Papers by Lorival José Carminatti

Research Square (Research Square), Nov 14, 2022
While an exercise recovery method may be bene cial from a physiological point of view, it may be ... more While an exercise recovery method may be bene cial from a physiological point of view, it may be detrimental to subsequent anaerobic performance. To investigate the energetic responses of water immersion at different temperatures during post-exercise recovery and its consequences on subsequent anaerobic performance. A randomized and controlled crossover experimental design was performed with 21 male trained cyclists and triathletes. Participants were assigned randomly to receive three passive recovery strategies during 10 min after a Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT): outside water immersion (OWI), cold water immersion (CWI: 20ºC), and hot water immersion (HWI: 40ºC). Blood lactate, cardiorespiratory, and mechanical outcomes were measured during the WAnT and its recovery. Time constant (τ), asymptotic value, and area under the curve (AUC) were quanti ed for each physiologic parameter during recovery. After that, a second WAnT test and 10-min recovery were realized in the same session. Regardless the water immersion temperature, the water immersion increased τVo 2 (+18%), asymptote (Vo 2 +16%, Vo 2 +13%, V E +17%, HR +16%) and AUC (Vo 2 +27%, Vco 2 +18%, V E +20%, HR +25%), while decreased τHR (-33%). There was no in uence of water immersion on blood lactate parameters. HWI improved the mean power output during the second WAnT test (2.2%), while the CWI decreased by 2.4% (P < 0.01). Independent of the water temperature, water immersion enhanced aerobic energy recovery without modifying blood lactate recovery. However, subsequent anaerobic performance was increased only during HWI and decreased during CWI. Despite being higher than in other studies, 20°C during CWI effectively triggered physiological and performance responses via an easier-to-administer temperature. Water immersion-induced physiological changes did not predict subsequent anaerobic performance. The action of immersion temperature on muscle neuromechanics and its repercussions on the force-velocity relationship seem to explain the changes of anaerobic mechanical power.
Sport Sciences for Health, Oct 17, 2023
European Journal of Applied Physiology

Journal of Physical Education, Jun 7, 2023
Sabe-se que a massa corporal afeta a força muscular e o resultado de alguns testes funcionais, de... more Sabe-se que a massa corporal afeta a força muscular e o resultado de alguns testes funcionais, de modo que pessoas mais pesadas e altas serão mais fortes que as mais leves e menores. A razão-padrão (RP) tem sido largamente utilizada para remover o efeito da massa corporal, apesar de críticas conhecidas há muito tempo devido sua inadequação. Alometria (ALO), do contrário, tem sido aplicada como um método eficiente para normalizar a força muscular. Como o supino é um exercício de força e condicionamento bem reconhecido para idosos, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência da massa corporal sobre a avaliação do desempenho de um grupo de idosos no supino, comparando as abordagens absoluta (AB), RP e ALO. Dezesseis idosos saudáveis (65,5±5,13 anos de idade; 75,42±9,78Kg; 1,73±5,98m; 25,11±2,71 kg/m 2 ; 24,76±4,10 %gordura) se voluntariaram para participar no estudo. A máxima carga dinâmica foi verificada pelos testes de 1 repetição máxima (1RM). Na comparação das médias, a diferença significante do 1RM entre os participantes leves (54,9±8,85Kg) e pesados (66,2±8,86Kg) foi identificada apenas na abordagem ABS (p<0,05; ES=0,57). A RP falhou em remover completamente o efeito da massa corporal, permitindo correlação entre a força muscular e a massa corporal normalizadas (r=0,23), ao contrário da ALO (r=0,23 e 0,06). O coeficiente de Kendall revelou ausência de concordância entre as abordagens quando comparadas as suas respectivas classificações ordinais (kw=0,003; p>0,05). Em linha com pesquisas anteriores, ALO tem se mostrado como o único método viável para remover adequadamente o efeito da MC e para oferecer escores de desempenho mais apropriados para homens idosos, como os avaliados por este estudo.

Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación, Apr 24, 2023
Objective: To identify associations between physical fitness, extracurricular physical activity, ... more Objective: To identify associations between physical fitness, extracurricular physical activity, and body adiposity in a representative sample of adolescents from Florianópolis, Brazil. Methods: This cross-sectional, school-based study included 981 adolescents aged 14-18 years attending public schools in Florianópolis, Brazil. The dependent variable was body adiposity, calculated from the sum of triceps and subscapular skinfold thicknesses. Participation in extracurricular physical activity and health-related physical fitness components (flexibility, muscle strength and endurance, cardiorespiratory fitness) were independent variables. Results: The prevalence of high body adiposity was 27.1%, not differing between sexes (boys = 25,0%, girls = 29.4%). There was a negative association between body adiposity, cardiorespiratory fitness, and abdominal endurance in both sexes. The final model explained 58.2% of the variation in body adiposity scores in girls and 47.9% in boys. Negative associations of body adiposity with cardiorespiratory fitness (girls: β =-0.752, p < 0.001; boys: β =-0.655, p < 0.001) and abdominal endurance (girls: β =-0.070, p = 0.021; boys: β =-0.077, p = 0.021) were found in both sexes. Negative associations of body adiposity with extracurricular physical activity were observed in girls (β =-0.078, p = 0.010) and with grip strength (β =-0.121, p < 0.001) and flexibility (β =-0.082, p = 0.015) in boys. Conclusion: Regardless of sex, adolescent groups with low cardiorespiratory fitness and abdominal endurance were the most affected by high body adiposity. Furthermore, lower participation in extracurricular physical activity in girls and lower strength and flexibility in boys were associated with higher body adiposity.

Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, Apr 1, 2013
Introduccion: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar y relacionar el rendimiento en sprints rep... more Introduccion: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar y relacionar el rendimiento en sprints repetidos con cambio de direccion (ERCD) y en linea recta (ERLR), y comparar las respuestas fisiologicas y neuromusculares obtenidas post-ERCD y post-ERLR. Material y metodos: Formaron parte del estudio 14 jugadores de futbol sala que realizaron sprints (25 m) con cambio de direccion y en linea recta. Se evaluo el rendimiento en los sprints (tiempo medio, mejor tiempo e indice de fatiga) y el countermovement jump (CMJ) antes y despues de las 2 pruebas, ademas de las concentraciones de lactato en sangre (LACPICO) despues de los sprints. Resultados: El tiempo medio (TM) y mejor tiempo (MT) fueron mas bajos en los ERLR (p < 0,01), mientras que el indice de fatiga fue mas bajo en los ERCD (p = 0,02). Se observaron correlaciones significativas entre TMLR y TMCD (r = 0,79), asi como entre MTLR y MTCD (r = 0,69). Se encontraron diferencias significativas en el rendimiento del CMJ entre los valores basales y post-ERLR (p = 0,01), asi como entre los valores basales con el post-ERCD (p = 0,02). No hubo diferencias significativas entre el rendimiento del CMJ (p = 0,08) y LACPICO (p = 0,09), i entre post-ERLR y post-ERCD. Conclusiones: A pesar de las diferencias entre MT y TM en las 2 pruebas de sprints repetidos, el TM presento gran correlacion en ambos tests, sugiriendo que la capacidad de sprints repetidos es una calidad general y no depende de los cambios de direccion. Ademas, tanto la demanda glucolitica como la neuromuscular no fueron muy distintas en las 2 pruebas de sprints. © 2012 Consell Catala de l’Esport. Generalitat de Catalunya. Publicado por Elsevier Espana, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, 2013
Capacidad de sprints repetidos; Equipo deportivo; Fuerza muscular; Lactato en sangre Resumen Intr... more Capacidad de sprints repetidos; Equipo deportivo; Fuerza muscular; Lactato en sangre Resumen Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar y relacionar el rendimiento en sprints repetidos con cambio de dirección (ERCD) y en línea recta (ERLR), y comparar las respuestas fisiológicas y neuromusculares obtenidas post-ERCD y post-ERLR. Material y métodos: Formaron parte del estudio 14 jugadores de fútbol sala que realizaron sprints (25 m) con cambio de dirección y en línea recta. Se evaluó el rendimiento en los sprints (tiempo medio, mejor tiempo e índice de fatiga) y el countermovement jump (CMJ) antes y después de las 2 pruebas, además de las concentraciones de lactato en sangre (LAC PICO) después de los sprints. Resultados: El tiempo medio (TM) y mejor tiempo (MT) fueron más bajos en los ERLR (p < 0,01), mientras que el índice de fatiga fue más bajo en los ERCD (p = 0,02). Se observaron correlaciones significativas entre TMLR y TMCD (r = 0,79), así como entre MTLR y MTCD (r = 0,69). Se encontraron diferencias significativas en el rendimiento del CMJ entre los valores basales y post-ERLR (p = 0,01), así como entre los valores basales con el post-ERCD (p = 0,02). No hubo diferencias significativas entre el rendimiento del CMJ (p = 0,08) y LAC PICO (p = 0,09), i entre post-ERLR y post-ERCD. Conclusiones: A pesar de las diferencias entre MT y TM en las 2 pruebas de sprints repetidos, el TM presentó gran correlación en ambos tests, sugiriendo que la capacidad de sprints repetidos es una calidad general y no depende de los cambios de dirección. Además, tanto la demanda glucolítica como la neuromuscular no fueron muy distintas en las 2 pruebas de sprints.

