Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education
Supporting a sustainable world in a situation of war is the background to this study. Additionall... more Supporting a sustainable world in a situation of war is the background to this study. Additionally, interdisciplinarity forms a part of the dialogical ecosystem of searching for suitable solutions in a complex reality. For such purposes, in this contribution, the co-authors reflect on an actual instance of war. The first author provides a theological, socio-political and philosophical framework for an understanding, based in realism, of the relationship between theology and politics. The second author provides a first-hand case description from Riga, Latvia, of a politically-linked ecumenical project to assist Ukrainian refugees from the Russian invasion.
Promocijas darbs izstrādāts Latvijas Universitātes Teoloģijas fakultātē, Sistemātiskās un praktis... more Promocijas darbs izstrādāts Latvijas Universitātes Teoloģijas fakultātē, Sistemātiskās un praktiskās teoloģijas katedrā laika posmā no 2009. gada līdz 2013. gadam promocijas darbs realizēts ar Eiropas Sociālā fonda atbalstu: Darbs sastāv no ievada, 3 nodaļām, nobeiguma, literatūras saraksta, 7 pielikumiem. Darba forma: monogrāfija Teoloģijas zinātņu nozarē, praktiskās teoloģijas apakšnozarē Darba zinātniskais vadītājs/-a : Ph.D. Anta Filipsone (ieraksta promocijas darba vadītāja zinātniskā grāda nosaukumu, akadēmisko amatu, vārdu un uzvārdu) Darba recenzenti:
Pētījums īstenots monogrāfijas „Mācīties būt... un dzīvot kopā! Reliģiskā izglītība valsts skolās... more Pētījums īstenots monogrāfijas „Mācīties būt... un dzīvot kopā! Reliģiskā izglītība valsts skolās: Latvijas un Eiropas pieredze” veidā. Pētījuma priekšmets ir reliģiskā izglītība. Pētījuma ietvaros tiek raksturots, analizēts un izvērtēts reliģiskās izglītības vēsturiskais, teoloģiskais un pedagoģiskais konteksts, kā arī dažādās reliģiskās izglītības prakses Latvijas un Eiropas valsts skolās. Pētījuma ietvaros tiek izstrādāts mūsdienīgas reliģiskās izglītības sociopolitiskais ietvars, atbilstoši kuram tiek analizēti reliģiskās izglītības veidi, pedagoģiskās pieejas un psiholoģiskie nosacījumi. Līdzīgi izstrādātais ietvars tiek izmantots, analizējot valsts skolās īstenotās reliģiskās izglītības prakses Latvijā un Eiropā.The research subject of the monograph “Learning to Be... and to Live Together! Religious Education in Public Schools in Latvia and Europe” is religious education. The research provides the historical, theological, theological and pedagogical context of religious educat...
In Latvia the implementation of the new National Curriculum is oriented towards a competence base... more In Latvia the implementation of the new National Curriculum is oriented towards a competence based approach that focuses on learning by doing and is based on theoretical constructs of constructionism and social constructivism. For the first time since Latvia gained independence in 1990, the new National Curriculum will provide a unique opportunity for pupils to study religion as a phenomenon and religions as traditions. The aim of the new National Curriculum is integration of religious competences in the curriculum embracing all 12 years of primary and secondary education. A working group of experts was created for dealing with the social and civil issues of the National Curriculum, and the group has been given the task to develop six main concepts for promoting a harmonious attitude in learners, which would enable them to feel and act more responsibly in the changing social and global reality. Thus, the objective of the Curriculum will be achieved if the learners choose to act responsibly and meaningfully at all times. The religious education programme has to be developed in a way that it fits into this particular framework. It is anticipated that the new programme will challenge the traditional ways of teaching and learning religious education. The aim of this study is to find the answers to the following questions: How can Religious Education be integrated into the social and civil sphere of the new National Curriculum? What is the best approach to integration of Religious Education into the new National Curriculum? Is there a place for denominational aspects of Religious Education? This study is a descriptive analysis of the particular experience gathered while developing the national standard.
Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 2019
This article is part of broader research on “The Interrelationship of Theology and Praxis in the ... more This article is part of broader research on “The Interrelationship of Theology and Praxis in the Context of Sustainable Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue”1 in which we explore two essential concepts: sustainability and interreligious dialogue. We have narrowed this broader topic to study how facilitation of students’ spirituality in theology study programmes develops an environment for sustainability of interdenominational/interreligious dialogue. We provide a theoretical glimpse into research from theology, pedagogy, and spirituality. Our future research process will be based on our findings. One of the current challenges is globalization, which coincides with diversification of cultural norms and moral values. The sustainability provision for our home – Earth – suggests new ways to achieve common solutions, not only economically (prosperity) and politically (peace and stability), but also religiously (justice and solidarity) in terms of current changes. But, looking deeper...
The publication offers research and the obtained results on an alternative way of organizing the ... more The publication offers research and the obtained results on an alternative way of organizing the study process – an out-of-practice internship, within the framework of which the spiritual well-being of the students of the Faculty of Theology (TF) is improved. Spirituality is one of the components that ensures the sustainability of interfaith / intercultural dialogue. Further components include an inclusive learning environment that promotes the development of individual spirituality and spiritual well-being; the dialogical practice of participating in interfaith dialogue, which allows the articulation of the “core identities” of different (non)religious traditions and the acceptance of “dignified disagreements” between different worldviews, is spiritually transformative. The focus of dialogue is based on such principles. It is not founded in the formation of common views, but instead – on the mutual enrichment of each other’s experience, which promotes the individual spiritual growth of each participant in the study process. A set of spiritually transforming and otherness-promoting pedagogical methods was tested in August 2019 at the University of Latvia (UL) TF field trip – an applied theology training practice “Sandbija 2019”, Sweden. During the approbation process, a quasi-pedagogical experiment was performed with a mixed research methodology – two measurements of the spiritual well-being of the research participants (before and after the pedagogical intervention) were performed, supplemented with qualitative data (participants’ diary entries) to explain the quantitative data. The results of the study reveal that the internship programme, which was developed according to E. J. Tisdella’s principles, improves participants’ spiritual well-being and is positively assessed by students.
2018. gada pavasarī Latvijā skaļi izskanēja diskusija par divu luterisko baznīcu mantojuma tiesīb... more 2018. gada pavasarī Latvijā skaļi izskanēja diskusija par divu luterisko baznīcu mantojuma tiesībām uz Latvijas Republikas laika Latvijas Evaņģēliski luteriskās baznīcas garīgo un materiālo mantojumu. Jau pirms tam Latvijas Republikas Satversmes tiesa bija saņēmusi iesniegumu no Augstākās tiesas Senāta Administratīvo lietu departamenta, kurā turpināja izskatīt Latvijas Pareizticīgās autonomās baznīcas iesniegumu par atteikumu reģistrēt minēto baznīcu. 2 Vienkāršam vērotājam no malas šādas aktivitātes varētu likties maznozīmīgas, ja vien šie gadījumi kopumā neatklātu Latvijas atsevišķu likumu nevēlēšanos pildīt saistības cilvēktiesību un brīvību nodrošinājumam. Pateicoties ERAF aktivitātes pasākuma "Pēc dok to rantūras pētniecības atbalsts" pētnieciskajam projektam "Teoloģijas un prakses mijattiecības ilgtspējīgā starpkultūru un starpreliģiju dialogā" (, 3 2018. gada 1 Publikācija tapusi, pateicoties ERAF aktivitātes pasākuma "Pēcdoktorantūras pētniecības atbalsts" pētnieciskā projekta "Teoloģijas un prakses mijattiecības ilgtspējīgā starpkultūru un starpreliģiju dialogā" ( finansiālam atbalstam. 2 Lidija Dārziņa, "Ierobežojumi draudzēm izveidot baznīcu neatbilst Satver smei", https://lvportals.lv/tiesas/295198ierobezojumidraudzemizveidot baznicuneatbilstsatversmei2018 (skatīts 14.08.2018.) 3 "Teoloģijas un prakses mijattiecības ilgtspējīgā starpkultūru un starp reliģiju dialogā", https://www.lu.lv/index.php?id=51533 (skatīts 14.08.2018.
