Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 2022
After total hip arthroplasty (THA), patients continue to have muscular, functional and postural d... more After total hip arthroplasty (THA), patients continue to have muscular, functional and postural deficits. The literature seems to support the use of postoperative rehabilitation, especially self-directed programs. However, there is no set protocol for the management of postural disorders. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare postural parameters of a group of patients who underwent posterior THA followed by 2 different types of rehabilitation (stabilometric platform (SP) and home-based self-directed protocols) with a control group of operated patients who did not undergo rehabilitation and a control group of age-matched asymptomatic subjects. We hypothesized that rehabilitation would normalize the stabilometric parameters. A total of 67 subjects were enrolled in this study (mean age 67.85 ± 1.22 years) and divided into 4 groups. Forty-one of these subjects had undergone a posterior THA were randomly assigned between D10 and D21 to one of the following 3 groups: no rehabilitation control group (THACG = 14), supervised rehabilitation with a stabilometric platform group (RSPG = 16), and a self-directed home-based rehabilitation group (SDHRG = 11). The 4th group was a control group made up of 26 age-matched asymptomatic nonoperated subjects (CG55-80). These rehabilitation protocols lasted 3 weeks. At the end of the 3 weeks, the groups performed the same stabilometric single leg and double leg stance tests (considering lower limb dominance) on an SP. No significant differences were observed between groups in the bipedal stance, except between the CG55-80 and the THACG, where a higher energy expenditure was observed in the THACG during the static stance with eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC): increase in the path length (Plength) covered by the center of pressure (COP) (EO: p =.01; EC: p =.03) and the average velocity (Vavg) of the COP (EO: p =.01; EC: p =.03). These differences were not observed in the SDHRG and RSPG whether they were compared with one another or with both control groups. In the unipedal stance, subjects in the RSPG and SDHRG showed greater muscle activity in the anterior and posterior chains and hip abductors, and used less energy to maintain the stance than those in the CG55-80, regardless of lower limb dominance: decrease in the mediolateral range of COP displacement (Xrange) (hip abductor muscles) (p =.02) and anteroposterior range of COP displacement (Yrange) (anterior and posterior chains) (p = 3.49.10-3), 95% confidence ellipse area (Earea) of COP data (p = 1.47.10-3), Plength (p =.04) and Vavg (p =.04). The RSPG had a smaller Earea than the SDHRG (p =.04), demonstrating a better postural stability during the unipedal stance performed on the dominant operated leg. Our results were consistent with the literature on the benefits of rehabilitation after THA, thus confirming our hypothesis that rehabilitation normalized stabilometric parameters between D31-D45, depending on the subjects. These results provide new information regarding rehabilitation techniques to be implemented postoperatively after a THA. A home-based self-directed rehabilitation program is just as effective as an SP program in managing postural disorders. II; randomized controlled trial with low statistical power.
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 2022
INTRODUCTION Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) leads to excellent clinical and functional results. The... more INTRODUCTION Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) leads to excellent clinical and functional results. The Minimally Invasive Anterior Approach (MIAA) theoretically allows rapid recovery and a reduction in the need for rehabilitation, but alterations in muscle and static balance have previously been demonstrated. Kinetic, kinematic and muscular alterations have been shown to persist up to 1 year postoperatively but data beyond 1 year postoperatively is lacking. Thus, the objective of this study was to compare the data from Quantitative Gait Analysis (QGA) coupled with electromyography (EMG), of patients one year postoperatively with THA through MIAA, compared to an asymptomatic control group. HYPOTHESIS We hypothesized that QGA and EMG parameters would not normalize beyond one year postoperatively. PATIENTS AND METHODS Twenty-seven patients were recruited, including 15 subjects (64.6 ± 6.6 years) operated on by MIAA, who at 15.9 ± 3.1 months postoperatively, along with 12 asymptomatic control subjects (68.9 ± 9.7 years), who underwent QGA and maximal isometric muscle strength tests, coupled with EMG on the gluteus medius and maximus, Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) and Sartorius muscles. The spatiotemporal parameters of walking (step length, walking speed, cadence, single leg support time), kinetics (vertical ground reaction forces, hip moments in the 3 planes) and kinematics (coxofemoral and pelvic amplitudes) were analyzed. RESULTS The walking speed was lower on the non-operated side of the experimental subjects (0.96ms-1 compared to 1.13ms-1 for asymptomatic (p = 0.018)), as was the step length on the operated