Papers by Luis Montalvo Dominguez
Palabras clave: tiroidectomía; costos y análisis de costo; economía de la salud; medicina basada ... more Palabras clave: tiroidectomía; costos y análisis de costo; economía de la salud; medicina basada en evidencia.
Rev Colomb Cir, Mar 1, 2013

Journal of Pest Science, 2015
Cerambyx welensii Küster is one of the greatest threats to Quercus suber L. and Quercus ilex L. i... more Cerambyx welensii Küster is one of the greatest threats to Quercus suber L. and Quercus ilex L. in Spain. Efficient control methods for this species are currently being tested, and the use of traps baited with food-related products for their monitoring and control has been proposed. Cerambyx welensii adults prefer to colonize old or decayed trees, in which cortical exudates frequently release fermentation odors. Fermentation-related compounds, such as ethanol, have been cited as attractants to various hardwood woodborers (as Cerambyx cerdo L.), used either alone or sometimes in combination with other host odors. In this work, we conducted field experiments to ascertain whether chemical blends mimicking fermentation odors were attractive for C. welensii. To this end, we used three types of traps (multiple funnel, cross-vane and single-funnel) baited with six synthetic blends including one or more fermentation-related chemicals (ethanol, ethyl acetate, 3-methyl-1-butanol, acetaldehyde, 2-methyl-1-propanol and 2-methyl-1-butanol), various food-related products (beer, melon and red wine mixed with peach juice) and host monoterpenes (a-pinene, b-pinene, limonene, a-phellandrene and camphene). At high release rates (5-11 g/day), various synthetic blends proved attractive irrespective of trap type. Our results contribute to understand the impact of volatile organic compounds in host selection by woodborers infesting deciduous trees. The results hold promise for optimizing trapping strategies to control C. welensii within an integrated pest management framework. Keywords Synthetic attractant Á Quercus Á Traps Á 3-methyl-1-butanol Á Ethyl acetate Á Ethanol Á Cerambycidae Key message • Cerambyx welensii is one of the greatest threats to Quercus suber and Quercus ilex in Spain. • No IPM strategies have been developed for this pest; however, mass trapping has been proposed as an effective control. • Here, field attraction of C. welensii to synthetic blends mimicking fermentation odors is reported. • The results obtained in this study may help to optimize trapping strategies to control C. welensii within an IPM framework.
Forest Systems, 2009
La electroantenografía (EAG) es una técnica electrofisiológica que permite medir la respuesta glo... more La electroantenografía (EAG) es una técnica electrofisiológica que permite medir la respuesta global, de naturaleza eléctrica, de las células receptoras de la antena de un insecto frente a un estímulo (Schneider, 1969;

Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.), 2011
The dehesa is a silvopastoral system of a high economic and ecological signifi cance in the Iberi... more The dehesa is a silvopastoral system of a high economic and ecological signifi cance in the Iberian Peninsula that is protected under the EEC/92/43 Habitat Directive. One of the most serious problems the dehesa system is currently facing is oak decline. This tree decay process is largely caused by three xylophagous cerambycids of which Prinobius myardi is the least known. In this study, we used a capture-mark-recapture method to identify the models best fi tting the behaviour of this species with a view to estimating basic population parameters such as survival rate (phi), recapture rate (p) and transiency index (T). Prinobius myardi adults were captured by hand following visual detection in the trees of a cork oak (Quercus suber) plot located in the close vicinity of the Doñana National Park (SW Spain). Males exhibited a constant survival rate exceeding 85.4% throughout their fl ight period, a maximum transiency index of 1.82% and a recapture rate ranging from 42.50% to 76.90%. These results are suggestive of a sedentary behaviour in P. myardi males. By contrast, the small number of females captured precluded calculation of the previous parameters for this gender; in any case, fi eld observations revealed a fl eeing, less sedentary behaviour with respect to the males. Résumé. Analyse de la dynamique de population de Prinobius myardi Mulsant dans un peuplement de chêne-liège. La dehesa est un système sylvopastoral de grande importance économique et écologique pour la Péninsule Ibérique. Elle est protégée par la directive «Habitat» EEC/9243. Un des problèmes les plus sérieux qui menace le système de la dehesa est le déclin du chêne-liège (Quercus suber). Ce processus de dégradation de cet arbre est largement dû à trois cérambycides parmi lesquels Prinobius myardi est le moins connu. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé une méthode de capture-marquage-recapture pour identifi er le modèle qui s'adapte le mieux au mode de vie de cette espèce. Dans ce but, on a estimé les paramètres de base comme le taux de survie (phi), le taux de recapture (p) et l'index de transition (T). Les Prinobius myardi adultes ont été capturés à la main, après une détection à vue, dans des placeaux de chêne-liège au voisinage du Parc National de la Doñana (SW Espagne). Les mâles ont présenté un taux de survie constant qui dépasse 85,4% tout au long de leur période de vol, un index de transition maximal de 1,82% et un taux de recapture de 42,5 à 76,90%. Ces résultats suggèrent un mode de vie sédentaire chez les mâles de P. myardi. Par contraste, le faible nombre de femelles capturées empèche de calcul de ces paramètres pour ce sexe. De toute façon, les observations montrent qu'elles sont moins sédentaires que les mâles au cours de leur période de vol.

