Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, 2019
The strategy was investigated in 265 patients (n = 530 breasts). The mean age of the patients was... more The strategy was investigated in 265 patients (n = 530 breasts). The mean age of the patients was 36 years. The follow-up ranged from 6 months to 3 years. Technique The new breast is planned over a V-shaped triangle with the vertex situated at the umbilicus, point u. The triangle affords vanishing points, with the 2 branches of the isosceles triangle opening at an angle of approximately 60° from point u, parallel to the mammary line, and close
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, 2015
here are many causes of scar retraction and soft-tissue depression including infection, tissue ne... more here are many causes of scar retraction and soft-tissue depression including infection, tissue necrosis after injections, breast radiation therapy, trauma, tumor excision, and gynecoid lipodystrophy. The soft-tissue changes compromise aesthetics and may cause social embarrassment. In a previous report, 1,2 we described combined upward suture traction and percutaneous subcision to treat inverted nipple grade I and II. In this approach, the nipple is pulled up vertically with sutures and the retracted bands were released using 16-and 18-gauge needles that are placed percutaneously at the areolar border. During healing, the space created is progressively filled with connective tissue, with improvement of nipple anatomy. We used the same technique to treat different soft-tissue depressions and retracted scars at multiple body sites. With this approach, the retracted zone was pulled vertically with looping sutures to
METHODS: There were 40 patients (age: mean, 39 y; range, 22-55 y; 39 women and 1 man) (total, 77 ... more METHODS: There were 40 patients (age: mean, 39 y; range, 22-55 y; 39 women and 1 man) (total, 77 soft-tissue lesions) who had treatment with the present technique from 1996 to 2014. Postoperative follow-up was from 6 months to 2 years. The treated anatomic areas were evaluated in 5 groups: (1) face (8 patients; 8 lesions);(2) gluteal (16 patients; 46 lesions, including cellulite grade 3, retraction type 1A and 1B); (3) breast (7 patients; 10 lesions including axyla retraction post lymphadenectomy); (4) abdomen (7 patients; 7 lesions); and (5) lower limb (2 patients; 6 lesions). The technique included placing a 2-0 nylon monofilament suture deep at the core of the depression, pulling vertically up with the suture, and using a needle or miniblade(placed percutaneously or through a small incision) to release the adhesions (Fig. 1 and 2).
RESUMO Retrações cicatriciais e depressão tecidual pode comprometer a estética e a qualidade de v... more RESUMO Retrações cicatriciais e depressão tecidual pode comprometer a estética e a qualidade de vida. O propósito deste estudo é avaliar os resultados do SQ@S@LDMSNCDRS@RDMSHC@CDRDLCHEDQDMSDRSNONFQ@ƥ@R com o uso da subcisão percutânea combinada com RTRODMRNC@QD@QDSQSHKONQLDHNCDƥNRCDRTSTQ@ R retrações foram divididas em 5 grupos de acordo com a região tratada: facial, glútea, mama, abdômen, membro inferior. Ao todo foram 40 pacientes com n=77 áreas tratadas no período de 1996 a 2013. As depressões tipo celulite grau 3 foram incluídas nas depressões glúteas. Resultados favoráveis e baixo índice de complicações autores no tratamento do mamilo invertido tipo 2 e 3. ABSTRACT Background: Scar retraction and soft tissue depression may compromise aesthetics and cause social embarrassment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of treating soft tissue depressions or retractions at varied anatomy regions with combined upward suture traction and percutaneous subcision. Method...
RESUMO O rejuvenescimento vaginal é cada vez mais procurado por mulheres preocupadas com a atrati... more RESUMO O rejuvenescimento vaginal é cada vez mais procurado por mulheres preocupadas com a atratividade da região vulvar. Elas preferem a região pubiana com área pilosa mínima e pequenos lábios pouco expostos ou totalmente invaginados sob os lábios maiores. Dispõe-se de diversas técnicas seguras D DƥB@YDR CDRSHM@C@R @ DRRD NAIDSHUN-DRSD @QSHFN indica-se detalhe técnico que torna mais precisa as técnicas clássicas. No transoperatório a labia minora é suturada na coxa interna da coxa com pontos separados ou contínuo. A manobra facilita o procedimento e o torna mais preciso. ABSTRACT Labiaplasty or labia minora reduction is the most common procedure requested by women concerned with the appearance of their vulvar area. Safe and DƤDBSHUD RTQFHB@K OQNBDCTQDR DWHRS SN SQHL SGD K@AH@ minora. In this article technical pitfalls are delineated SN OQNONQSHNM@SDR OQDBHRHNM SN SGD CHƤDQDMSR SDBGMHB@K approaches. The labia minora is temporarily attached to the internal thigh surface with stitches...