side (0.53m compared to 0.60m for asymptomatic (p = 0.042)). Maximal isometric muscle strength was lower in subjects operated on for the gluteus maximus and medius (p = 0.004), compared to asymptomatic subjects. Moments were lower in the subjects operated on in extension (0.72Nm on the operated side, 0.75Nm on the non-operated side compared to 1.06Nm for asymptomatic (p = 0.007 and p = 0.024)) and lateral rotation (0.09Nm on the operated side, 0.05Nm on the non-operated side compared to 0.16Nm for asymptomatic subjects (p = 0.009 and p = 0.0005)). Hip adduction amplitudes were lower on the operated side compared to asymptomatic subjects (3.93° versus 9.14° for asymptomatic (p = 0.005)). Pelvic amplitudes in the frontal plane were lower amongst operated subjects (0.44° against 1.97° for asymptomatic (p = 0.041)). Pelvic amplitudes in the sagittal plane were higher in the operated subjects (15.74° on the operated side, 15.43° on the non-operated side compared to 9.65° for asymptomatic (p = 0.041 and p = 0.032)). DISCUSSION Our initial hypothesis was validated, since walking deficits persisted beyond one year postoperatively after THA through MIAA. A decrease in maximal isometric muscle strength of the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus was observed, as well as an alteration of kinetic and kinematic parameters in the sagittal and frontal planes. The results were in agreement with the literature and reflected the establishment of compensatory mechanisms to overcome alterations in joint strength and range more than one year postoperatively. These results would allow rehabilitation programs to be more specific and would justify a study on the other approaches for THA. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE III; Non-randomized control trial.
Since 2010, out of interest from Pergamino’s municipality, we began to make an archaeological sur... more Since 2010, out of interest from Pergamino’s municipality, we began to make an archaeological survey in the area where an important battle in Argentine history took place, the “Battle of Cepeda, 1859”. At the same time, the administration of Mariano Benitez started to build a Museum using an old general store. Its inauguration in March of 2015, marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of this archaeological project. In this paper we present the patrimonial process of materials recovered during these years of research, from their understanding as “academic purpose” to their socialization in the context of the museum, taking into account the role of public institutions in its development. We also analized the creation of the museum’s discourse in relation to materiality and the role of community participation.
El proposito de este trabajo es abordar el correlato arqueologico del empleo de una clase especif... more El proposito de este trabajo es abordar el correlato arqueologico del empleo de una clase especifca de armamento en una batalla campal del siglo XIX. En concreto, analizamos los materiales relacionados con el uso de la artilleria -distintos tipos de proyectiles y estopines- hallados durante la investigacion arqueologica del campo donde se libro la segunda batalla de Cepeda. Esta tuvo lugar el 23 de octubre de 1859 entrelos ejercitos de la Confederacion argentina y de la Provincia de Buenos Aires y culmino con el triunfo del primero. La metodologia de trabajo incluyo el empleo de documentos historicos publicados e ineditos, la caracterizacion de los materiales presentes en colecciones privadas, el analisis de los materiales hallados en nuestras investigaciones arqueologicas y su distribucion espacial. Sobre la base de la informacion recabada,discutimos el registro material producido por el empleo de la artilleria en dicho evento, asi como su potencial y limitaciones para informar ace...
Fil: Ciarlo, Nicolas Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas; Argentin... more Fil: Ciarlo, Nicolas Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofia y Letras. Instituto de Arqueologia; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Lujan. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina
Background Lateralization of the glenoid implant improves functional outcomes in Reverse Shoulder... more Background Lateralization of the glenoid implant improves functional outcomes in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty. Lateralization does not appear to impact the Deltoid’s Moment Arm. Therefore, the stabilizing effect described in the literature would not be the result of an increase this moment arm. A static biomechanical model, derived from Magnetic Resonance Imaging, can be used to assess the coaptation effect of the Middle Deltoid. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of increasing amounts of glenoid lateralization on the moment arm but also on its coaptation effect. Methods Eight patients (72.6 ± 6.5 years) operated for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty were included in the study. Three-dimensional models of each shoulder were created based on imaging taken at 6 months postoperative. A least square sphere representing the prosthetic implant was added to each 3D models. A static biomechanical model was then applied to different planar portions of the Middle Deltoid (from...