Religious competence and the new National Curriculum of Latvia: denominational challenge, 2019
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Australian Catholic... more Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Australian Catholic University. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at link.springer.com".
Spirituality and Sustainability of Interreligious/Interdenominational Dialogue in Theological Study Programs, 2019
This article is part of broader research on ìThe Interrelationship of Theology and Praxis in the ... more This article is part of broader research on ìThe Interrelationship of Theology and Praxis in the Context of Sustainable Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogueî 1 in which we explore two essential concepts: sustainability and interreligious dialogue. We have narrowed this broader topic to study how facilitation of studentsí spirituality in theology study programmes develops an environment for sustainability of interdenominational/ interreligious dialogue. We provide a theoretical glimpse into research from theology, pedagogy, and spirituality. Our future research process will be based on our findings. One of the current challenges is globalization, which coincides with diversification of cultural norms and moral values. The sustainability provision for our home ñ Earth ñ suggests new ways to achieve common solutions, not only economically (prosperity) and politically (peace and stability), but also religiously (justice and solidarity) in terms of current changes. But, looking deeper, theology is searching for new definitions for traditional concepts such as ìmy neighbourî, ìcreationî, and ìcommunity of believersî. Bert Roebben states that the Christian community (and the global community as a whole) needs to find means to ìgrow in a common humanityî (Roebben, 2018). In this article, we reflect on how a spiritual approach can be methodologically integrated into theology studies to promote spiritual growth and establish sustainable interreligious dialogue: What type of theology should create the foundation of theology study programmes to promote studentsí spirituality as a prerequisite for sustainability? How does spirituality promote sustainability of interdenominational/interreligious dialogue? Research methodology combines hermeneutic insights on conditions for sustainability of interde-nominational/interreligious dialogue, its theological foundations, spiritual practice as a pedagogical basis, and the possibility for implementing sustainable dialogue support mechanisms in theology study programmes. Theology study programmes that promote student spirituality develop an environment for sustainable interdenominational/inter-religious dialogue.
Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education
Supporting a sustainable world in a situation of war is the background to this study. Additionall... more Supporting a sustainable world in a situation of war is the background to this study. Additionally, interdisciplinarity forms a part of the dialogical ecosystem of searching for suitable solutions in a complex reality. For such purposes, in this contribution, the co-authors reflect on an actual instance of war. The first author provides a theological, socio-political and philosophical framework for an understanding, based in realism, of the relationship between theology and politics. The second author provides a first-hand case description from Riga, Latvia, of a politically-linked ecumenical project to assist Ukrainian refugees from the Russian invasion.
Promocijas darbs izstrādāts Latvijas Universitātes Teoloģijas fakultātē, Sistemātiskās un praktis... more Promocijas darbs izstrādāts Latvijas Universitātes Teoloģijas fakultātē, Sistemātiskās un praktiskās teoloģijas katedrā laika posmā no 2009. gada līdz 2013. gadam promocijas darbs realizēts ar Eiropas Sociālā fonda atbalstu: Darbs sastāv no ievada, 3 nodaļām, nobeiguma, literatūras saraksta, 7 pielikumiem. Darba forma: monogrāfija Teoloģijas zinātņu nozarē, praktiskās teoloģijas apakšnozarē Darba zinātniskais vadītājs/-a : Ph.D. Anta Filipsone (ieraksta promocijas darba vadītāja zinātniskā grāda nosaukumu, akadēmisko amatu, vārdu un uzvārdu) Darba recenzenti:
Pētījums īstenots monogrāfijas „Mācīties būt... un dzīvot kopā! Reliģiskā izglītība valsts skolās... more Pētījums īstenots monogrāfijas „Mācīties būt... un dzīvot kopā! Reliģiskā izglītība valsts skolās: Latvijas un Eiropas pieredze” veidā. Pētījuma priekšmets ir reliģiskā izglītība. Pētījuma ietvaros tiek raksturots, analizēts un izvērtēts reliģiskās izglītības vēsturiskais, teoloģiskais un pedagoģiskais konteksts, kā arī dažādās reliģiskās izglītības prakses Latvijas un Eiropas valsts skolās. Pētījuma ietvaros tiek izstrādāts mūsdienīgas reliģiskās izglītības sociopolitiskais ietvars, atbilstoši kuram tiek analizēti reliģiskās izglītības veidi, pedagoģiskās pieejas un psiholoģiskie nosacījumi. Līdzīgi izstrādātais ietvars tiek izmantots, analizējot valsts skolās īstenotās reliģiskās izglītības prakses Latvijā un Eiropā.The research subject of the monograph “Learning to Be... and to Live Together! Religious Education in Public Schools in Latvia and Europe” is religious education. The research provides the historical, theological, theological and pedagogical context of religious educat...
