2019 7th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC)
Currently public transport (buses), as it is known today, presents many irregularities in terms o... more Currently public transport (buses), as it is known today, presents many irregularities in terms of user perception, having great problems in waiting times between buses, the inconvenience of not knowing how long the bus takes to be desired the user to reach his current position. The development of complex solutions that help solve problems of today's society is an objective of the disciplinary work that characterizes computing. This article presents the results of a project that consists of developing a platform for geolocation of buses, so that any user with a mobile device can see the position in real time of the bus in a certain route. You can know the time of arrival to each booth or bus stop and the distance of the user's current location. This promotes the updating of public transport (buses), facilitates control of the transport network, reduces the uncertainty of users to find the nearest bus and generates a presence system between user and driver.
Teoría de la Educación: Educación y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Información, 2012
This paper presents and analyzes the educational robotics as a tool to support teaching and learn... more This paper presents and analyzes the educational robotics as a tool to support teaching and learning process at the level of pre-media, primarily engaged in complex subjects such as mathematics, physics and computer science, among others. The study was limited to high schools in the province of Chiriqui, Panama, took a sample of six schools in the province and for each school involved both students and teachers. The main objective of the project was to demonstrate how robotics education, facilitates and encourages teaching and learning of science and technology. The results showed that robotics could become an excellent tool to understand abstract concepts and complex subjects in the area of science and technology, as well as allowing developing basic skills such as teamwork.
The article is the product of the study “Development of innovative resources to improve logical-m... more The article is the product of the study “Development of innovative resources to improve logical-mathematical skills in primary school, through educational robotics”, developed during the 2019 school year in three public schools in the province of Chiriquí, Republic of Panama. The teaching-learning process in students is influenced by aspects inside and outside the classroom, since not all schools have the necessary resources to deliver content or teaching material. The general objective of the project is to design, develop and implement educational robotics to improve logical-mathematical skills aimed at preschool and first grade students in public schools, using programmable educational robots. For this, a set of resources and activities were developed to improve the logical-mathematical skills of the initial stages, in public schools, obtaining significant results. Playful activities favor the teaching-learning process. Considering the analysis of the results made on the data obta...
El uso de la informacion geografica se ha desarrollado ampliamente en todo el mundo, especialment... more El uso de la informacion geografica se ha desarrollado ampliamente en todo el mundo, especialmente en la ultima decada, debido en parte al desarrollo de las tecnologias de la comunicacion, como Internet, dispositivos moviles y la expansion de los servicios basados en la ubicacion, que influyen en practicamente cualquier campo de la actividad humana. En los ultimos anos ha habido una enorme proliferacion de datos que se deben procesar y preparar en una forma comprensible para el usuario final. Estos datos a menudo son dificiles de entender, para lo cual se han desarrollado varias herramientas de visualizacion que facilitan su interpretacion. En este articulo se presenta una aplicacion LSMMovil para la visualizacion de las caracteristicas del suelo, lo que ayudara a la toma de decisiones en la planificacion de edificios.
2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2017
Augmented Reality is a technology that complements the perception and interaction with the real w... more Augmented Reality is a technology that complements the perception and interaction with the real world and allows the user to be in an enhanced environment with additional information generated by the computer. In recent years the development of this technology in the educational field has taken a big rise. This article presents the development of scenarios for the conservation of natural sites through the Augmented Reality. For this purpose, a set of slides and a mobile application have been developed that allow elementary students to know about the importance and conservation of the natural sites of the province of Chiriquí, in the Republic of Panama. The evaluation of the resulting products was carried out third grade students, obtaining excellent results.
En la actualidad, las Tecnologias de la Informacion y Comunicacion (TIC) en las PyMEs (Pequenas y... more En la actualidad, las Tecnologias de la Informacion y Comunicacion (TIC) en las PyMEs (Pequenas y Medianas Empresas), son un elemento esencial en la integracion de las actividades basicas de operacion, ya que su actividad economica de estas empresas requiere de sistemas que les permitan permanecer en el mercado, ser competitivas y mas productivas. En este trabajo, a partir de una muestra de 150 empresas agroindustriales de la provincial de Chiriqui, Republica de Panama, se evaluo la adquisicion y el uso de las TIC. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un conjunto de indicadores que han permitido entender la situacion actual de estas empresas. Los resultados muestran una falta de conocimiento acerca de las instalaciones que permiten el uso de las TIC en el trabajo diario en estas empresas, que podrian ser una ventaja competitiva, mejorar sus procesos y la productividad y por lo tanto sus ingresos.