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)Biográfica, 2019
Este artigo é produto de uma dissertação de mestrado que versa sobre as relações com a escola, o ... more Este artigo é produto de uma dissertação de mestrado que versa sobre as relações com a escola, o aprender e os conhecimentos escolares de jovens estudantes no Ensino Médio. Objetiva discutir as relações que tais jovens estabelecem com seus professores e suas práticas, no Ensino Médio, e o impacto dessas em sua interação com a escola. A metodologia adotada é de natureza qualitativa e biográfico-narrativa, em entrevistas narrativas com seis estudantes de licenciatura de uma universidade na região sul do país, analisadas a partir da análise textual discursiva. Com base na análise realizada, enfocando o diálogo entre os jovens estudantes e professores, percebe-se que a experiência dos jovens é marcada, respectivamente, de forma positiva e negativa, através de, por um lado, relações de amizade, de aprendizagem e de dialogicidade, e, por outro lado, pelo autoritarismo, a licenciosidade e a distância estabelecida. Entendese que, pelo fato dos jovens viverem a escola por meio de sua sociabilidade, estudar as relações dos jovens com os professores pode se configurar em uma estratégia metodológica importante para a pesquisa em educação. Cabe ainda destacar a importância das pesquisas narrativas e em educação considerarem a experiência dos jovens estudantes, ampliando o olhar sobre a escola.
RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana de Estudos em Cultura e Sociedade, 2016
Este trabalho busca aprofundar alguns aspectos teóricos de uma pesquisa de mestrado intitulada O... more Este trabalho busca aprofundar alguns aspectos teóricos de uma pesquisa de mestrado intitulada Os jovens no ensino fundamental e a relação com o saber: um estudo de caso no município de Santa Maria/RS. A pesquisa tem por objetivo refletir sobre o processo de escolarização de jovens com mais de 15 anos de idade que ainda se encontram no Ensino Fundamental visando compreender como os jovens se relacionam com o saber. A distorção idade-série, a produção das situações de fracasso escolar, os índices de avaliação nacional, todos estes corroboram para a evidência deste tema. Compreender quem são os jovens, quais as relações que eles estabelecem entre o saber escolar e em até que ponto a escola privilegia a construção dessa relação, quais as culturas que permeiam a escola e de que forma podemos nos aproximar deles para superar as dificuldades no trajeto escolar e conduzir o processo formativo ultrapassando a distorção idade-série torna-se o eixo central de nossa reflexão.
que en el siglo XVI extendía su dominio por Europa, África, Asia y sobre todo América, resulta di... more que en el siglo XVI extendía su dominio por Europa, África, Asia y sobre todo América, resulta difícil no considerarla una nación consolidada y con una identidad bien definida. Pues bien es precisamente por el hecho de poseer durante siglos un descomunal imperio por lo que esa identidad ofrece reflexiones importantes que llevan, como veremos más adelante, a poner en duda los perfiles de una personalidad nacional concreta. La falta de univocidad de tales perfiles son debidos, como en otras naciones, a la evolución histórica. Por supuesto que el pasar de los años, de la economía, de la sociedad, de la cultura y de las relaciones internacionales alteran la realidad de la identidad. Durante muchos años los españoles vivieron sin reconocer nítidamente sus fronteras, afectados por una economía penosa que buscaba en América lo Identidad histórica de España y actual desconcierto autonómico luis de lleRa esteban
Implications: Scientific researches about the effects of applying different taping techniques are... more Implications: Scientific researches about the effects of applying different taping techniques are essential to support the practice of evidence-based physical therapy.
In this paper, a two-step atmospheric correction system for solar spectrum is presented. In addit... more In this paper, a two-step atmospheric correction system for solar spectrum is presented. In addition, the results when using MASS (Mesoscale Atmospheric Simulation System) forecasted data, radiosoundings and standard profiles are compared. The first step of the system is a semi-empirical model and it includes radiative transfer simulation from the 6S (Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectru,) code. The second step is an empirical model based on pseudo-invariant areas located by means of of a TC (Tasselled Cap) transformation. The atmospheric corrections were performed on a multitemporal series of Landsat 7 panchromatic images from Barcelona . After the first step, the best result was achieved using standard atmospheric data. After the second step, similar results were obtained with all three kinds of data.
