Papers by Lucas Arruda Ramalho

Em primeiro lugar, antes de proceder aos agradecimentos pela confecção dessa dissertação, gostari... more Em primeiro lugar, antes de proceder aos agradecimentos pela confecção dessa dissertação, gostaria de dizer que em tempo de desinformação, Fake News, e um preâmbulo de ódio à ciência, poder estudar, estar em contato com pesquisas acadêmicas é, praticamente, um exercício de resistência. Nesse sentido, o incentivo que esse programa de mestrado proporcionou às professoras e professores de história-sejam eles da rede privada ou públicade importância ímpar, e posso dizer, que o contato com os outros colegas e poder cursar um mestrado em uma Universidade Pública, sem quaisquer sombras de dúvidas já transformou as minhas práticas pedagógicas cotidianas, fazendo com que eu adotasse novas práticas e novas posturas durante o meu labor de ensinar. O momento social entre o tempo que entrei no mestrado e agora, o tempo em que eu estou concluindo, foram anos intensos, desesperançosos, de dúvidas e perdas, então, poder concluir esse curso dentro desse turbilhão, pode ser visto como uma pequena vitória em um mar de derrotas, mas, sem dúvidas, de luta também. Portanto, o meu primeiro agradecimento vai à essas pessoas que ainda acreditam na educação e que, através de políticas governamentais que, infelizmente, passam por um período de estar "à beira da falésia", acreditam que a formação de professores ainda pode ser um caminho para dias vindouros melhores. Em segundo lugar, não poderia deixar de agradecer aos colegas que cursaram esse mestrado junto comigo. Com eles, pude aprender demais e, sem eles, com toda a certeza, não conseguiria cumprir esse trajeto que se "encerra" agora. Gostaria de deixar registrado nessas linhas os nomes de todas essas professoras e professores de história que eu tenho orgulho e felicidade de ter tido a oportunidade de tê-los em meu caminho:
This paper describes the VHDL modeling of Smart Meters communication based on DNP3 protocol point... more This paper describes the VHDL modeling of Smart Meters communication based on DNP3 protocol point-to-point Network using IEEE 802.15.4 interface. The modeling was validated with the simulation of three scenarios which show that the measured latency is in line with the requirements of Smart Grid Applications. So, these results indicate that the approach is indeed promising.

Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Oct 17, 2013
The Smart Grid concept establishes that, in addition to power flow, the utility has a two-way dat... more The Smart Grid concept establishes that, in addition to power flow, the utility has a two-way data flow in all sectors of the grid including the consumers facilities. By the system data monitoring, the failure control can be accomplished with greater speed and efficiency. To achieve such a speed, rendering Smart Grid applications viable, the requirements of safety, reliability and low latency of data flow are essential. Considering a high latency communication between the control center to the last mile applications, the control and synchronization of the Smart Meter devices should not be reliable only for administrator hands, allowing be realized automatically. So, palliative actions, taken in an independent way by the network, may reduce the need for human intervention in the management. This article presents the Distributed Network Protocol version 3 commands modeling for synchronization management between Smart Meters, with aim to help the link latency monitoring. The modeling was performed in VHDL language and considered a point-to-point wireless IEEE 802.15.4 network.
The Pulsar IIb is a general purpose FPGA-based processor board designed for full mesh ATCA backpl... more The Pulsar IIb is a general purpose FPGA-based processor board designed for full mesh ATCA backplanes. This hardware was originally designed to support Level-1 silicon track trigger R&D projects at the LHC. Each ATCA carrier board is required to support the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) protocol, which is responsible for coordinating hot swap operations and for exchanging sensor data with the shelf manager. This work describes the development of the microcontroller software which supports the IPMI protocol as well as additional non-IPMI services used to remotely program the Pulsar IIb FPGA.

ABSTRACT Several countries have invested in technologies for Smart Grids. Among such protocols de... more ABSTRACT Several countries have invested in technologies for Smart Grids. Among such protocols designed cover this area, highlights the DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol version 3). Although the DNP3 be developed for operation over the serial interface, there is a trend in the literature to the use of other interfaces. The Zigbee wireless interface has become more popular in the industrial applications. In order to study the challenges of integrating of these two protocols, this article is presented the analysis of DNP3 protocol stack through state machines The encapsulation of DNP3 messages in P2P (point-topoint) ZigBee Network, may assist in the discovery and solution of failures of availability and security of this integration. The ultimate goal is to merge the features of DNP3 and Zigbee stacks, and display a solution that provides the benefits of wireless environment, without impairment of security required for Smart Grid applications.

