International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences
The aim of this study was to simulate grain yield, biomass production, canopy cover and water pro... more The aim of this study was to simulate grain yield, biomass production, canopy cover and water productivity of winter wheat grown under soil water deficit and salinity stress by AquaCrop model. Five different irrigation strategies (S100-S75-S50-S25 and S0) and 5 different irrigation water salinity levels (T1 = 0.3 dS m-1 , T2 =5 dS m-1 , T3 = 7.5 dS m-1 , T4 = 10 dS m-1 , T5 = 15 dS m-1) were used with the model to estimate deficit irrigation and salinity stress scenarios. According to estimation of the model the grain and biomass yields were fluctuated in the range of 5.43-8.00 t ha-1 and 12.84-17.67 t ha-1 at irrigation treatments. The application of 25%, 50% and 75% level of deficit irrigation, grain yield reduction was obtained 5%, 13% and 26% respectively. It was compared to the T1 (control) treatment, a low value of 3% was obtained for the T2 treatment. Yield loss of T3 and T4 salinity treatments were found to be 19% and 43% respectively. The crop yield reduction was dramatically (86%) at 15 dS m salinity level of irrigation water. The lowest yield was obtained at all salinity levels in I25 treatment, where 75% water saved. The highest and lowest water productivity was 1.28 kg m-3 and 1.20 kg m-3 respectively. It is possible to irrigate much more areas saving water with deficit irrigation and also the yields obtained from these areas were 2.17, 6.17 and 17.2 tons more than the yields obtained from areas irrigated with full irrigation. For, sustainable water management in agriculture area, using simulation model such as AquaCrop is useful tolls to estimate effect of applied water depth and quality of irrigation water on crop yield.
Özet: Bu çalışma, farklı tuzluluk seviyesindeki sulama sularının ve PAM (poli-akrilamit) hidrojel... more Özet: Bu çalışma, farklı tuzluluk seviyesindeki sulama sularının ve PAM (poli-akrilamit) hidrojel kaynağı olarak piyasada su tutucu, denetimli gübre salgılayıcısı ve toprak düzenleyicisi gibi tarımsal amaçlı olarak satılan hidrojelin Merit F 1 çeşidi şeker mısır (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) bitkisinin verimine olan etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla saksı denemesi şeklinde serada yürütülmüştür. Deneme konularını 4 farklı sulama suyu tuzluluğu (T 1 ; Şebeke Suyu, T 2 ; 1.5 dS/m, T 3 ; 3.0 dS/m T 4 ; 5.0 dS/m) ve 4 farklı hidrojel (H 1 ; 0 gr/saksı, H 2 ; 0.5 gr/saksı, H 3 ; 1.0 gr/saksı, H 4 ; 1.5 gr/saksı) seviyesi oluşturmuş ve deneme tesadüf parsellerinde faktöriyel düzende 3 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; sulama suyu tuzluluğu ile bitki yaş ve kuru ağılıkları arasında önemli ve negatif bir ilişkinin olduğu bulunmuştur. Tuzluluk konuları arasında en yüksek bitki yaş ve kuru ağırlık değerleri T 1 konusunda elde edilmiş ve sırasıyla bu değerler 170.94 gr/...
This study was carried out in a greenhouse in the pot experiments in order to determine the effec... more This study was carried out in a greenhouse in the pot experiments in order to determine the effects of the irrigation water salinity on leaf carbon isotope ratio of maize (Zea mays saccharata). Salinity treatments were imposed by irrigation water containing NaCl, CaCO 3 , MgSO 4 salts and having electrical conductivity of 0, 1.5, 3, 5 and 10 dS/m. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized plot design with 3 replications. The fully expanded leaves were collected for carbon isotope analysis. Then plant samples were harvested for dry matter analysis. Carbon isotope ratio of leaves and crop yields were strongly affected by increasing irrigation water salinity. According to the results of the research, leaf carbon isotope ratio (ΔL; 13 C ‰) has increased in parallel with the increase of the irrigation water salinity. While the average carbon isotope ratio of leaves in T 1 is at the lowest (4.00), the average carbon isotope ratio of leaves in T 5 is found as the highest (4.6...