La apertura de datos en America Latina esta en la agenda publica de los gobiernos. A lo largo del... more La apertura de datos en America Latina esta en la agenda publica de los gobiernos. A lo largo del mundo cada vez son mas los gobiernos que se suman a las iniciativas de datos abiertos, debido a las multiples ventajas que ofrecen en contraste con una aparente sencillez a la hora de ponerlas en marcha. Las universidades no escapan de esta realidad. En este sentido, las universidades conllevan procesos de apertura y transparencia academica, regulado mediante la adopcion de politicas institucionales que favorezcan la liberacion y reutilizacion de la informacion, de los datos academicos y de investigacion que se generan. En este escenario, se presentan los resultados de un proyecto de datos abiertos desde la perspectiva de la educacion superior. Los resultados alcanzados permiten dar a conocer a la comunidad un conjunto de datos que pueden ser reutilizados.
Investigaciones recientes intentan demostrar que las arquitecturas de Edge Computing representan ... more Investigaciones recientes intentan demostrar que las arquitecturas de Edge Computing representan soluciones optimas para minimizar la latencia, mejorar la privacidad y reducir el ancho de banda y los costos relacionados con los desarrollos para escenarios basados en el Internet de las Cosas (IoT), tales como: ciudades inteligentes, consumo eficiente de energia, agricultura inteligente o industria 4.0. Este trabajo es una revision de las principales arquitecturas de referencia existentes de Edge Computing dirigidas a la Industria 4.0 propuestas por el Edge Computing Consortium, el Proyecto FAR-Edge Project, el Industrial Internet Consortium y finalmente por la asociacion entre INTEL y SAP. Este trabajo incluye una comparacion entre estas arquitecturas de referencia, asi como sus caracteristicas mas importantes con el objetivo de proponer como trabajo futuro, el diseno de una Arquitectura de Referencia de Edge Computing aplicable a otros escenarios que no necesariamente esten relacion...
Currently, the use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in SMEs (Small and Medium En... more Currently, the use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), are an essential element in the integration of basic operating activities, since their economic activity requires systems that allow them to stay in the market, go ahead and, of course, that generate returns in line with expectations of organizations. In this paper, from a sample of 150 agrobusinesses Chiriqui, Panama, the acquisition and use of ICT is analyzed. They have developed a set of indicators to understand the current situation of these companies. The results exhibit a lack of knowledge about the benefits that allow the use of ICT in the daily work and which can be improved with these, which could be a competitive advantage, improve their processes and productivity and thus their income.
Este proyecto trata de un robot que riega los cultivos mientras se moviliza con energía solar, qu... more Este proyecto trata de un robot que riega los cultivos mientras se moviliza con energía solar, que será almacenada en baterías, para que cuando el clima no le favorezca tenga energía para continuar trabajando. Además, tendrá la capacidad de detectar si hay personas en las parcelas, hacer un alto o cambiar la ruta y así poder evitar accidentes. El sistema también es capaz de detectar la temperatura cuando inicia el proceso de riego. Se ha decidido implementar la energía solar, ya que las máquinas utilizan petróleo que al quemarse generan grandes cantidades de desechos dañinos para el medio ambiente. Esto trae como consecuencia el cambio climático. la energía solar no contamina y es gratis, es por esto que tenemos que aprovechar esta fuente de energía renovable para capturarla y almacenarla. Aquí se transforman los fotones en energía eléctrica que usamos para darle vida a nuestro entorno y así no causaremos daños irreparables a nuestro medio ambiente.
El Internet de las Cosas ha venido incorporándose a nuestras vidas de forma progresiva, trayendo ... more El Internet de las Cosas ha venido incorporándose a nuestras vidas de forma progresiva, trayendo consigo grandes beneficios para la humanidad como lo es disponer de infraestructuras y servicios más interconectados y eficientes, generación de empleo, reducción de costos operativos e incremento de ganancias. En este sentido, el desarrollo e instalación de sensores avanzados para recolección de datos, las soluciones informáticas de conexión remota y otras tecnologías disruptivas están marcando un proceso de transformación en la industria; dando inicio a lo que diversos sectores han denominado cuarta revolución industrial o Industria 4.0. En este artículo se presenta un modelo predictivo para la extracción de patrones utilizando técnicas de fusión de datos que permitan el diseño de un modelo de mantenimiento predictivo, a través de un enfoque de entrenamiento supervisado, realizar la clasificación de datos y probabilísticamente valores predictivos.
