Papers by Lusianus Kusdibyo
KnE Social Sciences
The study aims to investigate tourist visit intentions to nature-based tourism destinations after... more The study aims to investigate tourist visit intentions to nature-based tourism destinations after the COVID-19 pandemic. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) was used as the primary theoretical foundation to foresee tourist visit intention. This study used a quantitative research design with a purposive sampling technique to collect data. A total of 325 datasets were found to be suitable for the next analysis using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings indicate that entirely of the TPB factors are significant in influencing tourist visit intention. Specifically, tourist attitude has the greatest influence on tourist visit intention. It implies that the TPB can effectively forecast tourist visit intention to nature-based tourism destinations. Consequently, destination managers should consider the TPB elements when making decisions. Keywords: nature-based tourism, theory planned behavior, visit intentions, post- COVID-19, PLS-SEM
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar, Sep 1, 2021
Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2022 (iCAST-SS 2022), 2022
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar, Sep 1, 2021
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar, Sep 1, 2021
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar, Sep 1, 2021
Iklan video kini semakin marak digunakan oleh pemasar dalam beriklan. Namun, survei menunjukkan b... more Iklan video kini semakin marak digunakan oleh pemasar dalam beriklan. Namun, survei menunjukkan bahwa konsumen cenderung melewati atau mengabaikan iklan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi konsumen terhadap iklan video yang muncul pada saat mereka menggunakan fitur insta story pada Instagram agar dapat memberikan strategi yang tepat bagi pemasar dalam menciptakan iklan video. Penelitian ini memiliki 214 responden yang pernah melihat iklan video pada Instagram yang didapatkan melalui teknik convenience sampling. Data diolah dengan menggunakan descriptive statistics untuk memeroleh persepsi konsumen. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah konsumen tetap merasa bahwa mereka memiliki pengetahuan baru mengenai merek yang terdapat pada iklan video, meskipun iklan tersebut dapat dilewati dengan mudahnya. Namun, konsumen tidak memiliki perhatian yang terfokus pada saat menyaksikan iklan video yang ditayangkan pada Instagram.
Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk mengukur pengaruh dimensi Difusi Inovasi terhadap sikap mengadopsi ... more Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk mengukur pengaruh dimensi Difusi Inovasi terhadap sikap mengadopsi e-learning. Kuesioner dikembangkan dari hasil wawancara dan studi pustaka. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada dosen pengguna e-learning di perguruan tinggi di Bandung. Sebanyak 313 responden diperoleh dalam penyebaran kuesioner. Metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengukur keterkaian antar variable. Structural equation modeling (SEM) digunakan untuk mengukur pengaruh dimensi Difusi Inovasi terhadap sikap mengadopsi elearning. Hasil confirmatory factor analisis (CFA) model pengukuran memperlihatkan bahwa dimensi Triability tidak fit dengan model. Hasil model struktural menunjukkan bahwa dimensi Compatibility berpengaruh paling besar terhadap sikap adopsi e-learning. Dimensi lain yang berpengaruh adalah Relative Advantage dan Observability. Perguruan tinggi pengguna e-learning perlu fokus kepada dimensi yang memiliki pengaruh terbesar terhadap sikap mengadopsi e-learning.
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui perspesi konsumen wanita millennial dalam konteks pro... more Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui perspesi konsumen wanita millennial dalam konteks produk kecantikan hijau. Melalui pendistribusian kuesioner secara daring, sebanyak 201 konsumen wanita millennial yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan produk kecantikan hijau dikumpulkan. Analisis deskriptif dilalukan menggunakan SPSS Statistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan jika konsumen wanita millennial di Indonesia memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap produk kecantikan hijau. Secara umum, produk kecantikan hijau dinilai oleh konsumen wanita millennial lebih baik dibandingkan produk konvensional. Selain lebih aman bagi kesehatan, penggunaan produk kecantikan hijau juga tidak meninggalkan efek buruk bagi lingkungan dan ekosistem. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman mendasar dalam konteks produk kecantikan hijau bagi pemasar agar mengembangkan strategi bisnis secara lebih efektif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur persepsi konsumen terhadap fitur Augmented Reality (AR) p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur persepsi konsumen terhadap fitur Augmented Reality (AR) pada platform online shopping saat berbelanja produk kosmetik. Penggunaan internet saat ini berpengaruh terhadap pesatnya pertumbuhan bisnis online. Namun masih banyak konsumen yang merasa khawatir ketika berbelanja online karena merasa produk yang didapatkan tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi konsumen. Sejalan dengan kekhawatiran tersebut, muncul teknologi yang menggabungkan dunia virtual dengan dunia nyata melalui fitur Augmented Reality. Fitur tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman baru kepada konsumen melalui visualisasi 3D melalui camera mobile phone dimana konsumen dapat mencoba produk dan memilih item sesuai yang diinginkan. Penelitian ditujukan kepada 225 responden yang pernah menggunakan Shopee Beauty Cam dengan rentang usia 17 – 24 tahun atau generasi Z karena tumbuh pada era internet dan banyak berhubungan melalui media sosial. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa persepsi konsumen ter...
