Papers by Ljiljana Nikolić
Contemporary Agriculture
Summary The obtained results indicate the possibility of weed control in organic intercropping pr... more Summary The obtained results indicate the possibility of weed control in organic intercropping production systems of carrots and onions with the application of corn gluten, together with the ecological assessment of habitat based on bioindicator values of weed species. A total of 29 weed taxons are present in the intercoped and pure crops of carrots and onions, grown without (CO) and with the application of corn gluten (CO-G). Although floristically uniformed, 24 taxons (CO) and 23 taxons (CO-G), the total weediness on the CO-G variants was 24% higher. The highest value of fresh weed biomass was recorded on the treatment of pure onion crop with gluten application (2844.85 g/m2), while the lowest value was recorded on the treatment of intercropped carrot and onion (1004.99 g/m2). Ecological assessment of habitat, based on indicator values and abundance of weed species, indicates favorable climatic conditions with favorable temperature (Tx̄ - 4) and light (Lx̄ - 4) regime, which refer...
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus
This study aimed to compare weed flora in conventionally and organically grown medicinal and arom... more This study aimed to compare weed flora in conventionally and organically grown medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs): basil, pot marigold, dill, and peppermint; in terms of weed composition and weed abundance. A total of 28 weed species (25 and 15 species in conventional and organic crops, respectively) were identified.The presence and abundance of certain weed species were affected by MAP species and farming system. Higher weed diversity and weediness, and lower floristic similarity were found in conventionally grown crops. Also, the analysed MAPs differed in weediness by individual weed species. Correspondence analysis pointed to conventional and organic MAPs with the most frequent and most abundant weed species. Setaria pumila and Portulaca oleracea were the most frequent species in conventional; and Amaranthus retroflexus, Datura stramonium, and Sorghum halepense in organic crops. In both conventional and organic farming systems, therophytes were the most dominant life forms indi...
International Journal of Phytoremediation
This study was aimed to compare weeds occurring in basil crops grown under conventional and organ... more This study was aimed to compare weeds occurring in basil crops grown under conventional and organic production systems. Weed flora recorded in the conventional production consisted of 16 taxa, with Setaria glauca and Portulaca oleracea dominating. Concerning the organic plots, only seven taxa were noted and dominant species were Sorghum halepense and Amaranthus retroflexus. Unexpectedly lower floristic diversity in the organic agricultural system was caused by omitted application of fertilizers during three consecutive years, still unbalanced agro ecological conditions, partial isolation of the organic plots and the presence of even four invasive weed species.
Letopis naučnih radova …, 2003
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research
The paper presents the study of the floristic composition of weeds and weed infestation in winter... more The paper presents the study of the floristic composition of weeds and weed infestation in winter wheat in long-term crop rotations at the experimental station near Novi Sad (Serbia). During the study period, a total of 48 weed species were determined, out of which 33 were determined in each study year. In two study years, there were 18 common species, while 15 species determined in 1991 were not found 19 years later. On the other hand, the study in 2010 recorded 15 new species that had not been previously found. The greatest floristic diversity (20 species) was found on fertilized four-year rotation in 1991 and unfertilized two-year rotation in 2010. The lowest diversity was recorded in 2010 on fertilized four-year rotation (9 species) and fertilized three-year rotation (10 species). The highest weed infestation was recorded in 1991 on unfertilized two-year rotation (2963 plants m-2) and unfertilized three-year rotation (2126 plants m-2), which is statistically significant compared to other variants. The lowest average weed infestation was observed in 2010 on fertilized three-year rotation (40 plants m-2) and fertilized four-year rotation (53 plants m-2). Long-term crop rotations have a significant effect on the floristic composition and structure of weeds in winter wheat.
Contemporary Agriculture, 2020
Summary In the organic bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown in open cultivation during the veget... more Summary In the organic bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown in open cultivation during the vegetation period of 2012, 14 weed species were found in the villages Ljutovo and Orom. The percentage of invasive species was 28.57%. Ambrosia artemisiifolia was characterized as highly invasive, Sorghum halepense as sporadically invasive, and Amaranthus retroflexus and Datura stramonium as potentially invasive species. Low diversity and low density of weed flora in organic bean crops are the factors causing a high percentage of invasive species in the floristic composition, so monitoring of these species is necessary. The weed flora dominated by therophytes (71.43%), the dominance of weed-ruderal plants (64.29%), and the presence of widespread taxa in the bean crops indicate strong anthropogenic influence and instability of the weed flora. The largest number of the weed species bloom from June to August (71.43%). According to the ecological analysis of the weed flora, the studied agroecosys...
