non-economic sector, investment returns from cash waqf can be used to provide direct cash assistance to the community to increase the purchasing power of vulnerable people affected by Covid-19. In the economic sector, cash waqf profit sharing can also be used to provide working capital to MSMEs, to finance infrastructure development and to finance other productive economic businesses, especially for workers who are currently being laid off a lot. In both the economic and non-econo...
The divorce rate is getting more and more concerning. The number of divorce rate shows a signific... more The divorce rate is getting more and more concerning. The number of divorce rate shows a significant increase both nationally and regionally in Indonesia. During 2019, there were 480,618 divorce cases. This divorce rate increased by 18% compared to the previous year which amounted to 408,202 cases. This paper aims to determine the determinants of divorce in Indonesia, using a Systematic Literature Review of 20 journals published by indexed publishers. The results based on the mapping state that the differentiation of the determinants of divorce in Indonesia very much depends on each region. However, all of them can be mapped into 16 factors that cause divorce, namely: economic factors, responsibility, continuous quarrels, harmony, infidelity, domestic violence, jealousy, leaving a partner, forced marriage, apostasy/leaving Islam, drunkenness and gambling, obstructed communication, interference/third party intervention, incompatibility, unhealthy polygamy, and moral crisis. The concl...
Harta yang melimpah dalam suatu rumah tangga bila tidak ada pengelolaan yang baik dan dilandasi d... more Harta yang melimpah dalam suatu rumah tangga bila tidak ada pengelolaan yang baik dan dilandasi dengan nilai amanah maka akan menyebabkan ketidakberkahan. Ketidakberkahan dalam rumah tangga akan menyebabkan terjadinya pertengkaran dalam rumah tangga dan akhirnya memicu terjadinya perceraian, maka penelitian ini penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya nilai-nilai amanah pengelola keuangan rumah tangga dalam pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangganya demi untuk mencapai keberkahan secara financial. Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) Mengeksplorasi konsep nilai amanah dalam pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangga. 2) Menganalisis pengaruh nilai amanah pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangga terhadap keberkahan financial. 3) Membentuk Model keberkahan fianncial. Metode yang digunakan adalah mixed methods sequential exploratory dengan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologi dengan analisis data menggunakan IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Informan utama sebagai pelaku langsung yaitu ibu rumah tangga ...
MSMEs are an essential pillar in the Indonesian economy with a significant contribution to the va... more MSMEs are an essential pillar in the Indonesian economy with a significant contribution to the value of GDP and employment. The occurrence of the Covid 19 pandemic had a major impact on MSMEs in the form of a decrease in the value of trade and labor absorption. In order for MSMEs to survive, the Government provides program support, including social assistance for MSME actors. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of government policies in distributing social assistance for MSME actors in Indonesia and their solutions. With the SLR approach in journals published in 2020 and 2021, the results show that government policies on the distribution of social assistance are very influential because they can help with limited capital and save MSMEs from the threat of going out of business. However, it has not been effective due to the limited resources, both financially and with staff support. Hence, the inefficient bureaucratic system also contributes to the inaccurate targeting of a...
Objective Provincial government is part of the central government which autonomously has its own ... more Objective Provincial government is part of the central government which autonomously has its own authority in carrying out its APBD so that it can be utilized as much as possible for the prosperity of the people. Good financial performance of the regional government will make the welfare of the people in the area also better. This research is a literature study on the regional government of the province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam for ten years 2009-2018. Method - The type of data used is secondary data, APBD (Regional Budget) reports in the form of audited budget and realization. Financial performance instruments are measured based on effectiveness, efficiency and independence. Data were analyzed using Pearson bivariate correlation analysis. Results - Research has fulfilled the classical assumption test, and the results of Pearson's bivariate correlation show that revenue, expenditure and taxs have a very close positive relationship with the financial performance of the Aceh gov...