Impact of drained and un-drained soil conditions on water table depths, soil salinity and crop yi... more Impact of drained and un-drained soil conditions on water table depths, soil salinity and crop yields
The main purpose of deficit irrigation is high water productivity with lesser water supplies to o... more The main purpose of deficit irrigation is high water productivity with lesser water supplies to optimum crop yield. Accurate crop development models are important tools in evaluating the effects of different water applications on crop yields. The FAO-AQUACROP model (Ver. 3.1 plus) simulates attainable yields of major herbaceous crops as a function of water consumption under rainfed, supplemental, deficit, and full irrigation conditions. AquaCrop model predicts evapotranspiration as plant water consumption and bare soil evaporation while calculating daily biomass yields uses daily transpiration. The aim of this study; validation and testing of the AQUACROP model for winter wheat under full and deficit irrigated conditions in semi arid condition such as Central Anatolia. Model was evaluated with crop yields which were obtained under rainfed and irrigated condition in Bala Agricultural Enterprise fields. Model prediction and actual results were compared. According to statistical evalua...
Bu calismada Orta Anadolu kosullarinda damla sulama yontemi ile sulanan seker pancari (Beta vulga... more Bu calismada Orta Anadolu kosullarinda damla sulama yontemi ile sulanan seker pancari (Beta vulgaris cv. Achat) icin uygun lateral araligi ve uygun sulama programi olusturmak amaclanmistir. Bu arastirma 2007 yilinda tesaduf bloklarinda bolunmus parseller deneme deseninde 3 tekerrurlu olarak yurutulmustur. Denemede ana konulari lateral araliklari (L1= 45 cm, L2= 90 cm) alt konulari ise farkli sulama duzeyleri olusturmustur. Sulama suyu miktarinin belirlenmesinde Class A Pan kabindan olusan buharlasmalarin farkli oranlarindan (K1= 1.50, K2= 1.25, K3= 1.00, K4= 0.75, K5= 0.50 ve K6= 0.25) yararlanilmistir. Arastirmanin sonucunda, deneme konularindan elde edilen seker pancari verimleri ve seker oranlari arasinda istatistiki olarak fark bulunmustur. En yuksek verim 6080 kg da-1 ile L2-K2 konusundan elde edilmistir. Bu konuya uygulanan sulama suyu miktari 819 mm, su tuketimi ise 951 mm olmustur. Deneme konularindan elde edilen en yuksek seker oranlari ise her iki lateral araliginda da K5 ...
This study was carried out to determine the utilization possibility of sea water in spinach plant... more This study was carried out to determine the utilization possibility of sea water in spinach plant cultivation, and to evaluate the effect on yield and growth parameters of spinach irrigated with sea water diluted at different rates. The experiment consists of 5 different irrigation water salinity. The tap water was taken as a control (T1; 0.33 dS/m), and 10% (T2;4 dS/m), 20% (T3; 7 dS/m), 30% (T4; 10 dS/m) and 40% (T5; 13 dS/m) rate of sea water diluted with tap water. According to results, the highest average fresh yield and dry matter values were obtained at T2 (%10) seawater treatment. Both T2 (10%) and T3 (20%) seawater treatments lead to increased fresh yields and dry matter compared to control conditions (T1). While using dilution 10% and %20 seawater for irrigation fresh yields increased approximately 27% and 8.5% respectively but when irrigated with 30% and 40% yields decreasing about 28% and 72% respectively. As with the yield results, the 4 dS/m seawater salinity level caused an increase in leaf heights and leaf number compared to the control treatment. In conclusion, this study shows that seawater can be used successfully when diluted 10% with good quality water without affecting the growth parameters and yields of spinach.
