The impact of dietary DNA on metabolism and health of animals and humans has received little atte... more The impact of dietary DNA on metabolism and health of animals and humans has received little attention, except in the context of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and horizontal gene transfer. In a series of studies, we have investigated the uptake and persistence of dietary DNA in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). The objective of this study was to investigate the uptake and persistence of dietary DNA of soybean and maize origin. A feeding experiment on salmon was started at late yolk sac stage and lasted for 7 months. The fish were randomly distributed in groups in indoor tanks and fed different types of feed. After the last feeding, the fish were starved for 24 h before samples were dissected. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of short targets from the chloroplast ribulose-1,5-carboxylase large subunit (rbcL) gene present in some of the feed components, the uptake and transport of dietary DNA from plant ingredients to tissues could be studied. The dietary DNA, of plant origin, was found to be present in all tissues investigated and their concentrations were determined.
Conference registration (also required for attending the reception on Tuesday evening) APT-main e... more Conference registration (also required for attending the reception on Tuesday evening) APT-main entrance (16 rue Claude Bernard,
Base excision repair is initiated by DNA glycosylases removing inappropriate bases from DNA. One ... more Base excision repair is initiated by DNA glycosylases removing inappropriate bases from DNA. One group of these enzymes, comprising 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase II (AlkA) from Escherichia coli and related enzymes from other organisms, has been found to have an unusual broad specificity towards quite different base structures. We tested whether such enzymes might also be capable of removing normal base residues from DNA. The native enzymes from E.coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human cells promoted release of intact guanines with significant frequencies, and further analysis of AlkA showed that all the normal bases can be removed. Transformation of E.coli with plasmids expressing different levels of AlkA produced an increased spontaneous mutation frequency correlated with the expression levels, indicating that excision of normal bases occurs at biologically significant rates. We propose that the broad specificity 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylases represent a general type of repair enzyme 'pulling' bases in DNA largely at random, without much preference for a specific structure. The specificity for release of damaged bases occurs because base structure alterations cause instability of the basesugar bonds. Damaged bases are therefore released more readily than normal bases once the bond activation energy is reduced further by the enzyme. Qualitatively, the model correlates quite well with the relative rate of excision observed for most, if not all, of the substrates described for AlkA and analogues.
Aim: To develop a multiplex identification method for trichothecene‐ and moniliformin‐producing ... more Aim: To develop a multiplex identification method for trichothecene‐ and moniliformin‐producing Fusarium species.
The aim of this study was to examine the presence or absence of dietary transgenic (Roundup Ready... more The aim of this study was to examine the presence or absence of dietary transgenic (Roundup Ready Ò soybean-RRS Ò) and soybean DNA (sRubisco) in the intestinal tract of Atlantic salmon fed either genetically modified (GM) or conventional (non-GM) soybeans. Uptake of dietary DNA was evaluated in the post gastric intestine (pyloric ceca-PC, mid intestine-MI and distal intestine-DI) after continuous feeding (6 months), feed restriction and re-feeding using qPCR and in situ hybridization. No transgenic DNA fragments were detected in any of the intestinal samples using event specific primers. Soybean DNA was detected in all segments of the intestinal tissue (PC, MI and DI) and visualized in the cell vacuolar system of the DI in the apex area of the intestinal fold. Dietary DNA was gradually cleared from the intestinal tissues when feed was restricted and could not be detected after 5 days. Re-feeding resulted in dietary plant DNA uptake after 2 h. The results show that the salmon intestine is able to take up dietary plant DNA shortly after feed intake and that one of the factors affecting uptake and clearance of nucleic acids in the various intestinal segments are the feeding status of the fish.
A 20-d zebrafish (Danio rerio) feeding trial, in which a near doubling of fish weight was achieve... more A 20-d zebrafish (Danio rerio) feeding trial, in which a near doubling of fish weight was achieved, was conducted with GM feed ingredients to evaluate feed intake, growth, stress response and uptake of dietary DNA. A partial aim of the study was to assess zebrafish as a model organism in GM safety assessments. Roundup Ready w soya (RRS w), YieldGard w Bt maize (MON810) and their non-modified, maternal, near-isogenic lines were used in a 2 £ 2 factorial design. Soya variety and maize variety were the main factors, both with two levels; non-GM and GM. Compared with fish fed non-GM maize, those fed GM maize exhibited significantly better growth, had lower mRNA transcription levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD)-1 and a tendency (non-significant) towards lower transcription of heat shock protein 70 in liver. Sex of the fish and soya variety had significant interaction effects on total RNA yield from the whole liver and transcription of SOD-1, suggesting that some diet component affecting males and females differently was present in different levels in the GM and the non-GM soya used in the present study. Dietary DNA sequences were detected in all of the organs analysed, but not all of the samples. Soya and maize rubisco (non-transgenic, multicopy genes) were most frequently detected, while MON810 transgenic DNA fragments were detected in some samples and RRS w fragments were not detected. In conclusion, zebrafish shows promise as a model for this application.