Al Maal: Journal of Islamic Economics and Banking, 2020
Human resources have an increasingly important role in achieving the objectives of a governmental... more Human resources have an increasingly important role in achieving the objectives of a governmental, private, corporate organization, including sharia banking. This study aims to find out how the development of human resource competencies in Islamic banking in Indonesia is seen from the theoretical and practical order, and how the solution is solved. With the paradigm approach of Systematic Literature Review in journals that have been publicized from 2016 to 2020, the results show that the low level of competence of human resources in Islamic banking in Indonesia both at the theoretical and practical level. sharia. in Indonesia. The solutions provided are: 1) Recruitment, selection and placement of human resources properly adjusted to their skills 2) Pay close attention when recruiting DPS (Sharia Supervisory Board) must really be competent both in terms of sharia and finance. 3) Increasing the role of tertiary institutions especially Islamic tertiary institutions to provide competent...
Pada saat label syariah semakin menjamur, baik pada dunia perbankan maupun non perbankan, banyak ... more Pada saat label syariah semakin menjamur, baik pada dunia perbankan maupun non perbankan, banyak produk-produk barang atau jasa halal yang ditawarkan oleh pelaku usaha, dan masyarakat sangat antusias untuk mengikutinya. Dari produk halal yang ditawarkan oleh para pelaku usaha yang baru-baru ini diluncurkan adalah di bidang pelayanan kesehatan yang secara legal juga sudah difatwakan oleh DSN MUI (Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia) No.107/DSN-MUI/X/2016 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggara Rumah Sakit Syariah, yang dimotori oleh MUKISI (Majelis Upaya Kesehatan Islam Seluruh Indonesia). Selama ini pembicaraan mengenai Rumah Sakit Syariah masih pada tatanan manajemen saja, pada penelitian ini ingin mengetahuinya dari aspek masyarakatnya, terutama pada faktor preferensinya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Surabaya dengan menggunakan tehnik pengambilan sampel secara simple random sampling dan besar sampel dengan aplikasi simple size 2.0 berjumlah 217 sampel pada masy...
Advanced International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 2020
The philosophical value of the security is a very great value, which comes from Allah SWT, which ... more The philosophical value of the security is a very great value, which comes from Allah SWT, which is given to his creatures, and humans as the bearer of the highest mandatory value to carry out, maintain and implement it, with security between humans there will be a belief and this trust will ultimately cultivate an inner calm or soul. To find out and measure philosophical values of the trust in both conventional and Islamic banking, then in this study will present the results of the study with respondents divided into two groups, the first group is those with a bachelor's degree in general and the second group is those who have S2 degrees and doctoral candidates for Islamic Economics. Quantitative research methods, with frequency distribution and cross-tabulation of selected variables with data analysis using SPSS. Based on the results of the study, the values of security from the highest to the lowest are: In the first group of respondents, the values of security from the highe...
Halal Development: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges, 2021
This study was designed to unveil the influence of demographic, socioeconomic , and environmental... more This study was designed to unveil the influence of demographic, socioeconomic , and environmental factors on the preferences and behavior of middle-class Muslims toward the potential of a halal hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia. A simple random sampling technique was used with a total of 217 respondents in this study. To analyze the data, the Structural Equational Model (SEM) from the AMOS statistical software was used. Findings revealed that demographics, socioeconomics, and the environment significantly influenced respondents' preferences. This study also discovered that preferences towards behavior, preferences towards the potential of a halal hospital, and the actual behavior towards the potential of a halal hospital are correlated. Arguably, a halal hospital's potential is central, which is around 75% as measured by the level of preference and behavior of middle-class Muslims who have different demographic, social, economic, and environmental characteristics.
