Product development management is widely seen as way of ensuring business survival through reduce... more Product development management is widely seen as way of ensuring business survival through reduced releasing time, increased quality and reduced costs. In a research conducted by EPUSP's professors in partnership with FATEC's professors, a questionnaire was projected for to attain, in its content, the objective of presenting the vision of the small and medium enterprises concerning activity of technological innovation and, more specifically, with the product's development and its management. In this referred area of interest, the companies were identified by the activities' sector (metal-mechanic sector, focus of this proposal). In the field research, the professors visited 32 companies for the accomplishment of the information's survey, over a period of four months. Research produced a great quantity of information, which is being analyzed. Preliminarily, this work will present the result of one of the answered questionnaires, that tries to answer a specific question: "The development process generates more evolutionary or more innovative products"?
The purpose of the present study is to analyze how different Open Innovation (OI) activities occu... more The purpose of the present study is to analyze how different Open Innovation (OI) activities occur in Product Development Processes (PDP) from the Brazilian automotive industry. From conceptual frameworks unifying both OI and PDP, the study presents the main OI practices that are applicable to the PDP, as well as four constructs regarding that interrelationship. A case study approach is taken in 7 companies with 11 interviews, and a comparative and critical analysis is made, providing insight into how OI and PDP literature relate to the actual work being done in the automotive industry.
The Journal of Modern Project Management, Sep 18, 2017
By integrating quality-management tools to product design, this paper aims at proposing a model t... more By integrating quality-management tools to product design, this paper aims at proposing a model to assist in idea prioritization in value proposition design (VPD) processes in the service sector, tested in an experimental case study of a startup of the wholesale segment. To make for the subjective perspective in idea prioritization, this work conceives and adopts a hybrid approach, so to integrate the VPD canvas with the quality function deployment (QFD) methodology, the latter designed to listen to the “voice of the client.” Comparing the results obtained from the standard and the hybrid VPD models, we noticed an average prioritization shift of around 30%, when comparing the relative position of a given idea in the priority ranking in both models. We also found, particularly in this case, that the design team tended to attribute a higher importance to “gain creators,” while customers gave more importance to “pain killers.” These findings evidence the divergence between the designers’ feelings and the customers’ perception of needs. We close with conclusions and recommendations derived from this case-study experience.
Observando uma possível ordenação-não necessariamente a única-a apresentação dos portais segue um... more Observando uma possível ordenação-não necessariamente a única-a apresentação dos portais segue uma cronologia virtual, buscando inicialmente o conhecimento do possível usuário ou cliente (INDE e IBGE), depois as vocações e infraestrutura (Data Viva) e, finalmente, aspectos de comércio e logística (Alice Web). 3.1. Infraestrutura Nacional de Dados Geoespaciais: Instituído em 2008, o INDE tem como principais objetivos organizar a geração, armazenamento, acesso, compartilhamento e disseminação e uso dos dados, tanto por órgãos públicos quanto pela iniciativa privada. O INDE sugere o uso de três ferramentas básicas de consulta e visualização das informações: o ArcGIS Explorer, que é um visualizador de mapas, o GeoNetwork que é um catálogo de metadados e o i3Geo, que é um software baseado na integração de diversos outros softwares que permitem a visualização de informações através de mapas (todas com "download" gratuito e procedimentos indicados pelo INDE). Para usar estas ferramentas, é preciso pesquisar a informação desejada no
Paper aims: the purpose of this study is to analyze how Open Innovation (OI) activities occur in ... more Paper aims: the purpose of this study is to analyze how Open Innovation (OI) activities occur in Product Development Processes (PDP) and in the design of new products. Originality: the study is based on a self-developed and conducted survey, applied to engineers and managers working in departments involving product development and innovation among the Brazilian automakers. Research method: the method adopted is that of a questionnaire-based survey. Results are analyzed through a principal component analysis, followed by ordinary least squares regressions, in order to test the hypotheses proposed. Main findings: results suggest that inbound practices were more present than outbound practices, with a strong presence of the supplier in the design process (and not so much of a user-centered approach). Correlation between an organizational culture that favors OI and adoption to newer PDP methods and tools indicate that adopting newer product development methodologies and technologies could lead to a more "open" design process. Implications for theory and practice: the research provides an overview of open innovation within the Brazilian automakers, and reports what could be opportunities for the automotive industry to head towards.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Sep 19, 2015
The use of prototypes in the product development process (PDP) brings maturity to the project, re... more The use of prototypes in the product development process (PDP) brings maturity to the project, reduces uncertainties, and helps in the conservation of information flow during the whole PDP. Usually, virtual prototypes (VP) are created in CAD/CAE systems, while physical prototypes (PP) are usually manufactured from techniques of material addition. In this reality, the creation/manufacturing of a prototype capable to meet its purpose will depend on the alternative available for its creation/manufacturing, and on the experience of the professional involved (designer). This work proposes a procedure to help in the selection of the best creation/ manufacture technique for VP and PP, initially focusing on the automotive sector. The procedure was developed from theoretical backgrounds, discussion and consideration among professionals and scholars. The procedure was evaluated in a field research, where 34 professionals from 23 different companies of the automotive sector had been consulted. The theoretical frameworks, the proposed procedure, and the results of the field research are presented. Finally, the work is finished showing the conclusions and final considerations. The use of this procedure is expected to help experienced professionals and beginners, as well as scholars, in their research, education, and extension activities.
