This paper presents GERSE, a guide to requirements elicitation for embedded systems-GERSE is a Po... more This paper presents GERSE, a guide to requirements elicitation for embedded systems-GERSE is a Portuguese acronym to Guia de Elicitação de Requisitos para Sistemas Embarcados. Despite the advances in the area of embedded systems, there is a shortage of requirements elicitation techniques that meet the particularities of this segment. The contribution of GERSE is to improve the capturing process and organization of the embedded systems requirements. The proposed guide was based on a field research with Brazilian developers to find out the state of practice in embedded systems requirements. GERSE had been tested in a case study and had been evaluated by embedded systems engineers. A tool called ZAKI was developed to support GERSE and is also presented in this paper.
This study addresses the cultural importance of karst and geographical concepts underlying this m... more This study addresses the cultural importance of karst and geographical concepts underlying this matter, and to evaluate the characteristics of cultural events in the caves, by popular Catholic tradition groups. The purpose is thus to expose the importance of certain landscapes and places and the need for conservation of speleological heritage, especially karst areas, and the intangible cultural heritage, especially the Congado.It is used the Geography of perception or Humanist-Cultural Geography, whose methodological basis, phenomenology, which values the contact with the object of study and seeks to analyze the relationship come in man and nature.It is believedthat the cultural and religious use of natural environments may favor the preservation of these, and this preservation is also a way to safeguard popular traditions and cultures as intangible cultural heritage.
Collaborative environments development has significantly increased in the last years, as well as ... more Collaborative environments development has significantly increased in the last years, as well as the complexity of such systems and the search for better quality. On the collaborative environment development, the definition of precise rules set is important to allow correct interactions among the actors. The goal of this work is to present Forum, a model and a language to specify rules for collaborative environments, helping software designers to make rules specification to support a high level of control in such environments.
Jame, zgodbe, zgodovina in ljudsko izročilo v polpuščavi (sertão) Bahia, severovzhodna Brazilija ... more Jame, zgodbe, zgodovina in ljudsko izročilo v polpuščavi (sertão) Bahia, severovzhodna Brazilija Simbioza med človekom in jamami navadno povzroča mešanico očarljivosti in spoštovanja. Ko se oziramo v zgodovino antičnih civilizacij, se skoraj v vseh primerih zapiski sklicujejo na te odnose. Jame so bile človeška prva domovanja, mesta srečevanj, zavetij ter ritualistični kraji. Danes, kljub strahu pred temo in zaprtimi prostori, ki je tako nenavaden, nekdanja povezava še vedno obstaja. V sodobnem svetu mnoge socialne skupine nekaterim krajem še vedno pripisujejo poseben sveti pomen. Tako so romanja v Meko v Savdsko Arabijo, k svetišču Fatime na Portugalskem, k reki Ganges v Indiji ali v jamsko cerkev bom Jesus de lapa v notranjosti države Bahia v Braziliji tesno povezana v smislu duhovne sokrivde. Našteta območja igrajo ključno vlogo kot kolektivna referenca za človeško žrtvovanje v vedno bolj avtomatičnem, tehničnem in sebičnem svetu, mnogo bolj kot ojačevalci verskega zaupanja. V Braziliji je mnogo pomembnih verskih krajev. Ta članek omenja pomembne kraje posebno v severovzhodni regiji. Ti so svetišče Bom Jesus de Lapa, jame Patamuté, Brejões in Milagrosa. Vsi ti primeri kažejo jasno prikazovanje ljudskega izročila in leto za letom slikajo pomembno vlogo, ki jo imajo jame v regionalnih brazilskih družbah. Namen tega članka ni zmanjšati fizične študije kraških pokrajin, ampak poudariti pomen človeka, še posebej v razvijajočih se državah. Pomembno je tudi za odnos med krasom in jamami v ljudskem izročilu, prenesenem s pomočjo ustnih zgodb ter ljudskih verovanj, ki segajo onstran znanstvenega napredka.
