Mobilizing funds is a major challenge to achieve scalable Forest Landscape Restoration projects. ... more Mobilizing funds is a major challenge to achieve scalable Forest Landscape Restoration projects. While pure ecological restoration may not be a feasible investment from the private perspective, combining native species with non-timber forest products (NTFP) species may be a solution for reaching large scale and financially sustainable forest restoration. This study addresses potential species combinations for 12 restoration models, three models being based in pure ecological restoration and nine models being based on agroforests with NTFP, their economic costs, and benefits in tropical forests in Brazil, Peru, Cambodia, and Indonesia. A total of 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted to capture the models’ productivity and prices. As for the prices that the producers did not know, specialized stores were consulted in the cities of the collection. The starting investment to restore 01 hectare (ha−1) of tropical forest ranged between US $104 and $7736, with an average of $1963 h...
The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) is an independent unit within the World Bank; it repor... more The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) is an independent unit within the World Bank; it reports directly to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors. OED assesses what works, and what does not; how a borrower plans to run and maintain a project; and the lasting contribution of the Bank to a country's overall development. The goals of evaluation are to learn from experience, to provide an objective basis for assessing the results of the Bank's work, and to provide accountability in the achievement of its objectives. It also improves Bank work by identifying and disseminating the lessons learned from experience and by framing recommendations drawn from evaluation findings.
Masyarakat intemasional pada K TT Bumi tahun 1992 di Rio de Janeiro sepakat bahwa kelestarian hut... more Masyarakat intemasional pada K TT Bumi tahun 1992 di Rio de Janeiro sepakat bahwa kelestarian hutan tropis dunia menjadi tanggung jawab semua Negara di dunia, terutama mengingat fungsi ekologis hutan yang menglobal sifatnya. Aspek sumber pendanaan dan pembiayaan (financial resource) untuk mencapai Pengelolaan Hu tan Berkelanjutan (PHB), karenanya menjadi demikian penting, Organisasi kayu tropis dunia ( ITTO) tela h memprakarsai suatu diskusi panel pakar untuk menentukan cara penghitungan estimasi biaya pencapaian PHB ini. Diskusi dimaksud telah menyepakati, bahwa untuk menghitung biaya pencapaian pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan, semua anggota harus mengacu pada laporan yang telah dituangkan dalam dokumen ITTC No. (XII) /7. Dengan metode atau pendekatan sebagaimana diharuskan ITTO, telah dihitung estimasi biaya proses pencapaian PHB di Indonesia pada tingkat nasional (National Level). Beberapa penyesuaian dilakukan untuk mengakomodasi ketentuan ITTO dikaitkan dengan kon...
This article is a conceptual review on Rova et. al. (2001) "When Regulation Fails: Vendace Fisher... more This article is a conceptual review on Rova et. al. (2001) "When Regulation Fails: Vendace Fishery in the Gulf of Bothnia". A relevant core message and its implication was drawn considered as a useful lesson learnt, especially for our future option on direction of natural resources management (NRM) reform, including that on forestry. There is a strong relationship between characteristic of natural resources, social conditions of its stakeholders and the institutional structure of its management. The institutional arrangement need to seriously taking into account this essential relationship; including efforts to guarantee that all resiliencies (institutional, managerial, social and ecological) are materialized. These resiliencies could be existed and mutually powerful if and only if the authority of the NRM was not centralized and was based on the NR characteristics by themselves. Need a serious institutional arrangement that is not just for having a restructured institution, but also have to materialize all the resiliencies and provide the consequences of having options for collective actions toward joint outcomes: the sustainability of the NRM. This is a core message actually implying to where the future NRM reform to be directed, especially from institution point of view.