Both labelling and traceability of genetically modified organisms are current issues that are con... more Both labelling and traceability of genetically modified organisms are current issues that are considered in trade and regulation. Currently, labelling of genetically modified foods containing detectable transgenic material is required by EU legislation. A proposed package of legislation would extend this labelling to foods without any traces of transgenics. These new legislations would also impose labelling and a traceability system based on documentation throughout the food and feed manufacture system. The regulatory issues of risk analysis and labelling are currently harmonised by Codex Alimentarius. The implementation and maintenance of the regulations necessitates sampling protocols and analytical methodologies that allow for accurate determination of the content of genetically modified organisms within a food and feed sample. Current methodologies for the analysis of genetically modified organisms are focused on either one of two targets, the transgenic DNA inserted-or the novel protein(s) expressed-in a genetically modified product. For most DNA-based detection methods, the polymerase chain reaction is employed. Items that need consideration in the use of DNA-based detection methods include the specificity, sensitivity, matrix effects, internal reference DNA, availability of external reference materials, hemizygosity versus homozygosity, extrachromosomal DNA, and international harmonisation. For most protein-based methods, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays with antibodies binding the novel protein are employed. Consideration should be given to the selection of the antigen bound by the antibody, accuracy, validation, and matrix effects. Currently, validation of detection methods for analysis of genetically modified organisms is taking place. In addition, new methodologies are developed, including the use of microarrays, mass spectrometry, and surface plasmon resonance. Challenges for GMO detection include the detection of transgenic material in materials with varying chromosome numbers. The existing and proposed regulatory EU requirements for traceability of genetically modified products fit within a broader tendency towards
Dietary DNA is degraded into shorter DNA-fragments and single nucleosides in the gastrointestinal... more Dietary DNA is degraded into shorter DNA-fragments and single nucleosides in the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary DNA is mainly taken up as single nucleosides and bases, but even dietary DNA-fragments of up to a few hundred bp are able to cross the intestinal barrier and enter the blood stream. The molecular mechanisms behind transport of DNA-fragments across the intestine and the effects of this transport on the organism are currently unknown. Here we investigate the transport of DNA-fragments across the intestinal barrier, focusing on transport mechanisms and rates. The human intestinal epithelial cell line CaCo-2 was used as a model. As DNA material a PCR-fragment of 633 bp was used and quantitative real time PCR was used as detection method. DNA-fragments were found to be transported across polarized CaCo-2 cells in the apical to basolateral direction (AB). After 90 min the difference in directionality AB vs. BA was .10 3 fold. Even undegraded DNA-fragments of 633 bp could be detected in the basolateral receiver compartment at this time point. Transport of DNAfragments was sensitive to low temperature and inhibition of endosomal acidification. DNA-transport across CaCo-2 cells was not competed out with oligodeoxynucleotides, fucoidan, heparin, heparan sulphate and dextrane sulphate, while linearized plasmid DNA, on the other hand, reduced transcytosis of DNA-fragments by a factor of approximately 2. Our findings therefore suggest that vesicular transport is mediating transcytosis of dietary DNA-fragments across intestinal cells and that DNA binding proteins are involved in this process. If we extrapolate our findings to in vivo conditions it could be hypothesized that this transport mechanism has a function in the immune system.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Jan 6, 2006
We report the development of a duplex real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the simultane... more We report the development of a duplex real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the simultaneous detection and quantification of wheat- and barley-derived DNA. We used a single primer pair to amplify the single-copy gene PKABA1 from wheat and barley, using minor-groove-binding probes to distinguish between the two cereals. The assay was fully specific, and different wheat and barley cultivars exhibited similar Ct values, indicating stability across cultivars with respect to allelic and copy number composition. The limits of detection were 5 and 10 PCR-forming units for wheat and barley, respectively, making the duplex assay as sensitive as other singleplex reference gene systems published. We were able to detect both wheat and barley simultaneously in real food samples, and the duplex assay is considered to be suitable as an endogenous reference gene system for the detection and quantification of wheat and barley in genetically modified organisms (GMO) and other food and feed analyses.
