Poster Session I. Predictive and prognostic factors S31 was not the same as far as bone metastasi... more Poster Session I. Predictive and prognostic factors S31 was not the same as far as bone metastasis was concerned. Compared with triple negative breast cancers, women with ERBB2+ tumors had a significantly decreased likelihood of bone spread (P = 0.026; HR = 0.217, 95 CI: 0.056−0.833), whereas a similar effect failed to be observed between the HR+/ERBB2− and triple negative group (P = 0.096; HR = 0.462, 95 CI: 0.185−1.149). In terms of bone metastasis, the hazard rate remained higher for triple negative category than that for ERBB2+ patients. Conclusion: Based on the site-specific spread pattern in different subgroups, biological behaviour and clinical outcome for triple negative tumors in Chinese breast cancer patients may be more favourable and somewhat different from those in Western populations. Accordingly, a better knowledge of organotropism of different intrinsic subtypes is warranted for efficacious systemic regimen so as to decrease and/or delay the recurrence hazard.
Investigations were carried out to observe changes in the functional T-lymphocyte activity, as we... more Investigations were carried out to observe changes in the functional T-lymphocyte activity, as well as the presence of single T-lymphocyte subpopulations in the first trimester of pregnancy in 10 pregnant women with recurrent abortions in their previous pregnancies, compared to 8 healthy pregnant women in the first trimester and 20 of them in the third trimester of pregnancy, and in 30 healthy nonpregnant women at the fertile age. The functional T-lymphocyte activity (PHA-test) was decreased in pregnant women with recurrent abortions (54 +/- 0.99) and in healthy pregnant women (56 +/- 2.50) compared to healthy nonpregnant women (76 +/- 4.80). The total number of lymphocytes in the first trimester was decreased in the investigated group (22 +/- 5.38) and also in healthy pregnant women (25 +/- 1.55) in relation to nonpregnant women (33 +/- 3.15). The percentage of T-lymphocytes was similar (59 +/- 4.32 and 58 +/- 1.96 in relation to 80 +/- 2.80). Helper T-lymphocytes (T-4) were signif...
Gynaecologia et perinatologia : journal for gynaecology, perinatology, reproductive medicine and ultrasonic diagnostics, 2012
ABSTRACT Uvođenje nove klasifikacije šećerne bolesti u trudnoći u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podra... more ABSTRACT Uvođenje nove klasifikacije šećerne bolesti u trudnoći u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podrazumijeva prilagodbu i harmonizaciju laboratorijske prakse. S tim u vezi, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara (HKMB) imenovala je u travnju 2012.godine radnu skupinu koja je izradila dokument „Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu šećerne bolesti u trudnoći“. Dokument je, s preporukom za primjenu, objavljen na web- stranici HKMB u srpnju 2012. godine, čime su osigurani preduvjeti za njegovu implementaciju i harmonizaciju dijagnostičkog postupka u svim medicinsko-biokemijskim laboratorijima uključenim u prenatalnu skrb. Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu šećerne bolesti u trudnoći prenosimo u cijelosti, uz odobrenje Povjerenstva za stručna pitanja HKMB.
Estradiol (E), testosterone (T), and their ratio are crucial axis in life. Especially during intr... more Estradiol (E), testosterone (T), and their ratio are crucial axis in life. Especially during intrauterine growth, they orchestrate the complex development of organs and their interaction, which have lifelong impact on health and an organism’s capacity to respond to environmental stressors. The aim of this study was to compare for the first time E, T, and their ratio levels with aromatase (CYP19) gene methylation levels between preterm newborns (PN) and full-term newborns (FN) with respect to their mother’s environmental exposure and diet. In this study, 56 FN of 37–42 weeks of gestation age (GA) and 46 PN at GA 27–36 weeks were analysed for E and T levels and CYP19A1 gene pI.3/II promoter region methylation. Results showed there was no difference in E levels between PN and FN, but there were significantly lower levels of T in PN than in FN (2.81 nmol vs. 3.76 nmol, respectively) and consequently a significantly higher E/T ratio in PN than in FN (5278.04 vs. 2891.23, respectively). CYP19A1 methylation was significantly lower in PN than in FN (86.04% vs. 90.04%, respectively). CYP19A1 methylation was significantly reduced in newborns whose mothers reported daily milk consumption. Our study is the first to provide referent values for CYP19A1 methylation levels in FN and PN and shows that PN and FN significantly differ in CYP19A1 methylation levels, T levels, and E/T ratio. Future research should further investigate the mechanisms involved in GA-dependent CYP19A1 methylation levels and mechanisms of sex hormone disturbances which may contribute to preterm birth.