Izvleček UDK 551.44(81) Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos & Heinz Charles Kohler: Zgodovinske in ge... more Izvleček UDK 551.44(81) Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos & Heinz Charles Kohler: Zgodovinske in geomorfološke značilnosti kraškega področja Cordisburgo (Minas Gerais, Brazilija) Namen dela je predstaviti geografske značilnosti kraškega področja Cordisburga na podoben način, kot je predstavljen klasični kras, a prirejen za tropski kras. Za ugotavljanje značilnosti je bila najprej napravljena osnovna karta, skladno z metodologijo, ki jo priporoča Komisija za kraške pojave pri francoskem Nacionalnem kraškem komiteju, prirejeno po Kohlerju. Ta metoda je bila izbrana na podlagi dejstva, da so take karte na razpolago tako za Dinarski kot za tropski kras, kar omogoča primerjavo. Kot izsledek preučevanja je prvič na karti prikazana razporeditev kraških pojavov obravnavanega področja, kar so pomembni podatki za oddelek za okolje regije Cordisburga in pomembna podlaga za trajnostno upravljanje tega področja. Glede na geološke, geomorfološke, hidrološke in biogeografske značilnosti je kras tega področja izrazit primer brazilskega tropskega krasa, kjer morata biti razvoj površja in podzemlja razumljena kot med seboj prepleten pojav. Ker pa je malo raziskav o formaciji Lagoa do Jacare, je prezgodaj domnevati, da predstavlja kras Cordisburga kot celota področje s šibkim zakrasevanjem v obsegu celotne karbonatne skladovnice. Tudi preučevanje obsega in smeri odtekanja podzemeljskih voda je še nezadostno.
Oblika škrapelj je v dobršni meri posledica vodoravnih laminiranih plasti in njihove razpokanosti... more Oblika škrapelj je v dobršni meri posledica vodoravnih laminiranih plasti in njihove razpokanosti. Razčlenjene so z značilnimi skalnimi oblikami, sledmi njihovega razvoja in današnjega oblikovanja. Prepustni stiki med laminami in navpična razpokanost kamnine pa so omogočili izrazit trirazsežni razvoj škrapelj in s tem svojevrstno obliko.
APEC. Seventeenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (Cat. No.02CH37335)
This paper presents a new strategy for improving the dynamic response of active power filters tha... more This paper presents a new strategy for improving the dynamic response of active power filters that use the synchronous reference frame method (id-iq method). The strategy is based on the substitution of conventional filtering by a efficient, faster and simpler process requesting less computational burden. Such modification produces a faster transient response during compensation process that lasts 1/6 of the
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Instrumentation Technology Conference (Cat. No.03CH37412)
We investigate a technique to measure low level power line harmonics using adaptive cancellation ... more We investigate a technique to measure low level power line harmonics using adaptive cancellation of the fundamental component. The technique reduces the effect of quantization noise and extends the dynamic range of the analog-todigital converter (ADC). It also enables good accuracy with a reduced bit ADC.
A paisagem cárstica e suas cavernas podem ser percebidas por várias pessoas de maneira igualmente... more A paisagem cárstica e suas cavernas podem ser percebidas por várias pessoas de maneira igualmente variada. Do leigo ao cientista, especialmente as cavernas, assumem significados diversos de acordo com a evolução histórica e as condições culturais de uma sociedade. Por esse motivo, é possível afirmar que a relação humana com as cavernas não é fato novo na história da humanidade. Muito menos a motivação para seu uso como abrigos, esconderijos ou lugares sagrados. Sendo assim, as cavernas e o carste constituem-se como importantes registros histórico-geográficos de regiões específicas. Muitas vezes apresentam traços comuns a várias culturas como será demonstrado ao longo do trabalho. Como objetivo geral do trabalho, propõe-se a investigação do uso cultural do carste e das cavernas como base do Turismo Cultural. Sendo assim, busca-se realizar um estudo que favoreça a divulgação do uso cultural do carste e das cavernas a fim de colaborar com as discussões sobre o uso religioso de cavernas...