Bt11 x MIR162 x MIR604 x GA21 FORKORTELSER OG ORDFORKLARINGER ADF Acid detergent fiber, fiberfrak... more Bt11 x MIR162 x MIR604 x GA21 FORKORTELSER OG ORDFORKLARINGER ADF Acid detergent fiber, fiberfraksjon av ufordøyelig plantemateriale i fôr, vanligvis cellulosefiber dekket med lignin og silikat. Plantematerialet fordøyes med en syredetergentløsning (ADF). Ufordøyd masse betegnes som ADF. Fôr med lavt ADFinnhold er mer fordøyelig og har større energiinnhold. Allel Et bestemt gen kan foreligge i ulike varianter (alleler). Allelene kan vaere dominante (bestemmende for fenotypen) eller recessive (vikende). ALS Acetolactatsyntase-enzym AMPA Aminomethylphosphonic acid, nedbrytningsprodukt fra glyfosat. ARMG Antibiotikaresistensmarkørgen Backcross (BC) Tilbakekryssing. Kryssing mellom en hybridlinje (avkom fra to genetisk ulike foreldre) og en av foreldrelinjene, alternativt en genetisk ekvivalent organisme. Strategi i planteforedling for å overføre primaert kvalitative karakterer, for eksempel sjukdomsresistens, til elitelinjer av både kryssbefruktede og selvpollinerte arter. Gjentatte tilbakekryssinger reduserer det genetiske bidraget, som uønskede alleler fra den andre donorplanten. BC 1 , BC 2 etc: betegnelse på 1. og 2. tilbakekryssingsgenerasjon, etc. BLASTn Algoritme som benyttes for homologisammenligning av nukleotidsekvenser. BLASTP Algoritme som benyttes for homologisammenligning av aminosyresekvenser i proteiner. BLASTx Algoritme som benyttes for oversetting fra kodende nukleotidsekvenser til aminosyresekvenser. bp Basepar B.t. Bacillus thuringiensis Codex FAO/WHO-organ som etablerer globale handelsstandarder for mat. Cry Krystall protein fra Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab δ-endotoksin isolert fra jordbakterien Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki. Toksinet gjør maisplante resistente mot angrep fra enkelte arter i ordenen Lepidoptera. DN Direktoratet for naturforvaltning DNA Deoxyribonukleinsyre (DNA) Dominant allel Et allel som uttrykker samme fenotype, uavhengig av om allelene i genparet er like (homozygot) eller ulike (heterozygote). EFSA European Food Safety Authority ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay EPSPS 5-enolpyruvylsikimat-3-fosfatsyntase FAO Food and Agriculture Organization, FNs organisasjon for ernaering og landbruk. FIFRA US EPA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. USAs føderale lov om insektdrepende midler, soppdrepende midler og midler mot skadedyr. Fitness Et individs relative evne til å føre sine gener/alleler videre til kommende generasjoner. GAT Glyfosatacetyltransferase-enzym GLP Good Laboratory Practices, retningslinjer for godt laboratoriearbeid. Glufosinat ammonium Bredspektret herbicid Glyfosat Bredspektret herbicid GMO Genmodifisert organisme GMP Genmodifisert plante Herbicid Ugrasmiddel Locus Spesifikk posisjon på kromosomet der et gen er lokalisert. MALDITOF Massespektrometrimetode for å måle molekylvekt til peptider. Mannose Monosakkarid
Helse- og miljørisikovurderingen av den genmodifiserte herbicidresistente maislinjen T25 (EFSA/GM... more Helse- og miljørisikovurderingen av den genmodifiserte herbicidresistente maislinjen T25 (EFSA/GMO/RX-T25) fra Bayer CropScience er utført av Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet (VKM). VKM er bedt av Mattilsynet og Direktoratet for naturforvalting (DN) om å vurdere helse- og miljørisiko ved en eventuell godkjenning av maislinje T25 for alle bruksområder, inkludert dyrking. T25 er tidligere vurdert av Faggruppe forgenmodifiserte organismer i 2007 (VKM 2007 a,b, 2008)
The impact of dietary DNA on metabolism and health of animals and humans has received little atte... more The impact of dietary DNA on metabolism and health of animals and humans has received little attention, except in the context of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and horizontal gene transfer. In a series of studies, we have investigated the uptake and persistence of dietary DNA in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). The objective of this study was to investigate the uptake and persistence of dietary DNA of soybean and maize origin. A feeding experiment on salmon was started at late yolk sac stage and lasted for 7 months. The fish were randomly distributed in groups in indoor tanks and fed different types of feed. After the last feeding, the fish were starved for 24 h before samples were dissected. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of short targets from the chloroplast ribulose-1,5-carboxylase large subunit (rbcL) gene present in some of the feed components, the uptake and transport of dietary DNA from plant ingredients to tissues could be studied. The dietary DNA, of plant origin, was found to be present in all tissues investigated and their concentrations were determined.