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation, Feb 18, 2020
Objective of this work is to investigate, for the first time, serum concentration of neuropilin-1... more Objective of this work is to investigate, for the first time, serum concentration of neuropilin-1 (NRP-1), aiming to evaluate its diagnostic performance in endometriosis and usability as a potential non-invasive serum marker of endometriosis. Two hundred women were treated laparoscopically. After laparoscopic surgery women were divided into two groups: 120 women diagnosed with endometriosis and 80 healthy women (control group). Blood samples were taken from all women undergoing laparoscopy half an hour before the induction of anesthesia, for the purpose of collection of serum. The level of NRP-1 in serum was assayed by a standardised sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Differences between endometriosis and healthy control group in NRP-1 levels were significant. All values were significantly and several times higher in patients group, p < .001. After receiver operating characteristic analysis, the area under curve was 0.97 (95% confidence interval: 0.941 to 0.989, p < .0001) at 11 mg/L cutoff level for NRP-1. Preliminary threshold values for NRP-1 in serum were assumed to serve as diagnostic parameters with sensitivity of 99.3% and specificity of 97.8%. Serum concentration of NRP-1 can be considered as a potentially good laboratory diagnostic, non-invasive marker for endometriosis.
An increasing prevalence of gestational diabetes has become a very challenging task in prenatal c... more An increasing prevalence of gestational diabetes has become a very challenging task in prenatal care worldwide. International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) has recently issued recommendations on the diagnosis and classifi cation of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy. These recommendations, the fi rst to provide harmonised, evidence-based criteria for the diagnosis and classifi cation of diabetes in pregnancy, are currently being discussed and accepted worldwide by the relevant authorities. As the acceptance of the proposed criteria has major implications for both clinical and laboratory settings, a concerted action towards necessary changes in practice has to be carefully planned and adjusted to national health-care specifi cities. IADPSG criteria have been strongly advocated by the Croatian Perinatology Society, resulting in a new strategy for the detection and diagnosis of hyperglycaemic disorders in pregnancy. To address the respective laboratory requirements, in April 2012, the Croatian Chamber of Medical Biochemists appointed a Working Group to provide a standardised procedure for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes, applicable to all laboratories involved in prenatal care, in both primary and specialised health-care facilities. In this paper we discuss key laboratory-related issues regarding succesful implementation of the IADPSG criteria in Croatia.
Investigations were carried out to observe changes in the functional T-lymphocyte activity, as we... more Investigations were carried out to observe changes in the functional T-lymphocyte activity, as well as the presence of single T-lymphocyte subpopulations in the first trimester of pregnancy in 10 pregnant women with recurrent abortions in their previous pregnancies, compared to 8 healthy pregnant women in the first trimester and 20 of them in the third trimester of pregnancy, and in 30 healthy nonpregnant women at the fertile age. The functional T-lymphocyte activity (PHA-test) was decreased in pregnant women with recurrent abortions (54 +/- 0.99) and in healthy pregnant women (56 +/- 2.50) compared to healthy nonpregnant women (76 +/- 4.80). The total number of lymphocytes in the first trimester was decreased in the investigated group (22 +/- 5.38) and also in healthy pregnant women (25 +/- 1.55) in relation to nonpregnant women (33 +/- 3.15). The percentage of T-lymphocytes was similar (59 +/- 4.32 and 58 +/- 1.96 in relation to 80 +/- 2.80). Helper T-lymphocytes (T-4) were significantly decreased in the investigated group (28 +/- 4.25) compared to the group of healthy pregnant women in the first trimester (32 +/- 1.60) and healthy nonpregnant women (55 +/- 2.37). Suppression T-lymphocytes (T-8) were significantly increased in the investigated group (30 +/- 3.11) in relation to healthy pregnant women in the first trimester (25 +/- 2.45) and to healthy nonpregnant women (23 +/- 1.95). The ratio of helper T-lymphocytes and suppression T-lymphocytes (T4:T8) was significantly lower in pregnant women with recurrent abortions compared to healthy pregnant women in the first trimester and to healthy nonpregnant women.
