Papers by Kukuh Arisetyawan
International journal of community service learning/International Journal of Community Service Learning, Jun 27, 2023
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

KnE social sciences, Jan 24, 2024
Budget performance, which is an embodiment of the principles of state financial reform, has not b... more Budget performance, which is an embodiment of the principles of state financial reform, has not been fully implemented. There are signs that the budget absorption is not being used efficiently as possible, with attention still being directed toward the year's end. The ability of the community to benefit will allegedly be delayed as a result. This study aims to analyze how SKPD Regional Work Units (regional administrative bodies) in Indonesia used its allocated funds. In this study, we employed secondary data collection methods. This study will discuss about all SKPD that work in the Indonesian provincial government. Multiple-linear regression was the method used for data analysis. The hypothesis testing table demonstrates that the budget planning variable has little bearing on how much money is spent. Budget absorption is significantly impacted by the budget implementation variable.

Jurnal Simki Economic, Dec 31, 2023
One of the classic problems in Indonesia that has not been successfully resolved until now and co... more One of the classic problems in Indonesia that has not been successfully resolved until now and continues to be scientifically researched is the unemployment rate. This study aims to analyze whether the number of employment in large industries is affected by investment. This research applies quantitative methods and time series data analysis processed with the help of Stata. The research was conducted in one of the provinces in East Java, namely Sidoarjo Regency with a limited range of years between 2010 and 2021. The type of data applied is secondary data obtained through the Sidoarjo Regency Communication and Information Office. The results indicate that investment positively and significantly affects labor absorption. This means that an increase in investment increases labor absorption. The greater the investment, the higher the employment. Suggestions for future researchers are to use a wider scope of research data, such as the scope of Indonesia. In addition, it can expand the category of variables on the effect on educated, trained, uneducated, and unskilled labor.

International journal of scientific research and management, Dec 9, 2023
More than one billion people or 15 percent of the world's population are people with disabilities... more More than one billion people or 15 percent of the world's population are people with disabilities. Participation of people with disabilities in the labor force is important to prevent a decline in overall labor force participation rates in the future. The threat of a "skill trap" befalls them, especially in the era of digitalization, where access to training is limited. With the higher cost of living, workforce accessibility for people with disabilities has become essential. The research aims to identify factors that influence the employment opportunities of young workers with disabilities, including marital status, education, gender, employment sector, number of household members, area of residence, and skills. A quantitative approach with a cross-sectional research design was used to analyze secondary data from the 2022 National Labor Force Survey. Data analysis used binary logistic regression with the dependent variable being employment status, and independent variables covering the personal and family characteristics of the respondents. The variables include gender, age, education level, family type, parents' monthly income, parents' education and employment, employment sector, number of household members, and area of residence. Research shows that marital status, education level, gender, and employment sector have a significant positive influence on the employment opportunities of young workers with disabilities. However, the number of household members and area of residence have a negative influence on employment opportunities. Improving the skills of people with disabilities has a positive impact, emphasizing the importance of skills development in increasing their accessibility in the labor market.
International journal of community service learning/International Journal of Community Service Learning, Feb 12, 2024
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Apr 1, 2023
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the Government to set a large-scale social restriction policy. T... more The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the Government to set a large-scale social restriction policy. This policy impacts all areas of life, including economic growth and employment in East Java, especially income sustainability. This study aimed to identify the influence of sociodemography on the increase in worker income during the Covid-19 period in East Java. The data from this study is secondary data from the results of SAKERNAS 2020 obtained from BPS. The data were analyzed using the Multiple Regression Analysis methods. The results of this study indicate that the dependent variable, Covid, Gender, Age, Working Hours, Work From Home, Internet, Promotion, Formal Sector, and transactions significantly affect workers' income during the pandemic. In contrast, the dependent variable communication does not substantially affect workers' pay during the pandemic.