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 2022
After total hip arthroplasty (THA), patients continue to have muscular, functional and postural d... more After total hip arthroplasty (THA), patients continue to have muscular, functional and postural deficits. The literature seems to support the use of postoperative rehabilitation, especially self-directed programs. However, there is no set protocol for the management of postural disorders. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare postural parameters of a group of patients who underwent posterior THA followed by 2 different types of rehabilitation (stabilometric platform (SP) and home-based self-directed protocols) with a control group of operated patients who did not undergo rehabilitation and a control group of age-matched asymptomatic subjects. We hypothesized that rehabilitation would normalize the stabilometric parameters. A total of 67 subjects were enrolled in this study (mean age 67.85 ± 1.22 years) and divided into 4 groups. Forty-one of these subjects had undergone a posterior THA were randomly assigned between D10 and D21 to one of the following 3 groups: no rehabilitation control group (THACG = 14), supervised rehabilitation with a stabilometric platform group (RSPG = 16), and a self-directed home-based rehabilitation group (SDHRG = 11). The 4th group was a control group made up of 26 age-matched asymptomatic nonoperated subjects (CG55-80). These rehabilitation protocols lasted 3 weeks. At the end of the 3 weeks, the groups performed the same stabilometric single leg and double leg stance tests (considering lower limb dominance) on an SP. No significant differences were observed between groups in the bipedal stance, except between the CG55-80 and the THACG, where a higher energy expenditure was observed in the THACG during the static stance with eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC): increase in the path length (Plength) covered by the center of pressure (COP) (EO: p =.01; EC: p =.03) and the average velocity (Vavg) of the COP (EO: p =.01; EC: p =.03). These differences were not observed in the SDHRG and RSPG whether they were compared with one another or with both control groups. In the unipedal stance, subjects in the RSPG and SDHRG showed greater muscle activity in the anterior and posterior chains and hip abductors, and used less energy to maintain the stance than those in the CG55-80, regardless of lower limb dominance: decrease in the mediolateral range of COP displacement (Xrange) (hip abductor muscles) (p =.02) and anteroposterior range of COP displacement (Yrange) (anterior and posterior chains) (p = 3.49.10-3), 95% confidence ellipse area (Earea) of COP data (p = 1.47.10-3), Plength (p =.04) and Vavg (p =.04). The RSPG had a smaller Earea than the SDHRG (p =.04), demonstrating a better postural stability during the unipedal stance performed on the dominant operated leg. Our results were consistent with the literature on the benefits of rehabilitation after THA, thus confirming our hypothesis that rehabilitation normalized stabilometric parameters between D31-D45, depending on the subjects. These results provide new information regarding rehabilitation techniques to be implemented postoperatively after a THA. A home-based self-directed rehabilitation program is just as effective as an SP program in managing postural disorders. II; randomized controlled trial with low statistical power.
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 2022
INTRODUCTION Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) leads to excellent clinical and functional results. The... more INTRODUCTION Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) leads to excellent clinical and functional results. The Minimally Invasive Anterior Approach (MIAA) theoretically allows rapid recovery and a reduction in the need for rehabilitation, but alterations in muscle and static balance have previously been demonstrated. Kinetic, kinematic and muscular alterations have been shown to persist up to 1 year postoperatively but data beyond 1 year postoperatively is lacking. Thus, the objective of this study was to compare the data from Quantitative Gait Analysis (QGA) coupled with electromyography (EMG), of patients one year postoperatively with THA through MIAA, compared to an asymptomatic control group. HYPOTHESIS We hypothesized that QGA and EMG parameters would not normalize beyond one year postoperatively. PATIENTS AND METHODS Twenty-seven patients were recruited, including 15 subjects (64.6 ± 6.6 years) operated on by MIAA, who at 15.9 ± 3.1 months postoperatively, along with 12 asymptomatic control subjects (68.9 ± 9.7 years), who underwent QGA and maximal isometric muscle strength tests, coupled with EMG on the gluteus medius and maximus, Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) and Sartorius muscles. The spatiotemporal parameters of walking (step length, walking speed, cadence, single leg support time), kinetics (vertical ground reaction forces, hip moments in the 3 planes) and kinematics (coxofemoral and pelvic amplitudes) were analyzed. RESULTS The walking speed was lower on the non-operated side of the experimental subjects (0.96ms-1 compared to 1.13ms-1 for asymptomatic (p = 0.018)), as was the step length on the operated