Poster Session I. Predictive and prognostic factors S31 was not the same as far as bone metastasi... more Poster Session I. Predictive and prognostic factors S31 was not the same as far as bone metastasis was concerned. Compared with triple negative breast cancers, women with ERBB2+ tumors had a significantly decreased likelihood of bone spread (P = 0.026; HR = 0.217, 95 CI: 0.056−0.833), whereas a similar effect failed to be observed between the HR+/ERBB2− and triple negative group (P = 0.096; HR = 0.462, 95 CI: 0.185−1.149). In terms of bone metastasis, the hazard rate remained higher for triple negative category than that for ERBB2+ patients. Conclusion: Based on the site-specific spread pattern in different subgroups, biological behaviour and clinical outcome for triple negative tumors in Chinese breast cancer patients may be more favourable and somewhat different from those in Western populations. Accordingly, a better knowledge of organotropism of different intrinsic subtypes is warranted for efficacious systemic regimen so as to decrease and/or delay the recurrence hazard.
Uvođenje nove klasifikacije secerne bolesti u trudnoci u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podrazumijeva ... more Uvođenje nove klasifikacije secerne bolesti u trudnoci u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podrazumijeva prilagodbu i harmonizaciju laboratorijske prakse. S tim u vezi, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemicara (HKMB) imenovala je u travnju 2012.godine radnu skupinu koja je izradila dokument „Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu secerne bolesti u trudnoci“. Dokument je, s preporukom za primjenu, objavljen na web- stranici HKMB u srpnju 2012. godine, cime su osigurani preduvjeti za njegovu implementaciju i harmonizaciju dijagnostickog postupka u svim medicinsko-biokemijskim laboratorijima ukljucenim u prenatalnu skrb. Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu secerne bolesti u trudnoci prenosimo u cijelosti, uz odobrenje Povjerenstva za strucna pitanja HKMB.
Estradiol (E), testosterone (T), and their ratio are crucial axis in life. Especially during intr... more Estradiol (E), testosterone (T), and their ratio are crucial axis in life. Especially during intrauterine growth, they orchestrate the complex development of organs and their interaction, which have lifelong impact on health and an organism’s capacity to respond to environmental stressors. The aim of this study was to compare for the first time E, T, and their ratio levels with aromatase (CYP19) gene methylation levels between preterm newborns (PN) and full-term newborns (FN) with respect to their mother’s environmental exposure and diet. In this study, 56 FN of 37–42 weeks of gestation age (GA) and 46 PN at GA 27–36 weeks were analysed for E and T levels and CYP19A1 gene pI.3/II promoter region methylation. Results showed there was no difference in E levels between PN and FN, but there were significantly lower levels of T in PN than in FN (2.81 nmol vs. 3.76 nmol, respectively) and consequently a significantly higher E/T ratio in PN than in FN (5278.04 vs. 2891.23, respectively). C...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
Background: The aim of this study was to compare for the first time IL-6 (Interleukin 6), testost... more Background: The aim of this study was to compare for the first time IL-6 (Interleukin 6), testosterone (T) and estradiol (E) levels, their ratio (E/T), micronucleus (MN), and nuclear bridge (NB) frequency between newborns with regard to their mother’s residency and diet. Our results should enable an assessment of the possible environmental endocrine effects and interaction between biomarkers, pointing to possible associated health risks. Methods: Fifty full-term newborns of both sexes, whose mothers were healthy and not occupationally exposed to any known carcinogen, were analyzed. All of the mothers filled in a detailed questionnaire. Results: The results showed significantly higher levels of E in newborns of mothers with agricultural residency than those born by mothers with urban residency. Significantly, lower levels of E were measured in newborns of mothers who drank milk and carbonated beverages more frequently. Testosterone was significantly higher in boys of mothers with agr...
