RESUMO-O presente artigo objetivou analisar as influências dos docentes no processo de ensino e d... more RESUMO-O presente artigo objetivou analisar as influências dos docentes no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de seus discentes, levando em consideração a importância da formação docente, as situações de mal/bem-estar docente, o papel do professor nos processos de construção do pensamento e da linguagem. Através de um estudo quanti-qualitativo, primeiramente através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, fundamentada nos estudos de Esteve, Jesus, Stobäus e Mosquera, Bakhtin e Vygotsky, e de uma análise de conteúdo, conforme Bardin, realizada no banco de dados da ANPEd nos anos de 2010 e 2011, no Grupo de Trabalho (GT) número 10-Alfabetização, Leitura e Escrita. Foi realizada leitura flutuante de todos os trabalhos publicados naqueles dois anos, sendo possível verificar uma diversidade de abordagens nos artigos publicados, tendo maior incidência as publicações referentes à leitura e à escrita. Acreditamos que os docentes devem ter maior perceptibilidade do importante papel que exercem, em especial nos processos de aquisição de leitura e escrita, que devem ser desenvolvidos por eles nas diversas disciplinas, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de práticas para melhor compreender e aprimorar os processos de pensamento e da palavra, seja falada, lida ou escrita. Palavras-chave: Formação docente. Construção do pensamento e da linguagem. Docência.
Esta pesquisa buscou analisar as influências que o mal/bem-estar docente pode provocar no fazer d... more Esta pesquisa buscou analisar as influências que o mal/bem-estar docente pode provocar no fazer docente, coletando para isso respostas de 25 docentes. A pesquisa, quantitativa, coletou respostas em três questionários quantitativamente analisados com Estatística Descritiva e Inferencial, complementada com dados qualitativos, submetidos à técnica de Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. Com essas respostas, fica possível evidenciar um grande nível de estresse entre os professores, apesar da tendência a níveis positivos de autoimagem e autoestima, existindo também necessidades de autorrealização a serem satisfeitas, para chegarem a uma melhor autorrealização. Ressaltamos a importância de adotar ações que contribuam para a melhoria da saúde docente, por parte das instituições de ensino e também da sociedade, proporcionando apoio, acolhimento, desenvolvendo relações baseadas no afeto e bem-estar.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar de que forma a Educação Física (EFI) vem contribuindo ... more Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar de que forma a Educação Física (EFI) vem contribuindo para os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem como componente curricular potencializador do desenvolvimento motor, social, afetivo e cognitivo de estudantes público-alvo da Educação Especial (PAEE), na educação infantil e nos anos iniciais de uma escola Marista do município de Porto Alegre (RS). Com uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa, esse estudo utilizou como instrumento principal o diário de campo, no que tange ao propósito de acesso, inclusão e permanência dos estudantes nas aulas de EFI, em consonância com os documentos institucionais e os dados quantitativos com o número de estudantes PAEE atendidos e a frequência destes na EFI, buscando avaliar os processos e o currículo desse componente curricular. A análise dos dados quantitativos foi realizada através dos documentos de registro de matrículas e diário de classe, e os dados qualitativos foram analisados a partir da Técnica de Anális...
Based on the results of Dohms Thesis, which dealt with Institutional Welfare in a Brazilian Basic... more Based on the results of Dohms Thesis, which dealt with Institutional Welfare in a Brazilian Basic Education Marist Institution, and discussions with its advisor, this article presents data of the qualitative approach, contemplating two specific objectives: 1) Verify perceptions of teachers, students, managers and employees about the Institution of which they are part; and 2) Monitor the implementation of the National Curricular Matrix in this school and the development of actions from Strategic Planning, recording the observations as field diary notes, at the same time being a researcher who is available to the develop of didactic activities, trying to describe the perception of these participants where they work and study, regarding the institutional well-being and aspects addressed in the interventions carried out, in order to reflect and contribute to their well-being. A total of 220 participants collaborated in the study, answering the questions with open answer of the Institutional Welfare Questionnaire, complemented with the Field diary notes. To analyze the data and the content analysis technique of Bardin. The theoretical framework is based on Esteve, Jesus, Dohms, Mendes and Stobäus & Mosquera. Based on the participants' answers, they were five categories: a) Definition of Welfare, b) Aspects that generate Welfare, c) Actions for Welfare, d) Perception of relationships in the Institution, and e) Promotion of well-being. This shows that respondents and observers, in general, perceive well-being as health and relate it to belonging (spirit of family), possibility of dialogue and positive personal relationships. More positive evaluation that the person performs of itself, better is the evaluation that he/she performs of the Institution. That is, better levels of Subjective Wellbeing also reflect in better and more positive degrees of Institutional Wellbeing. We conclude that in this institution the participants cry out for appreciation and recognition, and understand that the family spirit, coexistence and interpersonal relationships promote more their wellbeing, being group spirit and teamwork primordial. They also point out aspects related to education, improvement and continuous education as necessary to promote and maintain the wellbeing in their educational institution.