Central European Journal of Biology, 2008
The oak decline is probably the most severe plant health problem faced in the Mediterranean regio... more The oak decline is probably the most severe plant health problem faced in the Mediterranean region which is one of the habitats of community interest under the EU’s environmental legal regime. More information on the role of Cerambycids species in this decay is still needed. This paper reports the apparent survival rate (Phi) and recapture rate (P) for a population of Cerambyx welensii Küster (Coleoptera cerambycidae) in a highly degraded cork oak grove near the Doñana National Park (Huelva, Spain) as calculated using the mark-capture-recapture method. High and constants in the time values of apparent survival rates for males and females are detected. The male overall recapture rate (P) exceeded that of the female group with relatively low, but significant, values. The presence of transient individuals suggests a nucleus of population with many immigrants and emigrants in the study plot. The results are used to discuss various aspects of the insect biology, and the potential effect ...
Composición atrayente para insectos que comprende etanol, acetato de etilo, acetaldehído, 3-metil... more Composición atrayente para insectos que comprende etanol, acetato de etilo, acetaldehído, 3-metil-1-butanol, 2-metil-1-butanol, 2-metil-1-propanol y agua destilada. Objetivo: control biorracional de plagas forestales xilófagas, en particular para cerambicídos xilófagos pertenecientes a las especies C. welensii Kuster., Cerambyx cerdo L. ssp. mirbeckii Lucas y/o Prinobius myardi Mulsant. Estimación de poblaciones de cerambícidos xilófagos
Composición atrayente para insectos que comprende etanol, acetato de etilo, acetaldehído, 3-metil... more Composición atrayente para insectos que comprende etanol, acetato de etilo, acetaldehído, 3-metil-1-butanol, 2-metil-1-butanol, 2-metil-1-propanol y agua destilada. Objetivo: control biorracional de plagas forestales xilófagas, en particular para cerambicídos xilófagos pertenecientes a las especies C. welensii Kuster., Cerambyx cerdo L. ssp. mirbeckii Lucas y/o Prinobius myardi Mulsant. Estimación de poblaciones de cerambícidos xilófagos
Composición atrayente para insectos que comprende etanol, acetato de etilo, acetaldehído, 3-metil... more Composición atrayente para insectos que comprende etanol, acetato de etilo, acetaldehído, 3-metil-1-butanol, 2-metil-1-butanol, 2-metil-1-propanol y agua destilada. Objetivo: control biorracional de plagas forestales xilófagas, en particular para cerambicídos xilófagos pertenecientes a las especies C. welensii Kuster., Cerambyx cerdo L. ssp. mirbeckii Lucas y/o Prinobius myardi Mulsant. Estimación de poblaciones de cerambícidos xilófagos
Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, 1980
Papers by Luis Montalvo Dominguez