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 2020
Objective of this work is to investigate, for the first time, serum concentration of neuropilin-1... more Objective of this work is to investigate, for the first time, serum concentration of neuropilin-1 (NRP-1), aiming to evaluate its diagnostic performance in endometriosis and usability as a potential non-invasive serum marker of endometriosis. Two hundred women were treated laparoscopically. After laparoscopic surgery women were divided into two groups: 120 women diagnosed with endometriosis and 80 healthy women (control group). Blood samples were taken from all women undergoing laparoscopy half an hour before the induction of anesthesia, for the purpose of collection of serum. The level of NRP-1 in serum was assayed by a standardised sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Differences between endometriosis and healthy control group in NRP-1 levels were significant. All values were significantly and several times higher in patients group, p < .001. After receiver operating characteristic analysis, the area under curve was 0.97 (95% confidence interval: 0.941 to 0.989, p < .0001) at 11 mg/L cutoff level for NRP-1. Preliminary threshold values for NRP-1 in serum were assumed to serve as diagnostic parameters with sensitivity of 99.3% and specificity of 97.8%. Serum concentration of NRP-1 can be considered as a potentially good laboratory diagnostic, non-invasive marker for endometriosis.
Uvođenje nove klasifikacije šećerne bolesti u trudnoći u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podrazumijeva ... more Uvođenje nove klasifikacije šećerne bolesti u trudnoći u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podrazumijeva prilagodbu i harmonizaciju laboratorijske prakse. S tim u vezi, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara (HKMB) imenovala je u travnju 2012.godine radnu skupinu koja je izradila dokument „Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu šećerne bolesti u trudnoći“. Dokument je, s preporukom za primjenu, objavljen na web- stranici HKMB u srpnju 2012. godine, čime su osigurani preduvjeti za njegovu implementaciju i harmonizaciju dijagnostičkog postupka u svim medicinsko-biokemijskim laboratorijima uključenim u prenatalnu skrb. Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu šećerne bolesti u trudnoći prenosimo u cijelosti, uz odobrenje Povjerenstva za stručna pitanja HKMB.
Poster Session I. Predictive and prognostic factors S31 was not the same as far as bone metastasi... more Poster Session I. Predictive and prognostic factors S31 was not the same as far as bone metastasis was concerned. Compared with triple negative breast cancers, women with ERBB2+ tumors had a significantly decreased likelihood of bone spread (P = 0.026; HR = 0.217, 95 CI: 0.056−0.833), whereas a similar effect failed to be observed between the HR+/ERBB2− and triple negative group (P = 0.096; HR = 0.462, 95 CI: 0.185−1.149). In terms of bone metastasis, the hazard rate remained higher for triple negative category than that for ERBB2+ patients. Conclusion: Based on the site-specific spread pattern in different subgroups, biological behaviour and clinical outcome for triple negative tumors in Chinese breast cancer patients may be more favourable and somewhat different from those in Western populations. Accordingly, a better knowledge of organotropism of different intrinsic subtypes is warranted for efficacious systemic regimen so as to decrease and/or delay the recurrence hazard.
Investigations were carried out to observe changes in the functional T-lymphocyte activity, as we... more Investigations were carried out to observe changes in the functional T-lymphocyte activity, as well as the presence of single T-lymphocyte subpopulations in the first trimester of pregnancy in 10 pregnant women with recurrent abortions in their previous pregnancies, compared to 8 healthy pregnant women in the first trimester and 20 of them in the third trimester of pregnancy, and in 30 healthy nonpregnant women at the fertile age. The functional T-lymphocyte activity (PHA-test) was decreased in pregnant women with recurrent abortions (54 +/- 0.99) and in healthy pregnant women (56 +/- 2.50) compared to healthy nonpregnant women (76 +/- 4.80). The total number of lymphocytes in the first trimester was decreased in the investigated group (22 +/- 5.38) and also in healthy pregnant women (25 +/- 1.55) in relation to nonpregnant women (33 +/- 3.15). The percentage of T-lymphocytes was similar (59 +/- 4.32 and 58 +/- 1.96 in relation to 80 +/- 2.80). Helper T-lymphocytes (T-4) were signif...