RESUMO-O presente artigo objetivou analisar as influências dos docentes no processo de ensino e d... more RESUMO-O presente artigo objetivou analisar as influências dos docentes no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de seus discentes, levando em consideração a importância da formação docente, as situações de mal/bem-estar docente, o papel do professor nos processos de construção do pensamento e da linguagem. Através de um estudo quanti-qualitativo, primeiramente através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, fundamentada nos estudos de Esteve, Jesus, Stobäus e Mosquera, Bakhtin e Vygotsky, e de uma análise de conteúdo, conforme Bardin, realizada no banco de dados da ANPEd nos anos de 2010 e 2011, no Grupo de Trabalho (GT) número 10-Alfabetização, Leitura e Escrita. Foi realizada leitura flutuante de todos os trabalhos publicados naqueles dois anos, sendo possível verificar uma diversidade de abordagens nos artigos publicados, tendo maior incidência as publicações referentes à leitura e à escrita. Acreditamos que os docentes devem ter maior perceptibilidade do importante papel que exercem, em especial nos processos de aquisição de leitura e escrita, que devem ser desenvolvidos por eles nas diversas disciplinas, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de práticas para melhor compreender e aprimorar os processos de pensamento e da palavra, seja falada, lida ou escrita. Palavras-chave: Formação docente. Construção do pensamento e da linguagem. Docência.
This research sought to analyze possible influences that malaise/well-being faculty can cause in ... more This research sought to analyze possible influences that malaise/well-being faculty can cause in teaching through a collection of responses from teachers of a traditional school in Porto Alegre. , who have filled questionnaires of malaise teaching, self-image and self-esteem, and self-actualization. In the theoretical elements are listed some possible causes and consequences of teacher"s malaise, more common nowadays in educational institutions, and ways to revert it in welfare faculty. We know that today being a teacher is not easy, but we also need to be aware that this should not interfere in our performance in classroom with our students. Also, first and foremost, teachers need to be well prepared to work with diversity, since their academic formation until constant updates. The survey is quantitative-qualitative; the answers were collected from teachers through questionnaires, and analyzed quantitatively with descriptive statistics and inferential understanding, using the qualitative Content Analysis technique of Bardin. Questionnaires were applied to 25 teachers of teaching from early childhood education to high school, aged between 26 and 58 years, with predominance of 38 to 47 years. Through questionnaires replies become possible to demonstrate that there is a high level of stress among teachers, who consider the main sources of pressure: the relationship with pulpils" families; lack of support from caregivers; lack of materials in school; students" indiscipline; school and work beyond bureaucracies of workload interfering in personal life; dissatisfaction with wages; the need of systematic reviews of students; devaluation of teaching occupation; difficulty in attend special educational needs of some pupils. To reduce this stress they seek: positive relations with their students; support from fellow teachers and by the Union; clarity in the role of teaching; length of school holidays; elaborate activities" plan in advance in order to make their work more interesting; manage their time and recognize their own limits; appeal to their hobbies and pastimes; unburden with their relatives/colleagues. This study also found levels considered positive of self-image and self-esteem among teachers, and the analysis of the Questionnaire of Self-realization showed that there was a higher rate of physical needs, especially of relationship"s needs. Thereby, concluding comments show a high level of stress among the respondents, despite a tendency to positive levels of self-image and self-esteem, there are also some other requirements to be met to reach a better self-realization, considering the importance of actions that could contribute to improve more teachers" health by educational institutions, and by society, providing support, care, developing relationships based on affection and well-being.