Futsal has intermittent characteristics with different requirements of displacements and changes ... more Futsal has intermittent characteristics with different requirements of displacements and changes of direction, requiring simultaneously aerobic and anaerobic capacities of athletes. So, during counterattacks and returns to defense or fast movements to get rid or perform marking, there is maximum mobilization of specific capabilities of the sport and the ability to perform high-intensity intermittent exercise is a key factor of performance. The aim of this study was to perform an expositive review on the physiological characteristics, high-intensity interval training and aerobic evaluation methods that have been used and suggested in scientific literature in original studies. A search in scientific portals Google Scholar, Scopus®, SciELO®, ScienceDirect® (Elsevier) and PubMed® was conducted to find articles with publication date since 2000 using the following terms in different combinations: "Futsal", "performance", "aerobic evaluation", "high-intensity interval training", "field tests" and their variations in English. Analysis of physiological indexes related to game performance can help in the knowledge about the aerobic fitness of Futsal players and improve training assessment, prescription and monitoring, also serving as a reference to assist professionals of this sport in the preparation of high intensity interval training programs to meet the particular needs of the sport. Field tests with specific features of the sport were created as a means of assessment and also training prescription and are recommended due to their specificity and ecological validity.

Journal of child health care : for professionals working with children in the hospital and community, Sep 22, 2015
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between body mass index (BMI) status... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between body mass index (BMI) status and physical performance in Brazilian children. The analyzed sample was composed of 978 children of both sexes (518 boys and 460 girls), aged 7 to 11 years. BMI and skinfolds were measured, and three motor tests were applied (flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness, and muscular strength/endurance). In both sexes, overweight/obese children presented poor performance in all motor tests, except flexibility. In general, overweight/obese children have an increased odds ratio (OR) to present poor physical performance (boys: OR = 3.64 for cardiorespiratory fitness, OR = 1.94 for muscular strength/endurance, OR = 1.52 for flexibility; girls: OR = 5.03 for cardiorespiratory fitness and OR = 2.62 for muscular strength/endurance). In conclusion, for both sexes, a poor physical performance in the tests measuring cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular strength/ endurance was associated with the pres...

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology
Some studies have reported considerable errors in the movement velocity measurement when using th... more Some studies have reported considerable errors in the movement velocity measurement when using the My Lift app. This study aimed to investigate whether these errors may be related to the use of a range of movement (ROM) statically measured prior to the movement (ROMMYLIFT) instead of ROM dynamically monitored. Ten young adults performed two repetitions of the bench press exercise on a Smith machine with loads that allowed two velocity conditions (above and below 0.6 m s−1). The exercises were monitored by the My Lift app, a magnet and a rotary encoder. After, 15 older adults performed the same exercise at different percentages of 1RM, monitored by the My Lift app and a magnet. The results revealed that ROM dynamically obtained by encoder (reference method) with the mean velocity above (0.497 ± 0.069 m) and below (0.450 ± 0.056 m) 0.6 m s−1 were quite different ( p < 0.05; large effect) from the ROMMYLIFT (0.385 ± 0.040 m). These errors provided highly biased and heteroscedastic m...
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, May 1, 2019
Comparative effects of two interval shuttle-run training modes on physiological and performance a... more Comparative effects of two interval shuttle-run training modes on physiological and performance adaptations in female professional futsal players Submission type: Original Investigation Running head: Improving aerobic and anaerobic performance in female futsal players