Proceeding of the first international workshop on Model driven service engineering and data quality and security - MoSE+DQS '09, 2009
ABSTRACT In data warehousing, ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) processes take charge of extract... more ABSTRACT In data warehousing, ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) processes take charge of extracting the data from data sources that would be contained in the data warehouse. Due to their relevance, the quality of these processes should be formally assessed since the early stages of development, in order to avoid making bad decisions as a result of incorrect data. In this paper, a set of measures to evaluate the structural complexity of ETL process models at conceptual level is presented. Moreover, this study is accompanied by four ...
That develop solutions that facilitate the development of therapy from home are a compelling fact... more That develop solutions that facilitate the development of therapy from home are a compelling factor in our social environment. In our country mobile technology is important as a support tool in the rehabilitation of people. This paper presents a proposal that allows the development of an application that helps develop a patient physiotherapy activities, from your home, offering analysis and recommendation of your doctor. The application generates reports of the results of these physical activities both for the patient and the doctor. We integrate an ontological classification of mobile devices and a previous study of the impact of the development of this technology in our country.
ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal
The areas of data science and data engineering have experienced strong advances in recent years. ... more The areas of data science and data engineering have experienced strong advances in recent years. This has had a particular impact in areas such as healthcare, where, as a result of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, technological development has accelerated. This has led to a need to produce solutions that enable the collection, integration and efficient use of information for decision making scenarios. This is evidenced by the proliferation of monitoring, data collection, analysis, and prediction systems aimed at controlling the pandemic. This article proposes a hybrid model that combines the dynamics of epidemiological processes with the predictive capabilities of artificial neural networks to go beyond the prediction of the first ones. In addition, the system allows for the introduction of additional information through an expert system, thus allowing the incorporation of additional hypotheses on the adoption of containment measures.
Agricultural Big Data is a set of technologies that allows responding to the challenges of the ne... more Agricultural Big Data is a set of technologies that allows responding to the challenges of the new data era. In conjunction with machine learning, farmers can use data to address different problems such as farmers' decision-making, crops, weeds, animal research, land, food availability and security, weather, and climate change. The purpose of this paper is to synthesize the evidence regarding the challenges involved in implementing machine learning in Agricultural Big Data. We conducted a Systematic Literature Review applying the PRISMA protocol. This review includes 30 papers, published from 2015 to 2020. We develop a framework that summarizes the main challenges encountered, the use of machine learning techniques, as well as the main technologies used. A major challenge is the design of Agricultural Big Data architectures, due to the need to modify the set of technologies adapting the machine learning techniques, as the volume of data increases.
The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the consequent global COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the publi... more The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the consequent global COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the public administrations of different countries to establish health procedures and protocols based on information generated through predictive techniques and models, which, in turn, are based on technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This article presents some AI tools and computational models used to collaborate in the control and detection of COVID-19 cases. In addition, the main features of the Epidempredict project regarding COVID-19 in Panama are presented. This initiative consists of the planning and design of a digital platform, with cloud-based technology, to manage the ingestion, analysis, visualization and exportation of data regarding the evolution of COVID-19 in Panama. The methodology for the design of predictive algorithms is based on a hybrid model that combines the dynamics associated with population data of an SIR model of differential equati...
Th is article presents and creating a platform for e-Learning is described - and its con - tents ... more Th is article presents and creating a platform for e-Learning is described - and its con - tents - called Aprendebn for th e Panamanian education system. Aprendebn is open, free and access massive use. An analysis of th e educational problems of Panama from th e reports of th e Ministry of Education (MEdUCA) is presented. A comparative evaluation of th e main platforms of th is type is made and th e most relevant ch aracteristics of each are described. Th e aim is to develop a platform for Panama th at focuses on th e student and educator Panamanian levels premedia and a h alf. Subsequently emph asize th at, in th e design of th is platform, th e format, th e best ideas and th e expe - rience of oth er platforms, but local factors and objectives of th e Panamanian education system is used. Th e idea of an educational tech nological and social resource, wh ere both students and edu - cators h ave with updated content of government programs is establish ed. PALAbRAS CLAVE: MOOC, e-Lea...