From a bibliographical study, based on relevant authors in this field, it is found that a more po... more From a bibliographical study, based on relevant authors in this field, it is found that a more positive self-image and self-esteem contribute to the formation of intra and interpersonal healthy and affectionate increasing the action in the educational environment. This exploratory study aims to determine the levels of self-esteem of adolescents, comparing data among students in Portugal and Brazil. Therefore, participants were 189 Portuguese students and 176 Brazilian students, from secondary school/medium public schools in these countries, responding to Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, adapted for each population. For data analysis, descriptive statistics were used to compare means and subjected to SPSS. The results showed lower levels of self-esteem in Portuguese students (M = 3.22 and D. P. = 0.58) than those in Brazilian students (M = 3.45 and D. P. = 0.41). Although both means are elevated, the comparison between these two samples is significantly different (t = 3.275, p = 0.001), which enables to say that Brazilian have the best self-esteem than Portuguese, also that these adolescents indicate positive levels of self-esteem, demonstrating to be pleased with him/selves. Cultural factors may influence these results and the environment in which students are placed can contribute to the construction of self-esteem, from interpersonal relationships present in their social context, the evaluation of each under their own experiences as success or failure, as well as the affective evaluation, which is the foundation for a more positive self-esteem.
Our research presents reports of 20 university teachers, both genders, from different cities of R... more Our research presents reports of 20 university teachers, both genders, from different cities of Rio Grande do Sul-BR, about what they think about affectivity in their teaching, aiming to clarify which aspects would be important to be developed by teachers and students, to contribute to better learning and well-being in the university environment, with interviews, analyzing their responses with qualitative technique of content analysis, described by Morais. The theoretical framework is mainly based on studies of: Gardner, Damasio, Casassus, Ekman, Goleman, with details on the development of emotions and feelings; complemented by Mosquera and Stobäus ideas, working in the Research Group Malaise and Wellness in Teaching and Affectivity: expression of feelings in Education. The analysis revealed eight categories: 1) Feelings/emotions in teaching; 2) Behavioral Expression of feelings/emotions; 3) Self-concept in the educational environment; 4) Affectivity and interpersonal relations in educational environment; 5) Affectivity and professional qualification; 6) Affectivity as facilitating/disturbing of learning; 7) Affectivity and identification with the profession; and 8) Affectivity related to Health and Education. As results we emphasize that affectivity/feelings of university teachers is, first, directed to the Personal Aspects (categories 1, 2, 3, 7), second, focused on Social Aspects (categories 4, 6, 8) and, finally, to Institutional Aspects (category 5), which in general leads to the understanding that, for the teachers interviewed, affect is very important in the educational context and depends on individual training (self) so you can be used positively in this environment as a tool for learning, and for healthy interpersonal relationships (contextualization).