This paper presents an overview about a Brazilian research towards requirements engineering proce... more This paper presents an overview about a Brazilian research towards requirements engineering process for embedded systems. The scientific contributions reported throughout the paper are concerned to templates, guidelines and tools developed during the last four years. These artifacts can help to narrow the existing gap between hardware and software embedded system teams. We brifely describe two requirements specification templates, named TERASE and CAMA, and one requirements elicitation guide, named GERSE which is supported by a software tool called Zaki.
Fuzzy Logic is a concept that deals with ambiguities, uncertainties and vague information on the ... more Fuzzy Logic is a concept that deals with ambiguities, uncertainties and vague information on the solution of problems. NFR-Framework deals with the nonfunctional requirements which also are, very often, vaguely and full of uncertainties. In this paper, we use these concepts to propose a process for requirements specification of adaptive systems, called PERSA-Portuguese acronym to "Processo de Especificação de Requisitos para Sistemas Adaptativos". Adaptive systems consist of functional and non-functional requirements, which hold the capacity to modify themselves during the runtime with little or no human intervention at all. However, despite being a very discussed topic in Requirements Engineering (RE) community, it still lacks tools and techniques to standardize its modeling. The proposed process is instantiated in a case study which is discussed along this paper.
ABSTRACT This paper presents the application of a statistical approach for texture representation... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the application of a statistical approach for texture representation in classifi-cation problems situated in three different domains. The applied approach is the well-known gray level co-occurrence matrix, which stores the probability of two gray scale values are involved by a certain spatial relationship. In order to represent the image texture, statistical measures are extracted from this matrix. The final results presented here show that the use of these descriptors is feasible to achieve good classification rates in different application domains. The best rates were achieved by employing the Support Vector Machine classifier. These rates were: 97.43% (σ = 0.59) for forest species classification; 94.49% (σ = 0.66) for autorship verification; and 60.11% (σ = 9.06) for music genre recognition.
2005 1st International Conference on Multimedia Services Access Networks, 2005. MSAN '05.
This paper proposes a hierarchical and distributed architecture for a video on demand distributio... more This paper proposes a hierarchical and distributed architecture for a video on demand distribution service. The service has been conceived to distribute video over a digital video network composed of servers interconnected by an IP network. Also, the service was designed to distribute video in a way that is independent of the video format and to interact with different types of clients. The experimental prototype has been tested over the Brazilian National Research Network's (RNP) backbone, as part of the work of the RNP's Digital Video Workgroup, showing the viability of distributing high quality video in environments with restricted bandwidth.
This paper presents a computational environment for segmentation and volumetry of anatomical stru... more This paper presents a computational environment for segmentation and volumetry of anatomical structures in tomographic exams, acquired in DICOM standard. Using the free software ImageJ as support, this tool has been implemented as a plugin and can harbor different techniques of automatic and/or semi-automatic image segmentation, allowing the subsequent manual correction of segmentations obtained. As a result, the environment provides the masks generated by segmentation, volume informations, as well as measures of errors. The system was designed to serve as environment for the evaluation and comparison of different segmentation methods, and they could be used as a tool to support the diagnosis in clinical routine.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002
A modular system to recognize handwritten numerical strings is proposed. It uses a segmentation-b... more A modular system to recognize handwritten numerical strings is proposed. It uses a segmentation-based recognition approach and a Recognition and Verification strategy. The approach combines the outputs from different levels such as segmentation, recognition, and postprocessing in a probabilistic model. A new verification scheme which contains two verifiers to deal with the problems of oversegmentation and undersegmentation is presented. A new feature set is also introduced to feed the oversegmentation verifier. A postprocessor based on a deterministic automaton is used and the global decision module makes an accept/reject decision. Finally, experimental results on two databases are presented: numerical amounts on Brazilian bank checks and NIST SD19. The latter aims at validating the concept of modular system and showing the robustness of the system using a well-known database.