2019 7th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC)
Currently public transport (buses), as it is known today, presents many irregularities in terms o... more Currently public transport (buses), as it is known today, presents many irregularities in terms of user perception, having great problems in waiting times between buses, the inconvenience of not knowing how long the bus takes to be desired the user to reach his current position. The development of complex solutions that help solve problems of today's society is an objective of the disciplinary work that characterizes computing. This article presents the results of a project that consists of developing a platform for geolocation of buses, so that any user with a mobile device can see the position in real time of the bus in a certain route. You can know the time of arrival to each booth or bus stop and the distance of the user's current location. This promotes the updating of public transport (buses), facilitates control of the transport network, reduces the uncertainty of users to find the nearest bus and generates a presence system between user and driver.
Teoría de la Educación: Educación y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Información, 2012
This paper presents and analyzes the educational robotics as a tool to support teaching and learn... more This paper presents and analyzes the educational robotics as a tool to support teaching and learning process at the level of pre-media, primarily engaged in complex subjects such as mathematics, physics and computer science, among others. The study was limited to high schools in the province of Chiriqui, Panama, took a sample of six schools in the province and for each school involved both students and teachers. The main objective of the project was to demonstrate how robotics education, facilitates and encourages teaching and learning of science and technology. The results showed that robotics could become an excellent tool to understand abstract concepts and complex subjects in the area of science and technology, as well as allowing developing basic skills such as teamwork.
The article is the product of the study “Development of innovative resources to improve logical-m... more The article is the product of the study “Development of innovative resources to improve logical-mathematical skills in primary school, through educational robotics”, developed during the 2019 school year in three public schools in the province of Chiriquí, Republic of Panama. The teaching-learning process in students is influenced by aspects inside and outside the classroom, since not all schools have the necessary resources to deliver content or teaching material. The general objective of the project is to design, develop and implement educational robotics to improve logical-mathematical skills aimed at preschool and first grade students in public schools, using programmable educational robots. For this, a set of resources and activities were developed to improve the logical-mathematical skills of the initial stages, in public schools, obtaining significant results. Playful activities favor the teaching-learning process. Considering the analysis of the results made on the data obta...
El uso de la informacion geografica se ha desarrollado ampliamente en todo el mundo, especialment... more El uso de la informacion geografica se ha desarrollado ampliamente en todo el mundo, especialmente en la ultima decada, debido en parte al desarrollo de las tecnologias de la comunicacion, como Internet, dispositivos moviles y la expansion de los servicios basados en la ubicacion, que influyen en practicamente cualquier campo de la actividad humana. En los ultimos anos ha habido una enorme proliferacion de datos que se deben procesar y preparar en una forma comprensible para el usuario final. Estos datos a menudo son dificiles de entender, para lo cual se han desarrollado varias herramientas de visualizacion que facilitan su interpretacion. En este articulo se presenta una aplicacion LSMMovil para la visualizacion de las caracteristicas del suelo, lo que ayudara a la toma de decisiones en la planificacion de edificios.
2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2017
Augmented Reality is a technology that complements the perception and interaction with the real w... more Augmented Reality is a technology that complements the perception and interaction with the real world and allows the user to be in an enhanced environment with additional information generated by the computer. In recent years the development of this technology in the educational field has taken a big rise. This article presents the development of scenarios for the conservation of natural sites through the Augmented Reality. For this purpose, a set of slides and a mobile application have been developed that allow elementary students to know about the importance and conservation of the natural sites of the province of Chiriquí, in the Republic of Panama. The evaluation of the resulting products was carried out third grade students, obtaining excellent results.
En la actualidad, las Tecnologias de la Informacion y Comunicacion (TIC) en las PyMEs (Pequenas y... more En la actualidad, las Tecnologias de la Informacion y Comunicacion (TIC) en las PyMEs (Pequenas y Medianas Empresas), son un elemento esencial en la integracion de las actividades basicas de operacion, ya que su actividad economica de estas empresas requiere de sistemas que les permitan permanecer en el mercado, ser competitivas y mas productivas. En este trabajo, a partir de una muestra de 150 empresas agroindustriales de la provincial de Chiriqui, Republica de Panama, se evaluo la adquisicion y el uso de las TIC. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un conjunto de indicadores que han permitido entender la situacion actual de estas empresas. Los resultados muestran una falta de conocimiento acerca de las instalaciones que permiten el uso de las TIC en el trabajo diario en estas empresas, que podrian ser una ventaja competitiva, mejorar sus procesos y la productividad y por lo tanto sus ingresos.