Tourism Recreation Research, 2020
This study examines tourist experience with agritourism attractions and assesses agritourist loya... more This study examines tourist experience with agritourism attractions and assesses agritourist loyalty comprising tourist experience, perceived value, satisfaction, and motivation as its determinants. A survey was conducted to collect the data from six agritourism attractions located in Bandung, Indonesia. The self-administrated questionnaires were handed to visitors of the agritourism attractions. Of the questionnaires distributed, 413 were collected and used for testing the hypotheses. By employing exploratory factor analysis, this study uncovers that agritourist experience consists of five dimensions: uniqueness, learning, staff, escape, and peace-of-mind. Further, the data analysis, employing partial least squares modelling, notes that tourist experience, perceived value, satisfaction, and motivation are significant determinants of agritourist loyalty toward the attraction. Also, the results of this study report that among the tourist experience dimensions, learning and uniqueness have the biggest impact on tourist satisfaction, motivation, and loyalty. This study enhances the comprehension of agribusiness loyalty in the form of a working theoretical model, and benefits practitioners of agritourism in their development of strategies to create and maintain agritourist loyalty.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The purpose of this study is to measure the influence of electronic service quality on customers ... more The purpose of this study is to measure the influence of electronic service quality on customers satisfaction and loyalty in online shopping setting. This study used quantitative method. The questionnaires were distributed online. Of the 305 returned questionnaires, 282 were valid for further data analysis. SEM PLS was used to test the hypothetical analysis. The results reveal that electronic service quality has a positive and significant influence on satisfaction. Also, consumer satisfaction influences positively and significantly on loyalty. The indirect effect of electronic service quality on loyalty is higher compared to its direct effect. This means that satisfaction is an important variable in shaping customers loyalty. In addition, the dimensionality of electronic service quality needs to be further tested. Theoretically, this study provides a better understanding of the relationship between electronic service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty in an online shopping context. ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Journal of Marketing Innovation (JMI), 2021
This study aims to analyze the effect of satisfaction on hotel services such as service product s... more This study aims to analyze the effect of satisfaction on hotel services such as service product satisfaction, service delivery satisfaction, and service environment satisfaction on loyalty. The sample in this study are 210 respondents who visited the hotel in the past month. The analysis technique used is the Structural Equation Model with Partial Least Square. The results showed that all satisfaction variables for hotel services significantly influenced loyalty in both groups of ganders. If differentiated based on gender, it shows that male groups are more interested in service environment satisfaction and service delivery satisfaction towards loyalty, while female groups are more interested in service environment satisfaction and service product satisfaction towards loyalty.
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar, Sep 1, 2021
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar, Sep 1, 2021
Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2021), 2021
A healthy lifestyle has significantly increased the awareness of consuming organic food. In the m... more A healthy lifestyle has significantly increased the awareness of consuming organic food. In the midst of many unhealthy fast food choices, Generation Z (Gen Z) is expected to have favorable intention behavior toward organic food consumption. Past studies have not yet voiced this appropriately. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), this study aims to measure Gen Z's behavioral intention towards organic food consumption in Indonesia. An online questionnaire was spread to the target respondents and 250 valid responses were received for the analysis. This study used partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the hypothesis. The observation discovers that all TPB variables significantly depict positive influences on behavioral intention. The results imply that Indonesian Gen Z consumers have a positive intention towards organic food consumption. Thus, the findings of this study have improved our understanding of TPB in the organic food context. Organic food businesses may use the tested TPB variables in their daily business activities to cater to Gen Z customers.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2021), 2021
Indonesian local cuisines or local foods have tremendous varieties of ingredients and tastes. Des... more Indonesian local cuisines or local foods have tremendous varieties of ingredients and tastes. Despite its diversity, existing research on local cuisine consumption is developing but still limited. This study aims to scrutinize the value and attitude of generation Z on Indonesian local cuisines consumption. An online questionnaire was distributed and 288 valid responses were gathered for further analysis. Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to test the hypotheses. The results show that emotional, epistemic, and price values have significant effects on attitude. Theoretically, the results extend our understanding of the importance of customers' value in shaping their attitude in the local cuisine contexts. Practically, cuisine businesses should integrate the tested values factors in building customers' attitudes to achieve businesses competitiveness.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2021), 2021
This research aims to examine and measure the relationship between tourist motivation and satisfa... more This research aims to examine and measure the relationship between tourist motivation and satisfaction towards natural hot springs tourism. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed and a total of 375 data were valid for the analysis. A two-stage PLS-SEM was carried out to evaluate the measurement and structural model. The result shows that all the hypotheses tested have positive and significant effects. Tourist push motivation has a strong effect on pull motivation and satisfaction. Tourist pull motivation itself has a significant impact on satisfaction. These findings imply that both tourist push and pull motivations need to become primary attention for hot springs destination managers to create tourist satisfaction.
Leisure/Loisir, 2021
This study examines visitor loyalty towards cultural creative attractions, comprising three deter... more This study examines visitor loyalty towards cultural creative attractions, comprising three determinants: visitor satisfaction, perceived value, and experience of quality, and expands on this accep...
Papers by Lusianus Kusdibyo