side (0.53m compared to 0.60m for asymptomatic (p = 0.042)). Maximal isometric muscle strength was lower in subjects operated on for the gluteus maximus and medius (p = 0.004), compared to asymptomatic subjects. Moments were lower in the subjects operated on in extension (0.72Nm on the operated side, 0.75Nm on the non-operated side compared to 1.06Nm for asymptomatic (p = 0.007 and p = 0.024)) and lateral rotation (0.09Nm on the operated side, 0.05Nm on the non-operated side compared to 0.16Nm for asymptomatic subjects (p = 0.009 and p = 0.0005)). Hip adduction amplitudes were lower on the operated side compared to asymptomatic subjects (3.93° versus 9.14° for asymptomatic (p = 0.005)). Pelvic amplitudes in the frontal plane were lower amongst operated subjects (0.44° against 1.97° for asymptomatic (p = 0.041)). Pelvic amplitudes in the sagittal plane were higher in the operated subjects (15.74° on the operated side, 15.43° on the non-operated side compared to 9.65° for asymptomatic (p = 0.041 and p = 0.032)). DISCUSSION Our initial hypothesis was validated, since walking deficits persisted beyond one year postoperatively after THA through MIAA. A decrease in maximal isometric muscle strength of the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus was observed, as well as an alteration of kinetic and kinematic parameters in the sagittal and frontal planes. The results were in agreement with the literature and reflected the establishment of compensatory mechanisms to overcome alterations in joint strength and range more than one year postoperatively. These results would allow rehabilitation programs to be more specific and would justify a study on the other approaches for THA. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE III; Non-randomized control trial.
Since 2010, out of interest from Pergamino’s municipality, we began to make an archaeological sur... more Since 2010, out of interest from Pergamino’s municipality, we began to make an archaeological survey in the area where an important battle in Argentine history took place, the “Battle of Cepeda, 1859”. At the same time, the administration of Mariano Benitez started to build a Museum using an old general store. Its inauguration in March of 2015, marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of this archaeological project. In this paper we present the patrimonial process of materials recovered during these years of research, from their understanding as “academic purpose” to their socialization in the context of the museum, taking into account the role of public institutions in its development. We also analized the creation of the museum’s discourse in relation to materiality and the role of community participation.
El proposito de este trabajo es abordar el correlato arqueologico del empleo de una clase especif... more El proposito de este trabajo es abordar el correlato arqueologico del empleo de una clase especifca de armamento en una batalla campal del siglo XIX. En concreto, analizamos los materiales relacionados con el uso de la artilleria -distintos tipos de proyectiles y estopines- hallados durante la investigacion arqueologica del campo donde se libro la segunda batalla de Cepeda. Esta tuvo lugar el 23 de octubre de 1859 entrelos ejercitos de la Confederacion argentina y de la Provincia de Buenos Aires y culmino con el triunfo del primero. La metodologia de trabajo incluyo el empleo de documentos historicos publicados e ineditos, la caracterizacion de los materiales presentes en colecciones privadas, el analisis de los materiales hallados en nuestras investigaciones arqueologicas y su distribucion espacial. Sobre la base de la informacion recabada,discutimos el registro material producido por el empleo de la artilleria en dicho evento, asi como su potencial y limitaciones para informar ace...
Fil: Ciarlo, Nicolas Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas; Argentin... more Fil: Ciarlo, Nicolas Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofia y Letras. Instituto de Arqueologia; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Lujan. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina
Background Lateralization of the glenoid implant improves functional outcomes in Reverse Shoulder... more Background Lateralization of the glenoid implant improves functional outcomes in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty. Lateralization does not appear to impact the Deltoid’s Moment Arm. Therefore, the stabilizing effect described in the literature would not be the result of an increase this moment arm. A static biomechanical model, derived from Magnetic Resonance Imaging, can be used to assess the coaptation effect of the Middle Deltoid. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of increasing amounts of glenoid lateralization on the moment arm but also on its coaptation effect. Methods Eight patients (72.6 ± 6.5 years) operated for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty were included in the study. Three-dimensional models of each shoulder were created based on imaging taken at 6 months postoperative. A least square sphere representing the prosthetic implant was added to each 3D models. A static biomechanical model was then applied to different planar portions of the Middle Deltoid (from...