Resumo. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um modelo de avaliação de especificações semi-form... more Resumo. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um modelo de avaliação de especificações semi-formais de requisitos de software baseado na Teoria dos Conjuntos Nebulosos. Especificações semi-formais normalmente são apresentadas como um conjunto de diagramas onde os requisitos do software são declarados. Especialistas do domínio do problema e engenheiros de requisitos devem conjuntamente avaliar se a documentação produzida reflete de forma adequada os requisitos do software a ser implementado. Vários atributos de qualidade têm sido propostos para avaliar se uma especificação de requisitos é de fácil entendimento, completa, não ambígua, consistente internamente, possível de ser implementada, entre outros. A avaliação destes atributos de qualidade carrega um alto grau de subjetividade e incerteza, para os quais uma avaliação mais flexível, utilizando valores lingüísticos como baixo, médio e alto, torna-se adequada. Apresentamos ao longo do artigo os passos para a realização de tal avaliação, utilizando como base para o processo a Teoria dos Conjuntos Nebulosos.
Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo comparativo sobre as técnicas de elicit... more Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo comparativo sobre as técnicas de elicitação de requisitos do software, sendo que a elicitação de requisitos é a primeira fase dentro da Engenharia de Requisitos. A elicitação de requisitos é de extrema importância para a construção do software, oferecendo significativas contribuições para a Engenharia de Software. Na elicitação de requisitos existem
Page 1. Uma Arquitetura de Serviço para Avaliação de Contextos em Redes de TV Digital Luiz Eduard... more Page 1. Uma Arquitetura de Serviço para Avaliação de Contextos em Redes de TV Digital Luiz Eduardo C. Leite1, 2, Ozifrankly Lima2, Guido L. de Souza Filho2, Silvio R. de L. Meira1, Patrícia CAR Tedesco1 1Centro de Informática ...
This paper presents GERSE, a guide to requirements elicitation for embedded systems-GERSE is a Po... more This paper presents GERSE, a guide to requirements elicitation for embedded systems-GERSE is a Portuguese acronym to Guia de Elicitação de Requisitos para Sistemas Embarcados. Despite the advances in the area of embedded systems, there is a shortage of requirements elicitation techniques that meet the particularities of this segment. The contribution of GERSE is to improve the capturing process and organization of the embedded systems requirements. The proposed guide was based on a field research with Brazilian developers to find out the state of practice in embedded systems requirements. GERSE had been tested in a case study and had been evaluated by embedded systems engineers. A tool called ZAKI was developed to support GERSE and is also presented in this paper.
This study addresses the cultural importance of karst and geographical concepts underlying this m... more This study addresses the cultural importance of karst and geographical concepts underlying this matter, and to evaluate the characteristics of cultural events in the caves, by popular Catholic tradition groups. The purpose is thus to expose the importance of certain landscapes and places and the need for conservation of speleological heritage, especially karst areas, and the intangible cultural heritage, especially the Congado.It is used the Geography of perception or Humanist-Cultural Geography, whose methodological basis, phenomenology, which values the contact with the object of study and seeks to analyze the relationship come in man and nature.It is believedthat the cultural and religious use of natural environments may favor the preservation of these, and this preservation is also a way to safeguard popular traditions and cultures as intangible cultural heritage.
Collaborative environments development has significantly increased in the last years, as well as ... more Collaborative environments development has significantly increased in the last years, as well as the complexity of such systems and the search for better quality. On the collaborative environment development, the definition of precise rules set is important to allow correct interactions among the actors. The goal of this work is to present Forum, a model and a language to specify rules for collaborative environments, helping software designers to make rules specification to support a high level of control in such environments.