A series of discourse have constructed a social reality underlining the fact that Indonesian natu... more A series of discourse have constructed a social reality underlining the fact that Indonesian natural forestry experienced a serious negative stigma. The stigma appeared due to its deforestation and forest degradation rate, likely unending multi-dimentional conflitcs, the increase of natural forest threat, the decrease of natural forest roles, and function in terms of social, economic and environment. This was addressed mainly to those of forestry utilization policies. This research has a look to analyse forestry utilization policies as an essential point, especially with regard to the discourse trend and to the frame of forestry stakeholder minds involving in the discourse which was focused on key policy miles stone and its implementation. It is considered to be essential since after much efforts of wiping the stigma off seemed to be unsuccesfully. The results indicated that there was a problem on stakeholders' minds frame, which was considered to be a stagnant, especially on positioning and understanding forest utilization and sustainability. To cope with such a problem, it would need to improve at least four things, i.e: the link of science/knowledge-skills-policy, political interest, public participation, and actor networks. Improving the fourth could be an essential key for having another three.
Pemerintah selalu menekankan pentingnya kelestarian hutan dengan segala fungsinya dan sekaligus b... more Pemerintah selalu menekankan pentingnya kelestarian hutan dengan segala fungsinya dan sekaligus bertekad untuk selalu memperhatikan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat, khususnya yang hidup di dalam dan di sekitar hutan. Komitmen ini tercermin dari berbagai kebijaksanaan pemerintah yang antara lain mewajibkan para pengelola Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (HPH) dan Hak Pengusahaan Hutan Tanaman lndustri (HPHTI) untuk melaksanakan Bina Desa Hutan (BDH) secara lebih bertanggung jawab. Pelaksanaan BDH harus disusun berdasarkan hasil kajian Studi Diagnostik. Kedudukan Studi Diagnostik karenanya menjadi demikian strategis terutama bila dikaitkan dengan prospek keberhasilan pelaksanaan program BDH di lapangan. Antara lain dalam kerangka berfikir seperti inilah kegiatan Evaluasi Aplikasi Studi Diagnostik Sosial-Ekonomi BDH dilaksanakan. Evaluasi dilaksanakan dengan metoda survei dengan teknik kajian deskriftif-evaluatif sesuai kriteria dan indikator ekonomi, sosial budaya, lingkungan, kelembagaan, ...
Research on sustainable forest management (SFM) certification was intended to provide recommendat... more Research on sustainable forest management (SFM) certification was intended to provide recommendation for policy implementation in addressing issues on the natural forest management in Indonesia. The objective of the research was to determine the coalition and policy of SFM certification process by using advocacy coalition framework (ACF), through studying the history of related policies, the alleged actors and coalition. This research was using discourse analysis to ensure the existence of coalition framework, such as actors, conceptual framework, and the direction of coalition based on fixed parameters and external events as indicated in the ACF. The resarch found that in policy decision-making process on SFM certification in Indonesia there were two coalitions that were contradicting in interests. This research indicated that based on the assessment, SFM certification policy was likely to meet compliance with applicable government regulations. On the other hand, International timber markets required certified forest products with conformity assessment based on the fulfillment of standards and criteria of SFM.
Document of the World BankAcronyms and Abbreviations EIA Environmental impact assessment ERR Econ... more Document of the World BankAcronyms and Abbreviations EIA Environmental impact assessment ERR Economic rate of return FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FRR Financial rate of return GDP Gross domestic product GEF Global Environmental Facility GNP Gross national product
This paper aims to analyze the impact of non-forestry policy, especially energy related macro pol... more This paper aims to analyze the impact of non-forestry policy, especially energy related macro policy decisions, on poverty and use levels of natural resources. As core indicators, this analysis employs 'number of households below the poverty line' and 'area of deforestation'. Impacts are analyzed in an agent-based simulation model for 6 districts of East Kalimantan, one of the Indonesian natural-resource rich provinces on the Island of Borneo. Simulation results partly suggest that the policy decision of June 2008-politically known as decreasing fuel price-had nearly no impact on deforestation amplifying that the dominating driver of deforestation is large scale logging and mining operations, as well as potentially illegal activities. While, it reduced the number of poor people-those mostly living within and around forest area-by about 5.4%. Due to seasonal income, this policy-related impact is likely to be periodically lower. During the harvest related period, many households are able to lift their income above the poverty line. This seasonal fluctuation in poverty could help optimize public funding by spreading it over longer periods and by pausing direct transfers during such natural periods of poverty reduction. There is no significant implication for forestry or forest management since the model could only deal with small scale forestry.
