Papers by Lourdes Campero
Editorial Académica Española eBooks, Oct 27, 2011
Esta investigacion busca comprender las experiencias que los padres de familia de estudiantes de ... more Esta investigacion busca comprender las experiencias que los padres de familia de estudiantes de preparatorias publicas tienen, ante la opcion de promover una cultura de prevencion para una salud sexual y reproductiva en los adolescentes; y como estas se delimitan, vinculan e interactuan, con su entorno social y con la informacion y eficacia que autoperciben. El estudio se sustenta en tres miradas complementarias: la transformacion social; la historia de la educacion sexual en Mexico; y la salud sexual y reproductiva presente en los adolescentes. Se evidencia como las experiencias de los padres son el producto de su construccion sociohistorica y como sus recursos y estrategias se fundamentan bajo una concepcion tradicional de la sexualidad e indicios de modernidad. En ellos existen pocas oportunidades para la reflexion y apropiacion de valores sustantivos para la salud sexual. Se requiere de esfuerzos para; a) aumentar las opciones y ampliar el conocimiento de la informacion en la cual basen sus ideas y acciones; b) mostrar los beneficios del acompanamiento acorde al mundo actual y requerimientos de los adolescentes; y c) favorecer el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades en los padres.
PubMed, 2013
Objective: To describe the trend of cesarean section practice in Mexico, and its association with... more Objective: To describe the trend of cesarean section practice in Mexico, and its association with women's sociodemographic and reproductive characteristics. Materials and methods: Based on the 2000, 2006 and 2012 National Health Surveys, information on c-section was analyzed. A multivariate logistic regression model was used in 2012. Results: A 50.3% increase in the use of c-section was observed nationally from 2000 to 2012. Women more likely to undergo a c-section include those whose delivery care takes place in the private sector (OR=2.84, 95%CI:2.15-3.74). When associating women's age and parity, the greatest risks are observed among primiparous women between 12 and 19 years of age, and those aged 35 years and more (OR=6.02, 95%CI:1.24-29.26 and OR=5.20, 95%CI:2.41-11.21, respectively). Conclusions: Some recommendations to revert the increase of this clinical practice, especially when there is no full justification for its realization, are proposed.
Bjog: An International Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology, Jul 7, 2018
Objective To explore demographic, socioeconomic , and reproductive factors associated with pregna... more Objective To explore demographic, socioeconomic , and reproductive factors associated with pregnancy desire among adolescents in five Latin American countries.
Cadernos de Saúde Pública
This study aims to conduct a search of public-policy instruments seeking explicit references to s... more This study aims to conduct a search of public-policy instruments seeking explicit references to subsequent adolescent pregnancy, as well as to discern what kinds of actions have been proposed as part of the international and national agendas to facilitate subsequent adolescent pregnancy prevention and care. During June 2021, we used an integrative review to search and to analyze national and international public policy instruments along with other documents related to subsequent adolescent pregnancy. We observed, for each, the presence of statements on subsequent adolescent pregnancy. The research team was then divided into triads to discuss and to classify each reference under one of the following categories: (a) a symbolic statement, that is, an intention not implying a specific action but rather presenting a vision for the future; (b) a substantive-material statement concerning an action intended to solve a problem; and (c) a procedural-material statement indicating specific acti...
International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2018
Objective: To evaluate facilitators and barriers influencing mammography screening participation ... more Objective: To evaluate facilitators and barriers influencing mammography screening participation among women. Design: Mixed methods study. Setting: Three hospital catchment areas in Hidalgo, Mexico. Participants: Four hundred and fifty-five women aged 40-69 years. Intervention: Three hundred and eighty women completed a survey about knowledge, beliefs and perceptions about breast cancer screening, and 75 women participated in semi-structured, inperson interviews. Survey data were analyzed using logistic regression; semi-structured interviews were transcribed and analyzed using elements of the grounded theory method. Main Outcome Measure: Women were categorized as never having had mammography or having had at least one mammogram in the past. Results: From survey data, having had a Pap in the past year was associated with ever having had breast screening (odds ratio = 2.15; 95% confidence interval 1.30-3.54). Compared with neverscreened women, ever-screened women had better knowledge of Mexican recommendations for the frequency of mammography screening (49.5% vs 31.7% P < 0.001). A higher percentage of neverscreened women perceived that a mammography was a painful procedure (44.5% vs 33.8%; P < 0.001) and feared receiving bad news (38.4% vs 22.2%; P < 0.001) compared with ever-screened women. Women who participated in semi-structured, in-person interviews expressed a lack of knowledge about Mexican standard mammographic screening recommendations for age for starting mammography and its recommended frequency. Women insured under the 'Opportunities' health insurance program said that they are referred to receive Pap tests and mammography. Conclusions: Local strategies to reduce mammogram-related pain and fear of bad news should work in tandem with national programs to increase access to screening.
Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 2021
PURPOSE To summarize recent literature on the effectiveness of interventions to prevent adolescen... more PURPOSE To summarize recent literature on the effectiveness of interventions to prevent adolescent pregnancy and to explore the applicability of these interventions to Latin America (LA). METHODS We carried out a rapid review of the literature (2005-2019). Studies were included if: evaluated interventions targeting adolescents and prevention of pregnancy; used a randomized controlled design; pregnancy was measured as an outcome. Applicability of the interventions to Latin America was assessed using the following information: target population; intervention design and resources; type, skills, and training of providers; system arrangements; and acceptability and social context. RESULTS Nine studies were included, five describing interventions in African countries, two in the United Kingdom, and two in the United States. Interventions were rated as highly applicable to Latin America when considering target population, profile of the providers and design; however, variations arose when assessing system arrangements and social context. Incentive-based interventions showed significant impacts in the prevention of adolescent pregnancy and were rated as highly applicable. CONCLUSIONS This review provides professionals, policymakers, researchers, and educators potential criteria to consider when adapting successful evidence-based interventions to prevent adolescent pregnancy in LA.
Salud Pública de México
Objetivo. Identificar cómo se implementa la estrategia de anticoncepción posevento obstétrico (AP... more Objetivo. Identificar cómo se implementa la estrategia de anticoncepción posevento obstétrico (APEO) y analizar las barreras, acciones y recomendaciones para prevenir embarazos subsecuentes en adolescentes. Material y métodos. Estudio cualitativo a través de análisis de contenido de 21 entrevistas semiestructuradas a personal de salud de instituciones de atención a población sin seguridad social de la Ciudad de México y Morelos. Resultados. La APEO se promueve durante el embarazo, parto, posaborto, puerperio y hasta 12 meses después del evento obstétrico. La consejería debe abordar, además de información técnica sobre métodos anticonceptivos, otras temáticas clave en relación con los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de los adolescentes. Se identifican barreras personales, institucionales y sociales para la implementación de la estrategia; el personal refiere acciones y recomendaciones específicas para su consolidación. Conclusión. La estrategia de APEO se debe fortalecer para g...
Postabortion, 1999
... The three principal elements of this strategy are:(1) emergency treatment for com-plications ... more ... The three principal elements of this strategy are:(1) emergency treatment for com-plications of spontaneous abortion and abortions performed under un-safe conditions;(2) postabortioncontraceptive counseling and services to prevent future unwanted pregnancies; and (3 ...
Non-physician providers of obstetric care in
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 2021
In Mexico, underprivileged adolescents have a higher than average teen pregnancy rate, lower use ... more In Mexico, underprivileged adolescents have a higher than average teen pregnancy rate, lower use of contraceptives, and little access to reproductive health services. Yet, few evidence-based attempts to build more equitable, accessible, and available reproductive health services for disadvantaged adolescents than their counterparts have been made. The objective is to describe the design and development process of new content that has been integrated to work in synergy with an existing website to promote sexual and reproductive health among Mexican adolescents. We adopted a user-centered participatory action research approach. We developed a set of nine interactive activities that promote knowledge and skills on self-esteem, gender equity, self-efficacy, and decision-making; a chat with live counseling for healthy sexual and reproductive behavior; and a video with a message that highlights the importance of delaying motherhood. By incorporating this type of constructivist strategy, we seek to meet adolescents' needs more easily and improve the acceptability of interventions.
An operations research project was conducted between June 1995 and December 1997 at the General H... more An operations research project was conducted between June 1995 and December 1997 at the General Hospital Doctor Aurelio Valdivieso in Oaxaca Mexico to evaluate a program intended to improve the quality of postabortal care. The evaluation utilized pre-and post-tests to measure the effectiveness of the intervention whose objectives were to modify hospital procedures to reduce waiting time improve pain management and assure patient privacy; train all medical personnel in correct use of vacuum aspiration as a substitute for instrumental curettage; train personnel in the importance of respectful and humane treatment of patients in the areas of providing information psychological support and counseling with emphasis on postabortal contraception; and design print materials to reinforce the messages. Largely as a result of adoption of manual endouterine aspiration under local anesthesia instead of instrumental curettage under general anesthesia post procedure hospital stays declined by 7 ho...
Salud Publica De Mexico, 2007
Evaluation and Program Planning, 2020
Women need to receive accurate information on the proper use of contraceptive methods (CM). The o... more Women need to receive accurate information on the proper use of contraceptive methods (CM). The objective of our analysis was to evaluate the quality of CM counseling in health institutions of the public sector using the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) technique. We specifically analyzed whether health-service providers informed CM users of all the side effects they might experience, as specified under the Mexican health-care regulations. Our results demonstrated that, among the four CM analyzed-the intrauterine device, hormonal injection, condom and subdermal implant-only the users of the subdermal implant received complete information on side effects. Our findings thus indicate that the quality of family planning services in the institutions analyzed is deficient. We recommend that service providers be regularly trained in order to improve their performance and that LQAS methodology be adopted as an effective means of regularly monitoring the quality of health services in Mexico.