Jame, zgodbe, zgodovina in ljudsko izročilo v polpuščavi (sertão) Bahia, severovzhodna Brazilija ... more Jame, zgodbe, zgodovina in ljudsko izročilo v polpuščavi (sertão) Bahia, severovzhodna Brazilija Simbioza med človekom in jamami navadno povzroča mešanico očarljivosti in spoštovanja. Ko se oziramo v zgodovino antičnih civilizacij, se skoraj v vseh primerih zapiski sklicujejo na te odnose. Jame so bile človeška prva domovanja, mesta srečevanj, zavetij ter ritualistični kraji. Danes, kljub strahu pred temo in zaprtimi prostori, ki je tako nenavaden, nekdanja povezava še vedno obstaja. V sodobnem svetu mnoge socialne skupine nekaterim krajem še vedno pripisujejo poseben sveti pomen. Tako so romanja v Meko v Savdsko Arabijo, k svetišču Fatime na Portugalskem, k reki Ganges v Indiji ali v jamsko cerkev bom Jesus de lapa v notranjosti države Bahia v Braziliji tesno povezana v smislu duhovne sokrivde. Našteta območja igrajo ključno vlogo kot kolektivna referenca za človeško žrtvovanje v vedno bolj avtomatičnem, tehničnem in sebičnem svetu, mnogo bolj kot ojačevalci verskega zaupanja. V Braziliji je mnogo pomembnih verskih krajev. Ta članek omenja pomembne kraje posebno v severovzhodni regiji. Ti so svetišče Bom Jesus de Lapa, jame Patamuté, Brejões in Milagrosa. Vsi ti primeri kažejo jasno prikazovanje ljudskega izročila in leto za letom slikajo pomembno vlogo, ki jo imajo jame v regionalnih brazilskih družbah. Namen tega članka ni zmanjšati fizične študije kraških pokrajin, ampak poudariti pomen človeka, še posebej v razvijajočih se državah. Pomembno je tudi za odnos med krasom in jamami v ljudskem izročilu, prenesenem s pomočjo ustnih zgodb ter ljudskih verovanj, ki segajo onstran znanstvenega napredka.
Izvleček UDK 551.44(81) Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos & Heinz Charles Kohler: Zgodovinske in ge... more Izvleček UDK 551.44(81) Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos & Heinz Charles Kohler: Zgodovinske in geomorfološke značilnosti kraškega področja Cordisburgo (Minas Gerais, Brazilija) Namen dela je predstaviti geografske značilnosti kraškega področja Cordisburga na podoben način, kot je predstavljen klasični kras, a prirejen za tropski kras. Za ugotavljanje značilnosti je bila najprej napravljena osnovna karta, skladno z metodologijo, ki jo priporoča Komisija za kraške pojave pri francoskem Nacionalnem kraškem komiteju, prirejeno po Kohlerju. Ta metoda je bila izbrana na podlagi dejstva, da so take karte na razpolago tako za Dinarski kot za tropski kras, kar omogoča primerjavo. Kot izsledek preučevanja je prvič na karti prikazana razporeditev kraških pojavov obravnavanega področja, kar so pomembni podatki za oddelek za okolje regije Cordisburga in pomembna podlaga za trajnostno upravljanje tega področja. Glede na geološke, geomorfološke, hidrološke in biogeografske značilnosti je kras tega področja izrazit primer brazilskega tropskega krasa, kjer morata biti razvoj površja in podzemlja razumljena kot med seboj prepleten pojav. Ker pa je malo raziskav o formaciji Lagoa do Jacare, je prezgodaj domnevati, da predstavlja kras Cordisburga kot celota področje s šibkim zakrasevanjem v obsegu celotne karbonatne skladovnice. Tudi preučevanje obsega in smeri odtekanja podzemeljskih voda je še nezadostno.
Oblika škrapelj je v dobršni meri posledica vodoravnih laminiranih plasti in njihove razpokanosti... more Oblika škrapelj je v dobršni meri posledica vodoravnih laminiranih plasti in njihove razpokanosti. Razčlenjene so z značilnimi skalnimi oblikami, sledmi njihovega razvoja in današnjega oblikovanja. Prepustni stiki med laminami in navpična razpokanost kamnine pa so omogočili izrazit trirazsežni razvoj škrapelj in s tem svojevrstno obliko.
