This paper develops a two periods, overlapping generations model of economic growth in order to a... more This paper develops a two periods, overlapping generations model of economic growth in order to analyse the mechanisms through which health status has contributed to the Transition out of Malthusian Times. Health affects the accumulation of human capital both directly and indirectly, through its effects on the learning capacity of children and on the survival probability from childhood to adulthood. An extremely poor level of child health might determine that the threshold level of adult income that allows for child education was too high to be reached. In this situation, a minimum health status, for any given adult income, is necessary for the investment in education to be worthwhile. Hence, the achievement of a minimum level of physical status emerges as a necessary condition for the development of intellectual human capital and it determines a permanent change in the slope of the growth path.
La tesis doctoral analiza la relacion entre el crecimiento economico y la salud individual, consi... more La tesis doctoral analiza la relacion entre el crecimiento economico y la salud individual, considerada en terminos de capital humano, y la variacion de la productividad teniendo en cuenta el marco teorico neoclasico. El estudio propone un modelo ampliado al de Solow donde ademas de la educacion se tiene en cuenta tambien la variable salud. Su contrastacion empirica, para 24 paises de la DECDY para el periodo 1960-1990 demuestra que la medida ampliada de capital humano explica en gran medida el crecimiento economico y la productividad. Despues de estudiar la posible existencia de endoeneidad se realiza una simulacion numerica en un marco teorico en el que la poblacion y el ahorro se determinan endoenamente y que confirman los resultados obtenidos.
Social and health problems arise when illegal drugs are used or abused, at great cost to individu... more Social and health problems arise when illegal drugs are used or abused, at great cost to individuals and society as a whole. The main objective of this work is to estimate the economic impact of illegal drug consumption in Spain from a social perspective. We conducted a cost-of-illness methodology for the year 2012. Direct costs are distinguished from indirect and intangible ones. The Human Capital approach is taken to carry out an economic assessment of productivity losses due to morbidity and premature death. The total social cost related to drug consumption was somewhere between 962 and 1,172 million euros. The minimum cost of this consumption represented 0.09% of Spain's GDP for that year. The minimum value for health care costs related to illegal drugs, accounted for 1.1% of spending in the Spanish National Health System. A great economic burden is placed on society when illegal drugs are consumed. In this way, drug prevention and treatment programs can be assessed and health policies will be better informed.
In 2013, the suicide rate in Spain went up by more than 9% with respect to the previous year. Sui... more In 2013, the suicide rate in Spain went up by more than 9% with respect to the previous year. Suicide thus became the first cause of death between the ages of 15 and 44. This increase could be related to the serious economic recession that Spain has been experiencing in recent years. In this study, the panel data technique used demographic-type variables and those related to the economic cycle. We also used the suicide rates for the Spanish regions in the period between 2002 and 2013. Moreover, there is a lack of evidence to help assess to what extent these suicides have a social cost in terms of losses in human capital. Consequently, an estimate is made of the losses in labour productivity owing to these suicides. The results provide a strong indication that a decrease in economic growth and an increase in unemployment negatively affect suicide rates. Due to suicide, 37,250 potential years of working life were lost in 2012. This has an estimated cost of over 534 million Euros. The economic crisis endured by Spain in recent years has played a role in the higher suicide rates one can observe from the data in official statistics. From a social perspective, suicide is a public health problem with far-reaching consequences.
La enfermedad de Alzheimer representa una carga importante en términos de tiempo para el cuidador... more La enfermedad de Alzheimer representa una carga importante en términos de tiempo para el cuidador del enfermo no institucionalizado. El objetivo de este artículo es estimar el coste del tiempo del cuidado informal según el tipo de discapacidad y estudiar los factores determinantes de su variabilidad. El análisis empírico se ha realizado a partir de los datos obtenidos de un cuestionario retrospectivo administrado por el cuidador, utilizando un modelo de estimación probabilístico. Los resultados muestran que la mayor parte del tiempo se invierte en actividades de cuidado personal y movilidad física, aumentando el coste medio al considerar estadios más graves de la enfermedad. Las diferencias en tiempo se explican, principalmente, por la fase de la enfermedad, el estado de salud del cuidador y la disponibilidad de cuidados profesionales.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the importance of health in the intergenerational transmissio... more The aim of this paper is to analyze the importance of health in the intergenerational transmission of income and its consequences on poverty. We take into account individual health status as a transmissible factor within generations of the same family. Subsequently, the influence of health status on the accumulation of human capital and on the efficiency of the educational process has been considered. The analysis uses data from the Brazilian Living Standards Survey (Pesquisa sobre Padrões de Vida) that includes an extended set of variables related to health, education and socio-economic characteristics. It also allows for linking parents and children since every member of the family has been surveyed. Results obtained are consistent with two main features. Firstly, child health status is a transmissible factor across generations. Secondly, a poor health status results in the accumulation of low levels of human capital due to reduced incentives for the investment in education and co...