In Latvia the implementation of the new National Curriculum is oriented towards a competence base... more In Latvia the implementation of the new National Curriculum is oriented towards a competence based approach that focuses on learning by doing and is based on theoretical constructs of constructionism and social constructivism. For the first time since Latvia gained independence in 1990, the new National Curriculum will provide a unique opportunity for pupils to study religion as a phenomenon and religions as traditions. The aim of the new National Curriculum is integration of religious competences in the curriculum embracing all 12 years of primary and secondary education. A working group of experts was created for dealing with the social and civil issues of the National Curriculum, and the group has been given the task to develop six main concepts for promoting a harmonious attitude in learners, which would enable them to feel and act more responsibly in the changing social and global reality. Thus, the objective of the Curriculum will be achieved if the learners choose to act responsibly and meaningfully at all times. The religious education programme has to be developed in a way that it fits into this particular framework. It is anticipated that the new programme will challenge the traditional ways of teaching and learning religious education. The aim of this study is to find the answers to the following questions: How can Religious Education be integrated into the social and civil sphere of the new National Curriculum? What is the best approach to integration of Religious Education into the new National Curriculum? Is there a place for denominational aspects of Religious Education? This study is a descriptive analysis of the particular experience gathered while developing the national standard.
Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 2019
This article is part of broader research on “The Interrelationship of Theology and Praxis in the ... more This article is part of broader research on “The Interrelationship of Theology and Praxis in the Context of Sustainable Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue”1 in which we explore two essential concepts: sustainability and interreligious dialogue. We have narrowed this broader topic to study how facilitation of students’ spirituality in theology study programmes develops an environment for sustainability of interdenominational/interreligious dialogue. We provide a theoretical glimpse into research from theology, pedagogy, and spirituality. Our future research process will be based on our findings. One of the current challenges is globalization, which coincides with diversification of cultural norms and moral values. The sustainability provision for our home – Earth – suggests new ways to achieve common solutions, not only economically (prosperity) and politically (peace and stability), but also religiously (justice and solidarity) in terms of current changes. But, looking deeper...
The publication offers research and the obtained results on an alternative way of organizing the ... more The publication offers research and the obtained results on an alternative way of organizing the study process – an out-of-practice internship, within the framework of which the spiritual well-being of the students of the Faculty of Theology (TF) is improved. Spirituality is one of the components that ensures the sustainability of interfaith / intercultural dialogue. Further components include an inclusive learning environment that promotes the development of individual spirituality and spiritual well-being; the dialogical practice of participating in interfaith dialogue, which allows the articulation of the “core identities” of different (non)religious traditions and the acceptance of “dignified disagreements” between different worldviews, is spiritually transformative. The focus of dialogue is based on such principles. It is not founded in the formation of common views, but instead – on the mutual enrichment of each other’s experience, which promotes the individual spiritual growth of each participant in the study process. A set of spiritually transforming and otherness-promoting pedagogical methods was tested in August 2019 at the University of Latvia (UL) TF field trip – an applied theology training practice “Sandbija 2019”, Sweden. During the approbation process, a quasi-pedagogical experiment was performed with a mixed research methodology – two measurements of the spiritual well-being of the research participants (before and after the pedagogical intervention) were performed, supplemented with qualitative data (participants’ diary entries) to explain the quantitative data. The results of the study reveal that the internship programme, which was developed according to E. J. Tisdella’s principles, improves participants’ spiritual well-being and is positively assessed by students.