Nikolić, Lj., Ilić, O., Džigurski, D., Ljevnaić-Mašić, B.: Analysis of weed flora in conventional... more Nikolić, Lj., Ilić, O., Džigurski, D., Ljevnaić-Mašić, B.: Analysis of weed flora in conventional and organic potato production. Biologica Nyssana, 4 (1-2), December 2013: 9-14. Composition of weed flora is highly dynamic and depends upon great number of factors, of which cultural practices that are applied by humans in certain crops are the most important. One of the most frequently grown plants in the world and in our country is potato (Solanum tuberosum L., Solanaceae), due to its high biological and nutritive value. Therefore, in the paper was presented taxonomic analysis of weed flora in potato grown conventionally and according to the principles of organic agricultural production, with the intention to point out to eventual differences between present weeds. Of the total number of identified species, from phylum Equisetophyta and class Equisetopsida, in organic potato crop, was determined only one, Equisetum arvense. Of remaining 38 weeds from phylum Magnoliophyta., classified...
This paper presents the results on the presence of weeds in organic alfalfa crops in different ye... more This paper presents the results on the presence of weeds in organic alfalfa crops in different years of growing, in Futog during the vegetation period in 2015. In the studied plots, 19 weed species were identified in the organic alfalfa crops, ranging from 13 in three-year-old crops to 17 in those in the fourth year of exploitation, with only 8 recorded in the five-year-old samples. Quantitative and qualitative weed community composition in the studied plots was dependent on the alfalfa crop maturity. It was found that there were statistically significant differences between the total infestation of alfalfa in different years crop utilization. Species Taraxacum officinale Web., Cynodon dactylon Pers. and Artemisia vulgaris L. had the greatest number and their number of individuals/m was statistically significantly higher than in all other identified species.
Acta herbologica, 2015
Jedan od najvećih problema u organskoj poljoprivredi je kontrola zakorovljenosti useva. Zbog spec... more Jedan od najvećih problema u organskoj poljoprivredi je kontrola zakorovljenosti useva. Zbog specifi čnosti u načinu gajenja, u usevu lucerke postoje povoljni uslovi za pojavu korova i zasnivanje korovske vegetacije. Korovi lucerke se po svojoj građi i sezonskoj dinamici znatno razlikuju od korova okopavina i strnih žita. U radu su prikazani rezultati fl orističke i ekološke analize korovske sinuzije u usevu organske lucerke na oglednim parcelama u Futogu tokom vegetacionog perioda 2015. godine. Konstatovano je prisustvo 63 korovske vrste. Biološki spektar korova ukazuje na dominaciju terofi ta sa 61,9%, dok su hemikriptofi te prisutne sa 27%, a geofi te sa 11,1%. Sezonska dinamika korovske sinuzije uslovljena je, na prvom mestu, košenjem useva lucerke. U spektru areal tipova preovlađuju fl orni elementi širokog rasprostranjenja sa 84,1%, dok su geoelementi uskog rasprostranjenja prisutni samo sa 15,9%. Ekološka analiza konstatovane korovske fl ore ukazuje na umereno vlažnu, neutralnu do slabo kiselu podlogu, bogatu biogenim materijama, sa srednjim sadržajem humusa, dobro aerisanu, nezaslanjenu, sa povoljnim svetlosnim i termičkim režimom, što je u skladu sa umereno kontinentalnim uslovima klime istraživanog područja. Ključne reči: Korovi; ekološki indeksi; lucerka; organska proizvodnja UVOD Lucerka (Medicago sativa L.) je jedna od najvažnijih višegodišnjih krmnih biljaka od koje se dobija prvoklasna stočna hrana pogodna za ishranu svih vrsta i kategorija domaćih životinja. Iako mnogi faktori utiču na kvalitet i kvantitet ove krmne kulture, smatra se da korovske biljke u
Central European Journal of Biology, 2011
This study is the first to analyze the relationship between ecological indices (substrate moistur... more This study is the first to analyze the relationship between ecological indices (substrate moisture, nutrient content, substrate dispersion/aeration, substrate pH and humus content) and life forms of the vascular flora in and around Lake Provala; these relationships may serve as reliable indicators of the ecological conditions prevailing in this ecosystem. Since the development of certain life forms, in addition to climatic conditions, depends on plant requirements for several major environmental factors expressed as ecological indices, we established the relationship between the ecological index and life form of vascular plants collected over an eight year period in this system using correspondence analysis. We found a significant correlation between the development of certain life forms and levels of substrate moisture, nutrient content and substrate dispersion/aeration. These relationships help explain the predominance of hemicryptophytes and hydro-helophytes in the riparian zone ...