RBPFEX - Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício, 2020
Aerobic and anaerobic fitness for military firefighters and firefighting activity This study aime... more Aerobic and anaerobic fitness for military firefighters and firefighting activity This study aimed to verify the aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels of military firefighters and relate them to variables obtained in specific simulated firefighting activity. Ten Military Firefighters (age 34.2 ± 5.8 years; height 175.9 ± 6.9 cm; body mass 78.7 ± 6.8 Kg; body fat 13.2 ± 3.3%) composed the sample and passed by three evaluative steps with a minimum interval of 24h: 1st) Anthropometric assessment and Léger test (TLéger) to estimate VO2 max, determination of peak velocity (PV) and maximum heart rate (HRmax). 2º) Evaluation of anaerobic fitness through the 300 meter test (T300). At the end of the T300, HRmax was collected and, after three minutes the blood lactate concentration [Lac]. 3rd) Specific test simulated (Tsim), where HRmax values were obtained and after three minutes [Lac]. A strong and significant correlation (r = 0.81) can be identified in the [Lac] responses obtained in the T300 and Tsim tests. Regarding the aerobic fitness and specific test variables, strong and negative correlation (r =-0.73;-0.72) between VO2 max and PV variables with [Lac], respectively, were identified. Based on the values of 175 ± 11 bpm HRmax and 13.6 ± 2.6 mMol.L-1 of [Lac] at the end of the Tsim, it can be concluded that this specific firefighting activity has a high degree of physiological requirement, which suggests that is necessary to develop specific physical training protocols for Military Firefighters.

Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Desportos, Programa de Pós-G... more Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Desportos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física, Florianópolis, 2014.O presente estudo foi dividido em três etapas. Na etapa 1 foram investigadas a sensibilidade do Futsal Intermittent Endurance Test (FIET) para discriminar a aptidão aeróbia entre categorias competitivas do futsal feminino, o perfil funcional de atletas de futsal feminino de elite e a sensibilidade do teste para monitorar a evolução da aptidão aeróbia de atletas de futsal avaliada em três momentos de uma temporada competitiva: período preparatório (PP), inicio do período competitivo (PC1) e final do período competitivo (PC2). Sessenta atletas de futsal feminino (sub-17, sub-20 e adulto) realizaram o FIET e o pico de velocidade (PV) obtido no teste foi utilizado para discriminar a performance das atletas. Na etapa 2 foi realizada a caracterização de carga externa e interna do método de treinamento intervalado específico para futsal (TRIEF) e...
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, Mar 1, 2013
The aim of the present study was to compare physiological responses derived from an incremental p... more The aim of the present study was to compare physiological responses derived from an incremental progressive field test with a constant speed test i.e. intermittent versus continuous protocol. Two progressive maximum tests (Carminatti`s test (T-CAR) and the Vameval test (T-VAM)), characterized by increasing speed were used. T-CAR is an intermittent incremental test, performed as shuttle runs; while T-VAM is a continuous incremental test performed on an athletic track. Eighteen physically active, healthy young subjects (21.9 ± 2.0 years; 76.5 ± 8.6 kg, 1.78 ± 0.08 m, 11.2 ± 5.4% body fat), volunteered for this study. Subjects performed four different maximum test sessions conducted in the field: two incremental tests and two time to exhaustion tests (TTE) at peak test velocities (PV). No significant differences were found for PV

International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2020
The study aimed to verify possible associations between game-play running performance and outcome... more The study aimed to verify possible associations between game-play running performance and outcomes derived from fitness (running) tests in female futsal players. Sixteen women professional elite futsal players from a 1st division league team (19.2±2 years-old, 4.3±2.1 years of experience) participated. Firstly, a graded incremental treadmill test was adopted to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). Following 72 h of laboratory protocol, players were asked to perform a repeated-sprint test on a court (8×40 m with two 180° change-of-directions). Twenty-four hours after, players participated in a one-off friendly game (two 20-min half-times). A computerized automatic image recognition software (DVIDEOW; 30 Hz) allowed to determine game running performance variables. Fatigue index and best time in the court test and VO2max and its attached speed derived from laboratory-based test showed significant moderate-to-moderately high correlations (r=− 0.59–0.76; p<0.05) with some game ru...