Gynaecologia et perinatologia : journal for gynaecology, perinatology, reproductive medicine and ultrasonic diagnostics, 2012
ABSTRACT Uvođenje nove klasifikacije šećerne bolesti u trudnoći u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podra... more ABSTRACT Uvođenje nove klasifikacije šećerne bolesti u trudnoći u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podrazumijeva prilagodbu i harmonizaciju laboratorijske prakse. S tim u vezi, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara (HKMB) imenovala je u travnju 2012.godine radnu skupinu koja je izradila dokument „Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu šećerne bolesti u trudnoći“. Dokument je, s preporukom za primjenu, objavljen na web- stranici HKMB u srpnju 2012. godine, čime su osigurani preduvjeti za njegovu implementaciju i harmonizaciju dijagnostičkog postupka u svim medicinsko-biokemijskim laboratorijima uključenim u prenatalnu skrb. Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu šećerne bolesti u trudnoći prenosimo u cijelosti, uz odobrenje Povjerenstva za stručna pitanja HKMB.
Estradiol (E), testosterone (T), and their ratio are crucial axis in life. Especially during intr... more Estradiol (E), testosterone (T), and their ratio are crucial axis in life. Especially during intrauterine growth, they orchestrate the complex development of organs and their interaction, which have lifelong impact on health and an organism’s capacity to respond to environmental stressors. The aim of this study was to compare for the first time E, T, and their ratio levels with aromatase (CYP19) gene methylation levels between preterm newborns (PN) and full-term newborns (FN) with respect to their mother’s environmental exposure and diet. In this study, 56 FN of 37–42 weeks of gestation age (GA) and 46 PN at GA 27–36 weeks were analysed for E and T levels and CYP19A1 gene pI.3/II promoter region methylation. Results showed there was no difference in E levels between PN and FN, but there were significantly lower levels of T in PN than in FN (2.81 nmol vs. 3.76 nmol, respectively) and consequently a significantly higher E/T ratio in PN than in FN (5278.04 vs. 2891.23, respectively). CYP19A1 methylation was significantly lower in PN than in FN (86.04% vs. 90.04%, respectively). CYP19A1 methylation was significantly reduced in newborns whose mothers reported daily milk consumption. Our study is the first to provide referent values for CYP19A1 methylation levels in FN and PN and shows that PN and FN significantly differ in CYP19A1 methylation levels, T levels, and E/T ratio. Future research should further investigate the mechanisms involved in GA-dependent CYP19A1 methylation levels and mechanisms of sex hormone disturbances which may contribute to preterm birth.
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation, Feb 18, 2020
Objective of this work is to investigate, for the first time, serum concentration of neuropilin-1... more Objective of this work is to investigate, for the first time, serum concentration of neuropilin-1 (NRP-1), aiming to evaluate its diagnostic performance in endometriosis and usability as a potential non-invasive serum marker of endometriosis. Two hundred women were treated laparoscopically. After laparoscopic surgery women were divided into two groups: 120 women diagnosed with endometriosis and 80 healthy women (control group). Blood samples were taken from all women undergoing laparoscopy half an hour before the induction of anesthesia, for the purpose of collection of serum. The level of NRP-1 in serum was assayed by a standardised sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Differences between endometriosis and healthy control group in NRP-1 levels were significant. All values were significantly and several times higher in patients group, p < .001. After receiver operating characteristic analysis, the area under curve was 0.97 (95% confidence interval: 0.941 to 0.989, p < .0001) at 11 mg/L cutoff level for NRP-1. Preliminary threshold values for NRP-1 in serum were assumed to serve as diagnostic parameters with sensitivity of 99.3% and specificity of 97.8%. Serum concentration of NRP-1 can be considered as a potentially good laboratory diagnostic, non-invasive marker for endometriosis.