2018. gada pavasarī Latvijā skaļi izskanēja diskusija par divu luterisko baznīcu mantojuma tiesīb... more 2018. gada pavasarī Latvijā skaļi izskanēja diskusija par divu luterisko baznīcu mantojuma tiesībām uz Latvijas Republikas laika Latvijas Evaņģēliski luteriskās baznīcas garīgo un materiālo mantojumu. Jau pirms tam Latvijas Republikas Satversmes tiesa bija saņēmusi iesniegumu no Augstākās tiesas Senāta Administratīvo lietu departamenta, kurā turpināja izskatīt Latvijas Pareizticīgās autonomās baznīcas iesniegumu par atteikumu reģistrēt minēto baznīcu. 2 Vienkāršam vērotājam no malas šādas aktivitātes varētu likties maznozīmīgas, ja vien šie gadījumi kopumā neatklātu Latvijas atsevišķu likumu nevēlēšanos pildīt saistības cilvēktiesību un brīvību nodrošinājumam. Pateicoties ERAF aktivitātes pasākuma "Pēc dok to rantūras pētniecības atbalsts" pētnieciskajam projektam "Teoloģijas un prakses mijattiecības ilgtspējīgā starpkultūru un starpreliģiju dialogā" (, 3 2018. gada 1 Publikācija tapusi, pateicoties ERAF aktivitātes pasākuma "Pēcdoktorantūras pētniecības atbalsts" pētnieciskā projekta "Teoloģijas un prakses mijattiecības ilgtspējīgā starpkultūru un starpreliģiju dialogā" ( finansiālam atbalstam. 2 Lidija Dārziņa, "Ierobežojumi draudzēm izveidot baznīcu neatbilst Satver smei", https://lvportals.lv/tiesas/295198ierobezojumidraudzemizveidot baznicuneatbilstsatversmei2018 (skatīts 14.08.2018.) 3 "Teoloģijas un prakses mijattiecības ilgtspējīgā starpkultūru un starp reliģiju dialogā", https://www.lu.lv/index.php?id=51533 (skatīts 14.08.2018.
Religious competence and the new National Curriculum of Latvia: denominational challenge, 2019
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Australian Catholic... more Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Australian Catholic University. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at link.springer.com".
Spirituality and Sustainability of Interreligious/Interdenominational Dialogue in Theological Study Programs, 2019
This article is part of broader research on ìThe Interrelationship of Theology and Praxis in the ... more This article is part of broader research on ìThe Interrelationship of Theology and Praxis in the Context of Sustainable Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogueî 1 in which we explore two essential concepts: sustainability and interreligious dialogue. We have narrowed this broader topic to study how facilitation of studentsí spirituality in theology study programmes develops an environment for sustainability of interdenominational/ interreligious dialogue. We provide a theoretical glimpse into research from theology, pedagogy, and spirituality. Our future research process will be based on our findings. One of the current challenges is globalization, which coincides with diversification of cultural norms and moral values. The sustainability provision for our home ñ Earth ñ suggests new ways to achieve common solutions, not only economically (prosperity) and politically (peace and stability), but also religiously (justice and solidarity) in terms of current changes. But, looking deeper, theology is searching for new definitions for traditional concepts such as ìmy neighbourî, ìcreationî, and ìcommunity of believersî. Bert Roebben states that the Christian community (and the global community as a whole) needs to find means to ìgrow in a common humanityî (Roebben, 2018). In this article, we reflect on how a spiritual approach can be methodologically integrated into theology studies to promote spiritual growth and establish sustainable interreligious dialogue: What type of theology should create the foundation of theology study programmes to promote studentsí spirituality as a prerequisite for sustainability? How does spirituality promote sustainability of interdenominational/interreligious dialogue? Research methodology combines hermeneutic insights on conditions for sustainability of interde-nominational/interreligious dialogue, its theological foundations, spiritual practice as a pedagogical basis, and the possibility for implementing sustainable dialogue support mechanisms in theology study programmes. Theology study programmes that promote student spirituality develop an environment for sustainable interdenominational/inter-religious dialogue.
Papers by Laima Geikina