Journal of Instrumentation, Dec 1, 2022
We present a flexible and scalable approach to address the challenges of charged particle track r... more We present a flexible and scalable approach to address the challenges of charged particle track reconstruction in real-time event filters (Level-1 triggers) in collider physics experiments. The method described here is based on a full-mesh architecture for data distribution and relies on the Associative Memory approach to implement a pattern recognition algorithm that quickly identifies and organizes hits associated to trajectories of particles originating from particle collisions. We describe a successful implementation of a demonstration system composed of several innovative hardware and algorithmic elements. The implementation of a full-size system relies on the assumption that an Associative Memory device with the sufficient pattern density becomes available in the future, either through a dedicated ASIC or a modern FPGA. We demonstrate excellent performance in terms of track reconstruction efficiency, purity, momentum resolution, and processing time measured with data from a simulated LHC-like tracking detector.

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Aug 1, 2021
OpenIPMC is a free and open source software designed to implement the logic of an Intelligent Pla... more OpenIPMC is a free and open source software designed to implement the logic of an Intelligent Platform Management Controller (IPMC). An IPMC is a fundamental component of electronic boards conformant to the Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard, currently being adopted by a number of high energy physics experiments. The IPMC is responsible for monitoring the health parameters of the board, managing its power states, and providing board control, debug and recovery functions to remote clients. OpenIPMC is based on the FreeRTOS real-time operating system and is designed to be architecture-independent, allowing it to be used in firmware designed for a variety of microcontrollers. Having a fully free and open source code is an innovative aspect for this kind of software, enabling full customization by the user. In this work we present the features and structure of OpenIPMC as well as its example implementations on Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ (ZynqUS+), Espressif ESP32 and ST Microelectronics STM32 architectures.

Smart Grid e um conceito atual no Brasil referente a rede de energia dotada de inteligencia. Dife... more Smart Grid e um conceito atual no Brasil referente a rede de energia dotada de inteligencia. Diferentemente da rede de energia tradicional, smart grid engloba os elementos da rede eletrica e um sistema de comunicacao de duas vias. Os veiculos eletricos ganharao popularidade e poderao em alguns casos sobrecarregar a rede caso nao haja uma previsao de demanda de carga por parte da concessionaria, de forma a garantir uma distribuicao uniforme de potencia. Contudo, estes veiculos tambem poderao aliviar a rede ao devolver o excesso de energia a ela em horarios de pico. Portanto, este artigo trata da relacao entre veiculo e rede, tambem chamada G2V/V2G. Sendo assim, e importante que a concessionaria saiba quanto de energia os veiculos ainda possuem, quando precisarao ser recarregados e qual a quantidade de carga precisara oferecer em um determinado periodo de tempo, para que nao haja falta de energia. Para que o sistema eletrico possa prever a demanda, e necessario que o mesmo receba os dados dos veiculos eletricos provenientes de alguns pontos de monitoramento de carga veicular instalados em locais estrategicos da cidade. A tecnologia Bluetooth e, devido a suas caracteristicas, uma opcao interessante que pode tornar possivel essa troca de dados. Por isso, este trabalho pretende analisar atraves de experimentos praticos, o comportamento da rede bluetooth em um ambiente de mobilidade, levando em consideracao a velocidade maxima dos veiculos em trânsito.

Cornell University - arXiv, Oct 5, 2022
We present a flexible and scalable approach to address the challenges of charged particle track r... more We present a flexible and scalable approach to address the challenges of charged particle track reconstruction in real-time event filters (Level-1 triggers) in collider physics experiments. The method described here is based on a full-mesh architecture for data distribution and relies on the Associative Memory approach to implement a pattern recognition algorithm that quickly identifies and organizes hits associated to trajectories of particles originating from particle collisions. We describe a successful implementation of a demonstration system composed of several innovative hardware and algorithmic elements. The implementation of a full-size system relies on the assumption that an Associative Memory device with the sufficient pattern density becomes available in the future, either through a dedicated ASIC or a modern FPGA. We demonstrate excellent performance in terms of track reconstruction efficiency, purity, momentum resolution, and processing time measured with data from a simulated LHC-like tracking detector.

