Preface xiii xvi xvii Contents vii 4.8.3 Field performance studies 86 4.8.4 Wing geometry studies... more Preface xiii xvi xvii Contents vii 4.8.3 Field performance studies 86 4.8.4 Wing geometry studies 87 4.8.5 Economic analysis 91 4.9 Initial 'type specification' 96 4.9.1 General aircraft description 96 4.9.2 Aircraft geometry 97 4.9.3 Mass (weight) and performance statements 97 4.9.4 Economic and operational issues 98 4.10 Study review 99 References 100
Preface xiii xvi xvii Contents vii 4.8.3 Field performance studies 86 4.8.4 Wing geometry studies... more Preface xiii xvi xvii Contents vii 4.8.3 Field performance studies 86 4.8.4 Wing geometry studies 87 4.8.5 Economic analysis 91 4.9 Initial 'type specification' 96 4.9.1 General aircraft description 96 4.9.2 Aircraft geometry 97 4.9.3 Mass (weight) and performance statements 97 4.9.4 Economic and operational issues 98 4.10 Study review 99 References 100
This fifth edition of the AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide (ADEG) is a revised and enlarged ... more This fifth edition of the AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide (ADEG) is a revised and enlarged version of the previous edition. It has been prepared under the charter of the AIAA Design Engineering Technical Committee to assist the design engineer in creating and defining practical aerospace products. The intended scope of this guide is to provide a condensed collection of commonly used engineering reference data and to also function as a general reference guide for disciplines related specifically to aerospace design. The previous editions were published in 1983, 1987, 1993, and 1998, and the guide will be updated whenever the committee has accumulated sufficient material to warrant a new edition. The fifth edition has been enlarged and rearranged to enhance user access and utilization. Materials included in the guide were compiled principally from design manuals and handbooks. The Design Engineering Technical Committee is indebted to many people and companies for their voluntary cooperation. The committee does not guarantee the accuracy of the information in this guide, and it should not be referenced as a final authority for certification of designs. We solicit your comments and suggestions for improvement, including corrections and candidate new materials, so that future editions can better fulfill the needs of the design engineering community.
Special Course on Engineering Methods in Aerodynamic Analysis and Design of Aircraft (Les Methode... more Special Course on Engineering Methods in Aerodynamic Analysis and Design of Aircraft (Les Methodes d'Ingenierie Employee lors de lAnalyse et de la Conception des Aronefs) kw rnaterial assembled in thiv book was prepared under the combined sponorship of the, Fluid Dynamics Panel, the Consulwa and Exchange Prormme of AGARD. and reLI vote Kdrmn Institute, and w, preswnted as an AGARD Speci Course at the
Preface xiii xvi xvii Contents vii 4.8.3 Field performance studies 86 4.8.4 Wing geometry studies... more Preface xiii xvi xvii Contents vii 4.8.3 Field performance studies 86 4.8.4 Wing geometry studies 87 4.8.5 Economic analysis 91 4.9 Initial 'type specification' 96 4.9.1 General aircraft description 96 4.9.2 Aircraft geometry 97 4.9.3 Mass (weight) and performance statements 97 4.9.4 Economic and operational issues 98 4.10 Study review 99 References 100
Preface xiii xvi xvii Contents vii 4.8.3 Field performance studies 86 4.8.4 Wing geometry studies... more Preface xiii xvi xvii Contents vii 4.8.3 Field performance studies 86 4.8.4 Wing geometry studies 87 4.8.5 Economic analysis 91 4.9 Initial 'type specification' 96 4.9.1 General aircraft description 96 4.9.2 Aircraft geometry 97 4.9.3 Mass (weight) and performance statements 97 4.9.4 Economic and operational issues 98 4.10 Study review 99 References 100
This fifth edition of the AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide (ADEG) is a revised and enlarged ... more This fifth edition of the AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide (ADEG) is a revised and enlarged version of the previous edition. It has been prepared under the charter of the AIAA Design Engineering Technical Committee to assist the design engineer in creating and defining practical aerospace products. The intended scope of this guide is to provide a condensed collection of commonly used engineering reference data and to also function as a general reference guide for disciplines related specifically to aerospace design. The previous editions were published in 1983, 1987, 1993, and 1998, and the guide will be updated whenever the committee has accumulated sufficient material to warrant a new edition. The fifth edition has been enlarged and rearranged to enhance user access and utilization. Materials included in the guide were compiled principally from design manuals and handbooks. The Design Engineering Technical Committee is indebted to many people and companies for their voluntary cooperation. The committee does not guarantee the accuracy of the information in this guide, and it should not be referenced as a final authority for certification of designs. We solicit your comments and suggestions for improvement, including corrections and candidate new materials, so that future editions can better fulfill the needs of the design engineering community.
Special Course on Engineering Methods in Aerodynamic Analysis and Design of Aircraft (Les Methode... more Special Course on Engineering Methods in Aerodynamic Analysis and Design of Aircraft (Les Methodes d'Ingenierie Employee lors de lAnalyse et de la Conception des Aronefs) kw rnaterial assembled in thiv book was prepared under the combined sponorship of the, Fluid Dynamics Panel, the Consulwa and Exchange Prormme of AGARD. and reLI vote Kdrmn Institute, and w, preswnted as an AGARD Speci Course at the
Descripción El sistema de combustible de la aeronave consta de los subsistemas de almacenamiento ... more Descripción El sistema de combustible de la aeronave consta de los subsistemas de almacenamiento de combustible, ventilación de tanques de combustible, distribución de combustible e indicadores de cantidad de combustible. El almacenamiento de combustible comprende los tanques de combustible del ala integrales y el tanque de combustible del fuselaje. El sistema de ventilación de combustible proporciona aire a presión dinámica continua de aproximadamente 1 psi a los tanques del ala y del fuselaje en vuelo. El tanque de fuselaje y tanques del ala están conectados por un tubo de expansión que El flujo de combustible del motor es proporcionado por dos bombas jet, cada una situada en cada semiala. Dos b o m b a s d e r e s e r v a o p e r a d a s eléctricamente están instaladas junto a las bombas jet, para el arranque del motor y como un modo de espera en caso de fallo de la bomba jet. También c u e n t a c o n d o s b o m b a s d e transferencia de combustible del ala. Se encuentra instalado un sistema de indicación de la cantidad de combustible de tipo capacitancia que consta de un interruptor-selector de cantidad de combustible, un medidor de cantidad de combustible y las sondas de combustible en varios puntos dentro de los tanques.
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