Papers by Kazimierz Strzałka
The Effect Of High Temperature Treatment (40°C, 3 H, Illumination At 100 μMol M-2 S-1) On The Pho... more The Effect Of High Temperature Treatment (40°C, 3 H, Illumination At 100 μMol M-2 S-1) On The Photosynthetic Electron Flow In Thylakoids Of Barley Seedlings Was Investigated. The Thermoinduced Partial Inhibition Of Electron Flow On Psii Acceptor Side Was Shown By Measurements Of Oxygen Evolution Using Of Benzoquinone Or Potassium Ferricyanide As Electron Acceptors And Following QA - Reoxidation Kinetics In Absence And Presence Exogenous Electron Acceptors Dcbq And Dmbq. Using Hplc Analysis, The Increase In Oxidation Of Photoactive Plastoquinone Pool Under Heating Was Shown. It Is Proposed That Thermoinduced Change Of Redox State Of Pq-Pool And Redistribution Of Plastoquinone Molecules Between Photoactive And Non-Photoactive Pools Are The Mechanisms Regulating Response Of The Photosynthetic Apparatus On Stress Reactions.
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica. Supplement, 2011
Social Science Research Network, 2022

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, Apr 1, 1997
Photosynthetic oxygen evolution from photosystem II particles was analyzed as conse quence o f a ... more Photosynthetic oxygen evolution from photosystem II particles was analyzed as conse quence o f a train o f short (5 ^is) flashes of different light quality and different intensities to study cyclic electron flow around photosystem II. Damped oscillations of the amplitudes of 0 2-evolution corresponding to a flash sequence were fitted numerically and analyzed in terms o f a nonhomogeneous distribution of misses, represented by the probability parameter ctj. Application o f red light, known to promote cyclic electron flow around photosystem II (Grus zecki et al., 1995) results in a considerable increase of all a{, indicating that at the molecular level the misses may be interpreted as resulting from a competition for the reduction of oxidized P680 between cyclic electron flow and the electron flow coming from the water splitting enzyme. In accordance with previous findings, application of light flashes of the spectrum covering the absorption region of carotenoids resulted in an inhibition o f cyclic electron flow and a pronounced decrease of the level of the miss parameter. Possible molecu lar mechanisms for the activity control of this cyclic electron transport around photosystem II by carotenoids are discussed.

Two major lipids present in the thylakoids membrane are monogalctosyldiacylglicerol (MGDG) and di... more Two major lipids present in the thylakoids membrane are monogalctosyldiacylglicerol (MGDG) and digalactosyldiacylglicerol (DGDG), constituting 50% and 25% of the total amount of thylakoid lipids, respectively (Yamamoto et al., 1974, Siefierman et al., 1987, Webb and Green, 1991). Although both MGDG and DGDG contain sugar residues in their molecules they create different structures in water. DGDG is characterised by high hydration level (about 50 water molecules per lipid) (Sen and Hui, 1988) and its critical packing parameter value is between 0.5 − 1 (Israelachvili and Mitchell, 1975). These features are responsible for liposomes formation in DGDG water solution. The DGDG values of the critical packing parameter and hydration level are similar to the another lipid, phosphatidylcholine (PC), which forms bilayer. On the other hand, MGDG in the water solution creates inverted hexagonal structures due to its much lower hydration level (only 5 water molecules per lipid) (Sen and Hui, 1988) and critical packing parameter value which is superior to one (Israelachvili and Mitchell, 1975). Another lipid which is characterised by similar features and thanks to them may form inverted hexagonal structures is phosphatidylethanoloamine (PE) (Sen and Hui, 1988). It is known that MGDG and PE form reversed hexagonal structures over a wide temperature range of -15°C to 80°C and this extent is highly dependent on the degree of unsaturation of their acyl chains.
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica. Supplement, 2009

Springer eBooks, 1990
Phosphonic acid dialkyl esters (PAE) are a group of compounds exhibiting biological activity as h... more Phosphonic acid dialkyl esters (PAE) are a group of compounds exhibiting biological activity as herbicides, defoliants, insecticides etc. (1). They are relatively large and non-rigid molecules described by a general formula RP(O)(OR’)2. For most PAE, molecular shape and structure as well as order parameters are known not only from experimental work but also from theoretical studies (2 – 4). Such data are very useful for the interpretation of molecular arrangement, elastic deformation, domain formation and molecular anisotropy of these compounds. Independently of the mechanism of their action in the cell, PAE have to penetrate through or to be incorporated into the membranes, so that investigations on these compounds are focused on the motional behaviour of PAE in membranes and their influence on model and biological membranes (3). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of PAE-6, i.e. phosphonic acid ester having substituted C6H13 for R and C2H5 for R’ on electron transport chain activity of thylakoid membranes of wheat and broad bean.
Page 1. 25 REHYDRATION OF FREEZE-DRIED DGDG AS OBSERVED BY PROTON NMR AND SORPTION ISOTHERM Huber... more Page 1. 25 REHYDRATION OF FREEZE-DRIED DGDG AS OBSERVED BY PROTON NMR AND SORPTION ISOTHERM Hubert Harańczyk 1 , Justyna Jamróz 1 , Kazimierz Strzałka 2 , and Magdalena Bacior 1 ... [7] H.Harańczyk, K.Strzałka, W.Dietrich, JSBlicharski, J. Biol. Phys. ...
Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2003
Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство научных организаций Ф... more Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство научных организаций Федеральное агентство по рыболовству Российская академия наук ФГБОУ ВПО «Калининградский государственный технический университет» ФГБУН Институт физиологии растений им. К.А. Тимирязева РАН Общество физиологов растений России «ФИЗИОЛОГИЯ РАСТЕНИЙ-ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ОСНОВА ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ АГРО-И ФИТОБИОТЕХНОЛОГИЙ» Годичное собрание Общества физиологов растений России Международная научная конференция и школа молодых ученых (Каининград, 2014