An increasing prevalence of gestational diabetes has become a very challenging task in prenatal c... more An increasing prevalence of gestational diabetes has become a very challenging task in prenatal care worldwide. International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) has recently issued recommendations on the diagnosis and classifi cation of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy. These recommendations, the fi rst to provide harmonised, evidence-based criteria for the diagnosis and classifi cation of diabetes in pregnancy, are currently being discussed and accepted worldwide by the relevant authorities. As the acceptance of the proposed criteria has major implications for both clinical and laboratory settings, a concerted action towards necessary changes in practice has to be carefully planned and adjusted to national health-care specifi cities. IADPSG criteria have been strongly advocated by the Croatian Perinatology Society, resulting in a new strategy for the detection and diagnosis of hyperglycaemic disorders in pregnancy. To address the respective laboratory requirements, in April 2012, the Croatian Chamber of Medical Biochemists appointed a Working Group to provide a standardised procedure for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes, applicable to all laboratories involved in prenatal care, in both primary and specialised health-care facilities. In this paper we discuss key laboratory-related issues regarding succesful implementation of the IADPSG criteria in Croatia.
Investigations were carried out to observe changes in the functional T-lymphocyte activity, as we... more Investigations were carried out to observe changes in the functional T-lymphocyte activity, as well as the presence of single T-lymphocyte subpopulations in the first trimester of pregnancy in 10 pregnant women with recurrent abortions in their previous pregnancies, compared to 8 healthy pregnant women in the first trimester and 20 of them in the third trimester of pregnancy, and in 30 healthy nonpregnant women at the fertile age. The functional T-lymphocyte activity (PHA-test) was decreased in pregnant women with recurrent abortions (54 +/- 0.99) and in healthy pregnant women (56 +/- 2.50) compared to healthy nonpregnant women (76 +/- 4.80). The total number of lymphocytes in the first trimester was decreased in the investigated group (22 +/- 5.38) and also in healthy pregnant women (25 +/- 1.55) in relation to nonpregnant women (33 +/- 3.15). The percentage of T-lymphocytes was similar (59 +/- 4.32 and 58 +/- 1.96 in relation to 80 +/- 2.80). Helper T-lymphocytes (T-4) were significantly decreased in the investigated group (28 +/- 4.25) compared to the group of healthy pregnant women in the first trimester (32 +/- 1.60) and healthy nonpregnant women (55 +/- 2.37). Suppression T-lymphocytes (T-8) were significantly increased in the investigated group (30 +/- 3.11) in relation to healthy pregnant women in the first trimester (25 +/- 2.45) and to healthy nonpregnant women (23 +/- 1.95). The ratio of helper T-lymphocytes and suppression T-lymphocytes (T4:T8) was significantly lower in pregnant women with recurrent abortions compared to healthy pregnant women in the first trimester and to healthy nonpregnant women.
Poster Session I. Predictive and prognostic factors S31 was not the same as far as bone metastasi... more Poster Session I. Predictive and prognostic factors S31 was not the same as far as bone metastasis was concerned. Compared with triple negative breast cancers, women with ERBB2+ tumors had a significantly decreased likelihood of bone spread (P = 0.026; HR = 0.217, 95 CI: 0.056−0.833), whereas a similar effect failed to be observed between the HR+/ERBB2− and triple negative group (P = 0.096; HR = 0.462, 95 CI: 0.185−1.149). In terms of bone metastasis, the hazard rate remained higher for triple negative category than that for ERBB2+ patients. Conclusion: Based on the site-specific spread pattern in different subgroups, biological behaviour and clinical outcome for triple negative tumors in Chinese breast cancer patients may be more favourable and somewhat different from those in Western populations. Accordingly, a better knowledge of organotropism of different intrinsic subtypes is warranted for efficacious systemic regimen so as to decrease and/or delay the recurrence hazard.
Uvođenje nove klasifikacije secerne bolesti u trudnoci u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podrazumijeva ... more Uvođenje nove klasifikacije secerne bolesti u trudnoci u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podrazumijeva prilagodbu i harmonizaciju laboratorijske prakse. S tim u vezi, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemicara (HKMB) imenovala je u travnju 2012.godine radnu skupinu koja je izradila dokument „Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu secerne bolesti u trudnoci“. Dokument je, s preporukom za primjenu, objavljen na web- stranici HKMB u srpnju 2012. godine, cime su osigurani preduvjeti za njegovu implementaciju i harmonizaciju dijagnostickog postupka u svim medicinsko-biokemijskim laboratorijima ukljucenim u prenatalnu skrb. Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu secerne bolesti u trudnoci prenosimo u cijelosti, uz odobrenje Povjerenstva za strucna pitanja HKMB.