Resumo: O presente artigo objetivou analisar aspectos teórico-práticos da resiliência no âmbito e... more Resumo: O presente artigo objetivou analisar aspectos teórico-práticos da resiliência no âmbito educacional e, mais especificamente, na docência, visando reunir informações para o aprofundamento dos estudos sobre a temática do mal/bem-estar docente, bem como possibilitar apoio aos professores. Optamos por uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, utilizando como fonte de dados os trabalhos publicados na CAPES e na ANPEd, no ano de 2009. Nossa análise apontou as seguintes categorias: Resiliência, adolescência e escola; Resiliência e saberes docentes; Resiliência e instituições de abrigo. Concluímos que a Disponível em:
RESUMO-O presente artigo objetiva refletir sobre as condições de mal-estar docente, levando em co... more RESUMO-O presente artigo objetiva refletir sobre as condições de mal-estar docente, levando em conta aspectos da Psicologia Positiva e da Saúde, em direção ao bem-estar pessoal e profissional. Optamos por uma abordagem qualitativa, através de uma revisão de literatura acerca do mal-estar e bem-estar docente. O
RESUMO-O presente artigo objetivou analisar as influências dos docentes no processo de ensino e d... more RESUMO-O presente artigo objetivou analisar as influências dos docentes no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de seus discentes, levando em consideração a importância da formação docente, as situações de mal/bem-estar docente, o papel do professor nos processos de construção do pensamento e da linguagem. Através de um estudo quanti-qualitativo, primeiramente através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, fundamentada nos estudos de Esteve, Jesus, Stobäus e Mosquera, Bakhtin e Vygotsky, e de uma análise de conteúdo, conforme Bardin, realizada no banco de dados da ANPEd nos anos de 2010 e 2011, no Grupo de Trabalho (GT) número 10-Alfabetização, Leitura e Escrita. Foi realizada leitura flutuante de todos os trabalhos publicados naqueles dois anos, sendo possível verificar uma diversidade de abordagens nos artigos publicados, tendo maior incidência as publicações referentes à leitura e à escrita. Acreditamos que os docentes devem ter maior perceptibilidade do importante papel que exercem, em especial nos processos de aquisição de leitura e escrita, que devem ser desenvolvidos por eles nas diversas disciplinas, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de práticas para melhor compreender e aprimorar os processos de pensamento e da palavra, seja falada, lida ou escrita. Palavras-chave: Formação docente. Construção do pensamento e da linguagem. Docência.
Esta pesquisa buscou analisar as influências que o mal/bem-estar docente pode provocar no fazer d... more Esta pesquisa buscou analisar as influências que o mal/bem-estar docente pode provocar no fazer docente, coletando para isso respostas de 25 docentes. A pesquisa, quantitativa, coletou respostas em três questionários quantitativamente analisados com Estatística Descritiva e Inferencial, complementada com dados qualitativos, submetidos à técnica de Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. Com essas respostas, fica possível evidenciar um grande nível de estresse entre os professores, apesar da tendência a níveis positivos de autoimagem e autoestima, existindo também necessidades de autorrealização a serem satisfeitas, para chegarem a uma melhor autorrealização. Ressaltamos a importância de adotar ações que contribuam para a melhoria da saúde docente, por parte das instituições de ensino e também da sociedade, proporcionando apoio, acolhimento, desenvolvendo relações baseadas no afeto e bem-estar.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar de que forma a Educação Física (EFI) vem contribuindo ... more Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar de que forma a Educação Física (EFI) vem contribuindo para os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem como componente curricular potencializador do desenvolvimento motor, social, afetivo e cognitivo de estudantes público-alvo da Educação Especial (PAEE), na educação infantil e nos anos iniciais de uma escola Marista do município de Porto Alegre (RS). Com uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa, esse estudo utilizou como instrumento principal o diário de campo, no que tange ao propósito de acesso, inclusão e permanência dos estudantes nas aulas de EFI, em consonância com os documentos institucionais e os dados quantitativos com o número de estudantes PAEE atendidos e a frequência destes na EFI, buscando avaliar os processos e o currículo desse componente curricular. A análise dos dados quantitativos foi realizada através dos documentos de registro de matrículas e diário de classe, e os dados qualitativos foram analisados a partir da Técnica de Anális...
Based on the results of Dohms Thesis, which dealt with Institutional Welfare in a Brazilian Basic... more Based on the results of Dohms Thesis, which dealt with Institutional Welfare in a Brazilian Basic Education Marist Institution, and discussions with its advisor, this article presents data of the qualitative approach, contemplating two specific objectives: 1) Verify perceptions of teachers, students, managers and employees about the Institution of which they are part; and 2) Monitor the implementation of the National Curricular Matrix in this school and the development of actions from Strategic Planning, recording the observations as field diary notes, at the same time being a researcher who is available to the develop of didactic activities, trying to describe the perception of these participants where they work and study, regarding the institutional well-being and aspects addressed in the interventions carried out, in order to reflect and contribute to their well-being. A total of 220 participants collaborated in the study, answering the questions with open answer of the Institutional Welfare Questionnaire, complemented with the Field diary notes. To analyze the data and the content analysis technique of Bardin. The theoretical framework is based on Esteve, Jesus, Dohms, Mendes and Stobäus & Mosquera. Based on the participants' answers, they were five categories: a) Definition of Welfare, b) Aspects that generate Welfare, c) Actions for Welfare, d) Perception of relationships in the Institution, and e) Promotion of well-being. This shows that respondents and observers, in general, perceive well-being as health and relate it to belonging (spirit of family), possibility of dialogue and positive personal relationships. More positive evaluation that the person performs of itself, better is the evaluation that he/she performs of the Institution. That is, better levels of Subjective Wellbeing also reflect in better and more positive degrees of Institutional Wellbeing. We conclude that in this institution the participants cry out for appreciation and recognition, and understand that the family spirit, coexistence and interpersonal relationships promote more their wellbeing, being group spirit and teamwork primordial. They also point out aspects related to education, improvement and continuous education as necessary to promote and maintain the wellbeing in their educational institution.