En el presente articulo consideramos un sistema de produccion con dos categorias de ahorradores: ... more En el presente articulo consideramos un sistema de produccion con dos categorias de ahorradores: trabajadores y capitalistas de modo que se establece una frontera distributiva entre salarios y beneficios asociada a una determinada tecnologia. Se determina la tasa maxima de crecimiento relacionada con el vector de procesos activos elegidos dentro de las posibilidades tecnicas del sistema. Partiendo de un analisis sraffiano todas las conclusiones se derivan del intervalo post-keynesiano de las posibilidades distributivas. El desarrollo del sistema dual muestra que la demanda se vera acotada por las necesidades de inversion aunque los consumidores sean libres para establecer un ordenamiento de sus preferencias sujeto a esta restriccion
BACKGROUND Along with an ageing population, a higher incidence of chronic diseases leads to incre... more BACKGROUND Along with an ageing population, a higher incidence of chronic diseases leads to increasingly complex health profiles. The relationship between survival, dependence, and social and demographic trends affecting caregiving, has led to an increase in the negative consequences associated with care provision. In this context, an assessment needs to be made on the impact that caregiving has on the well-being of the caregivers. The main aim of this article is to study the factors that determine the Quality of Life (QoL) of those who provide informal care to people suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHODS A total of 175 caregivers of people with AD were recruited through the Galician Association for Relatives with Alzheimer. These caregivers completed a questionnaire (EQ-5D) that gathered sociodemographic and health variables, QoL, and care characteristics. Multiple regression models were calculated to explain the QoL of the caregivers. RESULTS Of the five dimensions ...
Este trabalho analisa o efeito do gasto publico em saude sobre a produtividade. Para isso desenvo... more Este trabalho analisa o efeito do gasto publico em saude sobre a produtividade. Para isso desenvolvemos uma extensao do modelo ampliado de Solow, considerando uma medida ampla de capital humano, que abrange tanto a educacao como a saude, como determinantes do crescimento economico e da produtividade. Estimamos diferentes regressoes de convergencia para os paises da OCDE, objetivando verificar em que medida o gasto publico em consumo e em investimento em saude influencia a produtividade, mantendo as caracteristicas neoclassicas. Os resultados revelam que o gasto de consumo em saude apresenta efeitos positivos sobre a produtividade, enquanto o gasto de investimento em saude nao produz o mesmo efeito positivo.
Este trabajo analiza el papel de la salud como un factor transmisible entre generaciones y sus ef... more Este trabajo analiza el papel de la salud como un factor transmisible entre generaciones y sus efectos sobre la acumulación de capital humano y la eficiencia del proceso educativo. Un efecto positivo y significativo, en este sentido, apoya la hipótesis de que el estado de salud individual contribuye a la transmisión intergeneracional de los ingresos, dado que los hijos de padres pobres tienen una mayor tendencia a la enfermedad y acumulan menos capital humano, perpetuando el círculo vicioso de la pobreza. El análisis se realiza a partir de la encuesta brasileña de hábitos de vida que permite establecer relaciones intergeneracionales de un extenso conjunto de variables. La metodología utilizada se basa en la estimación de diferentes especificaciones de acuerdo con la distribución de las variables utilizadas.