This paper aims to propose a framework to managing the automotive product development process. Th... more This paper aims to propose a framework to managing the automotive product development process. The framework, named as Automotive-PDP, was developed through a bibliographical survey and through a study of three global automakers from Asia, Europe and America. In order to verify the Automotive-PDP acceptance, interviews involving 75 professionals from automakers, auto parts and automotive design companies were performed. The goal of these interviews was to verify the practice use of the framework (Automotive-PDP) in the automotive sector. The framework development is presented and the findings from interviews are showed. Afterwards, the paper is finished with the relevant conclusions.
Por muito tempo tive quer adiar meu objetivo de realizar um curso de pós-graduação stricto sensu ... more Por muito tempo tive quer adiar meu objetivo de realizar um curso de pós-graduação stricto sensu em engenharia pois, até então, não era possível conciliar minhas atividades profissionais com os horários estipulados em um curso tradicional. Entretanto, graças a pessoas com ideais e visão que, por sua perseverança, tornaram realidade o curso de Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia Automotiva da Escola Politécnica da USP, eu pude concretizar meu objetivo. Assim, fica meu agradecimento a todos que contribuem para a existência deste curso, especialmente aos professores, cujo profundo conhecimento em suas áreas de especialização é inegável, e dos quais tive a honra de ser aluno, pelo respeito, dedicação e comprometimento demonstrados. Entre os professores, gostaria de agradecer, de forma especial, ao Prof. Dr. Paulo Carlos Kaminski da Escola Politécnica da USP. Ao iniciar a busca por orientação, ele foi a primeira pessoa com a qual tive contato. Desde o início, e mesmo ainda não sendo oficialmente meu orientador, o professor Kaminski me apoiou e me auxiliou com informações importantes para que eu pudesse dar andamento ao trabalho. Mais tarde, felizmente, foi possível oficializar sua orientação, o que foi fundamental para o resultado final. Quero agradecer também ao Prof. Dr. Clóvis E. Hegedus pela sua contribuição com excelentes artigos e sugestões para melhoria deste trabalho.
A utilização do mapa mental tem sido feita em inúmeras situações, sempre procurando ampliar escop... more A utilização do mapa mental tem sido feita em inúmeras situações, sempre procurando ampliar escopos, ilustrar contextos, facilitar o entendimento de problemas, mas, principalmente, para mostrar oportunidades e caminhos para a busca de soluções, o que, de modo geral, adéqua-se bem ao desafio do desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento de soluções IoT, que agregam produtos, serviços e sistemas integrados com alto grau de análise de dados e tomada de decisão, também se enquadram no rol dos desafios que demandam inúmeras ferramentas de desenvolvimento, dentre as quais, o mapa mental. Neste trabalho, foi feita uma análise comparativa de diversos mapas mentais elaborados em contextos de produtos e serviços sem e com IoT, partindo de uma premissa de que no desenho do mapa para o caso do IoT deveria haver uma camada adjacente à ideia central, cujo teor fosse abstrato ou de valores de pouca tangibilidade ou materialidade. A análise comparativa e o confronto com as soluções propostas, mostrou que, quanto mais os grupos aderiram a esta premissa, maior foi o grau de exploração do problema e mais variadas foram a oportunidades prospectadas.