RESUMO-O presente artigo objetivou analisar as influências dos docentes no processo de ensino e d... more RESUMO-O presente artigo objetivou analisar as influências dos docentes no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de seus discentes, levando em consideração a importância da formação docente, as situações de mal/bem-estar docente, o papel do professor nos processos de construção do pensamento e da linguagem. Através de um estudo quanti-qualitativo, primeiramente através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, fundamentada nos estudos de Esteve, Jesus, Stobäus e Mosquera, Bakhtin e Vygotsky, e de uma análise de conteúdo, conforme Bardin, realizada no banco de dados da ANPEd nos anos de 2010 e 2011, no Grupo de Trabalho (GT) número 10-Alfabetização, Leitura e Escrita. Foi realizada leitura flutuante de todos os trabalhos publicados naqueles dois anos, sendo possível verificar uma diversidade de abordagens nos artigos publicados, tendo maior incidência as publicações referentes à leitura e à escrita. Acreditamos que os docentes devem ter maior perceptibilidade do importante papel que exercem, em especial nos processos de aquisição de leitura e escrita, que devem ser desenvolvidos por eles nas diversas disciplinas, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de práticas para melhor compreender e aprimorar os processos de pensamento e da palavra, seja falada, lida ou escrita. Palavras-chave: Formação docente. Construção do pensamento e da linguagem. Docência.
This research sought to analyze possible influences that malaise/well-being faculty can cause in ... more This research sought to analyze possible influences that malaise/well-being faculty can cause in teaching through a collection of responses from teachers of a traditional school in Porto Alegre. , who have filled questionnaires of malaise teaching, self-image and self-esteem, and self-actualization. In the theoretical elements are listed some possible causes and consequences of teacher"s malaise, more common nowadays in educational institutions, and ways to revert it in welfare faculty. We know that today being a teacher is not easy, but we also need to be aware that this should not interfere in our performance in classroom with our students. Also, first and foremost, teachers need to be well prepared to work with diversity, since their academic formation until constant updates. The survey is quantitative-qualitative; the answers were collected from teachers through questionnaires, and analyzed quantitatively with descriptive statistics and inferential understanding, using the qualitative Content Analysis technique of Bardin. Questionnaires were applied to 25 teachers of teaching from early childhood education to high school, aged between 26 and 58 years, with predominance of 38 to 47 years. Through questionnaires replies become possible to demonstrate that there is a high level of stress among teachers, who consider the main sources of pressure: the relationship with pulpils" families; lack of support from caregivers; lack of materials in school; students" indiscipline; school and work beyond bureaucracies of workload interfering in personal life; dissatisfaction with wages; the need of systematic reviews of students; devaluation of teaching occupation; difficulty in attend special educational needs of some pupils. To reduce this stress they seek: positive relations with their students; support from fellow teachers and by the Union; clarity in the role of teaching; length of school holidays; elaborate activities" plan in advance in order to make their work more interesting; manage their time and recognize their own limits; appeal to their hobbies and pastimes; unburden with their relatives/colleagues. This study also found levels considered positive of self-image and self-esteem among teachers, and the analysis of the Questionnaire of Self-realization showed that there was a higher rate of physical needs, especially of relationship"s needs. Thereby, concluding comments show a high level of stress among the respondents, despite a tendency to positive levels of self-image and self-esteem, there are also some other requirements to be met to reach a better self-realization, considering the importance of actions that could contribute to improve more teachers" health by educational institutions, and by society, providing support, care, developing relationships based on affection and well-being.