Conference registration (also required for attending the reception on Tuesday evening) APT-main e... more Conference registration (also required for attending the reception on Tuesday evening) APT-main entrance (16 rue Claude Bernard,
Base excision repair is initiated by DNA glycosylases removing inappropriate bases from DNA. One ... more Base excision repair is initiated by DNA glycosylases removing inappropriate bases from DNA. One group of these enzymes, comprising 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase II (AlkA) from Escherichia coli and related enzymes from other organisms, has been found to have an unusual broad specificity towards quite different base structures. We tested whether such enzymes might also be capable of removing normal base residues from DNA. The native enzymes from E.coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human cells promoted release of intact guanines with significant frequencies, and further analysis of AlkA showed that all the normal bases can be removed. Transformation of E.coli with plasmids expressing different levels of AlkA produced an increased spontaneous mutation frequency correlated with the expression levels, indicating that excision of normal bases occurs at biologically significant rates. We propose that the broad specificity 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylases represent a general type of repair enzyme 'pulling' bases in DNA largely at random, without much preference for a specific structure. The specificity for release of damaged bases occurs because base structure alterations cause instability of the basesugar bonds. Damaged bases are therefore released more readily than normal bases once the bond activation energy is reduced further by the enzyme. Qualitatively, the model correlates quite well with the relative rate of excision observed for most, if not all, of the substrates described for AlkA and analogues.
Aim: To develop a multiplex identification method for trichothecene‐ and moniliformin‐producing ... more Aim: To develop a multiplex identification method for trichothecene‐ and moniliformin‐producing Fusarium species.
The aim of this study was to examine the presence or absence of dietary transgenic (Roundup Ready... more The aim of this study was to examine the presence or absence of dietary transgenic (Roundup Ready Ò soybean-RRS Ò) and soybean DNA (sRubisco) in the intestinal tract of Atlantic salmon fed either genetically modified (GM) or conventional (non-GM) soybeans. Uptake of dietary DNA was evaluated in the post gastric intestine (pyloric ceca-PC, mid intestine-MI and distal intestine-DI) after continuous feeding (6 months), feed restriction and re-feeding using qPCR and in situ hybridization. No transgenic DNA fragments were detected in any of the intestinal samples using event specific primers. Soybean DNA was detected in all segments of the intestinal tissue (PC, MI and DI) and visualized in the cell vacuolar system of the DI in the apex area of the intestinal fold. Dietary DNA was gradually cleared from the intestinal tissues when feed was restricted and could not be detected after 5 days. Re-feeding resulted in dietary plant DNA uptake after 2 h. The results show that the salmon intestine is able to take up dietary plant DNA shortly after feed intake and that one of the factors affecting uptake and clearance of nucleic acids in the various intestinal segments are the feeding status of the fish.
A 20-d zebrafish (Danio rerio) feeding trial, in which a near doubling of fish weight was achieve... more A 20-d zebrafish (Danio rerio) feeding trial, in which a near doubling of fish weight was achieved, was conducted with GM feed ingredients to evaluate feed intake, growth, stress response and uptake of dietary DNA. A partial aim of the study was to assess zebrafish as a model organism in GM safety assessments. Roundup Ready w soya (RRS w), YieldGard w Bt maize (MON810) and their non-modified, maternal, near-isogenic lines were used in a 2 £ 2 factorial design. Soya variety and maize variety were the main factors, both with two levels; non-GM and GM. Compared with fish fed non-GM maize, those fed GM maize exhibited significantly better growth, had lower mRNA transcription levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD)-1 and a tendency (non-significant) towards lower transcription of heat shock protein 70 in liver. Sex of the fish and soya variety had significant interaction effects on total RNA yield from the whole liver and transcription of SOD-1, suggesting that some diet component affecting males and females differently was present in different levels in the GM and the non-GM soya used in the present study. Dietary DNA sequences were detected in all of the organs analysed, but not all of the samples. Soya and maize rubisco (non-transgenic, multicopy genes) were most frequently detected, while MON810 transgenic DNA fragments were detected in some samples and RRS w fragments were not detected. In conclusion, zebrafish shows promise as a model for this application.