A plástica de face, também conhecida em nosso meio como Lift Facial por muito tempo foi entendida... more A plástica de face, também conhecida em nosso meio como Lift Facial por muito tempo foi entendida como tração dos tecidos com ou sem reposição do sistema musculo-aponeurótico facial. Recentemente, observa-se na especialidade uma abordagem mais conservadora. Dentre as manobras executadas destacam-se a reposição dos compartimentos gordurosos malares no terço médio, a associação ao peeling químico facial, a queiloplastia, e a lipoenxertia. Estes procedimentos associados ou indicados individualmente às técnicas clássicas do Lift contribuem para a plenitude do rejuvenescimento facial. Neste estudo uma análise retrospectiva de 2004 à 2014 compreendendo 65 casos de Lift Facial com procedimentos associados são @U@KH@CNR CNBTLDMS@¢NENSNFQƥB@DKTBHC@DITRSHƥB@N conjunto de procedimentos associados. ABSTRACT In his investigation the Facial Lift is performed under a conservative indication associated with procedures such as quimical peeling, queiloplasty, fat graft, and internal repositioning o...
Viewpoints, pertaining to issues of general interest, are welcome, even if they are not related t... more Viewpoints, pertaining to issues of general interest, are welcome, even if they are not related to items previously published. Viewpoints may present unique techniques, brief technology updates, technical notes, and so on. Viewpoints will be published on a space-available basis because they are typically less timesensitive than Letters and other types of articles. Please note the following criteria: • Text-maximum of 500 words (not including references) • References-maximum of five • Authors-no more than five • Figures/Tables-no more than two figures and/or one table Authors will be listed in the order in which they appear in the submission. Viewpoints should be submitted electronically via PRS' enkwell, at prs/. We strongly encourage authors to submit figures in color. We reserve the right to edit Viewpoints to meet requirements of space and format. Any financial interests relevant to the content must be disclosed. Submission of a Viewpoint constitutes permission for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and its licensees and assignees to publish it in the Journal and in any other form or medium. The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed in the Viewpoints represent the personal opinions of the individual writers and not those of the publisher, the Editorial Board, or the sponsors of the Journal. Any stated views, opinions, and conclusions do not reflect the policy of any of the sponsoring organizations or of the institutions with which the writer is affiliated, and the publisher, the Editorial Board, and the sponsoring organizations assume no responsibility for the content of such correspondence.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, 2019
The strategy was investigated in 265 patients (n = 530 breasts). The mean age of the patients was... more The strategy was investigated in 265 patients (n = 530 breasts). The mean age of the patients was 36 years. The follow-up ranged from 6 months to 3 years. Technique The new breast is planned over a V-shaped triangle with the vertex situated at the umbilicus, point u. The triangle affords vanishing points, with the 2 branches of the isosceles triangle opening at an angle of approximately 60° from point u, parallel to the mammary line, and close
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, 2015
here are many causes of scar retraction and soft-tissue depression including infection, tissue ne... more here are many causes of scar retraction and soft-tissue depression including infection, tissue necrosis after injections, breast radiation therapy, trauma, tumor excision, and gynecoid lipodystrophy. The soft-tissue changes compromise aesthetics and may cause social embarrassment. In a previous report, 1,2 we described combined upward suture traction and percutaneous subcision to treat inverted nipple grade I and II. In this approach, the nipple is pulled up vertically with sutures and the retracted bands were released using 16-and 18-gauge needles that are placed percutaneously at the areolar border. During healing, the space created is progressively filled with connective tissue, with improvement of nipple anatomy. We used the same technique to treat different soft-tissue depressions and retracted scars at multiple body sites. With this approach, the retracted zone was pulled vertically with looping sutures to
METHODS: There were 40 patients (age: mean, 39 y; range, 22-55 y; 39 women and 1 man) (total, 77 ... more METHODS: There were 40 patients (age: mean, 39 y; range, 22-55 y; 39 women and 1 man) (total, 77 soft-tissue lesions) who had treatment with the present technique from 1996 to 2014. Postoperative follow-up was from 6 months to 2 years. The treated anatomic areas were evaluated in 5 groups: (1) face (8 patients; 8 lesions);(2) gluteal (16 patients; 46 lesions, including cellulite grade 3, retraction type 1A and 1B); (3) breast (7 patients; 10 lesions including axyla retraction post lymphadenectomy); (4) abdomen (7 patients; 7 lesions); and (5) lower limb (2 patients; 6 lesions). The technique included placing a 2-0 nylon monofilament suture deep at the core of the depression, pulling vertically up with the suture, and using a needle or miniblade(placed percutaneously or through a small incision) to release the adhesions (Fig. 1 and 2).