APEC. Seventeenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (Cat. No.02CH37335)
This paper presents a new strategy for improving the dynamic response of active power filters tha... more This paper presents a new strategy for improving the dynamic response of active power filters that use the synchronous reference frame method (id-iq method). The strategy is based on the substitution of conventional filtering by a efficient, faster and simpler process requesting less computational burden. Such modification produces a faster transient response during compensation process that lasts 1/6 of the
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Instrumentation Technology Conference (Cat. No.03CH37412)
We investigate a technique to measure low level power line harmonics using adaptive cancellation ... more We investigate a technique to measure low level power line harmonics using adaptive cancellation of the fundamental component. The technique reduces the effect of quantization noise and extends the dynamic range of the analog-todigital converter (ADC). It also enables good accuracy with a reduced bit ADC.
A paisagem cárstica e suas cavernas podem ser percebidas por várias pessoas de maneira igualmente... more A paisagem cárstica e suas cavernas podem ser percebidas por várias pessoas de maneira igualmente variada. Do leigo ao cientista, especialmente as cavernas, assumem significados diversos de acordo com a evolução histórica e as condições culturais de uma sociedade. Por esse motivo, é possível afirmar que a relação humana com as cavernas não é fato novo na história da humanidade. Muito menos a motivação para seu uso como abrigos, esconderijos ou lugares sagrados. Sendo assim, as cavernas e o carste constituem-se como importantes registros histórico-geográficos de regiões específicas. Muitas vezes apresentam traços comuns a várias culturas como será demonstrado ao longo do trabalho. Como objetivo geral do trabalho, propõe-se a investigação do uso cultural do carste e das cavernas como base do Turismo Cultural. Sendo assim, busca-se realizar um estudo que favoreça a divulgação do uso cultural do carste e das cavernas a fim de colaborar com as discussões sobre o uso religioso de cavernas...
This paper presents an overview about a Brazilian research towards requirements engineering proce... more This paper presents an overview about a Brazilian research towards requirements engineering process for embedded systems. The scientific contributions reported throughout the paper are concerned to templates, guidelines and tools developed during the last four years. These artifacts can help to narrow the existing gap between hardware and software embedded system teams. We brifely describe two requirements specification templates, named TERASE and CAMA, and one requirements elicitation guide, named GERSE which is supported by a software tool called Zaki.
Fuzzy Logic is a concept that deals with ambiguities, uncertainties and vague information on the ... more Fuzzy Logic is a concept that deals with ambiguities, uncertainties and vague information on the solution of problems. NFR-Framework deals with the nonfunctional requirements which also are, very often, vaguely and full of uncertainties. In this paper, we use these concepts to propose a process for requirements specification of adaptive systems, called PERSA-Portuguese acronym to "Processo de Especificação de Requisitos para Sistemas Adaptativos". Adaptive systems consist of functional and non-functional requirements, which hold the capacity to modify themselves during the runtime with little or no human intervention at all. However, despite being a very discussed topic in Requirements Engineering (RE) community, it still lacks tools and techniques to standardize its modeling. The proposed process is instantiated in a case study which is discussed along this paper.
ABSTRACT This paper presents the application of a statistical approach for texture representation... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the application of a statistical approach for texture representation in classifi-cation problems situated in three different domains. The applied approach is the well-known gray level co-occurrence matrix, which stores the probability of two gray scale values are involved by a certain spatial relationship. In order to represent the image texture, statistical measures are extracted from this matrix. The final results presented here show that the use of these descriptors is feasible to achieve good classification rates in different application domains. The best rates were achieved by employing the Support Vector Machine classifier. These rates were: 97.43% (σ = 0.59) for forest species classification; 94.49% (σ = 0.66) for autorship verification; and 60.11% (σ = 9.06) for music genre recognition.