Both labelling and traceability of genetically modified organisms are current issues that are con... more Both labelling and traceability of genetically modified organisms are current issues that are considered in trade and regulation. Currently, labelling of genetically modified foods containing detectable transgenic material is required by EU legislation. A proposed package of legislation would extend this labelling to foods without any traces of transgenics. These new legislations would also impose labelling and a traceability system based on documentation throughout the food and feed manufacture system. The regulatory issues of risk analysis and labelling are currently harmonised by Codex Alimentarius. The implementation and maintenance of the regulations necessitates sampling protocols and analytical methodologies that allow for accurate determination of the content of genetically modified organisms within a food and feed sample. Current methodologies for the analysis of genetically modified organisms are focused on either one of two targets, the transgenic DNA inserted-or the novel protein(s) expressed-in a genetically modified product. For most DNA-based detection methods, the polymerase chain reaction is employed. Items that need consideration in the use of DNA-based detection methods include the specificity, sensitivity, matrix effects, internal reference DNA, availability of external reference materials, hemizygosity versus homozygosity, extrachromosomal DNA, and international harmonisation. For most protein-based methods, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays with antibodies binding the novel protein are employed. Consideration should be given to the selection of the antigen bound by the antibody, accuracy, validation, and matrix effects. Currently, validation of detection methods for analysis of genetically modified organisms is taking place. In addition, new methodologies are developed, including the use of microarrays, mass spectrometry, and surface plasmon resonance. Challenges for GMO detection include the detection of transgenic material in materials with varying chromosome numbers. The existing and proposed regulatory EU requirements for traceability of genetically modified products fit within a broader tendency towards
Dietary DNA is degraded into shorter DNA-fragments and single nucleosides in the gastrointestinal... more Dietary DNA is degraded into shorter DNA-fragments and single nucleosides in the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary DNA is mainly taken up as single nucleosides and bases, but even dietary DNA-fragments of up to a few hundred bp are able to cross the intestinal barrier and enter the blood stream. The molecular mechanisms behind transport of DNA-fragments across the intestine and the effects of this transport on the organism are currently unknown. Here we investigate the transport of DNA-fragments across the intestinal barrier, focusing on transport mechanisms and rates. The human intestinal epithelial cell line CaCo-2 was used as a model. As DNA material a PCR-fragment of 633 bp was used and quantitative real time PCR was used as detection method. DNA-fragments were found to be transported across polarized CaCo-2 cells in the apical to basolateral direction (AB). After 90 min the difference in directionality AB vs. BA was .10 3 fold. Even undegraded DNA-fragments of 633 bp could be detected in the basolateral receiver compartment at this time point. Transport of DNAfragments was sensitive to low temperature and inhibition of endosomal acidification. DNA-transport across CaCo-2 cells was not competed out with oligodeoxynucleotides, fucoidan, heparin, heparan sulphate and dextrane sulphate, while linearized plasmid DNA, on the other hand, reduced transcytosis of DNA-fragments by a factor of approximately 2. Our findings therefore suggest that vesicular transport is mediating transcytosis of dietary DNA-fragments across intestinal cells and that DNA binding proteins are involved in this process. If we extrapolate our findings to in vivo conditions it could be hypothesized that this transport mechanism has a function in the immune system.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Jan 6, 2006
We report the development of a duplex real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the simultane... more We report the development of a duplex real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the simultaneous detection and quantification of wheat- and barley-derived DNA. We used a single primer pair to amplify the single-copy gene PKABA1 from wheat and barley, using minor-groove-binding probes to distinguish between the two cereals. The assay was fully specific, and different wheat and barley cultivars exhibited similar Ct values, indicating stability across cultivars with respect to allelic and copy number composition. The limits of detection were 5 and 10 PCR-forming units for wheat and barley, respectively, making the duplex assay as sensitive as other singleplex reference gene systems published. We were able to detect both wheat and barley simultaneously in real food samples, and the duplex assay is considered to be suitable as an endogenous reference gene system for the detection and quantification of wheat and barley in genetically modified organisms (GMO) and other food and feed analyses.