RESUMO Retrações cicatriciais e depressão tecidual pode comprometer a estética e a qualidade de v... more RESUMO Retrações cicatriciais e depressão tecidual pode comprometer a estética e a qualidade de vida. O propósito deste estudo é avaliar os resultados do SQ@S@LDMSNCDRS@RDMSHC@CDRDLCHEDQDMSDRSNONFQ@ƥ@R com o uso da subcisão percutânea combinada com RTRODMRNC@QD@QDSQSHKONQLDHNCDƥNRCDRTSTQ@ R retrações foram divididas em 5 grupos de acordo com a região tratada: facial, glútea, mama, abdômen, membro inferior. Ao todo foram 40 pacientes com n=77 áreas tratadas no período de 1996 a 2013. As depressões tipo celulite grau 3 foram incluídas nas depressões glúteas. Resultados favoráveis e baixo índice de complicações autores no tratamento do mamilo invertido tipo 2 e 3. ABSTRACT Background: Scar retraction and soft tissue depression may compromise aesthetics and cause social embarrassment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of treating soft tissue depressions or retractions at varied anatomy regions with combined upward suture traction and percutaneous subcision. Method...
RESUMO O rejuvenescimento vaginal é cada vez mais procurado por mulheres preocupadas com a atrati... more RESUMO O rejuvenescimento vaginal é cada vez mais procurado por mulheres preocupadas com a atratividade da região vulvar. Elas preferem a região pubiana com área pilosa mínima e pequenos lábios pouco expostos ou totalmente invaginados sob os lábios maiores. Dispõe-se de diversas técnicas seguras D DƥB@YDR CDRSHM@C@R @ DRRD NAIDSHUN-DRSD @QSHFN indica-se detalhe técnico que torna mais precisa as técnicas clássicas. No transoperatório a labia minora é suturada na coxa interna da coxa com pontos separados ou contínuo. A manobra facilita o procedimento e o torna mais preciso. ABSTRACT Labiaplasty or labia minora reduction is the most common procedure requested by women concerned with the appearance of their vulvar area. Safe and DƤDBSHUD RTQFHB@K OQNBDCTQDR DWHRS SN SQHL SGD K@AH@ minora. In this article technical pitfalls are delineated SN OQNONQSHNM@SDR OQDBHRHNM SN SGD CHƤDQDMSR SDBGMHB@K approaches. The labia minora is temporarily attached to the internal thigh surface with stitches...
A plástica de face, também conhecida em nosso meio como Lift Facial por muito tempo foi entendida... more A plástica de face, também conhecida em nosso meio como Lift Facial por muito tempo foi entendida como tração dos tecidos com ou sem reposição do sistema musculo-aponeurótico facial. Recentemente, observa-se na especialidade uma abordagem mais conservadora. Dentre as manobras executadas destacam-se a reposição dos compartimentos gordurosos malares no terço médio, a associação ao peeling químico facial, a queiloplastia, e a lipoenxertia. Estes procedimentos associados ou indicados individualmente às técnicas clássicas do Lift contribuem para a plenitude do rejuvenescimento facial. Neste estudo uma análise retrospectiva de 2004 à 2014 compreendendo 65 casos de Lift Facial com procedimentos associados são @U@KH@CNR CNBTLDMS@¢NENSNFQƥB@DKTBHC@DITRSHƥB@N conjunto de procedimentos associados. ABSTRACT In his investigation the Facial Lift is performed under a conservative indication associated with procedures such as quimical peeling, queiloplasty, fat graft, and internal repositioning o...
Viewpoints, pertaining to issues of general interest, are welcome, even if they are not related t... more Viewpoints, pertaining to issues of general interest, are welcome, even if they are not related to items previously published. Viewpoints may present unique techniques, brief technology updates, technical notes, and so on. Viewpoints will be published on a space-available basis because they are typically less timesensitive than Letters and other types of articles. Please note the following criteria: • Text-maximum of 500 words (not including references) • References-maximum of five • Authors-no more than five • Figures/Tables-no more than two figures and/or one table Authors will be listed in the order in which they appear in the submission. Viewpoints should be submitted electronically via PRS' enkwell, at prs/. We strongly encourage authors to submit figures in color. We reserve the right to edit Viewpoints to meet requirements of space and format. Any financial interests relevant to the content must be disclosed. Submission of a Viewpoint constitutes permission for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and its licensees and assignees to publish it in the Journal and in any other form or medium. The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed in the Viewpoints represent the personal opinions of the individual writers and not those of the publisher, the Editorial Board, or the sponsors of the Journal. Any stated views, opinions, and conclusions do not reflect the policy of any of the sponsoring organizations or of the institutions with which the writer is affiliated, and the publisher, the Editorial Board, and the sponsoring organizations assume no responsibility for the content of such correspondence.
Papers by Kuang Hee Lee