Papers by Lucas Gabriel Batidta Da Silva
Revista Da Graduacao, May 28, 2012
Observing small imperfections when seeing their own image reflected on the mirror is proper of hu... more Observing small imperfections when seeing their own image reflected on the mirror is proper of human nature. When self-observations mean non-existent or hidden effects, there may be a distorted body image. Currenty many individuals seek, through physical exercises, diminish or overcome dissatisfactions, using other resources as medication, food supplements and even surgical interventions. Thus, this study sought to verify dissatisfactions related to the body image of the practioners and non-practioners of physical exercises, aiming to evaluate the satisfaction levels as to body image of these individuals as well as pointing the main dissatisfactions. Being a quantitative, descriptive study of transversal mode. This paper has been developed with individuals (older than 16) who practice or do not practice physical exercises and the data have been collected in schools, gyms, universities and places with a large flux of people in the cities of Uruguaiana and São Francisco de Assis. The sample was made up by 517 individuals, 298 of the female gender (60,74% of practioners and 39,26% of non-practioners) and 219 men (76,26% of practioners and 23,74% of non-practioners). All have answered a questionnaire containing 57 questions related to body image perception and life habits; the Silhouette Scale et al. (1983; apud LIMA, 2008) in which the current and desired images by the individuals is evaluated; besides of submitting to weight and height measures to further calculation of BMI (Body Mass Index) which has been classified according to the National Institutes of Health (1998; apud TRITSCHLER, 2003). The economical class of the participants has been classified according to the Brazilian Criteria of Economical Classification. To be classified as practioners or nonpractioners of physical exercises, the Physical Activity Index proposed by Kasari (1976; apud FREITAS, 2004) has been used. Most part of individuals has been classified on the economical class B2, that is, with an average familiar income of 2.656,00 Reais. The main reason to practice physical exercises was: "Aesthetics/Emaciation" (32,02%) among women and "Health", with 26,92% among men. Most part of individuals is on an acceptable zone concerning the BMI-58,3% and 62,0% of men, non-practioners and practioners (respectively) are on the ideal weight and 64,9% of the non-practioner women and 69,4% of those who practice are also on the zone of ideal weight. Concerning the intention of performing surgical intervention for aesthetic reasons, only 10,9% of men who do not practice physical exercises and 12,3% of those who practice answered yes, against 36,7% of nonpractioner women and 41,3% of practioners of the same gender. The part of the body which generates the most dissatisfaction is the abdomen with 69,3% of practioner women and 67,2% of non-practioners. On men, the abdomen appears with 60,8% of dissatisfied among non-practioners and the ones who practice represented 54,0% of dissatisfied. As to body image, most men pointed out that their current image is silhouette number 4 (26,5%) and the desired by most men is silhouette number 3 (32,9%) On women, 25,5% identifies with silhouette 4 as being their current image and the most desired among 9 silhouettes, with 38,3% of preference, is silhouette 2. Thus, it is perceveid that most women wish for a thinner silhouette. No human being is exactly as the other and the body is naturally asymmetric. Men and women are urgedby many waysto change their bodies into something aesthetically adequate. It is suggested that each person realizes the importance of health, on the perpective of improving body image, not allowing to be carried away for what is currently imposed.
Physics Procedia, 2012
In the present work it is described the production of MgB 2 samples by using the mixture of MgB 2... more In the present work it is described the production of MgB 2 samples by using the mixture of MgB 2 with other diborides, (TaB 2 , VB 2 , and AlB 2) which have the same C32 hexagonal structure as the MgB 2 , and simultaneous addition with the diborides and SiC, that contribute with C, to replace B in the crystalline structure of the matrix. As an important result, the critical current density (J c) was improved at low magnetic fields when just the diborides are added. However, when SiC is added simultaneously with the diborides, the result is the improvement of J c at high fields. The critical temperature (T c) was maintained high.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2015
The relatively high critical temperature and upper critical field and the low cost of the raw mat... more The relatively high critical temperature and upper critical field and the low cost of the raw materials are the main reasons to consider MgB2 as a very promising material for superconducting applications. Improving the relatively low flux pinning in this material is important to optimize the critical current density of MgB2 superconducting wires, tape, and bulks. Adding secondary phases in a controlled way can create new pinning centers and improve the critical current density. This paper describes a methodology to produce MgB2 powders containing additions of diborides (VB2) and carbon (carbon nanotubes) that can also improve the upper critical field. MgB2 powders with these additions were used to produce Cu-Nb-MgB2 and CuNi-Nb-MgB2 multifilamentary wires. Characterization of the samples showed the microstructure, phase distribution, and microhardness in their cross sections after mechanical deformation, along with some superconducting properties and characteristics.
Applied Petrochemical Research, 2014
The history of and major advances in the acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET) reaction are described.... more The history of and major advances in the acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET) reaction are described. Because precise branch identity and frequency can be achieved by ADMET polymerizations of symmetrical a,xdienes, polyethylenes with precisely spaced alkyl branches of specified length have been prepared. Investigations of their morphologies and thermal properties have provided valuable insight into the behavior of polyethylene. AD-MET preparation of ethylene copolymers and telechelic oligomers, as well as the properties of these materials, is also discussed.