Com o objetivo de conhecer hábitos de vida e estimar gasto calórico despendido, esse estudo se re... more Com o objetivo de conhecer hábitos de vida e estimar gasto calórico despendido, esse estudo se realizou com carteiros que utilizam a bicicleta como meio de locomoção para a entrega domiciliar, em São José/ SC. A investigação constou de entrevista dirigida, utilizando-se o questionário sobre hábitos de atividade física (IPAQ), coleta de dados antropométricos e acompanhamento de um dia normal de entrega de correspondências, observando-se tempo despendido na seleção e entrega de correspondências (monitorando velocidade da pedalada). O estudo do gasto calórico nas atividades de trabalho foi estimado conforme tempo despendido na triagem das cartas e a entrega (calculado através do peso do indivíduo e da velocidade média de entrega pedalando, correspondente a 4 METs). Os dados foram analisados através de escalas nominais e intervalares e foi criado um intervalo de confiança. A amostra foi composta de 23 indivíduos, média de idade de 31,3 anos (dp 6,3), peso 73,4kg (pd 9,6), estatura 1,74m (dp 0,05), IMC 24,4(dp 2,9). Dados referentes ao estilo de vida evidenciam fatores positivos. A média do gasto calórico diário durante a triagem das cartas foi 590 kcal e durante a entrega 1818 kcal. Conclui-se que a atividade laboral desses carteiros constitui um fator positivo se a considerarmos como componente de aptidão física relacionada à saúde.
Variable Identified In Intermittent Gradual Tests This research has the aim of determining the ob... more Variable Identified In Intermittent Gradual Tests This research has the aim of determining the objectiveness of PDFCv, obtain evidences of validation of the test proposed by Carminatti et al. (2004) and verify if the maximum and sub maximum variations identified in both tests are dependent-protocols. The tests used were the Shuttle run of 20m TLe (1984) and a test proposed by Carminatti et al.-TCar(2004). Twenty-six regional level male athletes (futsal and volleyball), (21.7 ± 3.0 years, 76.7 ± 14.6 kg, 179.3 ± 7.2 cm, 14.2 ± 5.9 % of body fat), were subdued to the test 1: TCar and Test 2: TLe. The rhythm in both tests was determined according to resonant signals. The determined variations were: corrected velocity peak (PS) and HR (Polar®-model S610i™) in each speed and deflection point of heart frequency by mathematical and visual methods. The determination of the HRPDv was carried out by 3 experienced evaluators, assuming the moda and in the lack of that, the average of the values of HRPDv from the 3 evaluators. Significant values of CCI were found to DPS-VDM and HRPDv on the TCar tests (0.91 e 0.90) and TLe (0.90 e 0.95), respectively, and that shows its objectiveness. The results suggested that the HRPD identified by visual or mathematical is not a dependent protocol, which does not occur for the speed variations (maximum or sub maximum). Evidences of application validity were found on the proposed test.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2017
Comparative effects of two interval shuttle-run training modes on physiological and performance a... more Comparative effects of two interval shuttle-run training modes on physiological and performance adaptations in female professional futsal players Submission type: Original Investigation Running head: Improving aerobic and anaerobic performance in female futsal players

Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano, 2008
A Power Jump (PJ) session is considered to be a safe and easy class that also involves intermitte... more A Power Jump (PJ) session is considered to be a safe and easy class that also involves intermittent exercises that prolong the time to exhaustion. However, there is not enough information about this subject in the literature. The purpose of this study was to determine the intensity of a PJ session by means of heart rate (HR) monitoring. Eleven physically active females participated in the study (age: 21.7 ± 1.9 years; body mass: 59.3 ± 4.8 kg; height: 162.6 ± 5.6 cm; percentage body fat: 22.6 ± 3.2 %). Participants were asked to perform an incremental test (IT), in order to obtain values for oxygen uptake (VO2), maximal heart rate (HRmax), heart rate deflection point (HRDP) and energy expenditure (EE). The HR of the subjects was monitored during a special type of Power Jump session called "mix nine" on two different occasions. According to the HRDP values, physiological domains could be divided into three exercise intensity classes: moderate, heavy and severe. Descriptive ...
Papers by Lorival José Carminatti