The research study was carried out in an area of 1500 ha located in Ankara-Kesikkopru Plain left ... more The research study was carried out in an area of 1500 ha located in Ankara-Kesikkopru Plain left river bank irrigation area. TETrans computer model which is a one dimensional solution transfer model was used in order to determine boron content of the soil profile and groundwater. Boron content which has accumulated in the soil profile between in 2000 to 2002 was estimated in order to determine the potential risk that may occur in the next 10 years. Measured soil boron levels and boron levels estimated from the model were statistically compared. It was seen that the relationship between the estimated levels and measured levels is significant. Results obtained were used as a database in Geographical Information System and alteration maps were prepared for soils that may be formed in time. According to research study results, it was seen that, as long as the present conditions throughout the plain continue, there would be a boron problem to a significant level in the future. Pollution ...
The main purpose of deficit irrigation is high water productivity with lesser water supplies to o... more The main purpose of deficit irrigation is high water productivity with lesser water supplies to optimum crop yield. Accurate crop development models are important tools in evaluating the effects of different water applications on crop yields. The FAO-AQUACROP model (Ver. 5.0) simulates attainable yields of several crops as a function of water consumption under rainfed, supplemental, deficit, and full irrigation conditions. The aim of this study; validation and testing of the AQUACROP model for winter wheat under full and rainfed conditions in semi arid condition such as Central Anatolia. Model prediction and actual results were compared. According to statistical evaluation; average deviation (α), standard error (RMSE) and modeling efficiency (E) for biomass and for crop yield was found as 1.16, 1.17 t ha-1 and 0.67 and 0.320, 0.326 t ha-1 and 0.83 respectively. Model predicted soil water content in root zone, canopy cover and grain yields with high accuracy but biomass were predicte...
Bu calismanin amaci; farkli tuz cozunurluklerinde sulama suyu tuzluluk seviyelerinin Marul (Latuc... more Bu calismanin amaci; farkli tuz cozunurluklerinde sulama suyu tuzluluk seviyelerinin Marul (Latuce Sativa) gelisimi ve verimi uzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesidir. Arastirma yuksek cozunurlukteki sodyum klorur (NaCl) ve dusuk cozunurlukteki kalsiyum sulfat (CaSO4 ) tuzlari kullanilarak hazirlanan 4 farkli sulama suyu tuzlulugunda (T1= 0 dS/m, T2= 2 dS/m, T3= 4 dS/m, ve T4= 6 dS/m) yurutulmustur. Iki ayri deneme, sera kosullarinda tesaduf parsellerinde faktoriyel duzende 3 tekrarlamali olarak tasarlanmistir. Marul yas ve kuru agirlik degerleri olculmustur. Elde edilen sonuclara gore, cozunurlugu yuksek NaCl tuzunda en yuksek ortalama verim (yas agirlik) T1 (57.96 gr/saksi ) konusunda elde edilmis onu sirasiyla T2 (30.07 gr/saksi), T3 (21.10 gr/saksi) ve T4 (14.39 gr/saksi) konulari izlemistir. Cozunurlugu dusuk olan CaSO4 tuzunda ise ortalama verim sirasiyla 62.37 gr/saksi, 32.55 gr/saksi, 28.8 gr/saksi ve 26.17 gr/saksi olarak T1, T2, T3 ve T4 konularinda olculmustur. Kuru agirlikta ...