La apertura de datos en America Latina esta en la agenda publica de los gobiernos. A lo largo del... more La apertura de datos en America Latina esta en la agenda publica de los gobiernos. A lo largo del mundo cada vez son mas los gobiernos que se suman a las iniciativas de datos abiertos, debido a las multiples ventajas que ofrecen en contraste con una aparente sencillez a la hora de ponerlas en marcha. Las universidades no escapan de esta realidad. En este sentido, las universidades conllevan procesos de apertura y transparencia academica, regulado mediante la adopcion de politicas institucionales que favorezcan la liberacion y reutilizacion de la informacion, de los datos academicos y de investigacion que se generan. En este escenario, se presentan los resultados de un proyecto de datos abiertos desde la perspectiva de la educacion superior. Los resultados alcanzados permiten dar a conocer a la comunidad un conjunto de datos que pueden ser reutilizados.
Investigaciones recientes intentan demostrar que las arquitecturas de Edge Computing representan ... more Investigaciones recientes intentan demostrar que las arquitecturas de Edge Computing representan soluciones optimas para minimizar la latencia, mejorar la privacidad y reducir el ancho de banda y los costos relacionados con los desarrollos para escenarios basados en el Internet de las Cosas (IoT), tales como: ciudades inteligentes, consumo eficiente de energia, agricultura inteligente o industria 4.0. Este trabajo es una revision de las principales arquitecturas de referencia existentes de Edge Computing dirigidas a la Industria 4.0 propuestas por el Edge Computing Consortium, el Proyecto FAR-Edge Project, el Industrial Internet Consortium y finalmente por la asociacion entre INTEL y SAP. Este trabajo incluye una comparacion entre estas arquitecturas de referencia, asi como sus caracteristicas mas importantes con el objetivo de proponer como trabajo futuro, el diseno de una Arquitectura de Referencia de Edge Computing aplicable a otros escenarios que no necesariamente esten relacion...
Currently, the use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in SMEs (Small and Medium En... more Currently, the use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), are an essential element in the integration of basic operating activities, since their economic activity requires systems that allow them to stay in the market, go ahead and, of course, that generate returns in line with expectations of organizations. In this paper, from a sample of 150 agrobusinesses Chiriqui, Panama, the acquisition and use of ICT is analyzed. They have developed a set of indicators to understand the current situation of these companies. The results exhibit a lack of knowledge about the benefits that allow the use of ICT in the daily work and which can be improved with these, which could be a competitive advantage, improve their processes and productivity and thus their income.
Este proyecto trata de un robot que riega los cultivos mientras se moviliza con energía solar, qu... more Este proyecto trata de un robot que riega los cultivos mientras se moviliza con energía solar, que será almacenada en baterías, para que cuando el clima no le favorezca tenga energía para continuar trabajando. Además, tendrá la capacidad de detectar si hay personas en las parcelas, hacer un alto o cambiar la ruta y así poder evitar accidentes. El sistema también es capaz de detectar la temperatura cuando inicia el proceso de riego. Se ha decidido implementar la energía solar, ya que las máquinas utilizan petróleo que al quemarse generan grandes cantidades de desechos dañinos para el medio ambiente. Esto trae como consecuencia el cambio climático. la energía solar no contamina y es gratis, es por esto que tenemos que aprovechar esta fuente de energía renovable para capturarla y almacenarla. Aquí se transforman los fotones en energía eléctrica que usamos para darle vida a nuestro entorno y así no causaremos daños irreparables a nuestro medio ambiente.
El Internet de las Cosas ha venido incorporándose a nuestras vidas de forma progresiva, trayendo ... more El Internet de las Cosas ha venido incorporándose a nuestras vidas de forma progresiva, trayendo consigo grandes beneficios para la humanidad como lo es disponer de infraestructuras y servicios más interconectados y eficientes, generación de empleo, reducción de costos operativos e incremento de ganancias. En este sentido, el desarrollo e instalación de sensores avanzados para recolección de datos, las soluciones informáticas de conexión remota y otras tecnologías disruptivas están marcando un proceso de transformación en la industria; dando inicio a lo que diversos sectores han denominado cuarta revolución industrial o Industria 4.0. En este artículo se presenta un modelo predictivo para la extracción de patrones utilizando técnicas de fusión de datos que permitan el diseño de un modelo de mantenimiento predictivo, a través de un enfoque de entrenamiento supervisado, realizar la clasificación de datos y probabilísticamente valores predictivos.
