Papers by Patricia Landazuri
International Journal of Cardiology and Lipidology Research, 2015
Introduction: Most students in health programs do not practice physical exercise due to the high ... more Introduction: Most students in health programs do not practice physical exercise due to the high level of stress involved in their curriculum, a condition that makes them a population at high cardiovascular risk. Objective: Determine the influence of an exercise program on anthropometric and lipid profile of medical students. Methods: Acommunity trial type quasi-experimental study, through a 12-week exercise intervention, was made. Athletes and people doing regular exercise, or with altered lipid profile results were excluded. The anthropometric assessment was performed as directed by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry. Results: We studied 50 subjects, distributed in 33 women, 17 men, and average age 20 ± 2.7 years. Weight, waist circumference, bone percentage, residual percentage and BMI were not significantly different after exercise. While the waist-hip ratio, muscle percentage, skin percentage and fat percentage were significantly different after exercise. Highdensity lipoproteins decreased and other profile variables increased significantly. Conclusion: This study showed that the exercise program positively influences physical structure, given that it increased muscle percentage and decreased fat percentage, but not enough to positively change the lipid profile of the studied population. Further it suggests the need for intervention programs on healthy habits (healthy foods, appropriate rest and sleep intervals) for medical students.
La identificación de factores de riesgo para las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) puede ayudar... more La identificación de factores de riesgo para las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) puede ayudar a prevenir su desarrollo. Las hormonas esteroides a través de sus receptores y las variaciones genéticas influyen sobre el metabolismo de los lípidos y la presión arterial, entre otras funciones. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo realizado en niños y adolescentes entre 8 y 18 años de edad. Objetivo: Determinar los niveles de estradiol y su relación con género, edad, presión arterial, lípidos plasmáticos y polimorfismo XbaI del receptor de estrógenos. Resultados: No se encontró relación estadística entre el polimorfismo XbaI y las concentraciones de estradiol, pero sí entre el polimorfismo y el perfil lipídico, de igual manera entre las concentraciones de esta hormona con triglicéridos y c-VLDL. Conclusión: Este trabajo evidencia la relación entre niveles de estrógenos, edad, presión sanguínea y lípidos plasmáticos, de igual forma demuestra una relación entre polimorfismo XbaI del ESR1 y los ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This study aimed to examine various biochemical biomarkers changes during a shock micro-cycle in ... more This study aimed to examine various biochemical biomarkers changes during a shock micro-cycle in soccer players from a university team. The study had 22 players (age: 22 ± 3 years; body mass: 68.6 ± 7.1 kg; height: 1.73 ± 0.07 m). The study measured total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), cholesterol linked to high-density lipoproteins (HDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), arterial index (AI), creatine kinase (CK), glutamate-oxalacetate-transaminase (GOT), glutamate-pyruvate-transaminase (GPT), creatinine (Cr), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), cytokines IL6 and TNFα, total antioxidant capacity (Cap antiox tot), hemolysis percentage and glomerular filtration rate (GFR); measurements were conducted during a shock micro-cycle. The lipid profile variables had no statistical significance when compared on day 1 with day 14. Except for TNFα, the other biomarkers compared with day one had progressive increments until day seven, with a su...
South Florida Journal of Development, 2022
Objective: compare the lipid and anthropometric profiles and physical condition of dancers from t... more Objective: compare the lipid and anthropometric profiles and physical condition of dancers from two dance groups (folk and modern dance). Methods/statistical analysis: the study evaluated the anthropometric measurements and lipid profile of the members of both dance groups, according to the guidelines of the International Society for the Advancement in Kineanthropometry (ISAK). To determine strength, velocity, and flexibility, different tests were applied; to establish lipid profile, commercial kits were used. Findings: the population had normal lipid profile ranges. With respect to the anthropometric profile, it was found that adipose percentage averages were above those considered normal for the general population. Physical condition was better in Afro-descendant dancers. Conclusion: the different dance types in this study showed beneficial effects on the anthropomorphic, conditional, and lipid variables of the dancers.
Vía innova, 2021
El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la variación del lactato en triatletas del Quindí... more El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la variación del lactato en triatletas del Quindío durante una prueba sprint, antes y después de un mesociclo desarrollador. En cuanto a los materiales y métodos, participaron 12 triatletas hombres (Edad: 30 ± 9 años). El lactato fue medido durante una prueba sprint antes y después del mesociclo desarrollador. Se determinaron, además, variables de estatura, masa, IMC y frecuencia cardiaca. Como resultados, se encontró que la concentración de lactato no varió significativamente con respecto a la medición antes del mesociclo, encontrándose el mayor pico post natación y post carrera a pie. Por lo anterior, se puede concluir que la concentración de lactato más alta alcanzada fue durante la carrera a pie, después del mesociclo.
Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología, 2012
Introducción: el cáncer de cérvix es un problema mundial de salud pública, con cerca de 500.000 c... more Introducción: el cáncer de cérvix es un problema mundial de salud pública, con cerca de 500.000 casos diagnosticados anualmente, 68.000 de ellos en América Latina. En Colombia es la neoplasia maligna ginecológica más mortal y la segunda en incidencia después del cáncer de mama. La tasa de falsos negativos de la citología de cérvix es de 20-40%, lo que explica los casos presentes en la población oportunamente tamizada; la tipificación del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) y la actividad de la telomerasa son estudios promisorios en el diagnóstico temprano.Objetivo: determinar la exactitud de la actividad de telomerasa al compararla con la PCR para el VPH 16 o 18 en cérvix de mujeres con patología cervical.Materiales y métodos: estudio de exactitud diagnóstica ensamblado en un corte transversal, en 102 mujeres con sospecha de patología cervical que consultaron al Centro de Salud de primer nivel de atención de la Universidad del Quindío en 2007. Se evaluó la sensibilidad y especificidad d...
African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009
Clone IDS28 of the yeast Pichia pastoris expressing the human iduronate 2-sulfate sulfatase-Like ... more Clone IDS28 of the yeast Pichia pastoris expressing the human iduronate 2-sulfate sulfatase-Like (hIDSLike) was employed for low-scale production of the recombinant enzyme in a saline culture media without phosphate. The biological activity found was between 7.3 and 29.5 nmol h-1 mg-1 of total protein. It is about 1.73 to 7 times higher than the result obtained with the same clone in shake flask culture.
Identification of Musa spp genotypes has had a high degree of difficulty by the small size of the... more Identification of Musa spp genotypes has had a high degree of difficulty by the small size of the chromosomes and by the small number of cells in prometaphase that are obtained. Cytogenetic characterization of the cultivars is a useful tool for its productive improvement or resistance increase to diseases and pests. For this reason cytogenetic characterization of 9 cultivars of Musa collected from Quindio- Colombia was proposed. Triploid condition was found in all cultivars, where ‘Dominico’, ‘Dominico-Harton’ and ‘Harton were AAB’; ‘Popocho’, ‘Guayabo’, and ‘Guineo’ ABB and ‘Bananas’ were AAA; all had 2n = 3x = 33 chromosomes. Three type of chromosomes sizes were found; A (1.951 – 2.790 μm); B (1.134 – 1.950 μm) and C (0.307- 1.141 μm). A wide variability was found between chromosomes number by type: A chromosomes: 9 and only in ‘Dominico-Harton’; B chromosomes: between 0 and 18; C chromosomes: between 6 and 33. Also were found significant differences in chromosome size and genome ...
Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal - RECIA, 2017
En este trabajo se analiza la estructura de la comunidad de artrópodos edáficos asociados a un bo... more En este trabajo se analiza la estructura de la comunidad de artrópodos edáficos asociados a un bosque secundario (Calarcá-Quindío), y a un cultivo de plátano bajo enmiendas orgánicas (Necromasa, Compost) y bajo agroquímicos, con dos distancias de siembra entre planta y planta (1,7m y 2,5m), en los meses de junio 2013 a enero 2014. Mensualmente se tomaron 3 monolitos de suelo por cada tratamiento bajo la metodología propuesta por el Programa de Biología y Fertilidad de los Suelos Tropicales. 18.929 individuos fueron colectados, distribuidos en 52 familias de insectos, 16 de miriápodos, 8 de arácnidos y 1 de crustáceos. Se evidencia un esfuerzo de muestreo con estimadores ACE y CHAO1 superior al 82% en las dos coberturas (cultivo y bosque). De manera general no se presentaron diferencias en la estructura de la comunidad a causa de los tratamientos pero se observa que estos modifican sustancialmente los grupos de arácnidos y miriápodos; mientras que los insectos parecen ser impactados ...