Bu calisma, farkli tuzluluk seviyesindeki sulama sularinin ve PAM (poli-akrilamit) hidrojel kayna... more Bu calisma, farkli tuzluluk seviyesindeki sulama sularinin ve PAM (poli-akrilamit) hidrojel kaynagi olarak piyasada su tutucu, denetimli gubre salgilayicisi ve toprak duzenleyicisi gibi tarimsal amacli olarak satilan hidrojelin Merit F1 cesidi seker misir (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) bitkisinin verimine olan etkilerini arastirmak amaciyla saksi denemesi seklinde serada yurutulmustur. Deneme konularini 4 farkli sulama suyu tuzlulugu (T1; Şebeke Suyu, T2; 1.5 dS/m, T3; 3.0 dS/m T4; 5.0 dS/m) ve 4 farkli hidrojel (H1; 0 gr/saksi, H2; 0.5 gr/saksi, H3; 1.0 gr/saksi, H4; 1.5 gr/saksi) seviyesi olusturmus ve deneme tesaduf parsellerinde faktoriyel duzende 3 tekrarlamali olarak yurutulmustur. Arastirma sonuclarina gore; sulama suyu tuzlulugu ile bitki yas ve kuru agiliklari arasinda onemli ve negatif bir iliskinin oldugu bulunmustur. Tuzluluk konulari arasinda en yuksek bitki yas ve kuru agirlik degerleri T1 konusunda elde edilmis ve sirasiyla bu degerler 170.94 gr/saksi ve 22.77 gr/saksi ...
Kisitli su kullaniminda temel amac, optimum bitki verimi elde edilmesinde sulama suyunu daha az v... more Kisitli su kullaniminda temel amac, optimum bitki verimi elde edilmesinde sulama suyunu daha az ve etkin kullanmaktir. Farkli su kosullarinin verim uzerine etkilerinin degerlendirilmesinde bitki gelisme modelleri onemli bir aractir. FAO-AQUACROP (Ver. 3.1 plus) bitki modeli; yeterli, kisitli veya tamamlayici sulama suyu uygulamalari ile kuru kosullar altinda, su tuketiminin fonksiyonu olarak verim tahmini yapmaktadir. AquaCrop modeli evapotranspirasyonu, bitki tarafindan tuketilen su (transpirasyon) ve toprak yuzeyinden olan buharlasma (evaporasyon) olarak tahmin ederek, gunluk biyokutle verimini hesaplarken gunluk transpirasyonu kullanmaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci; Ic Anadolu Bolgesi gibi yari kurak iklim kosullarina sahip alanlarda tam ve kisitli su kosullarinda kislik bugday icin verim tahmininde AquaCrop modelinin kullanilabilirliginin test edilmesidir. Model Bala Tarim Isletmesinde arazi sartlarinda sulu ve susuz kosullar altinda elde edilen bugday verileri kullanilarak degerle...
The purpose of this study is to predict optimal drainage design parameters for ensuring maximum c... more The purpose of this study is to predict optimal drainage design parameters for ensuring maximum crop yield under irrigated arid lands. The water management simulation model, DRAINMOD was applied to compute the effects of land drainage on soil moisture conditions in the root zone and their effect on crop yield in Bala-Koprukoy Basin in Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. Soil, crop and site parameters were obtained as inputs from field experiments. Model was run for 5 years to simulate optimum drainage design parameters (drain depth, drain spacing) while controlling soil salinity in root zone. Soil water conditions were simulated for crop rotation of corn and wheat. Yields of individual crops were predicted for each growing season. Results of the simulations were analyzed to identify alternative of subsurface drainage system that would satisfy maximum crop productions. According to the simulation results the optimum drain depth were found to be 1.2 m and drain spacing were 160 m for t...
This study was carried out to determine the different irrigation regime effects on oxygen isotope... more This study was carried out to determine the different irrigation regime effects on oxygen isotope discrimination of stem water (Δ 18 O s) and its relationship with grain yield (GY), aboveground biomass (BM), and stomatal conductivity (g s) of winter wheat. For this purpose a field experiment was conducted between 2009 and 2011 in a semiarid region of Turkey under rainfed (RF), deficit (DI), moderate (MI), and full irrigation (FI) conditions. The highest GY and BM (4.5 t ha-1 and 14.5 t ha-1) were measured from the FI treatment. However, the difference between the yield of DI and FI treatments was insignificant. It might be recommended that the DI treatment be used for wheat irrigation to increase water-use efficiency for semiarid climate conditions. Average Δ 18 O s values were obtained as 35.36‰, 34.56‰, 34.35‰, and 33.18‰ for RF, DI, MI, and FI treatments, respectively. Applied irrigation water and GY were found to be strongly negatively related to Δ 18 O s , so it may be a useful predictor of yield in irrigation programs. Effects of water regime on yield probably reflected the correlation with the isotopic composition of transpiration. A negative relationship was obtained between average Δ 18 O s and g s at a significant level for which the correlation coefficient was 0.68. However, the relationship was positive between GY and g s .