... The individuals this review has benefited from include Emil Salim, Indonesian Special Preside... more ... The individuals this review has benefited from include Emil Salim, Indonesian Special Presidential Advisory Council; Emmy Hafild, OED ... Lestari; Adi-Warsita Adinegoro, Association of Indonesian Forest Concession Holders; Neil Scotland, Penny Davies, DFID; Haryanto R. Putro ...
A series of discourse have constructed a social reality underlining the fact that Indonesian natu... more A series of discourse have constructed a social reality underlining the fact that Indonesian natural forestry experienced a serious negative stigma. The stigma appeared due to its deforestation and forest degradation rate, likely unending multi-dimentional conflitcs, the increase of natural forest threat, the decrease of natural forest roles, and function in terms of social, economic and environment. This was addressed mainly to those of forestry utilization policies. This research has a look to analyse forestry utilization policies as an essential point, especially with regard to the discourse trend and to the frame of forestry stakeholder minds involving in the discourse which was focused on key policy miles stone and its implementation. It is considered to be essential since after much efforts of wiping the stigma off seemed to be unsuccesfully. The results indicated that there was a problem on stakeholders' minds frame, which was considered to be a stagnant, especially on positioning and understanding forest utilization and sustainability. To cope with such a problem, it would need to improve at least four things, i.e: the link of science/knowledge-skills-policy, political interest, public participation, and actor networks. Improving the fourth could be an essential key for having another three.
Assessing impacts of logging and mining operations ... Alex Smajgl, Geoff Carlin, Fadjar Pambudhi... more Assessing impacts of logging and mining operations ... Alex Smajgl, Geoff Carlin, Fadjar Pambudhi, Erin Bohensky, Alan House, James Butler, Azis Khan, Septaliana Dewi Prananingtyas, Roby Fadillah, Anang Budi Gunawan, Setya Rusdianto, Erik Armundito, ...
Mobilizing funds is a major challenge to achieve scalable Forest Landscape Restoration projects. ... more Mobilizing funds is a major challenge to achieve scalable Forest Landscape Restoration projects. While pure ecological restoration may not be a feasible investment from the private perspective, combining native species with non-timber forest products (NTFP) species may be a solution for reaching large scale and financially sustainable forest restoration. This study addresses potential species combinations for 12 restoration models, three models being based in pure ecological restoration and nine models being based on agroforests with NTFP, their economic costs, and benefits in tropical forests in Brazil, Peru, Cambodia, and Indonesia. A total of 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted to capture the models’ productivity and prices. As for the prices that the producers did not know, specialized stores were consulted in the cities of the collection. The starting investment to restore 01 hectare (ha−1) of tropical forest ranged between US $104 and $7736, with an average of $1963 h...
The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) is an independent unit within the World Bank; it repor... more The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) is an independent unit within the World Bank; it reports directly to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors. OED assesses what works, and what does not; how a borrower plans to run and maintain a project; and the lasting contribution of the Bank to a country's overall development. The goals of evaluation are to learn from experience, to provide an objective basis for assessing the results of the Bank's work, and to provide accountability in the achievement of its objectives. It also improves Bank work by identifying and disseminating the lessons learned from experience and by framing recommendations drawn from evaluation findings.
Masyarakat intemasional pada K TT Bumi tahun 1992 di Rio de Janeiro sepakat bahwa kelestarian hut... more Masyarakat intemasional pada K TT Bumi tahun 1992 di Rio de Janeiro sepakat bahwa kelestarian hutan tropis dunia menjadi tanggung jawab semua Negara di dunia, terutama mengingat fungsi ekologis hutan yang menglobal sifatnya. Aspek sumber pendanaan dan pembiayaan (financial resource) untuk mencapai Pengelolaan Hu tan Berkelanjutan (PHB), karenanya menjadi demikian penting, Organisasi kayu tropis dunia ( ITTO) tela h memprakarsai suatu diskusi panel pakar untuk menentukan cara penghitungan estimasi biaya pencapaian PHB ini. Diskusi dimaksud telah menyepakati, bahwa untuk menghitung biaya pencapaian pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan, semua anggota harus mengacu pada laporan yang telah dituangkan dalam dokumen ITTC No. (XII) /7. Dengan metode atau pendekatan sebagaimana diharuskan ITTO, telah dihitung estimasi biaya proses pencapaian PHB di Indonesia pada tingkat nasional (National Level). Beberapa penyesuaian dilakukan untuk mengakomodasi ketentuan ITTO dikaitkan dengan kon...