Human capabilities play an important part in the emergence from stagnation to modern economic gro... more Human capabilities play an important part in the emergence from stagnation to modern economic growth. Historical and macroeconomic studies show substantial effects for nutrition and health on income levels and, for poorer countries, on rates of growth, implying divergence. Crosscountry examination of the joint dynamics of life expectancy and income shows that a stratified emergence from stagnation continues today, marked by barriers to basic human development and to productivity. These observations are explained by a model in which human development interacts with technological change and is characterized by a sequence of market failures. These dynamic, intergenerational, human development traps make economic growth slower, stratified and transitional. A microeconomic study on Mexico finds evidence for an economy-wide, intergenerational, low human capital trap consistent with this model. The effects found for early child development on the acquisition of education, and therefore on adult income, are commensurate with the historical and macroeconomic findings mentioned above.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the association between drug consumption and unem... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the association between drug consumption and unemployment. This paper also studies the differential association between these variables in both the pre- and current-crisis periods. The results are compared in an attempt to verify that the population of users is more vulnerable in terms of how likely they are to get and hold down a job in the labour market. Design/methodology/approach Matching methods and microdata from the Survey on Alcohol and Drugs in Spain, EDADES are used. The use of these methods on the estimates carried out prove to be particularly effective in reducing treatment-selection bias. The authors’ interest is also to analyse the differential association between the interest variables in both the pre- and current-crisis periods. For this purpose, the authors also use the differences-in-differences (DID) estimation method between the two periods to check if the impact of drug use on unemployment depends on the economic c...
El objetivo principal de este artículo es estudiar la dinámica de salud de la población inmigrant... more El objetivo principal de este artículo es estudiar la dinámica de salud de la población inmigrante en España y aportar evidencia empírica que demuestre la existencia del Healthy Immigrant Effect. Se utilizan datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de España 2011-2012 y se estiman diferentes modelos probabilísticos, tomando como variables de resultado indicadores de salud autopercibida, presencia de trastornos crónicos y limitaciones de actividad. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la población inmigrante presenta un mejor estado de salud que la nacional. Se obtiene también evidencia a favor del Healthy Immigrant Effect, dado que el estado de salud tiende a empeorar con el tiempo de residencia en el país, convergiendo hacia los niveles de salud de la población nacional. Desde el punto de vista de los sistemas sanitarios, el estudio de las diferencias en salud en la población extranjera, y su evolución temporal, se muestra relevante para garantizar el acceso de la población inmigrant...
Background: Illegal drugs consumption not only has a notable impact on the population's health, b... more Background: Illegal drugs consumption not only has a notable impact on the population's health, but also leads to major socioeconomic costs. A significant characteristic of drug consumers is that the majority are of working age. The main aim of this study is to estimate the economic impact of drug consumption in Spain from a social perspective. Methods: A cost-of-illness methodology is carried out and a distinction is made between health-related and non-health related direct costs, as well as indirect costs. Among the direct health care costs included are hospitalisations, primary and emergency care, support programmes and HIV outpatient care. Expenditure on prevention, law enforcement and research was included as direct costs falling outside of health care. Productivity losses due to premature deaths attributed to substance abuse and patient hospitalisation formed part of indirect costs. Results: For 2012, the total social cost related to drug consumption in Spain was somewhere between 1,436 and 1,651 million euros. The minimum cost of this consumption represented 0.14% of Spain's GDP for that year. Conclusion: The present cost estimations provide a measure of the social burden that illegal drug consumption represents for the community. When it comes to allocating resources, the obtained results quantify the potential economic returns that could be achieved from effective policies and programmes aimed at reducing the consumption of illegal drugs.
El uso y abuso de drogas ilegales está relacionado con problemas sociales y de salud que generan ... more El uso y abuso de drogas ilegales está relacionado con problemas sociales y de salud que generan importantes costes para individuo y sociedad. El objetivo principal del estudio es el de estimar el impacto económico del consumo de drogas en Galicia desde la perspectiva de la sociedad y bajo el enfoque de los estudios de coste de enfermedad. La suma de los costes sociales del consumo de drogas se situa, para el año 2008, entre los 73,6 y los 98,6 millones de eu ros. El coste mínimo de este consumo representa el 0,12% del PIB gallego. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se pueden realizar análisis coste-efectividad y coste-beneficio que ayuden a evaluar y planificar programas de trata miento y prevención de drogodependencias. Palabras clave: drogas ilegales, estudios coste enfermedad, capital humano, adicción. Clasificación JEL: I10, I12, I18, I30. Abstract Drug use and abuse is related to health and social problems which imply significant costs to both the individual and the society. The main objetive of this study is to assess the economic impact of drug use in Galicia from a societal perspective by using a cost-of-illness framework. The sum of social costs ranged from €73.6 million to €98.6 mi llion in 2008. The minimum cost of illegal drug consumption represents 0.12% of the Galicia GDP. The results ob tained here may be used as input in both cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses aimed at assessing the effects of treatment and prevention programmes.