Cucurbit species (such as gourd, melon, cucumber, squash, and pumpkin) are among the economically... more Cucurbit species (such as gourd, melon, cucumber, squash, and pumpkin) are among the economically most important vegetable crops worldwide, and are grown in both the temperate and tropical regions (Berdiyev, Arslan, & Özcan, 2009; Egbebi, 2014). The cucurbit seeds are a potential sources of oils, and the dehulled seeds contain about 50% of oil (Badifu, 1993; Mariod et al., 2009; Mariod & Matthaus, 2008). Because many of these oils were used as cooking oil in some countries in Africa and in the Middle East, the melon seed oils could be developed into the commercial products to serve as alternate vegetable oils (AL
Bu çalışma farklı toprak bünyelerinde yetiştirilen fasulye bitkisinde, değişik konsantrasyonlarda... more Bu çalışma farklı toprak bünyelerinde yetiştirilen fasulye bitkisinde, değişik konsantrasyonlarda uygulanan sulama suyu bor (B) düzeylerinin bitki verim (yaş ve kuru ağırlık olarak) üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, aynı B düzeyine sahip sularının ağır veya hafif bünyeli topraklarda kullanılması durumunda ortaya çıkacak farklılıkları incelemek amacıyla saksı denemeleri şeklinde serada yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada deneme konularını; kumlu ve killi olmak üzere iki farklı toprak bünyesi ve B 0 ;0 ppm, B 1 ;0.5 ppm, B 2 ;1.0 ppm, B 3 ;2.0 ppm, B 4 ;3.0 ppm, B 5 ; 5.0 ppm olmak üzere 6 farklı B konsantrasyonu içeren sulama suyu oluşturmuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; her iki toprak bünyesi için en yüksek bitki yaş ve kuru ağırlık değeri B 2 (1 ppm) konusundan elde edilirken en düşük değerler ise B 5 (5 ppm) konusundan elde edilmiştir. Toprak bünyeleri açısından uygulanan B seviyelerinin etkileri karşılaştırıldığında fasulye bitkisinin kumlu toprakta daha iyi gelişme gösterdiği görülmüştür. Bu nedenle kumlu toprakta elde edilen bitki yaş ağırlığı değeri % 17-31 arasında ve kuru ağırlığında % 18-23 arasında killi toprakta elde edilen değerlere göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Ancak; toprak bünyelerine göre uygulanan B düzeylerinin kontrol konusuna göre oransal farkları incelendiğinde özellikle B 4 ve B 5 konularında kumlu topraklarda bitki gelişimi üzerine B zararının, killi topraklara oranla % 40 daha fazla olduğu bulunmuştur. Her toprak bünyesi için bitkinin B eşik değeri 1 ppm olarak saptanmıştır. Eşik değerini aşan yüksek borlu suların kumlu topraklar yerine killi topraklarda kullanılması önerilebilir.