… iugoslavica-serija G: …, 2009
The vegetation of a native pasture on the solonetz soil located in the vicinity of the village of... more The vegetation of a native pasture on the solonetz soil located in the vicinity of the village of Kumane has specific floristic (85 species, 5 subspecies, 2 varieties and 4 forms), plant-geographic (one endemic and 2 subendemics of the Pannonian Plain) and ...
Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, 2010
The Jegricka, once a natural watercourse traversing the southwestern part of the Backa region, ha... more The Jegricka, once a natural watercourse traversing the southwestern part of the Backa region, has been turned into a canal, which became part of the main canal network of the hydro-system Danube-Tisza-Danube (Hs DTD). In its turn, the Hs DTD is part of the European waterway linking the North Sea to the Black Sea, i.e., part of the navigable Rhine-Main-Danube Canal. The watercourse is 65.4 km long and it is divided into three levels. The presence of the regulated and the nonregulated sections of the canal, frequent and abrupt changes in water level in the individual sections, different depths and surface water widths of the various sections and the fishpond constructed in the lower section cause considerable vegetation diversity. The vegetation comprises aquatic associations of the classes Hydrochari-Lemnetea Oberd. 1967 and Potametea Tx. et Prsg. 1942. The class Hydrochari-Lemnetea Oberd. 1967 includes the following phytocoenoses: Salvinio-Spirodeletum polyrrhizae Slavnic 1956, Cer...
Letopis naučnih …, 2009
... Klek, kod mosta na putu Vlajkovac Uljma, kod ustave sa prevodnicom Kajtasovo, na deonici... more ... Klek, kod mosta na putu Vlajkovac Uljma, kod ustave sa prevodnicom Kajtasovo, na deonici od ustave sa prevodnicom Klek do uliva Starog Begeja u kanal Banatska Palanka-Novi Bečej, Vlajkovac, Potporanj), Kikindski kanal (kod mosta na putu Novi Bečej Baaid i na ...
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2013
Letopis naucnih radova Poljoprivrednog fakulteta, 2015
Proučavanje invazivnih biljaka zaokuplja veliki broj istraživača širom sveta, budući da je upravo... more Proučavanje invazivnih biljaka zaokuplja veliki broj istraživača širom sveta, budući da je upravo ova kategorija biljaka jedan od važnijih faktora ugrožavanja autohtone flore određenog područja. U flori Srbije, prisustvo invazivnih biljaka narušava, prvenstveno, njenu vegetacijsku kompoziciju i bipolarni karakter životnih formi. U ovom radu posebno ističemo vrste koje se oprašuju entomofilno i to pčelama, želeći da skrenemo pažnju, da pored već poznatih načina širenja invazivnih vrsta, nedovoljno poznavanje njihove biologije i ekologije, može postati žarište i novi put širenja nekih vrsta kao što su npr. Robina pseudacacia, Amorpha fruticosa, Syphyotrichum lanceolatum i Asclepias syriaca, budući da su one poznate medonosne biljke. Ključne reči: invazivne biljke, medonosne biljke, pčele. UVOD Svako područje odlikuje se određenim diverzitetom flore koga čine autohtoni elementi karakteristični za datu oblast, ali i veliki broj adventivnih vrsta, koje su namerno ili slučajno unete u neki predeo delovanjem čoveka. Prema Trinajstiću (1977) vrste unešene delovanjem čoveka, označene su kao antropohore, koje kategoriše na: arheofite, unešene u praistoriji, paleofite, unešene u starom i srednjem veku, do otkrića Amerike, neofite unešene posle otkrića Amerike do početka II svetskog rata i neotofite, unete od početka II svetskog rata do danas. Vrste koje pripadaju poslednjoj kategoriji, neotofite, upravo su najagresivnije introdukovane vrste, kao npr. Ambrosia artemisifolia L., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Reynoutria japonica Houtt. i dr. (Vrbničanin i sar. 2004). Za ovu grupu biljaka, uobičajen je naziv invazivne, koje Richardson i sar. (2000) i Pyšek i sar. (2004), definišu na opšte prihvaćen način, jasno praveći razlike između pojedinih kategorija stranih (alohtonih) biljaka. Tako Richardson i sar. (2000) i Pyšek i sar. (2004)