Pada saat label syariah semakin menjamur, baik pada dunia perbankan maupun non perbankan, banyak ... more Pada saat label syariah semakin menjamur, baik pada dunia perbankan maupun non perbankan, banyak produk-produk barang atau jasa halal yang ditawarkan oleh pelaku usaha, dan masyarakat sangat antusias untuk mengikutinya terutama masyarakat kalangan menengah yang dewasa ini mendominasi pangsa pasar. Dari produk halal yang ditawarkan oleh para pelaku usaha yang baru-baru ini diluncurkan adalah di bidang pelayanan kesehatan yang secara legal juga sudah difatwakan oleh DSN MUI (Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia) No. 107/DSN-MUI/X/2016 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggara Rumah Sakit Syariah, yang dimotori oleh MUKISI (Majelis Upaya Kesehatan Islam Seluruh Indonesia). Selama ini pembicaraan mengenai Rumah Sakit Syariah masih pada tatanan manajemen saja, pada penelitian ini ingin mengetahuinya dari aspek masyarakatnya, terutama masyarakat menengah Muslim. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Surabaya dengan menggunakan tehnik pengambilan sampel secara simple random sampling dan besar ...
Community service is carried out to welcome the obligatory halal food and beverage on October 17,... more Community service is carried out to welcome the obligatory halal food and beverage on October 17, 2024. Most micro and small businesses do not understand. The methods used are 1) exploring the understanding of halal certification, 2) conducting socialization of mandatory halal, 3) providing assistant staff for processing halal products by conducting training, and 4) assisting in registering self-declared halal certification through the Si Halal application. The results of community service activities provided 140 assistants in the process of halal products and issued halal certificates for food and beverage products owned by micro-small business actors in 91 certificates. Some obstacles are faced by unstable internet connection, the motivation of assistants and business actors fluctuate, the ability to operate gadgets is still limited, and many business actors do not have NPWP and NIB. As the obligation for halal certification is getting closer, it is necessary to socialize the obli...
In their capacity as social beings, humans cannot fulfill all their needs without the assistance ... more In their capacity as social beings, humans cannot fulfill all their needs without the assistance of others. This is based on the diversity of individual needs and their limitations in meeting these various needs. The aim of this research is to analyze the concept of muamalah based on contemporary fiqh principles. The research employs a qualitative approach using literature review and descriptive analysis techniques. The findings of this research indicate that the fundamental principle of contemporary fiqh muamalah is that all muamalah practices are permissible unless there is evidence prohibiting them. Additionally, scholars adhere to key principles of muamalah, such as the principle of avoiding riba (usury), avoiding gharar (uncertainty or ambiguity) and tadlis (deception), abstaining from maysir (speculation), refraining from engaging in haram products, and avoiding invalid or void contractual practices. These principles must not be violated as they have become axioms in fiqh muamalah.
Nilai uang dalam sistem keuangan merujuk pada daya beli atau kemampuan pertukaran suatu mata uang... more Nilai uang dalam sistem keuangan merujuk pada daya beli atau kemampuan pertukaran suatu mata uang dalam lingkungan keuangan. Beberapa penelitian telah membahas kedua konsep ini, namun mereka bersifat teoritis dan kurang menganalisis dampaknya dengan pendekatan praktis dalam konteks sistem keuangan Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep nilai uang dalam sistem keuangan Islam. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur terkait sistem keuangan Islam. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa mekanisme investasi menurut prinsip-prinsip Islam tidak sama dengan mekanisme konvensional yang merumuskan nilai waktu uang dalam bentuk bunga. Mekanisme investasi menurut sistem keuangan Islam didasarkan pada: a) harta harus berputar agar tidak menganggur, b) semakin sering berputar, harta akan berkembang, c) masa depan tidak pasti, dalam bisnis dapat menghasilkan keuntungan, kerugian, atau impas, d) hasil bisnis atau pengembalian bisnis di masa dep...
Jurnal Justisia Ekonomika: Magister Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Economic development is now increasingly rapid along with the times, there are many records that ... more Economic development is now increasingly rapid along with the times, there are many records that say that the Islamic economy existed long before the conventional economy emerged. Based on the content in the verses of the Qur'an, especially about the stories of the Prophets and Apostles, it can be seen that economic practices have existed since the time of the Prophet Adam. While Islamic economic thought itself began since the revelation of the Qur'an and the lifetime of the Prophet at the end of the 6th century AD to the beginning of the 7th century AD. Starting with the life of Prophet Adam as the first creature created by Allah SWT, it has been explained in the Qur'an about his early life while in heaven which was then revealed to earth and how Prophet Adam lived a life on earth that was much different from in heaven, thus it can be concluded that It can be seen that the values of economics have actually existed since the first creature was created, namely the prophet...