Farming winter wheat in Central Anatolia of Turkey traditionally is rainfed. Crop yields are freq... more Farming winter wheat in Central Anatolia of Turkey traditionally is rainfed. Crop yields are frequently affected in this region because of the drought events of varying severity. There is apparent necessary for an aim appraisal of the effect of dryness on this critical crop, to answer the contradiction whether irrigation is essential or not. For this reason the FAO-AquaCrop (Ver.5.0) crop water productivity model was preferred to predict attainable yields of winter wheat (Triticum durum L.) under four different irrigation regimes. Field experiment was conducted under four different irrigation treatments in Central Anatolia Region of Turkey during 2008-2010. The AquaCrop was calibrated with 2008-2009 field data and model validation was performed using 2009-2010 data. Model simulation results showed that model simulates soil water content in root zone (SWC), canopy cover (CC), grain yield (GY) and aboveground biomass (BM) of wheat reasonably well. The average root mean square error (RMSE) between simulated and observed SWC, CC, GY and BM were 21.1 mm, 7.1%, 0.32 t ha-1 and 0.34 t ha-1. Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (EF) and index of Willmott (d) also were obtained 0.89 and 0.98 for CC, 0.74 and 0.93 for SWC, 0.98 and 0.92 for BM, 0.95 and 0.82 for GY. Model predicted canopy cover, grain yields and biomass with high accuracy while soil water content at 90 cm soil depth was estimated in the moderate accuracy. The results presented that AquaCrop model can be suggested as a convenient model for decisionmaking whether irrigating wheat is in the priority or not at the limited water resources areas.
The aim of this study was to determine the reliability of DRAINMOD-S for simulating water managem... more The aim of this study was to determine the reliability of DRAINMOD-S for simulating water management in irrigated land and to simulate drainage system design criteria to ensure high crop yields for the western part of the Central Kızılırmak Basin in Turkey. The model was tested under arid conditions using field data for winter wheat and corn. Daily water-table depth, drain outflows and drainage water salinity were monitored throughout the growing season. Soil salinities were measured to a depth of 1.00 m from the soil surface. The reliability of the model was evaluated by comparing measured and predicted values of the daily ground water table depth, drain outflows, drainage water and soil salinity during each season, and relative crop yield. Good agreement was found between the measured and predicted values. Absolute deviation was 5.68 cm for water table depth, 10.13 mm for drain outflows, 0.66 dS m-1 for drainage water salinity, and ranged from 0.51 to 0.96 dS m-1 for soil salinity. The corresponding coefficients of efficiency (E) were between 0.48 and 0.95. The results also showed that DRAINMOD-S can be recommended as a useful tool for design and evaluation of irrigation and drainage systems in salt-affected soils under arid and semi-arid climates.
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences
The aim of this study was to simulate grain yield, biomass production, canopy cover and water pro... more The aim of this study was to simulate grain yield, biomass production, canopy cover and water productivity of winter wheat grown under soil water deficit and salinity stress by AquaCrop model. Five different irrigation strategies (S100-S75-S50-S25 and S0) and 5 different irrigation water salinity levels (T1 = 0.3 dS m-1 , T2 =5 dS m-1 , T3 = 7.5 dS m-1 , T4 = 10 dS m-1 , T5 = 15 dS m-1) were used with the model to estimate deficit irrigation and salinity stress scenarios. According to estimation of the model the grain and biomass yields were fluctuated in the range of 5.43-8.00 t ha-1 and 12.84-17.67 t ha-1 at irrigation treatments. The application of 25%, 50% and 75% level of deficit irrigation, grain yield reduction was obtained 5%, 13% and 26% respectively. It was compared to the T1 (control) treatment, a low value of 3% was obtained for the T2 treatment. Yield loss of T3 and T4 salinity treatments were found to be 19% and 43% respectively. The crop yield reduction was dramatically (86%) at 15 dS m salinity level of irrigation water. The lowest yield was obtained at all salinity levels in I25 treatment, where 75% water saved. The highest and lowest water productivity was 1.28 kg m-3 and 1.20 kg m-3 respectively. It is possible to irrigate much more areas saving water with deficit irrigation and also the yields obtained from these areas were 2.17, 6.17 and 17.2 tons more than the yields obtained from areas irrigated with full irrigation. For, sustainable water management in agriculture area, using simulation model such as AquaCrop is useful tolls to estimate effect of applied water depth and quality of irrigation water on crop yield.