2013 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Latin America), 2013
ABSTRACT Several countries have invested in technologies for Smart Grids. Among such protocols de... more ABSTRACT Several countries have invested in technologies for Smart Grids. Among such protocols designed cover this area, highlights the DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol version 3). Although the DNP3 be developed for operation over the serial interface, there is a trend in the literature to the use of other interfaces. The Zigbee wireless interface has become more popular in the industrial applications. In order to study the challenges of integrating of these two protocols, this article is presented the analysis of DNP3 protocol stack through state machines The encapsulation of DNP3 messages in P2P (point-topoint) ZigBee Network, may assist in the discovery and solution of failures of availability and security of this integration. The ultimate goal is to merge the features of DNP3 and Zigbee stacks, and display a solution that provides the benefits of wireless environment, without impairment of security required for Smart Grid applications.

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2021
OpenIPMC is a free and open source software designed to implement the logic of an Intelligent Pla... more OpenIPMC is a free and open source software designed to implement the logic of an Intelligent Platform Management Controller (IPMC). An IPMC is a fundamental component of electronic boards conformant to the Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard, currently being adopted by a number of high energy physics experiments. The IPMC is responsible for monitoring the health parameters of the board, managing its power states, and providing board control, debug and recovery functions to remote clients. OpenIPMC is based on the FreeRTOS real-time operating system and is designed to be architecture-independent, allowing it to be used in firmware designed for a variety of microcontrollers. Having a fully free and open source code is an innovative aspect for this kind of software, enabling full customization by the user. In this work we present the features and structure of OpenIPMC as well as its example implementations on Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ (ZynqUS+), Espressif ESP32 and ST Microelectronics STM32 architectures.
2014 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition - Latin America (PES T&D-LA), 2014
This paper describes the VHDL modeling of Smart Meters communication based on DNP3 protocol point... more This paper describes the VHDL modeling of Smart Meters communication based on DNP3 protocol point-to-point Network using IEEE 802.15.4 interface. The modeling was validated with the simulation of three scenarios which show that the measured latency is in line with the requirements of Smart Grid Applications. So, these results indicate that the approach is indeed promising.
Nesse trabalho e proposto a analise de desempenho da tecnologia Wi Fi em sua utilizacao em aplica... more Nesse trabalho e proposto a analise de desempenho da tecnologia Wi Fi em sua utilizacao em aplicacoes Smart Grid. Essa tecnologia sem fio faz parte do escopo de conexao de dados intrassubestacao, que exigem maior seguranca e velocidade para as informacoes coletadas. Apesar dos beneficios oferecidos pelos padroes IEEE, a popularizacao da rede de dados provoca uma disputa de trafego entre os diversos servicos existentes provocando descarte ou ate colisao de pacotes na rede incluindo servicos HTTP, FTP e outras aplicacoes que utilizam a comunicacao em tempo real. A fim de tratar de modo diferenciado os dados Smart Grid dentro da rede, este trabalho propoe a analise e o tratamento desses dados dentro de um ambiente composto por um trafego heterogeneo. Este artigo traz alem do cenario, conceitos importantes acerca do assunto bem como as principais caracteristicas dos padroes 802.11.

Smart Grid e um conceito atual no Brasil referente a rede de energia dotada de inteligencia. Dife... more Smart Grid e um conceito atual no Brasil referente a rede de energia dotada de inteligencia. Diferentemente da rede de energia tradicional, smart grid engloba os elementos da rede eletrica e um sistema de comunicacao de duas vias. Os veiculos eletricos ganharao popularidade e poderao em alguns casos sobrecarregar a rede caso nao haja uma previsao de demanda de carga por parte da concessionaria, de forma a garantir uma distribuicao uniforme de potencia. Contudo, estes veiculos tambem poderao aliviar a rede ao devolver o excesso de energia a ela em horarios de pico. Portanto, este artigo trata da relacao entre veiculo e rede, tambem chamada G2V/V2G. Sendo assim, e importante que a concessionaria saiba quanto de energia os veiculos ainda possuem, quando precisarao ser recarregados e qual a quantidade de carga precisara oferecer em um determinado periodo de tempo, para que nao haja falta de energia. Para que o sistema eletrico possa prever a demanda, e necessario que o mesmo receba os d...
Papers by Lucas Arruda Ramalho