One of the big problems facing the Indonesian nation at this time is the problem of poverty and p... more One of the big problems facing the Indonesian nation at this time is the problem of poverty and poverty. One of the solutions to prevent and at the same time overcome poverty is the development of a people's economy that is fair and equitable based on prosperity, which is far from capitalism and socialism but respects ownership of individual rights and at the same time maintains shared ownership. The purpose of this research is to find answers about the potential for the existence of places of worship in empowering the community's economy. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method with a content analysis approach and library research to find out the conclusions from a text, journal or literature and research results or data sources that have been collected. The results obtained are that places of worship consisting of mosques, churches, monasteries, temples and temples have great potential in empowering the economy of their people. The economic empowe...
Keberadaan legalitas usaha sangat penting sekali. Legalitas usaha merupakan standar yang harus di... more Keberadaan legalitas usaha sangat penting sekali. Legalitas usaha merupakan standar yang harus dipenuhi oleh pelaku usaha, walaupun usaha yang dijalankan berskala kecil atau mikro (UMKM) supaya usahanya dapat dinyatakan sah secara hukum. Akan tetapi legalitas usaha sering diabaikan oleh para pelaku usaha, termasuk oleh pelaku usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM). Tujuan diadakan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat, khususnya pemilik UMKM di PCM Gunung Anyar, kecamatan Gunung Anyar Kotamadya Surabaya, tentang tata cara mengurus dokumen legalitas usaha sebagai upaya perlindungan kepada pelaku usaha UMKM. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan dengan sosialisasi yang diikuti oleh pelaku usaha yang berada di wilayah PCM Gunung Anyar. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam kegiatan ini adalah pengelolaan sumber daya manusia terkait pentingnya memiliki legalitas usaha dan pembuatan panduan tata cara mengurus dokumen legalitas usaha untuk UMKM. Penerbitan Nomo...
Kebanyakan pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil masih berstatus sebagai usaha informal yang belum mempuny... more Kebanyakan pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil masih berstatus sebagai usaha informal yang belum mempunyai ijin usaha yang berbadan hukum dan tak memiliki Nomor induk Berusaha (NIB). Sehingga pelaku usha mikro dan kecil mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses program-program pendanaan dalam pengembangan usahanya seperti pembiayaan dari perbankkan, investasi, pengadaan barang, kontrak kerja dengan korporasi dan kemudahan lainnya. Pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil harus bertransformasi dari usaha informal yang tidak berbadan hukum menjadi usaha formal dengan membangun ekosistem usaha salah satunya dengan penerbitan nomor ijin berusaha (NIB). Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi pada para pelaku usaha tentang pentingnya legalitas usaha untuk keberlanjutan usaha dan mendampingi pembuatan NIB secara on line melalui aplikasi on line single submission (OSS). Metode pengabdian dengan memberikan pendampingan secara door to door menuju ke tempat para pelakau usaha un...
The purpose of this study is to generate a sense of optimism in the community in general and the ... more The purpose of this study is to generate a sense of optimism in the community in general and the government in particular in overcoming the economic recession that is hitting Indonesia. This countermeasures by looking at the potential of waqf in Indonesia, especially cash waqf as a role model. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results show that the cash waqf instrument has enormous benefits during a pandemic like this, both in the economic sector and in the non-economic sector. In the non-economic sector, investment returns from cash waqf can be used to provide direct cash assistance to the community to increase the purchasing power of vulnerable people affected by Covid-19. In the economic sector, cash waqf profit sharing can also be used to provide working capital to MSMEs, to finance infrastructure development and to finance other productive economic businesses, especially for workers who are currently being laid off a lot. In both the economic and non-econo...