This article is a conceptual review on Rova et. al. (2001) "When Regulation Fails: Vendace Fisher... more This article is a conceptual review on Rova et. al. (2001) "When Regulation Fails: Vendace Fishery in the Gulf of Bothnia". A relevant core message and its implication was drawn considered as a useful lesson learnt, especially for our future option on direction of natural resources management (NRM) reform, including that on forestry. There is a strong relationship between characteristic of natural resources, social conditions of its stakeholders and the institutional structure of its management. The institutional arrangement need to seriously taking into account this essential relationship; including efforts to guarantee that all resiliencies (institutional, managerial, social and ecological) are materialized. These resiliencies could be existed and mutually powerful if and only if the authority of the NRM was not centralized and was based on the NR characteristics by themselves. Need a serious institutional arrangement that is not just for having a restructured institution, but also have to materialize all the resiliencies and provide the consequences of having options for collective actions toward joint outcomes: the sustainability of the NRM. This is a core message actually implying to where the future NRM reform to be directed, especially from institution point of view.
A series of discourse have constructed a social reality underlining the fact that Indonesian natu... more A series of discourse have constructed a social reality underlining the fact that Indonesian natural forestry experienced a serious negative stigma. The stigma appeared due to its deforestation and forest degradation rate, likely unending multi-dimentional conflitcs, the increase of natural forest threat, the decrease of natural forest roles, and function in terms of social, economic and environment. This was addressed mainly to those of forestry utilization policies. This research has a look to analyse forestry utilization policies as an essential point, especially with regard to the discourse trend and to the frame of forestry stakeholder minds involving in the discourse which was focused on key policy miles stone and its implementation. It is considered to be essential since after much efforts of wiping the stigma off seemed to be unsuccesfully. The results indicated that there was a problem on stakeholders' minds frame, which was considered to be a stagnant, especially on positioning and understanding forest utilization and sustainability. To cope with such a problem, it would need to improve at least four things, i.e: the link of science/knowledge-skills-policy, political interest, public participation, and actor networks. Improving the fourth could be an essential key for having another three.
Pemerintah selalu menekankan pentingnya kelestarian hutan dengan segala fungsinya dan sekaligus b... more Pemerintah selalu menekankan pentingnya kelestarian hutan dengan segala fungsinya dan sekaligus bertekad untuk selalu memperhatikan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat, khususnya yang hidup di dalam dan di sekitar hutan. Komitmen ini tercermin dari berbagai kebijaksanaan pemerintah yang antara lain mewajibkan para pengelola Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (HPH) dan Hak Pengusahaan Hutan Tanaman lndustri (HPHTI) untuk melaksanakan Bina Desa Hutan (BDH) secara lebih bertanggung jawab. Pelaksanaan BDH harus disusun berdasarkan hasil kajian Studi Diagnostik. Kedudukan Studi Diagnostik karenanya menjadi demikian strategis terutama bila dikaitkan dengan prospek keberhasilan pelaksanaan program BDH di lapangan. Antara lain dalam kerangka berfikir seperti inilah kegiatan Evaluasi Aplikasi Studi Diagnostik Sosial-Ekonomi BDH dilaksanakan. Evaluasi dilaksanakan dengan metoda survei dengan teknik kajian deskriftif-evaluatif sesuai kriteria dan indikator ekonomi, sosial budaya, lingkungan, kelembagaan, ...