From a bibliographical study, based on relevant authors in this field, it is found that a more po... more From a bibliographical study, based on relevant authors in this field, it is found that a more positive self-image and self-esteem contribute to the formation of intra and interpersonal healthy and affectionate increasing the action in the educational environment. This exploratory study aims to determine the levels of self-esteem of adolescents, comparing data among students in Portugal and Brazil. Therefore, participants were 189 Portuguese students and 176 Brazilian students, from secondary school/medium public schools in these countries, responding to Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, adapted for each population. For data analysis, descriptive statistics were used to compare means and subjected to SPSS. The results showed lower levels of self-esteem in Portuguese students (M = 3.22 and D. P. = 0.58) than those in Brazilian students (M = 3.45 and D. P. = 0.41). Although both means are elevated, the comparison between these two samples is significantly different (t = 3.275, p = 0.001), which enables to say that Brazilian have the best self-esteem than Portuguese, also that these adolescents indicate positive levels of self-esteem, demonstrating to be pleased with him/selves. Cultural factors may influence these results and the environment in which students are placed can contribute to the construction of self-esteem, from interpersonal relationships present in their social context, the evaluation of each under their own experiences as success or failure, as well as the affective evaluation, which is the foundation for a more positive self-esteem.
Our research presents reports of 20 university teachers, both genders, from different cities of R... more Our research presents reports of 20 university teachers, both genders, from different cities of Rio Grande do Sul-BR, about what they think about affectivity in their teaching, aiming to clarify which aspects would be important to be developed by teachers and students, to contribute to better learning and well-being in the university environment, with interviews, analyzing their responses with qualitative technique of content analysis, described by Morais. The theoretical framework is mainly based on studies of: Gardner, Damasio, Casassus, Ekman, Goleman, with details on the development of emotions and feelings; complemented by Mosquera and Stobäus ideas, working in the Research Group Malaise and Wellness in Teaching and Affectivity: expression of feelings in Education. The analysis revealed eight categories: 1) Feelings/emotions in teaching; 2) Behavioral Expression of feelings/emotions; 3) Self-concept in the educational environment; 4) Affectivity and interpersonal relations in educational environment; 5) Affectivity and professional qualification; 6) Affectivity as facilitating/disturbing of learning; 7) Affectivity and identification with the profession; and 8) Affectivity related to Health and Education. As results we emphasize that affectivity/feelings of university teachers is, first, directed to the Personal Aspects (categories 1, 2, 3, 7), second, focused on Social Aspects (categories 4, 6, 8) and, finally, to Institutional Aspects (category 5), which in general leads to the understanding that, for the teachers interviewed, affect is very important in the educational context and depends on individual training (self) so you can be used positively in this environment as a tool for learning, and for healthy interpersonal relationships (contextualization).
Resumo: O presente artigo objetivou analisar aspectos teórico-práticos da resiliência no âmbito e... more Resumo: O presente artigo objetivou analisar aspectos teórico-práticos da resiliência no âmbito educacional e, mais especificamente, na docência, visando reunir informações para o aprofundamento dos estudos sobre a temática do mal/bem-estar docente, bem como possibilitar apoio aos professores. Optamos por uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, utilizando como fonte de dados os trabalhos publicados na CAPES e na ANPEd, no ano de 2009. Nossa análise apontou as seguintes categorias: Resiliência, adolescência e escola; Resiliência e saberes docentes; Resiliência e instituições de abrigo. Concluímos que a Disponível em:
RESUMO-O presente artigo objetiva refletir sobre as condições de mal-estar docente, levando em co... more RESUMO-O presente artigo objetiva refletir sobre as condições de mal-estar docente, levando em conta aspectos da Psicologia Positiva e da Saúde, em direção ao bem-estar pessoal e profissional. Optamos por uma abordagem qualitativa, através de uma revisão de literatura acerca do mal-estar e bem-estar docente. O
Papers by Karina Dohms