Özet: Bu çalışma, farklı tuzluluk seviyesindeki sulama sularının ve PAM (poli-akrilamit) hidrojel... more Özet: Bu çalışma, farklı tuzluluk seviyesindeki sulama sularının ve PAM (poli-akrilamit) hidrojel kaynağı olarak piyasada su tutucu, denetimli gübre salgılayıcısı ve toprak düzenleyicisi gibi tarımsal amaçlı olarak satılan hidrojelin Merit F 1 çeşidi şeker mısır (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) bitkisinin verimine olan etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla saksı denemesi şeklinde serada yürütülmüştür. Deneme konularını 4 farklı sulama suyu tuzluluğu (T 1 ; Şebeke Suyu, T 2 ; 1.5 dS/m, T 3 ; 3.0 dS/m T 4 ; 5.0 dS/m) ve 4 farklı hidrojel (H 1 ; 0 gr/saksı, H 2 ; 0.5 gr/saksı, H 3 ; 1.0 gr/saksı, H 4 ; 1.5 gr/saksı) seviyesi oluşturmuş ve deneme tesadüf parsellerinde faktöriyel düzende 3 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; sulama suyu tuzluluğu ile bitki yaş ve kuru ağılıkları arasında önemli ve negatif bir ilişkinin olduğu bulunmuştur. Tuzluluk konuları arasında en yüksek bitki yaş ve kuru ağırlık değerleri T 1 konusunda elde edilmiş ve sırasıyla bu değerler 170.94 gr/...
This study was carried out in a greenhouse in the pot experiments in order to determine the effec... more This study was carried out in a greenhouse in the pot experiments in order to determine the effects of the irrigation water salinity on leaf carbon isotope ratio of maize (Zea mays saccharata). Salinity treatments were imposed by irrigation water containing NaCl, CaCO 3 , MgSO 4 salts and having electrical conductivity of 0, 1.5, 3, 5 and 10 dS/m. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized plot design with 3 replications. The fully expanded leaves were collected for carbon isotope analysis. Then plant samples were harvested for dry matter analysis. Carbon isotope ratio of leaves and crop yields were strongly affected by increasing irrigation water salinity. According to the results of the research, leaf carbon isotope ratio (ΔL; 13 C ‰) has increased in parallel with the increase of the irrigation water salinity. While the average carbon isotope ratio of leaves in T 1 is at the lowest (4.00), the average carbon isotope ratio of leaves in T 5 is found as the highest (4.6...
Impact of drained and un-drained soil conditions on water table depths, soil salinity and crop yi... more Impact of drained and un-drained soil conditions on water table depths, soil salinity and crop yields
The main purpose of deficit irrigation is high water productivity with lesser water supplies to o... more The main purpose of deficit irrigation is high water productivity with lesser water supplies to optimum crop yield. Accurate crop development models are important tools in evaluating the effects of different water applications on crop yields. The FAO-AQUACROP model (Ver. 3.1 plus) simulates attainable yields of major herbaceous crops as a function of water consumption under rainfed, supplemental, deficit, and full irrigation conditions. AquaCrop model predicts evapotranspiration as plant water consumption and bare soil evaporation while calculating daily biomass yields uses daily transpiration. The aim of this study; validation and testing of the AQUACROP model for winter wheat under full and deficit irrigated conditions in semi arid condition such as Central Anatolia. Model was evaluated with crop yields which were obtained under rainfed and irrigated condition in Bala Agricultural Enterprise fields. Model prediction and actual results were compared. According to statistical evalua...