Retos, 2021
Objetivo: examinar el efecto del consumo de Passiflora edulis (P. edulis) sobre marcadores bioq... more Objetivo: examinar el efecto del consumo de Passiflora edulis (P. edulis) sobre marcadores bioquímicos de estrés oxidativo (BMEOX) en mujeres voleibolistas de una selección universitaria. Método: población catorce jugadoras (edad: 19.3±2.2 años; masa: 57.5±5.0 kg; estatura: 1.62±6.2 m), fueron divididas aleatoriamente en grupo experimental (GE) y grupo placebo (GP). Durante los siete días del microciclo, al GE se les suministró 2 ml/día de zumo de P edulis y el GP recibió 2 ml/día de placebo (agua saborizada). Se tomaron muestras sanguíneas durante los días 1, 4, 7 y 14. Se cuantificaron creatina quinasa (CK), glutamato oxalacetato transaminasa (GOT), glutamato piruvato transaminasa (GPT), creatinina (Cr), catalasa (CAT), superóxido dismutasa (SOD), la peroxidación lipídica por el método de sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) y la tasa de filtración glomerular (TFG). Resultados: las transaminasas, se incrementaron significativamente en el día 4, y descendieron en ...
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019
Mango fruit has a high nutritional value and health benefits due to important components. The pre... more Mango fruit has a high nutritional value and health benefits due to important components. The present manuscript is a comprehensive update on the composition of mango fruit, including nutritional and phytochemical compounds, and the changes of these during development and postharvest. Mango components can be grouped into macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, lipids, fatty, and organic acids), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), and phytochemicals (phenolic, polyphenol, pigments, and volatile constituents). Mango fruit also contains structural carbohydrates such as pectins and cellulose. The major amino acids include lysine, leucine, cysteine, valine, arginine, phenylalanine, and methionine. The lipid composition increases during ripening, particularly the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The most important pigments of mango fruit include chlorophylls (a and b) and carotenoids. The most important organic acids include malic and citric acids, and they confer the fruit acidity. The volatile constituents are a heterogeneous group with different chemical functions that contribute to the aromatic profile of the fruit. During development and maturity stages occur important biochemical, physiological, and structural changes affecting mainly the nutritional and phytochemical composition, producing softening, and modifying aroma, flavor, and antioxidant capacity. In addition, postharvest handling practices influence total content of carotenoids, phenolic compounds, vitamin C, antioxidant capacity, and organoleptic properties.
The Open Microbiology Journal, 2016
Mucopolysaccharidosis type II is a human recessive disease linked to the X chromosome caused by d... more Mucopolysaccharidosis type II is a human recessive disease linked to the X chromosome caused by deficiency of lysosomal enzyme Iduronate 2-Sulfate Sulfatase (IDS), which leads to accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in tissues and organs. The human enzyme has been expressed inEscherichia coliandPichia pastorisin attempt to develop more successful expression systems that allow the production of recombinant IDS for Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT). However, the preservation of native signal peptide in the sequence has caused conflicts in processing and recognition in the past, which led to problems in expression and enzyme activity. With the main object being the improvement of the expression system, we eliminate the native signal peptide of human recombinant IDS. The resulting sequence showed two modified codons, thus, our study aimed to analyze computationally the nucleotide sequence of theIDSnhwithout signal peptide in order to determine the 3D structure and other biochemical propert...