Proceeding of the first international workshop on Model driven service engineering and data quality and security - MoSE+DQS '09, 2009
ABSTRACT In data warehousing, ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) processes take charge of extract... more ABSTRACT In data warehousing, ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) processes take charge of extracting the data from data sources that would be contained in the data warehouse. Due to their relevance, the quality of these processes should be formally assessed since the early stages of development, in order to avoid making bad decisions as a result of incorrect data. In this paper, a set of measures to evaluate the structural complexity of ETL process models at conceptual level is presented. Moreover, this study is accompanied by four ...
That develop solutions that facilitate the development of therapy from home are a compelling fact... more That develop solutions that facilitate the development of therapy from home are a compelling factor in our social environment. In our country mobile technology is important as a support tool in the rehabilitation of people. This paper presents a proposal that allows the development of an application that helps develop a patient physiotherapy activities, from your home, offering analysis and recommendation of your doctor. The application generates reports of the results of these physical activities both for the patient and the doctor. We integrate an ontological classification of mobile devices and a previous study of the impact of the development of this technology in our country.
ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal
The areas of data science and data engineering have experienced strong advances in recent years. ... more The areas of data science and data engineering have experienced strong advances in recent years. This has had a particular impact in areas such as healthcare, where, as a result of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, technological development has accelerated. This has led to a need to produce solutions that enable the collection, integration and efficient use of information for decision making scenarios. This is evidenced by the proliferation of monitoring, data collection, analysis, and prediction systems aimed at controlling the pandemic. This article proposes a hybrid model that combines the dynamics of epidemiological processes with the predictive capabilities of artificial neural networks to go beyond the prediction of the first ones. In addition, the system allows for the introduction of additional information through an expert system, thus allowing the incorporation of additional hypotheses on the adoption of containment measures.
Agricultural Big Data is a set of technologies that allows responding to the challenges of the ne... more Agricultural Big Data is a set of technologies that allows responding to the challenges of the new data era. In conjunction with machine learning, farmers can use data to address different problems such as farmers' decision-making, crops, weeds, animal research, land, food availability and security, weather, and climate change. The purpose of this paper is to synthesize the evidence regarding the challenges involved in implementing machine learning in Agricultural Big Data. We conducted a Systematic Literature Review applying the PRISMA protocol. This review includes 30 papers, published from 2015 to 2020. We develop a framework that summarizes the main challenges encountered, the use of machine learning techniques, as well as the main technologies used. A major challenge is the design of Agricultural Big Data architectures, due to the need to modify the set of technologies adapting the machine learning techniques, as the volume of data increases.
The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the consequent global COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the publi... more The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the consequent global COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the public administrations of different countries to establish health procedures and protocols based on information generated through predictive techniques and models, which, in turn, are based on technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This article presents some AI tools and computational models used to collaborate in the control and detection of COVID-19 cases. In addition, the main features of the Epidempredict project regarding COVID-19 in Panama are presented. This initiative consists of the planning and design of a digital platform, with cloud-based technology, to manage the ingestion, analysis, visualization and exportation of data regarding the evolution of COVID-19 in Panama. The methodology for the design of predictive algorithms is based on a hybrid model that combines the dynamics associated with population data of an SIR model of differential equati...
Th is article presents and creating a platform for e-Learning is described - and its con - tents ... more Th is article presents and creating a platform for e-Learning is described - and its con - tents - called Aprendebn for th e Panamanian education system. Aprendebn is open, free and access massive use. An analysis of th e educational problems of Panama from th e reports of th e Ministry of Education (MEdUCA) is presented. A comparative evaluation of th e main platforms of th is type is made and th e most relevant ch aracteristics of each are described. Th e aim is to develop a platform for Panama th at focuses on th e student and educator Panamanian levels premedia and a h alf. Subsequently emph asize th at, in th e design of th is platform, th e format, th e best ideas and th e expe - rience of oth er platforms, but local factors and objectives of th e Panamanian education system is used. Th e idea of an educational tech nological and social resource, wh ere both students and edu - cators h ave with updated content of government programs is establish ed. PALAbRAS CLAVE: MOOC, e-Lea...
Papers by Lilia Muñoz