Estradiol (E), testosterone (T), and their ratio are crucial axis in life. Especially during intr... more Estradiol (E), testosterone (T), and their ratio are crucial axis in life. Especially during intrauterine growth, they orchestrate the complex development of organs and their interaction, which have lifelong impact on health and an organism’s capacity to respond to environmental stressors. The aim of this study was to compare for the first time E, T, and their ratio levels with aromatase (CYP19) gene methylation levels between preterm newborns (PN) and full-term newborns (FN) with respect to their mother’s environmental exposure and diet. In this study, 56 FN of 37–42 weeks of gestation age (GA) and 46 PN at GA 27–36 weeks were analysed for E and T levels and CYP19A1 gene pI.3/II promoter region methylation. Results showed there was no difference in E levels between PN and FN, but there were significantly lower levels of T in PN than in FN (2.81 nmol vs. 3.76 nmol, respectively) and consequently a significantly higher E/T ratio in PN than in FN (5278.04 vs. 2891.23, respectively). C...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
Background: The aim of this study was to compare for the first time IL-6 (Interleukin 6), testost... more Background: The aim of this study was to compare for the first time IL-6 (Interleukin 6), testosterone (T) and estradiol (E) levels, their ratio (E/T), micronucleus (MN), and nuclear bridge (NB) frequency between newborns with regard to their mother’s residency and diet. Our results should enable an assessment of the possible environmental endocrine effects and interaction between biomarkers, pointing to possible associated health risks. Methods: Fifty full-term newborns of both sexes, whose mothers were healthy and not occupationally exposed to any known carcinogen, were analyzed. All of the mothers filled in a detailed questionnaire. Results: The results showed significantly higher levels of E in newborns of mothers with agricultural residency than those born by mothers with urban residency. Significantly, lower levels of E were measured in newborns of mothers who drank milk and carbonated beverages more frequently. Testosterone was significantly higher in boys of mothers with agr...
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 2020
Objective of this work is to investigate, for the first time, serum concentration of neuropilin-1... more Objective of this work is to investigate, for the first time, serum concentration of neuropilin-1 (NRP-1), aiming to evaluate its diagnostic performance in endometriosis and usability as a potential non-invasive serum marker of endometriosis. Two hundred women were treated laparoscopically. After laparoscopic surgery women were divided into two groups: 120 women diagnosed with endometriosis and 80 healthy women (control group). Blood samples were taken from all women undergoing laparoscopy half an hour before the induction of anesthesia, for the purpose of collection of serum. The level of NRP-1 in serum was assayed by a standardised sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Differences between endometriosis and healthy control group in NRP-1 levels were significant. All values were significantly and several times higher in patients group, p < .001. After receiver operating characteristic analysis, the area under curve was 0.97 (95% confidence interval: 0.941 to 0.989, p < .0001) at 11 mg/L cutoff level for NRP-1. Preliminary threshold values for NRP-1 in serum were assumed to serve as diagnostic parameters with sensitivity of 99.3% and specificity of 97.8%. Serum concentration of NRP-1 can be considered as a potentially good laboratory diagnostic, non-invasive marker for endometriosis.
Uvođenje nove klasifikacije šećerne bolesti u trudnoći u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podrazumijeva ... more Uvođenje nove klasifikacije šećerne bolesti u trudnoći u Republici Hrvatskoj nužno podrazumijeva prilagodbu i harmonizaciju laboratorijske prakse. S tim u vezi, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara (HKMB) imenovala je u travnju 2012.godine radnu skupinu koja je izradila dokument „Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu šećerne bolesti u trudnoći“. Dokument je, s preporukom za primjenu, objavljen na web- stranici HKMB u srpnju 2012. godine, čime su osigurani preduvjeti za njegovu implementaciju i harmonizaciju dijagnostičkog postupka u svim medicinsko-biokemijskim laboratorijima uključenim u prenatalnu skrb. Standardni laboratorijski postupak za dijagnozu šećerne bolesti u trudnoći prenosimo u cijelosti, uz odobrenje Povjerenstva za stručna pitanja HKMB.
Papers by Sasa Kralik