Research on sustainable forest management (SFM) certification was intended to provide recommendat... more Research on sustainable forest management (SFM) certification was intended to provide recommendation for policy implementation in addressing issues on the natural forest management in Indonesia. The objective of the research was to determine the coalition and policy of SFM certification process by using advocacy coalition framework (ACF), through studying the history of related policies, the alleged actors and coalition. This research was using discourse analysis to ensure the existence of coalition framework, such as actors, conceptual framework, and the direction of coalition based on fixed parameters and external events as indicated in the ACF. The resarch found that in policy decision-making process on SFM certification in Indonesia there were two coalitions that were contradicting in interests. This research indicated that based on the assessment, SFM certification policy was likely to meet compliance with applicable government regulations. On the other hand, International timber markets required certified forest products with conformity assessment based on the fulfillment of standards and criteria of SFM.
Document of the World BankAcronyms and Abbreviations EIA Environmental impact assessment ERR Econ... more Document of the World BankAcronyms and Abbreviations EIA Environmental impact assessment ERR Economic rate of return FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FRR Financial rate of return GDP Gross domestic product GEF Global Environmental Facility GNP Gross national product
This paper aims to analyze the impact of non-forestry policy, especially energy related macro pol... more This paper aims to analyze the impact of non-forestry policy, especially energy related macro policy decisions, on poverty and use levels of natural resources. As core indicators, this analysis employs 'number of households below the poverty line' and 'area of deforestation'. Impacts are analyzed in an agent-based simulation model for 6 districts of East Kalimantan, one of the Indonesian natural-resource rich provinces on the Island of Borneo. Simulation results partly suggest that the policy decision of June 2008-politically known as decreasing fuel price-had nearly no impact on deforestation amplifying that the dominating driver of deforestation is large scale logging and mining operations, as well as potentially illegal activities. While, it reduced the number of poor people-those mostly living within and around forest area-by about 5.4%. Due to seasonal income, this policy-related impact is likely to be periodically lower. During the harvest related period, many households are able to lift their income above the poverty line. This seasonal fluctuation in poverty could help optimize public funding by spreading it over longer periods and by pausing direct transfers during such natural periods of poverty reduction. There is no significant implication for forestry or forest management since the model could only deal with small scale forestry.
... The individuals this review has benefited from include Emil Salim, Indonesian Special Preside... more ... The individuals this review has benefited from include Emil Salim, Indonesian Special Presidential Advisory Council; Emmy Hafild, OED ... Lestari; Adi-Warsita Adinegoro, Association of Indonesian Forest Concession Holders; Neil Scotland, Penny Davies, DFID; Haryanto R. Putro ...
A series of discourse have constructed a social reality underlining the fact that Indonesian natu... more A series of discourse have constructed a social reality underlining the fact that Indonesian natural forestry experienced a serious negative stigma. The stigma appeared due to its deforestation and forest degradation rate, likely unending multi-dimentional conflitcs, the increase of natural forest threat, the decrease of natural forest roles, and function in terms of social, economic and environment. This was addressed mainly to those of forestry utilization policies. This research has a look to analyse forestry utilization policies as an essential point, especially with regard to the discourse trend and to the frame of forestry stakeholder minds involving in the discourse which was focused on key policy miles stone and its implementation. It is considered to be essential since after much efforts of wiping the stigma off seemed to be unsuccesfully. The results indicated that there was a problem on stakeholders' minds frame, which was considered to be a stagnant, especially on positioning and understanding forest utilization and sustainability. To cope with such a problem, it would need to improve at least four things, i.e: the link of science/knowledge-skills-policy, political interest, public participation, and actor networks. Improving the fourth could be an essential key for having another three.
Assessing impacts of logging and mining operations ... Alex Smajgl, Geoff Carlin, Fadjar Pambudhi... more Assessing impacts of logging and mining operations ... Alex Smajgl, Geoff Carlin, Fadjar Pambudhi, Erin Bohensky, Alan House, James Butler, Azis Khan, Septaliana Dewi Prananingtyas, Roby Fadillah, Anang Budi Gunawan, Setya Rusdianto, Erik Armundito, ...
Papers by Azis Khan