Journal of Family Issues, 2019
In this exploratory study, a survey was carried out with 902 junior high-school students in local... more In this exploratory study, a survey was carried out with 902 junior high-school students in localities with medium to high degree of marginalization in two states of central Mexico. This article describes the family, reproductive, and educational aspirations and expectations of this sample of students from disadvantaged areas, and explores mechanisms contributing to forming future plans. Two main plans are outlined in this sample: one oriented towards prioritizing family formation and an elevated risk of dropping out of school, and another oriented towards postponing unions and child-raising to look for educational/career development. Several factors appear to influence the development of educational/career ideals among men, however, the mechanisms driving the formation of future plans in women are less clear. The findings add to a limited body of knowledge measuring both educational and reproductive aspirations of students in low-resource settings in Latin America.
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2019
Background There is limited information in Mexico - a middle-income country and a digital adopter... more Background There is limited information in Mexico - a middle-income country and a digital adopter with an important demographic bonus - regarding the potential use of technology and connectivity in health promotion among adolescent population. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the proportion of adolescents connected ubiquitously; and to identify its associated factors for the further development of mobile health interventions. Methods An online survey of adolescents from state of Morelos, Mexico, was conducted in 2016. Explored individual socio-educational and school technological infrastructure characteristics and habits of use of mobile technologies. A logistic regression model was fitted to identify variables associated with ubiquitous connectivity. Results One thousand three hundred thirty-six students were included and six questionnaires (0.45%) were eliminated due to duplication of information. Fifty-four percent of participants were female, and the mean ...
Salud Pública de México, 2019
Intervención para comprender el ciclo menstrual, funcionamiento del cuerpo y embarazo en adolesce... more Intervención para comprender el ciclo menstrual, funcionamiento del cuerpo y embarazo en adolescentes de contexto rural.
Revista Medica Herediana, 2016
Objetivos: Describir las prácticas médicas realizadas en la atención prenatal en mujeres en Perú ... more Objetivos: Describir las prácticas médicas realizadas en la atención prenatal en mujeres en Perú e identificar si las prácticas de control prenatal (CPN) recibidas por mujeres adolescentes y adultas fueron distintas. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo y comparativo. Se utilizaron datos recolectados por la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar continua 2004-2008, con 994 adolescentes (15-19 años) y 12556 adultas (20-49 años). Se efectuaron comparaciones entre adolescentes y adultas en relación con las prácticas médicas efectuadas durante la atención prenatal. Resultados: El 50% de las adolescentes inició el CPN en el tercer mes de embarazo en comparación con la mitad de las adultas que lo inició en el segundo mes. La mitad de las adolescentes reportaron 7 visitas de CPN en total mientras que el 50% de adultas reportaron 8. Menor proporción de adolescentes reportó haber recibido algunas de las acciones y prácticas médicas que se efectúan durante la atención prenatal. Conclusi...
Salud Publica Mex, Jun 1, 1996
Using a gender perspective, this paper presents a critical bibliographic review of several projec... more Using a gender perspective, this paper presents a critical bibliographic review of several projects and experiences focused on education and women’s health. It aims to analyze some assumptions related to women’s health on which different works and practices are based and reproduced in society. Several examples are given which, by illustrating women’s living conditions and their experiences, make it possible to visualize some links between women’s oppressed conditions of living and their health conditions. This paper concludes by emphasizing the need to constantly analyze social reality from a critical viewpoint; this would enable us to question and reformulate the logic underlying social organizations and health care, which emphasizes the women’s maternal role and overlooks their health and well-being as a whole.
Salud Publica De Mexico, 2007
Objective: To identify the current practices of Mexican traditional midwives (TMs) and to describ... more Objective: To identify the current practices of Mexican traditional midwives (TMs) and to describe the relationship between TMs and the formal healthcare sector Methods: We conducted 22 individual interviews and four focus groups with a total of 65 TMs in rural, indigenous, peri-urban and urban Mexican communities Results: Most TMs living in indigenous and marginalized communities primarily provide traditional types of pregnancy care, including soba (massage), acomodamiento (turning the baby), and herbal remedies. Often these TMs provide the only culturally, economically and/or geographically accessible pregnancy care available in their communities. TMs working in urban locations and those with higher levels of education have often sought additional training with physicians. These TMs combine traditional care with medicalized practices including blood pressure checks, episiotomies and family planning. They preferentially refer to private physicians and often receive a courtesy fee. ...
Papers by Lourdes Campero