Bt11 x MIR162 x MIR604 x GA21 FORKORTELSER OG ORDFORKLARINGER ADF Acid detergent fiber, fiberfrak... more Bt11 x MIR162 x MIR604 x GA21 FORKORTELSER OG ORDFORKLARINGER ADF Acid detergent fiber, fiberfraksjon av ufordøyelig plantemateriale i fôr, vanligvis cellulosefiber dekket med lignin og silikat. Plantematerialet fordøyes med en syredetergentløsning (ADF). Ufordøyd masse betegnes som ADF. Fôr med lavt ADFinnhold er mer fordøyelig og har større energiinnhold. Allel Et bestemt gen kan foreligge i ulike varianter (alleler). Allelene kan vaere dominante (bestemmende for fenotypen) eller recessive (vikende). ALS Acetolactatsyntase-enzym AMPA Aminomethylphosphonic acid, nedbrytningsprodukt fra glyfosat. ARMG Antibiotikaresistensmarkørgen Backcross (BC) Tilbakekryssing. Kryssing mellom en hybridlinje (avkom fra to genetisk ulike foreldre) og en av foreldrelinjene, alternativt en genetisk ekvivalent organisme. Strategi i planteforedling for å overføre primaert kvalitative karakterer, for eksempel sjukdomsresistens, til elitelinjer av både kryssbefruktede og selvpollinerte arter. Gjentatte tilbakekryssinger reduserer det genetiske bidraget, som uønskede alleler fra den andre donorplanten. BC 1 , BC 2 etc: betegnelse på 1. og 2. tilbakekryssingsgenerasjon, etc. BLASTn Algoritme som benyttes for homologisammenligning av nukleotidsekvenser. BLASTP Algoritme som benyttes for homologisammenligning av aminosyresekvenser i proteiner. BLASTx Algoritme som benyttes for oversetting fra kodende nukleotidsekvenser til aminosyresekvenser. bp Basepar B.t. Bacillus thuringiensis Codex FAO/WHO-organ som etablerer globale handelsstandarder for mat. Cry Krystall protein fra Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab δ-endotoksin isolert fra jordbakterien Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki. Toksinet gjør maisplante resistente mot angrep fra enkelte arter i ordenen Lepidoptera. DN Direktoratet for naturforvaltning DNA Deoxyribonukleinsyre (DNA) Dominant allel Et allel som uttrykker samme fenotype, uavhengig av om allelene i genparet er like (homozygot) eller ulike (heterozygote). EFSA European Food Safety Authority ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay EPSPS 5-enolpyruvylsikimat-3-fosfatsyntase FAO Food and Agriculture Organization, FNs organisasjon for ernaering og landbruk. FIFRA US EPA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. USAs føderale lov om insektdrepende midler, soppdrepende midler og midler mot skadedyr. Fitness Et individs relative evne til å føre sine gener/alleler videre til kommende generasjoner. GAT Glyfosatacetyltransferase-enzym GLP Good Laboratory Practices, retningslinjer for godt laboratoriearbeid. Glufosinat ammonium Bredspektret herbicid Glyfosat Bredspektret herbicid GMO Genmodifisert organisme GMP Genmodifisert plante Herbicid Ugrasmiddel Locus Spesifikk posisjon på kromosomet der et gen er lokalisert. MALDITOF Massespektrometrimetode for å måle molekylvekt til peptider. Mannose Monosakkarid
Helse- og miljørisikovurderingen av den genmodifiserte herbicidresistente maislinjen T25 (EFSA/GM... more Helse- og miljørisikovurderingen av den genmodifiserte herbicidresistente maislinjen T25 (EFSA/GMO/RX-T25) fra Bayer CropScience er utført av Faggruppe for genmodifiserte organismer i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet (VKM). VKM er bedt av Mattilsynet og Direktoratet for naturforvalting (DN) om å vurdere helse- og miljørisiko ved en eventuell godkjenning av maislinje T25 for alle bruksområder, inkludert dyrking. T25 er tidligere vurdert av Faggruppe forgenmodifiserte organismer i 2007 (VKM 2007 a,b, 2008)
Papers by Knut Berdal