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh antara tingkat pendidikan kepala ruma... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh antara tingkat pendidikan kepala rumah tangga terhadap kesejahteraan rumah tangga di Indonesia. Model regresi logistic multinomial telah diperkirakan dengan peluang rumah tangga meraih kesejahteraan sebagai variable dependen dan satu set tingkat pendidikan yang ditempuh semua rumah tangga sebagai variable penjelas. Data diperoleh dari Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) dengan penggunaan data longitudinal, IFLS 2000, 2007, dan 2014. Salah satu hasil utama adalah probabilitas rumah tangga meraih kesejahteraan lebih dapat diterima oleh rumah tangga dengan pendidikan SMA ke bawah. Resiko tidak sejahtera justru dimiliki oleh kepala rumah tangga yang berpendidikan SMA hingga perguruan tinggi. Hasil penting lainnya sesuai dengan analisa statistiknya adalah pengeluaran tertinggi terletak pada kepala rumah tangga berpendidikan SD dan yang ke dua ialah kepala rumah tangga berpendidikan SMA. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Rumah Ta...

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh latar belakang sosial yang diwa... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh latar belakang sosial yang diwakili oleh karakteristik dan budaya keluarga yang diwakili oleh dominasi etnis terhadap kesejahteraan keluarga di Indonesia. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi daerah-daerah yang distribusi pengeluarannya jauh lebih rendah daripada yang lain, untuk mengidentifikasi etnis yang termasuk dalam kategori 40% terendah, dan untuk mengidentifikasi sektor-sektor yang ditempatkan oleh keluarga termiskin. Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi logistik multinomial dalam menganalisis data yang diperoleh dari Survei Kehidupan Keluarga Indonesia tahun 2000, 2007, dan 2014. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa jenis kelamin kepala keluarga, status perkawinan kepala keluarga, dan etnis Tionghoa adalah variabel yang tidak signifikan. Selain itu, keluarga dengan pendidikan menengah dan tinggi cenderung memiliki potensi yang lebih rendah untuk menjadi makmur karena tidak relevannya kompeten...

Journal of Population and Social Studies
The study examines the mobility of workers between the formal and informal sectors in East Java, ... more The study examines the mobility of workers between the formal and informal sectors in East Java, Indonesia. The potential mobilities of workers are examined, not only from the formal to informal sector and from informal to formal sector, but also the movement of new entrants (who do not have a job in the past) to the formal-informal sector jobs. Using the 2021 National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS), the study contributes to the literature by examining the mobilities in the case of developing countries during an economic downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study is essential in supporting the policies in the region with the existence of a large informal sector in the labor market. Using probit regression, the study found that workers who have previously worked in the formal sector are more likely to enter (re-enter) formal sector employment when the economy starts recovering in 2021. In contrast, workers previously employed in the informal sector have a lower probability of mo...

Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
This community service aims to help improve the community's food security by utilizing narrow... more This community service aims to help improve the community's food security by utilizing narrow land with hydroponic techniques. The land in the Pakal District, Surabaya City, is included in the narrow land caused by land use change. In addition, this community service provides real knowledge and skills on hydroponic planting procedures. The methods used are observation, discussion, simulation, and project-based mentoring. These simulations and mentoring activities consist of several activities, namely land cleaning, garden making, seedling cultivation, plant maintenance, and hydroponic plant harvesting. The results of the activities show that the program can be well implemented, as seen from the enthusiasm of the community to participate in opening the land and planting hydroponic plants from start to finish. The hydroponic land initially was neglected and poorly maintained. After this program, the previously neglected land was transformed into a beautiful garden, and the hydropo...

EcceS (Economics, Social, and Development Studies)
Industrial agglomeration is the most prominent geographical feature of economic activity. East Ja... more Industrial agglomeration is the most prominent geographical feature of economic activity. East Java is one of the richest provinces in Indonesia that have north - south corridor industry agglomeration. In the northern region, it includes the City of Surabaya, Sidoarjo Regency, Pasuruan Regency, Mojokerto Regency, Gresik Regency, and Tuban Regency. The southern region includes Malang City, Malang Regency, and Kediri City. This study aims to discover whether industrial agglomeration is the key for region development and economic growth, especially on the East Java’s north-south corridor.This study also find the absorption of labor in each region as a result of industrial agglomeration in the northern and southern regions. This study used Location Quotion (LQ) and Shiftshare analysis to be able to represent the occurrence of industrial centralization in the northern and southern corridors of East Java in the period 2011 – 2019. The results analysis show that most of the sectors that fo...
Papers by Kukuh Arisetyawan