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)Biográfica, 2019
Este artigo é produto de uma dissertação de mestrado que versa sobre as relações com a escola, o ... more Este artigo é produto de uma dissertação de mestrado que versa sobre as relações com a escola, o aprender e os conhecimentos escolares de jovens estudantes no Ensino Médio. Objetiva discutir as relações que tais jovens estabelecem com seus professores e suas práticas, no Ensino Médio, e o impacto dessas em sua interação com a escola. A metodologia adotada é de natureza qualitativa e biográfico-narrativa, em entrevistas narrativas com seis estudantes de licenciatura de uma universidade na região sul do país, analisadas a partir da análise textual discursiva. Com base na análise realizada, enfocando o diálogo entre os jovens estudantes e professores, percebe-se que a experiência dos jovens é marcada, respectivamente, de forma positiva e negativa, através de, por um lado, relações de amizade, de aprendizagem e de dialogicidade, e, por outro lado, pelo autoritarismo, a licenciosidade e a distância estabelecida. Entendese que, pelo fato dos jovens viverem a escola por meio de sua sociabilidade, estudar as relações dos jovens com os professores pode se configurar em uma estratégia metodológica importante para a pesquisa em educação. Cabe ainda destacar a importância das pesquisas narrativas e em educação considerarem a experiência dos jovens estudantes, ampliando o olhar sobre a escola.
RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana de Estudos em Cultura e Sociedade, 2016
Este trabalho busca aprofundar alguns aspectos teóricos de uma pesquisa de mestrado intitulada O... more Este trabalho busca aprofundar alguns aspectos teóricos de uma pesquisa de mestrado intitulada Os jovens no ensino fundamental e a relação com o saber: um estudo de caso no município de Santa Maria/RS. A pesquisa tem por objetivo refletir sobre o processo de escolarização de jovens com mais de 15 anos de idade que ainda se encontram no Ensino Fundamental visando compreender como os jovens se relacionam com o saber. A distorção idade-série, a produção das situações de fracasso escolar, os índices de avaliação nacional, todos estes corroboram para a evidência deste tema. Compreender quem são os jovens, quais as relações que eles estabelecem entre o saber escolar e em até que ponto a escola privilegia a construção dessa relação, quais as culturas que permeiam a escola e de que forma podemos nos aproximar deles para superar as dificuldades no trajeto escolar e conduzir o processo formativo ultrapassando a distorção idade-série torna-se o eixo central de nossa reflexão.
que en el siglo XVI extendía su dominio por Europa, África, Asia y sobre todo América, resulta di... more que en el siglo XVI extendía su dominio por Europa, África, Asia y sobre todo América, resulta difícil no considerarla una nación consolidada y con una identidad bien definida. Pues bien es precisamente por el hecho de poseer durante siglos un descomunal imperio por lo que esa identidad ofrece reflexiones importantes que llevan, como veremos más adelante, a poner en duda los perfiles de una personalidad nacional concreta. La falta de univocidad de tales perfiles son debidos, como en otras naciones, a la evolución histórica. Por supuesto que el pasar de los años, de la economía, de la sociedad, de la cultura y de las relaciones internacionales alteran la realidad de la identidad. Durante muchos años los españoles vivieron sin reconocer nítidamente sus fronteras, afectados por una economía penosa que buscaba en América lo Identidad histórica de España y actual desconcierto autonómico luis de lleRa esteban
Implications: Scientific researches about the effects of applying different taping techniques are... more Implications: Scientific researches about the effects of applying different taping techniques are essential to support the practice of evidence-based physical therapy.
In this paper, a two-step atmospheric correction system for solar spectrum is presented. In addit... more In this paper, a two-step atmospheric correction system for solar spectrum is presented. In addition, the results when using MASS (Mesoscale Atmospheric Simulation System) forecasted data, radiosoundings and standard profiles are compared. The first step of the system is a semi-empirical model and it includes radiative transfer simulation from the 6S (Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectru,) code. The second step is an empirical model based on pseudo-invariant areas located by means of of a TC (Tasselled Cap) transformation. The atmospheric corrections were performed on a multitemporal series of Landsat 7 panchromatic images from Barcelona . After the first step, the best result was achieved using standard atmospheric data. After the second step, similar results were obtained with all three kinds of data.
Papers by Lucas Martinez