The aim of this study is analysis of weed flora in organic production in open area and point to t... more The aim of this study is analysis of weed flora in organic production in open area and point to the most common weed species that threaten the crop with his presence. During the years of weed flora research in organic agriculture (lettuce, soybeans, wheat, corn, buckwheat, cabbage, carrots, onion) a total of 55 weed species are recorded. Only species Equisetum arvense belongs to the phylum Equisetophyta (Horsetail) while all other species are included in phylum Magnoliophyta (Angiosperms), of which 47 weeds belong to the broadleaf weeds (the class of Magnoliopsida - dicotyledons), and 7 weeds (all from the family Poaceae) belong to the narrow-leaved (the class of Liliopsida - monocotyledons). Recorded weed species were classified into 7 subclasses, 14 orders, 22 families and 44 genera. The weeds of the family Asteraceae and Poaceae are the most common. The analysis of life forms of the pre- sent weeds indicates on terophytic character of analyzed weed flora with a significant domina...
Nikolic, Lj., Ilic, O., Džigurski, D., Ljevnaic-Masic, B.: Analysis of weed flora in conventional... more Nikolic, Lj., Ilic, O., Džigurski, D., Ljevnaic-Masic, B.: Analysis of weed flora in conventional and organic potato production. Biologica Nyssana, 4 (1-2), December 2013: 9-14. Composition of weed flora is highly dynamic and depends upon great number of factors, of which cultural practices that are applied by humans in certain crops are the most important. One of the most frequently grown plants in the world and in our country is potato ( Solanum tuberosum L., Solanaceae), due to its high biological and nutritive value. Therefore, in the paper was presented taxonomic analysis of weed flora in potato grown conventionally and according to the principles of organic agricultural production, with the intention to point out to eventual differences between present weeds. Of the total number of identified species, from phylum Equisetophyta and class Equisetopsida, in organic potato crop, was determined only one, Equisetum arvense. Of remaining 38 weeds from phylum Magnoliophyta., classifie...
Contemporary Agriculture
Summary The aim of this study was to examine weed flora occurring in an organic common mallow (Ma... more Summary The aim of this study was to examine weed flora occurring in an organic common mallow (Malva sylvestris L.), a newly established crop at the experimental field Bački Petrovac, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, during the growing season of 2014. The weed flora consisted of six species, with even a half being invasive for Vojvodina region (Sorghum halepense, Amaranthus retroflexus, Datura stramonium). The observed low floristic diversity may be related to unbalanced ecological conditions in a newly established crop, invasive species, comparatively low fertilization, allelopathic relations, and possibly robust habitus of the main crop. However, although the flora was low in diversity, both narrow and broadleaf species were represented, with the average infestation as high as 16 individuals per m2. In addition, since the recorded weeds flower from Mart to November, until the development of more efficient methods that are in compliance with the principles of organ...
Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture
This study was performed in order to assess weed flora diversity in organic and conventional pepp... more This study was performed in order to assess weed flora diversity in organic and conventional peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) in the second year of growing, and to compare the effects of the two production systems on peppermint traits of agronomic importance. Weed control was not carried out in a season in which the survey was conducted (2014). Comparatively high weed floristic diversity was noted for organically maintained crop, with even five species that are invasive for Vojvodina region occurring in this system only. Therophyte life form dominated in both crops. Concerning the characteristics that are directly related to yield, conventionally grown peppermint outperformed the organic one, except for leaf essential oil content. In order to provide high yield and quality of organic peppermint, regular mechanical weed control and the use of appropriate organic fertilizers would be of the great importance.
Papers by Ljiljana Nikolić