The divorce rate is getting more and more concerning. The number of divorce rate shows a signific... more The divorce rate is getting more and more concerning. The number of divorce rate shows a significant increase both nationally and regionally in Indonesia. During 2019, there were 480,618 divorce cases. This divorce rate increased by 18% compared to the previous year which amounted to 408,202 cases. This paper aims to determine the determinants of divorce in Indonesia, using a Systematic Literature Review of 20 journals published by indexed publishers. The results based on the mapping state that the differentiation of the determinants of divorce in Indonesia very much depends on each region. However, all of them can be mapped into 16 factors that cause divorce, namely: economic factors, responsibility, continuous quarrels, harmony, infidelity, domestic violence, jealousy, leaving a partner, forced marriage, apostasy/leaving Islam, drunkenness and gambling, obstructed communication, interference/third party intervention, incompatibility, unhealthy polygamy, and moral crisis. The concl...
Harta yang melimpah dalam suatu rumah tangga bila tidak ada pengelolaan yang baik dan dilandasi d... more Harta yang melimpah dalam suatu rumah tangga bila tidak ada pengelolaan yang baik dan dilandasi dengan nilai amanah maka akan menyebabkan ketidakberkahan. Ketidakberkahan dalam rumah tangga akan menyebabkan terjadinya pertengkaran dalam rumah tangga dan akhirnya memicu terjadinya perceraian, maka penelitian ini penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya nilai-nilai amanah pengelola keuangan rumah tangga dalam pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangganya demi untuk mencapai keberkahan secara financial. Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) Mengeksplorasi konsep nilai amanah dalam pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangga. 2) Menganalisis pengaruh nilai amanah pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangga terhadap keberkahan financial. 3) Membentuk Model keberkahan fianncial. Metode yang digunakan adalah mixed methods sequential exploratory dengan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologi dengan analisis data menggunakan IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). Informan utama sebagai pelaku langsung yaitu ibu rumah tangga ...
MSMEs are an essential pillar in the Indonesian economy with a significant contribution to the va... more MSMEs are an essential pillar in the Indonesian economy with a significant contribution to the value of GDP and employment. The occurrence of the Covid 19 pandemic had a major impact on MSMEs in the form of a decrease in the value of trade and labor absorption. In order for MSMEs to survive, the Government provides program support, including social assistance for MSME actors. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of government policies in distributing social assistance for MSME actors in Indonesia and their solutions. With the SLR approach in journals published in 2020 and 2021, the results show that government policies on the distribution of social assistance are very influential because they can help with limited capital and save MSMEs from the threat of going out of business. However, it has not been effective due to the limited resources, both financially and with staff support. Hence, the inefficient bureaucratic system also contributes to the inaccurate targeting of a...
Objective Provincial government is part of the central government which autonomously has its own ... more Objective Provincial government is part of the central government which autonomously has its own authority in carrying out its APBD so that it can be utilized as much as possible for the prosperity of the people. Good financial performance of the regional government will make the welfare of the people in the area also better. This research is a literature study on the regional government of the province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam for ten years 2009-2018. Method - The type of data used is secondary data, APBD (Regional Budget) reports in the form of audited budget and realization. Financial performance instruments are measured based on effectiveness, efficiency and independence. Data were analyzed using Pearson bivariate correlation analysis. Results - Research has fulfilled the classical assumption test, and the results of Pearson's bivariate correlation show that revenue, expenditure and taxs have a very close positive relationship with the financial performance of the Aceh gov...
Al Maal: Journal of Islamic Economics and Banking, 2020
Human resources have an increasingly important role in achieving the objectives of a governmental... more Human resources have an increasingly important role in achieving the objectives of a governmental, private, corporate organization, including sharia banking. This study aims to find out how the development of human resource competencies in Islamic banking in Indonesia is seen from the theoretical and practical order, and how the solution is solved. With the paradigm approach of Systematic Literature Review in journals that have been publicized from 2016 to 2020, the results show that the low level of competence of human resources in Islamic banking in Indonesia both at the theoretical and practical level. sharia. in Indonesia. The solutions provided are: 1) Recruitment, selection and placement of human resources properly adjusted to their skills 2) Pay close attention when recruiting DPS (Sharia Supervisory Board) must really be competent both in terms of sharia and finance. 3) Increasing the role of tertiary institutions especially Islamic tertiary institutions to provide competent...