This paper develops a two periods, overlapping generations model of economic growth in order to a... more This paper develops a two periods, overlapping generations model of economic growth in order to analyse the mechanisms through which health status has contributed to the Transition out of Malthusian Times. Health affects the accumulation of human capital both directly and indirectly, through its effects on the learning capacity of children and on the survival probability from childhood to adulthood. An extremely poor level of child health might determine that the threshold level of adult income that allows for child education was too high to be reached. In this situation, a minimum health status, for any given adult income, is necessary for the investment in education to be worthwhile. Hence, the achievement of a minimum level of physical status emerges as a necessary condition for the development of intellectual human capital and it determines a permanent change in the slope of the growth path.
La tesis doctoral analiza la relacion entre el crecimiento economico y la salud individual, consi... more La tesis doctoral analiza la relacion entre el crecimiento economico y la salud individual, considerada en terminos de capital humano, y la variacion de la productividad teniendo en cuenta el marco teorico neoclasico. El estudio propone un modelo ampliado al de Solow donde ademas de la educacion se tiene en cuenta tambien la variable salud. Su contrastacion empirica, para 24 paises de la DECDY para el periodo 1960-1990 demuestra que la medida ampliada de capital humano explica en gran medida el crecimiento economico y la productividad. Despues de estudiar la posible existencia de endoeneidad se realiza una simulacion numerica en un marco teorico en el que la poblacion y el ahorro se determinan endoenamente y que confirman los resultados obtenidos.
Social and health problems arise when illegal drugs are used or abused, at great cost to individu... more Social and health problems arise when illegal drugs are used or abused, at great cost to individuals and society as a whole. The main objective of this work is to estimate the economic impact of illegal drug consumption in Spain from a social perspective. We conducted a cost-of-illness methodology for the year 2012. Direct costs are distinguished from indirect and intangible ones. The Human Capital approach is taken to carry out an economic assessment of productivity losses due to morbidity and premature death. The total social cost related to drug consumption was somewhere between 962 and 1,172 million euros. The minimum cost of this consumption represented 0.09% of Spain's GDP for that year. The minimum value for health care costs related to illegal drugs, accounted for 1.1% of spending in the Spanish National Health System. A great economic burden is placed on society when illegal drugs are consumed. In this way, drug prevention and treatment programs can be assessed and health policies will be better informed.
In 2013, the suicide rate in Spain went up by more than 9% with respect to the previous year. Sui... more In 2013, the suicide rate in Spain went up by more than 9% with respect to the previous year. Suicide thus became the first cause of death between the ages of 15 and 44. This increase could be related to the serious economic recession that Spain has been experiencing in recent years. In this study, the panel data technique used demographic-type variables and those related to the economic cycle. We also used the suicide rates for the Spanish regions in the period between 2002 and 2013. Moreover, there is a lack of evidence to help assess to what extent these suicides have a social cost in terms of losses in human capital. Consequently, an estimate is made of the losses in labour productivity owing to these suicides. The results provide a strong indication that a decrease in economic growth and an increase in unemployment negatively affect suicide rates. Due to suicide, 37,250 potential years of working life were lost in 2012. This has an estimated cost of over 534 million Euros. The economic crisis endured by Spain in recent years has played a role in the higher suicide rates one can observe from the data in official statistics. From a social perspective, suicide is a public health problem with far-reaching consequences.
La enfermedad de Alzheimer representa una carga importante en términos de tiempo para el cuidador... more La enfermedad de Alzheimer representa una carga importante en términos de tiempo para el cuidador del enfermo no institucionalizado. El objetivo de este artículo es estimar el coste del tiempo del cuidado informal según el tipo de discapacidad y estudiar los factores determinantes de su variabilidad. El análisis empírico se ha realizado a partir de los datos obtenidos de un cuestionario retrospectivo administrado por el cuidador, utilizando un modelo de estimación probabilístico. Los resultados muestran que la mayor parte del tiempo se invierte en actividades de cuidado personal y movilidad física, aumentando el coste medio al considerar estadios más graves de la enfermedad. Las diferencias en tiempo se explican, principalmente, por la fase de la enfermedad, el estado de salud del cuidador y la disponibilidad de cuidados profesionales.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the importance of health in the intergenerational transmissio... more The aim of this paper is to analyze the importance of health in the intergenerational transmission of income and its consequences on poverty. We take into account individual health status as a transmissible factor within generations of the same family. Subsequently, the influence of health status on the accumulation of human capital and on the efficiency of the educational process has been considered. The analysis uses data from the Brazilian Living Standards Survey (Pesquisa sobre Padrões de Vida) that includes an extended set of variables related to health, education and socio-economic characteristics. It also allows for linking parents and children since every member of the family has been surveyed. Results obtained are consistent with two main features. Firstly, child health status is a transmissible factor across generations. Secondly, a poor health status results in the accumulation of low levels of human capital due to reduced incentives for the investment in education and co...