2005 1st International Conference on Multimedia Services Access Networks, 2005. MSAN '05.
This paper proposes a hierarchical and distributed architecture for a video on demand distributio... more This paper proposes a hierarchical and distributed architecture for a video on demand distribution service. The service has been conceived to distribute video over a digital video network composed of servers interconnected by an IP network. Also, the service was designed to distribute video in a way that is independent of the video format and to interact with different types of clients. The experimental prototype has been tested over the Brazilian National Research Network's (RNP) backbone, as part of the work of the RNP's Digital Video Workgroup, showing the viability of distributing high quality video in environments with restricted bandwidth.
This paper presents a computational environment for segmentation and volumetry of anatomical stru... more This paper presents a computational environment for segmentation and volumetry of anatomical structures in tomographic exams, acquired in DICOM standard. Using the free software ImageJ as support, this tool has been implemented as a plugin and can harbor different techniques of automatic and/or semi-automatic image segmentation, allowing the subsequent manual correction of segmentations obtained. As a result, the environment provides the masks generated by segmentation, volume informations, as well as measures of errors. The system was designed to serve as environment for the evaluation and comparison of different segmentation methods, and they could be used as a tool to support the diagnosis in clinical routine.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002
A modular system to recognize handwritten numerical strings is proposed. It uses a segmentation-b... more A modular system to recognize handwritten numerical strings is proposed. It uses a segmentation-based recognition approach and a Recognition and Verification strategy. The approach combines the outputs from different levels such as segmentation, recognition, and postprocessing in a probabilistic model. A new verification scheme which contains two verifiers to deal with the problems of oversegmentation and undersegmentation is presented. A new feature set is also introduced to feed the oversegmentation verifier. A postprocessor based on a deterministic automaton is used and the global decision module makes an accept/reject decision. Finally, experimental results on two databases are presented: numerical amounts on Brazilian bank checks and NIST SD19. The latter aims at validating the concept of modular system and showing the robustness of the system using a well-known database.
Resumo. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um modelo de avaliação de especificações semi-form... more Resumo. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um modelo de avaliação de especificações semi-formais de requisitos de software baseado na Teoria dos Conjuntos Nebulosos. Especificações semi-formais normalmente são apresentadas como um conjunto de diagramas onde os requisitos do software são declarados. Especialistas do domínio do problema e engenheiros de requisitos devem conjuntamente avaliar se a documentação produzida reflete de forma adequada os requisitos do software a ser implementado. Vários atributos de qualidade têm sido propostos para avaliar se uma especificação de requisitos é de fácil entendimento, completa, não ambígua, consistente internamente, possível de ser implementada, entre outros. A avaliação destes atributos de qualidade carrega um alto grau de subjetividade e incerteza, para os quais uma avaliação mais flexível, utilizando valores lingüísticos como baixo, médio e alto, torna-se adequada. Apresentamos ao longo do artigo os passos para a realização de tal avaliação, utilizando como base para o processo a Teoria dos Conjuntos Nebulosos.
Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo comparativo sobre as técnicas de elicit... more Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo comparativo sobre as técnicas de elicitação de requisitos do software, sendo que a elicitação de requisitos é a primeira fase dentro da Engenharia de Requisitos. A elicitação de requisitos é de extrema importância para a construção do software, oferecendo significativas contribuições para a Engenharia de Software. Na elicitação de requisitos existem
Page 1. Uma Arquitetura de Serviço para Avaliação de Contextos em Redes de TV Digital Luiz Eduard... more Page 1. Uma Arquitetura de Serviço para Avaliação de Contextos em Redes de TV Digital Luiz Eduardo C. Leite1, 2, Ozifrankly Lima2, Guido L. de Souza Filho2, Silvio R. de L. Meira1, Patrícia CAR Tedesco1 1Centro de Informática ...
Papers by Luiz Eduardo