Product development management is widely seen as way of ensuring business survival through reduce... more Product development management is widely seen as way of ensuring business survival through reduced releasing time, increased quality and reduced costs. In a research conducted by EPUSP's professors in partnership with FATEC's professors, a questionnaire was projected for to attain, in its content, the objective of presenting the vision of the small and medium enterprises concerning activity of technological innovation and, more specifically, with the product's development and its management. In this referred area of interest, the companies were identified by the activities' sector (metal-mechanic sector, focus of this proposal). In the field research, the professors visited 32 companies for the accomplishment of the information's survey, over a period of four months. Research produced a great quantity of information, which is being analyzed. Preliminarily, this work will present the result of one of the answered questionnaires, that tries to answer a specific question: "The development process generates more evolutionary or more innovative products"?
The purpose of the present study is to analyze how different Open Innovation (OI) activities occu... more The purpose of the present study is to analyze how different Open Innovation (OI) activities occur in Product Development Processes (PDP) from the Brazilian automotive industry. From conceptual frameworks unifying both OI and PDP, the study presents the main OI practices that are applicable to the PDP, as well as four constructs regarding that interrelationship. A case study approach is taken in 7 companies with 11 interviews, and a comparative and critical analysis is made, providing insight into how OI and PDP literature relate to the actual work being done in the automotive industry.
The Journal of Modern Project Management, Sep 18, 2017
By integrating quality-management tools to product design, this paper aims at proposing a model t... more By integrating quality-management tools to product design, this paper aims at proposing a model to assist in idea prioritization in value proposition design (VPD) processes in the service sector, tested in an experimental case study of a startup of the wholesale segment. To make for the subjective perspective in idea prioritization, this work conceives and adopts a hybrid approach, so to integrate the VPD canvas with the quality function deployment (QFD) methodology, the latter designed to listen to the “voice of the client.” Comparing the results obtained from the standard and the hybrid VPD models, we noticed an average prioritization shift of around 30%, when comparing the relative position of a given idea in the priority ranking in both models. We also found, particularly in this case, that the design team tended to attribute a higher importance to “gain creators,” while customers gave more importance to “pain killers.” These findings evidence the divergence between the designers’ feelings and the customers’ perception of needs. We close with conclusions and recommendations derived from this case-study experience.
Observando uma possível ordenação-não necessariamente a única-a apresentação dos portais segue um... more Observando uma possível ordenação-não necessariamente a única-a apresentação dos portais segue uma cronologia virtual, buscando inicialmente o conhecimento do possível usuário ou cliente (INDE e IBGE), depois as vocações e infraestrutura (Data Viva) e, finalmente, aspectos de comércio e logística (Alice Web). 3.1. Infraestrutura Nacional de Dados Geoespaciais: Instituído em 2008, o INDE tem como principais objetivos organizar a geração, armazenamento, acesso, compartilhamento e disseminação e uso dos dados, tanto por órgãos públicos quanto pela iniciativa privada. O INDE sugere o uso de três ferramentas básicas de consulta e visualização das informações: o ArcGIS Explorer, que é um visualizador de mapas, o GeoNetwork que é um catálogo de metadados e o i3Geo, que é um software baseado na integração de diversos outros softwares que permitem a visualização de informações através de mapas (todas com "download" gratuito e procedimentos indicados pelo INDE). Para usar estas ferramentas, é preciso pesquisar a informação desejada no
Paper aims: the purpose of this study is to analyze how Open Innovation (OI) activities occur in ... more Paper aims: the purpose of this study is to analyze how Open Innovation (OI) activities occur in Product Development Processes (PDP) and in the design of new products. Originality: the study is based on a self-developed and conducted survey, applied to engineers and managers working in departments involving product development and innovation among the Brazilian automakers. Research method: the method adopted is that of a questionnaire-based survey. Results are analyzed through a principal component analysis, followed by ordinary least squares regressions, in order to test the hypotheses proposed. Main findings: results suggest that inbound practices were more present than outbound practices, with a strong presence of the supplier in the design process (and not so much of a user-centered approach). Correlation between an organizational culture that favors OI and adoption to newer PDP methods and tools indicate that adopting newer product development methodologies and technologies could lead to a more "open" design process. Implications for theory and practice: the research provides an overview of open innovation within the Brazilian automakers, and reports what could be opportunities for the automotive industry to head towards.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Sep 19, 2015
The use of prototypes in the product development process (PDP) brings maturity to the project, re... more The use of prototypes in the product development process (PDP) brings maturity to the project, reduces uncertainties, and helps in the conservation of information flow during the whole PDP. Usually, virtual prototypes (VP) are created in CAD/CAE systems, while physical prototypes (PP) are usually manufactured from techniques of material addition. In this reality, the creation/manufacturing of a prototype capable to meet its purpose will depend on the alternative available for its creation/manufacturing, and on the experience of the professional involved (designer). This work proposes a procedure to help in the selection of the best creation/ manufacture technique for VP and PP, initially focusing on the automotive sector. The procedure was developed from theoretical backgrounds, discussion and consideration among professionals and scholars. The procedure was evaluated in a field research, where 34 professionals from 23 different companies of the automotive sector had been consulted. The theoretical frameworks, the proposed procedure, and the results of the field research are presented. Finally, the work is finished showing the conclusions and final considerations. The use of this procedure is expected to help experienced professionals and beginners, as well as scholars, in their research, education, and extension activities.