En el presente articulo consideramos un sistema de produccion con dos categorias de ahorradores: ... more En el presente articulo consideramos un sistema de produccion con dos categorias de ahorradores: trabajadores y capitalistas de modo que se establece una frontera distributiva entre salarios y beneficios asociada a una determinada tecnologia. Se determina la tasa maxima de crecimiento relacionada con el vector de procesos activos elegidos dentro de las posibilidades tecnicas del sistema. Partiendo de un analisis sraffiano todas las conclusiones se derivan del intervalo post-keynesiano de las posibilidades distributivas. El desarrollo del sistema dual muestra que la demanda se vera acotada por las necesidades de inversion aunque los consumidores sean libres para establecer un ordenamiento de sus preferencias sujeto a esta restriccion
BACKGROUND Along with an ageing population, a higher incidence of chronic diseases leads to incre... more BACKGROUND Along with an ageing population, a higher incidence of chronic diseases leads to increasingly complex health profiles. The relationship between survival, dependence, and social and demographic trends affecting caregiving, has led to an increase in the negative consequences associated with care provision. In this context, an assessment needs to be made on the impact that caregiving has on the well-being of the caregivers. The main aim of this article is to study the factors that determine the Quality of Life (QoL) of those who provide informal care to people suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHODS A total of 175 caregivers of people with AD were recruited through the Galician Association for Relatives with Alzheimer. These caregivers completed a questionnaire (EQ-5D) that gathered sociodemographic and health variables, QoL, and care characteristics. Multiple regression models were calculated to explain the QoL of the caregivers. RESULTS Of the five dimensions ...
Este trabalho analisa o efeito do gasto publico em saude sobre a produtividade. Para isso desenvo... more Este trabalho analisa o efeito do gasto publico em saude sobre a produtividade. Para isso desenvolvemos uma extensao do modelo ampliado de Solow, considerando uma medida ampla de capital humano, que abrange tanto a educacao como a saude, como determinantes do crescimento economico e da produtividade. Estimamos diferentes regressoes de convergencia para os paises da OCDE, objetivando verificar em que medida o gasto publico em consumo e em investimento em saude influencia a produtividade, mantendo as caracteristicas neoclassicas. Os resultados revelam que o gasto de consumo em saude apresenta efeitos positivos sobre a produtividade, enquanto o gasto de investimento em saude nao produz o mesmo efeito positivo.
Este trabajo analiza el papel de la salud como un factor transmisible entre generaciones y sus ef... more Este trabajo analiza el papel de la salud como un factor transmisible entre generaciones y sus efectos sobre la acumulación de capital humano y la eficiencia del proceso educativo. Un efecto positivo y significativo, en este sentido, apoya la hipótesis de que el estado de salud individual contribuye a la transmisión intergeneracional de los ingresos, dado que los hijos de padres pobres tienen una mayor tendencia a la enfermedad y acumulan menos capital humano, perpetuando el círculo vicioso de la pobreza. El análisis se realiza a partir de la encuesta brasileña de hábitos de vida que permite establecer relaciones intergeneracionales de un extenso conjunto de variables. La metodología utilizada se basa en la estimación de diferentes especificaciones de acuerdo con la distribución de las variables utilizadas.