Ciência Rural, 2009
Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar o desempenho de métodos de estimativa da evapotran... more Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar o desempenho de métodos de estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) nas escalas diária e mensal, durante os períodos chuvoso (outubro a março) e seco (abril a setembro), nos anos de 2007 e 2008, para a bacia hidrográfica do ribeirão Lavrinha, região da Serra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais (MG). O método de Penman-Monteith-FAO foi utilizado como referência. Para avaliação do desempenho dos métodos, foram considerados os coeficientes de correlação (r) e determinação (r²), concordância de Willmott (d), desempenho (c) de Camargo & Sentelhas e erro padrão de estimativa (EPE). Em geral, verificou-se que os métodos que envolvem radiação solar foram mais precisos na estimativa da ETo em relação aos métodos que envolvem apenas a temperatura do ar. Foram obtidas melhores estimativas pelos métodos de Jensen-Haise, FAO Radiação, Penman e Blaney-Criddle FAO para ambos os períodos, com coeficientes de desempenho entre "ótimo" e &qu...
Ciência Rural, 2009
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de três semeadoras-adubadora, em solo preparado ... more O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de três semeadoras-adubadora, em solo preparado convencionalmente e cinco densidades de plantas nas linhas. Foram avaliadas a produtividade e outras características agronômicas da soja. A semeadura foi realizada nos anos 2001/2002 e 2002/2003, com as cultivares 'Monarca' e 'Conquista'. Foram utilizadas semeadoras adubadoras, sendo duas de precisão e uma de fluxo contínuo e uma semeadura manual (testemunha). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, e tratamentos em parcelas subdivididas. Foi realizada a avaliação da uniformidade de espaçamento entre plantas nas linhas, produtividade de grãos, dos legumes por planta, da massa de 100 grãos, da altura das plantas, do acamamento e da densidade real de plantas nas linhas. A semeadora de precisão com dosador pneumático a vácuo foi mais uniforme e proporcionou maior produtividade de grãos em relação à semeadora de dosador de tipo mecânico, nas...
Boletim de Geografia, 2012
Os campos do Rio Grande do Sul são formados por ecossistemas naturais com alta diversidade de ser... more Os campos do Rio Grande do Sul são formados por ecossistemas naturais com alta diversidade de seres vivos que contribuem com serviços ambientais importantes, como a conservação de recursos hídricos, a disponibilidade de polinizadores e o provimento de recursos genéticos, além de constituírem uma grande fonte forrageira para a pecuária do sul do Brasil. Por meio do uso do processo de classificação não supervisionada aplicado em dados de imagens adquiridas pelo satélite LANDSAT-7, obteve-se um padrão de cobertura do solo presente no bioma investigado (porção brasileira do Pampa). A aplicação do método de classificação realizado em nove cenas pixel 30x30m evidenciou que restam pouco mais de 40% de vegetação natural no Pampa gaúcho, sendo, aproximadamente, 32% campestre e 08% florestal. A área total coberta por corpos d'água alcança quase 09%, e ações antrópicas (urbanas e rurais-incluindo pastagens, silvicultura e agricultura intensiva) abrangeram quase 51% da área investigada. Esses resultados sugerem a necessidade de imediatas ações ambientais visando à recuperação e à conservação da biodiversidade dos campos sulinos.
Scientia Plena, Sep 9, 2011
O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar morfométrica e climaticamente a sub-bacia hidrográfica... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar morfométrica e climaticamente a sub-bacia hidrográfica do córrego Cana-Brava do município de Guaraciama-MG, além de gerar modelos topográficos da área. Esta sub-bacia é representativa da região do Alto Jequitinhonha, sendo pertencente à UPGRH-JQ1. As informações foram extraídas da carta topográfica vetorial do mapeamento sistemático do município de Bocaiúva-MG, com o intuito gerar os resultados dos índices morfométricos e os modelos topográficos da área de estudo. Os softwares utilizados para estas atividades foram o AutoCAD 2004 e o ArcGIS 9.1. Também foram extraídas informações de séries históricas normais mensais e anuais de temperatura média, precipitação média, umidade relativa e evaporação total, disponíveis nas Normais Climatológicas (1961 a 1990) de 8 estações climatológicas do estado de Minas Gerais próximas à área de estudo, com o intuito de espacializar o parâmetro pelo software ArcGIS 9.1. Contudo, em se tratando da caracterização morfométrica, observou-se que a sub-bacia possui tendência mediana a grandes enchentes, média densidade de drenagem e predominância de relevo plano na área. Em termos de clima, pode-se concluir que há sazonalidade da precipitação e inexistência de período de inverno característico. E por fim, o software ArcGIS 9.1 apresentou-se com um importante e fundamental instrumento para estudos relacionados à hidrologia. Palavras-chave: manejo de bacias hidrográficas, morfometria, sistema de informação geográfica. The aim of this research was to study the watershed`s morphometric characteristics and climate characterization of the Cana-Brava's streamlet located at Guaraciama-MG, Brazil, and generate topographic models of the area. This watershed represents the High Jequitinhonha region, of the UPGRH-JQ1. The data base was obtained from the vectorial topographical maps of Bocaíuva-MG, with the objective to generate the morphometric indices and topographic models of the watershed. It was used the software AutoCAD 2004 and ArcGIS 9.1. It was also used information of the average temperature, precipitation, evaporation and humidity, obtained in climate information manuals (1961 to 1990), from 8 Climate Centers from the State of Minas Gerais, near from the watershed, with the objective to spatialize the parameter in the ArcGIS 9.1 software. However, it was observed that this watershed has intermediate tendency to overflowing, medium drainage density, and with predominance of the plan relief. In terms of climate, it was possible to observe seasonality of the precipitation and no typical winter season. And finally, the ArcGIS 9.1 software proved to be an important and fundamental tool for hydrology studies.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2011
is one of the most used superconducting ma- terials for applications in high magnetic fields. The... more is one of the most used superconducting ma- terials for applications in high magnetic fields. The improvement of the critical current densities is important, and must be analyzed together with the optimization of the flux pinning acting in the material. For , it is known that the grain boundaries are the most effective pinning centers. However, the introduction of artificial
Papers by Lucas Gabriel Batidta Da Silva