PubMed, 1988
Ultrastructural autoradiographic studies after application of 3H-lysine indicate that during the ... more Ultrastructural autoradiographic studies after application of 3H-lysine indicate that during the transformation of the etioplasts into chlorplasts in the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) the protein synthesis in plastids occurs mainly near the thylakoid membranes and the prolamellar bodies: most of the autoradiographic grains are placed over the structures. After 24 h postincubation in nonradioactive medium the ratio of the number of silver grains associated with thylakoids to those over stroma increases more than 2.5 times in control plants, whereas in cells treated with chloramphenicol only 1.5 times. Simultaneously in chloramphenicol-treated plants an increase in plastid envelope labelling is observed. It has been assumed that chloramphenicol, having no inhibitory effect on the synthesis and transport of proteins imported from the cytoplasm to the plastid, lowers their penetration inside the plastid as well as their incorporation into the thylakoid membrane.

Biotechnologia. Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology, 2013
ABSTRACT Physical properties of thylakoid membranes isolated from barley were investigated by the... more ABSTRACT Physical properties of thylakoid membranes isolated from barley were investigated by the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin labeling technique. EPR spectra of stearic acid spin labels 5-SASL and 16-SASL were measured as a function of temperature in secondary barley leaves during natural and dark-induced senescence. Oxygen transport parameter was determined from the power saturation curves of the spin labels obtained in the presence and absence of molecular oxygen at 25 °C. Parameters of EPR spectra of both spin labels showed an increase in the thylakoid membrane fluidity during senescence, in the headgroup area of the membrane, as well as in its interior. The oxygen transport parameter also increased with age of barley, indicating easier diffusion of oxygen within the membrane and its higher fluidity. The data are consistent with age-related changes of the spin label parameters obtained directly by EPR spectroscopy. Similar outcome was also observed when senescence was induced in mature secondary barley leaves by dark incubation. Such leaves showed higher membrane fluidity in comparison with leaves of the same age, grown under light conditions. Changes in the membrane fluidity of barley secondary leaves were compared with changes in the levels of carotenoids and proteins, which are known to modify membrane fluidity. Determination of total carotenoids and proteins showed linear decrease in their level with senescence. The results indicate that thylakoid membrane fluidity of barley leaves increases with senescence; the changes are accompanied with a decrease in the content of carotenoids and proteins, which could be a contributing factor.
PubMed, 2003
We found that the Sw-5 gene confers resistance to one of the Polish isolates of tomato spotted wi... more We found that the Sw-5 gene confers resistance to one of the Polish isolates of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). A series of tomato breeding accessions was analysed along with standards of resistance and susceptibility to TSWV. The presence of the Sw-5 gene was determined using the available PCR marker. Subsequently plants from these accessions were grown in the presence of the TSWV isolate from Poland. Some of them developed severe symptoms of the TSWV disease. Expression of the virus proteins was also assayed in tissues of the investigated plants. We found general agreement between either lack or presence of the disease symptoms, virus proteins and resistance gene. Some observed discrepancies of these data are also discussed. Our results indicate that marker-assisted selection can be used for breeding of the TSWV-resistant tomato in Poland.
PubMed, 1994
Heat shock proteins of hsp70 family with molecular weight of 76 and 73 kDa were detected both in ... more Heat shock proteins of hsp70 family with molecular weight of 76 and 73 kDa were detected both in etiolated as well as in greening pumpkin seedlings using immunoblotting technique. Both proteins exhibited heat shock inducibility and their apparent amount depended on the plant organ examined as well as on the greening time. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation revealed that the 76 kDa band should be attributed to chloroplasts and the 73 kDa band to mitochondrial fraction. The 76 kDa band dominated in cotyledons and was hardly detectable in root preparation whereas the 73 kDa band was prevailing in hook samples but was also clearly detectable both in cotyledons and in roots.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Dec 1, 1987
Amyloplasts isolated from white-wild suspension-cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L... more Amyloplasts isolated from white-wild suspension-cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) are found to import and process the precursor of thesmall subunit (pS) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase of spinach, but they lack the ability to form its holoenzyme due to the absence of both the large subunit and its binding-protein. They also import the precursor of the 33-kDa extrinsic protein (p33-kDa) of the 02-evolving complex of Photosystem II from spinach, but process is only to an intermediate form (i33-kDa). Chloroplasts from green-mutant cells of sycamore process p33-kDa to its mature form in this heterologous system. These results suggest that the thylakoid-associated protease responsible for the second processing step of p33-kDa is missing in amyloplasts, possibly due to the absence of thylakoid-membranes. In contrast, the apparent import of the precursor of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/bbinding apoprotein (pLHCP) from spinach was not detected. Sycamore amyloplasts may lack the ability to import this particular thylakoid-protein, or rapidly degrade the imported molecules in the absence of thylakoidmembranes for their proper insertion.
Papers by Kazimierz Strzałka