Human capabilities play an important part in the emergence from stagnation to modern economic gro... more Human capabilities play an important part in the emergence from stagnation to modern economic growth. Historical and macroeconomic studies show substantial effects for nutrition and health on income levels and, for poorer countries, on rates of growth, implying divergence. Crosscountry examination of the joint dynamics of life expectancy and income shows that a stratified emergence from stagnation continues today, marked by barriers to basic human development and to productivity. These observations are explained by a model in which human development interacts with technological change and is characterized by a sequence of market failures. These dynamic, intergenerational, human development traps make economic growth slower, stratified and transitional. A microeconomic study on Mexico finds evidence for an economy-wide, intergenerational, low human capital trap consistent with this model. The effects found for early child development on the acquisition of education, and therefore on adult income, are commensurate with the historical and macroeconomic findings mentioned above.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the association between drug consumption and unem... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the association between drug consumption and unemployment. This paper also studies the differential association between these variables in both the pre- and current-crisis periods. The results are compared in an attempt to verify that the population of users is more vulnerable in terms of how likely they are to get and hold down a job in the labour market. Design/methodology/approach Matching methods and microdata from the Survey on Alcohol and Drugs in Spain, EDADES are used. The use of these methods on the estimates carried out prove to be particularly effective in reducing treatment-selection bias. The authors’ interest is also to analyse the differential association between the interest variables in both the pre- and current-crisis periods. For this purpose, the authors also use the differences-in-differences (DID) estimation method between the two periods to check if the impact of drug use on unemployment depends on the economic c...
El objetivo principal de este artículo es estudiar la dinámica de salud de la población inmigrant... more El objetivo principal de este artículo es estudiar la dinámica de salud de la población inmigrante en España y aportar evidencia empírica que demuestre la existencia del Healthy Immigrant Effect. Se utilizan datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de España 2011-2012 y se estiman diferentes modelos probabilísticos, tomando como variables de resultado indicadores de salud autopercibida, presencia de trastornos crónicos y limitaciones de actividad. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la población inmigrante presenta un mejor estado de salud que la nacional. Se obtiene también evidencia a favor del Healthy Immigrant Effect, dado que el estado de salud tiende a empeorar con el tiempo de residencia en el país, convergiendo hacia los niveles de salud de la población nacional. Desde el punto de vista de los sistemas sanitarios, el estudio de las diferencias en salud en la población extranjera, y su evolución temporal, se muestra relevante para garantizar el acceso de la población inmigrant...
Background: Illegal drugs consumption not only has a notable impact on the population's health, b... more Background: Illegal drugs consumption not only has a notable impact on the population's health, but also leads to major socioeconomic costs. A significant characteristic of drug consumers is that the majority are of working age. The main aim of this study is to estimate the economic impact of drug consumption in Spain from a social perspective. Methods: A cost-of-illness methodology is carried out and a distinction is made between health-related and non-health related direct costs, as well as indirect costs. Among the direct health care costs included are hospitalisations, primary and emergency care, support programmes and HIV outpatient care. Expenditure on prevention, law enforcement and research was included as direct costs falling outside of health care. Productivity losses due to premature deaths attributed to substance abuse and patient hospitalisation formed part of indirect costs. Results: For 2012, the total social cost related to drug consumption in Spain was somewhere between 1,436 and 1,651 million euros. The minimum cost of this consumption represented 0.14% of Spain's GDP for that year. Conclusion: The present cost estimations provide a measure of the social burden that illegal drug consumption represents for the community. When it comes to allocating resources, the obtained results quantify the potential economic returns that could be achieved from effective policies and programmes aimed at reducing the consumption of illegal drugs.
El uso y abuso de drogas ilegales está relacionado con problemas sociales y de salud que generan ... more El uso y abuso de drogas ilegales está relacionado con problemas sociales y de salud que generan importantes costes para individuo y sociedad. El objetivo principal del estudio es el de estimar el impacto económico del consumo de drogas en Galicia desde la perspectiva de la sociedad y bajo el enfoque de los estudios de coste de enfermedad. La suma de los costes sociales del consumo de drogas se situa, para el año 2008, entre los 73,6 y los 98,6 millones de eu ros. El coste mínimo de este consumo representa el 0,12% del PIB gallego. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se pueden realizar análisis coste-efectividad y coste-beneficio que ayuden a evaluar y planificar programas de trata miento y prevención de drogodependencias. Palabras clave: drogas ilegales, estudios coste enfermedad, capital humano, adicción. Clasificación JEL: I10, I12, I18, I30. Abstract Drug use and abuse is related to health and social problems which imply significant costs to both the individual and the society. The main objetive of this study is to assess the economic impact of drug use in Galicia from a societal perspective by using a cost-of-illness framework. The sum of social costs ranged from €73.6 million to €98.6 mi llion in 2008. The minimum cost of illegal drug consumption represents 0.12% of the Galicia GDP. The results ob tained here may be used as input in both cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses aimed at assessing the effects of treatment and prevention programmes.
Papers by Luis Currais