Glycation of proteins is a nonenzymatic process in which proteins react with reducing sugar molec... more Glycation of proteins is a nonenzymatic process in which proteins react with reducing sugar molecules. This process takes place at ε-amino (ε-NH +) groups of lysine or hydroxylysine residues as well as α-amino groups of N-terminal residues. In the present study glycation of ε-NH + groups of lysines was computationally analyzed for 26 proteins based on their 3D structures. We determined the spatial relationship with acidic or basic residues and correlated them with the glycation prediction algorithm Netglycate 1.0 software, which employed primary structure exclusively for glycation site prediction. Of the lysines from 19 of the 20 proteins employed to build the Netglycate 1.0 algorithm 87.80% depicted a spatial relationship with acidic or basic residues. For the remaining seven proteins that were not included in the algorithm, 95.23% of the lysines exhibited a spatial relationship with acidic or basic residues. For these seven proteins, Netglycate 1.0 predicted only 52.38% of the lysines with a previously reported experimental glycation as potential glycation sites. In all cases, distances between residues were less than or equal to 9.78 Å. These results suggest that it is the spatial relationship of lysines with acidic or basic residues in the 3D conformation of a protein that determines the glycation target site, rather than a specific sequence of the primary structure.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 2015
Associação da atividade da telomerase com a progressão de lesões cervicais em um grupo de pacient... more Associação da atividade da telomerase com a progressão de lesões cervicais em um grupo de pacientes da Colômbia Andrés Felipe CAstro-duque 1 nelsy loAngo-ChAmorro 1 BAyron mAnuel ruiz-hoyos 2 pAtriCiA lAndázuri 2
International Journal of Cardiology and Lipidology Research, 2015
Introduction: Most students in health programs do not practice physical exercise due to the high ... more Introduction: Most students in health programs do not practice physical exercise due to the high level of stress involved in their curriculum, a condition that makes them a population at high cardiovascular risk. Objective: Determine the influence of an exercise program on anthropometric and lipid profile of medical students. Methods: Acommunity trial type quasi-experimental study, through a 12-week exercise intervention, was made. Athletes and people doing regular exercise, or with altered lipid profile results were excluded. The anthropometric assessment was performed as directed by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry. Results: We studied 50 subjects, distributed in 33 women, 17 men, and average age 20 ± 2.7 years. Weight, waist circumference, bone percentage, residual percentage and BMI were not significantly different after exercise. While the waist-hip ratio, muscle percentage, skin percentage and fat percentage were significantly different after exercise. Highdensity lipoproteins decreased and other profile variables increased significantly. Conclusion: This study showed that the exercise program positively influences physical structure, given that it increased muscle percentage and decreased fat percentage, but not enough to positively change the lipid profile of the studied population. Further it suggests the need for intervention programs on healthy habits (healthy foods, appropriate rest and sleep intervals) for medical students.
International Journal of Cardiology and Lipidology Research, 2015
Introduction: Variations in the apoprotein apoA-I and apoB genes have been associated with their ... more Introduction: Variations in the apoprotein apoA-I and apoB genes have been associated with their serum concentration, and thus with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). This study determined the relationship between polymorphism and the serum concentration of apoA-I and apoB in a group of patients with angiographically documented CAD. Materials and methods: Polymorphic sites, XbaI (in apoB), and MspI (in apo A-I) and serum concentrations in these lipoproteins were determined in a population of 231patients classified into two groups: patients with significant CAD (coronary obstruction 50%) and patients with mild CAD (coronary obstruction <50%); the apoB/apoA-I ratio was then calculated. Results: It was found that the M2 allele in the apoA-I acts as a risk factor for coronary artery disease, odds ratio=1.78(confidence interval: 1.21-2.61), p =0.002. Nosignificant differences were found between the apoA-I concentration values and the corresponding MspI polymorphism genotypes in the two study groups. Meanwhile, the apoB concentration presented significant differences among the XbaI (p=0.027) polymorphism genotypes, with greater values for the heterozygous genotype in patients with CAD 50%. Likewise, a significantly abnormal difference was evident in the apoB/apoA-I ratio among the two groups, with a greater value for patients with mild CAD. Conclusion: the data showed that the M2allele may be a risk factor for CAD in this population. Additionally, it showed that there is a relationship between apoB serum concentration and XbaI polymorphism; relationship which manifests itself more strongly in patients with CAD. There was no relationship established between the MspI polymorphism of apoA-I and its serum concentration. Other studies are necessary in order to establish the anomalous behavior of the apoB/apoA-I relation in this population.
The Open Clinical Chemistry Journal, 2012
We quantified the main phospholipids of erythrocyte membranes and lipid profile from patients wit... more We quantified the main phospholipids of erythrocyte membranes and lipid profile from patients with coronary arterial disease (CAD). 202 patients between 22 and 86 years were classified in two groups: a group with CAD greater to or equal to 50% (CAD ≥ 50%) and a second group with CAD between zero and less than 50% (CAD<50%). Total phospholipids was,161.1 ± 12.0 nmol Ptotal/mg protein for patients with CAD and 137.7 ± 17.6 nmol Ptotal/mg protein for the patients with CAD < 50% (p=0.038). In the group of patients with CAD ≥ 50%, we found a linear correlation between sphingomyelin and total cholesterol (r = 0.69) and sphingomyelin and low-density lipoproteins cholesterol (LDL-c) (r = 0.74). This study found that sphingomyelin from membrane is directly related to plasma cholesterol and LDL in patients with CAD ≥ 50%.
Journal of Microbiology, 2013
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 2010
Papers by Patricia Landazuri