Pada saat label syariah semakin menjamur, baik pada dunia perbankan maupun non perbankan, banyak ... more Pada saat label syariah semakin menjamur, baik pada dunia perbankan maupun non perbankan, banyak produk-produk barang atau jasa halal yang ditawarkan oleh pelaku usaha, dan masyarakat sangat antusias untuk mengikutinya. Dari produk halal yang ditawarkan oleh para pelaku usaha yang baru-baru ini diluncurkan adalah di bidang pelayanan kesehatan yang secara legal juga sudah difatwakan oleh DSN MUI (Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia) No.107/DSN-MUI/X/2016 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggara Rumah Sakit Syariah, yang dimotori oleh MUKISI (Majelis Upaya Kesehatan Islam Seluruh Indonesia). Selama ini pembicaraan mengenai Rumah Sakit Syariah masih pada tatanan manajemen saja, pada penelitian ini ingin mengetahuinya dari aspek masyarakatnya, terutama pada faktor preferensinya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Surabaya dengan menggunakan tehnik pengambilan sampel secara simple random sampling dan besar sampel dengan aplikasi simple size 2.0 berjumlah 217 sampel pada masy...
Advanced International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 2020
The philosophical value of the security is a very great value, which comes from Allah SWT, which ... more The philosophical value of the security is a very great value, which comes from Allah SWT, which is given to his creatures, and humans as the bearer of the highest mandatory value to carry out, maintain and implement it, with security between humans there will be a belief and this trust will ultimately cultivate an inner calm or soul. To find out and measure philosophical values of the trust in both conventional and Islamic banking, then in this study will present the results of the study with respondents divided into two groups, the first group is those with a bachelor's degree in general and the second group is those who have S2 degrees and doctoral candidates for Islamic Economics. Quantitative research methods, with frequency distribution and cross-tabulation of selected variables with data analysis using SPSS. Based on the results of the study, the values of security from the highest to the lowest are: In the first group of respondents, the values of security from the highe...
Halal Development: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges, 2021
This study was designed to unveil the influence of demographic, socioeconomic , and environmental... more This study was designed to unveil the influence of demographic, socioeconomic , and environmental factors on the preferences and behavior of middle-class Muslims toward the potential of a halal hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia. A simple random sampling technique was used with a total of 217 respondents in this study. To analyze the data, the Structural Equational Model (SEM) from the AMOS statistical software was used. Findings revealed that demographics, socioeconomics, and the environment significantly influenced respondents' preferences. This study also discovered that preferences towards behavior, preferences towards the potential of a halal hospital, and the actual behavior towards the potential of a halal hospital are correlated. Arguably, a halal hospital's potential is central, which is around 75% as measured by the level of preference and behavior of middle-class Muslims who have different demographic, social, economic, and environmental characteristics.
Pada saat label syariah semakin menjamur, baik pada dunia perbankan maupun non perbankan, banyak ... more Pada saat label syariah semakin menjamur, baik pada dunia perbankan maupun non perbankan, banyak produk-produk barang atau jasa halal yang ditawarkan oleh pelaku usaha, dan masyarakat sangat antusias untuk mengikutinya terutama masyarakat kalangan menengah yang dewasa ini mendominasi pangsa pasar. Dari produk halal yang ditawarkan oleh para pelaku usaha yang baru-baru ini diluncurkan adalah di bidang pelayanan kesehatan yang secara legal juga sudah difatwakan oleh DSN MUI (Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia) No. 107/DSN-MUI/X/2016 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggara Rumah Sakit Syariah, yang dimotori oleh MUKISI (Majelis Upaya Kesehatan Islam Seluruh Indonesia). Selama ini pembicaraan mengenai Rumah Sakit Syariah masih pada tatanan manajemen saja, pada penelitian ini ingin mengetahuinya dari aspek masyarakatnya, terutama masyarakat menengah Muslim. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Surabaya dengan menggunakan tehnik pengambilan sampel secara simple random sampling dan besar ...
Papers by Luluk Latifah