This paper aims to propose a framework to managing the automotive product development process. Th... more This paper aims to propose a framework to managing the automotive product development process. The framework, named as Automotive-PDP, was developed through a bibliographical survey and through a study of three global automakers from Asia, Europe and America. In order to verify the Automotive-PDP acceptance, interviews involving 75 professionals from automakers, auto parts and automotive design companies were performed. The goal of these interviews was to verify the practice use of the framework (Automotive-PDP) in the automotive sector. The framework development is presented and the findings from interviews are showed. Afterwards, the paper is finished with the relevant conclusions.
Por muito tempo tive quer adiar meu objetivo de realizar um curso de pós-graduação stricto sensu ... more Por muito tempo tive quer adiar meu objetivo de realizar um curso de pós-graduação stricto sensu em engenharia pois, até então, não era possível conciliar minhas atividades profissionais com os horários estipulados em um curso tradicional. Entretanto, graças a pessoas com ideais e visão que, por sua perseverança, tornaram realidade o curso de Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia Automotiva da Escola Politécnica da USP, eu pude concretizar meu objetivo. Assim, fica meu agradecimento a todos que contribuem para a existência deste curso, especialmente aos professores, cujo profundo conhecimento em suas áreas de especialização é inegável, e dos quais tive a honra de ser aluno, pelo respeito, dedicação e comprometimento demonstrados. Entre os professores, gostaria de agradecer, de forma especial, ao Prof. Dr. Paulo Carlos Kaminski da Escola Politécnica da USP. Ao iniciar a busca por orientação, ele foi a primeira pessoa com a qual tive contato. Desde o início, e mesmo ainda não sendo oficialmente meu orientador, o professor Kaminski me apoiou e me auxiliou com informações importantes para que eu pudesse dar andamento ao trabalho. Mais tarde, felizmente, foi possível oficializar sua orientação, o que foi fundamental para o resultado final. Quero agradecer também ao Prof. Dr. Clóvis E. Hegedus pela sua contribuição com excelentes artigos e sugestões para melhoria deste trabalho.
A utilização do mapa mental tem sido feita em inúmeras situações, sempre procurando ampliar escop... more A utilização do mapa mental tem sido feita em inúmeras situações, sempre procurando ampliar escopos, ilustrar contextos, facilitar o entendimento de problemas, mas, principalmente, para mostrar oportunidades e caminhos para a busca de soluções, o que, de modo geral, adéqua-se bem ao desafio do desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento de soluções IoT, que agregam produtos, serviços e sistemas integrados com alto grau de análise de dados e tomada de decisão, também se enquadram no rol dos desafios que demandam inúmeras ferramentas de desenvolvimento, dentre as quais, o mapa mental. Neste trabalho, foi feita uma análise comparativa de diversos mapas mentais elaborados em contextos de produtos e serviços sem e com IoT, partindo de uma premissa de que no desenho do mapa para o caso do IoT deveria haver uma camada adjacente à ideia central, cujo teor fosse abstrato ou de valores de pouca tangibilidade ou materialidade. A análise comparativa e o confronto com as soluções propostas, mostrou que, quanto mais os grupos aderiram a esta premissa, maior foi o grau de exploração do problema e mais variadas foram a oportunidades prospectadas.
Papers by Paulo Kaminski