Bu calismada Orta Anadolu kosullarinda damla sulama yontemi ile sulanan seker pancari (Beta vulga... more Bu calismada Orta Anadolu kosullarinda damla sulama yontemi ile sulanan seker pancari (Beta vulgaris cv. Achat) icin uygun lateral araligi ve uygun sulama programi olusturmak amaclanmistir. Bu arastirma 2007 yilinda tesaduf bloklarinda bolunmus parseller deneme deseninde 3 tekerrurlu olarak yurutulmustur. Denemede ana konulari lateral araliklari (L1= 45 cm, L2= 90 cm) alt konulari ise farkli sulama duzeyleri olusturmustur. Sulama suyu miktarinin belirlenmesinde Class A Pan kabindan olusan buharlasmalarin farkli oranlarindan (K1= 1.50, K2= 1.25, K3= 1.00, K4= 0.75, K5= 0.50 ve K6= 0.25) yararlanilmistir. Arastirmanin sonucunda, deneme konularindan elde edilen seker pancari verimleri ve seker oranlari arasinda istatistiki olarak fark bulunmustur. En yuksek verim 6080 kg da-1 ile L2-K2 konusundan elde edilmistir. Bu konuya uygulanan sulama suyu miktari 819 mm, su tuketimi ise 951 mm olmustur. Deneme konularindan elde edilen en yuksek seker oranlari ise her iki lateral araliginda da K5 ...
This study was carried out to determine the utilization possibility of sea water in spinach plant... more This study was carried out to determine the utilization possibility of sea water in spinach plant cultivation, and to evaluate the effect on yield and growth parameters of spinach irrigated with sea water diluted at different rates. The experiment consists of 5 different irrigation water salinity. The tap water was taken as a control (T1; 0.33 dS/m), and 10% (T2;4 dS/m), 20% (T3; 7 dS/m), 30% (T4; 10 dS/m) and 40% (T5; 13 dS/m) rate of sea water diluted with tap water. According to results, the highest average fresh yield and dry matter values were obtained at T2 (%10) seawater treatment. Both T2 (10%) and T3 (20%) seawater treatments lead to increased fresh yields and dry matter compared to control conditions (T1). While using dilution 10% and %20 seawater for irrigation fresh yields increased approximately 27% and 8.5% respectively but when irrigated with 30% and 40% yields decreasing about 28% and 72% respectively. As with the yield results, the 4 dS/m seawater salinity level caused an increase in leaf heights and leaf number compared to the control treatment. In conclusion, this study shows that seawater can be used successfully when diluted 10% with good quality water without affecting the growth parameters and yields of spinach.
The research study was carried out in an area of 1500 ha located in Ankara-Kesikkopru Plain left ... more The research study was carried out in an area of 1500 ha located in Ankara-Kesikkopru Plain left river bank irrigation area. TETrans computer model which is a one dimensional solution transfer model was used in order to determine boron content of the soil profile and groundwater. Boron content which has accumulated in the soil profile between in 2000 to 2002 was estimated in order to determine the potential risk that may occur in the next 10 years. Measured soil boron levels and boron levels estimated from the model were statistically compared. It was seen that the relationship between the estimated levels and measured levels is significant. Results obtained were used as a database in Geographical Information System and alteration maps were prepared for soils that may be formed in time. According to research study results, it was seen that, as long as the present conditions throughout the plain continue, there would be a boron problem to a significant level in the future. Pollution ...
The main purpose of deficit irrigation is high water productivity with lesser water supplies to o... more The main purpose of deficit irrigation is high water productivity with lesser water supplies to optimum crop yield. Accurate crop development models are important tools in evaluating the effects of different water applications on crop yields. The FAO-AQUACROP model (Ver. 5.0) simulates attainable yields of several crops as a function of water consumption under rainfed, supplemental, deficit, and full irrigation conditions. The aim of this study; validation and testing of the AQUACROP model for winter wheat under full and rainfed conditions in semi arid condition such as Central Anatolia. Model prediction and actual results were compared. According to statistical evaluation; average deviation (α), standard error (RMSE) and modeling efficiency (E) for biomass and for crop yield was found as 1.16, 1.17 t ha-1 and 0.67 and 0.320, 0.326 t ha-1 and 0.83 respectively. Model predicted soil water content in root zone, canopy cover and grain yields with high accuracy but biomass were predicte...
Bu calismanin amaci; farkli tuz cozunurluklerinde sulama suyu tuzluluk seviyelerinin Marul (Latuc... more Bu calismanin amaci; farkli tuz cozunurluklerinde sulama suyu tuzluluk seviyelerinin Marul (Latuce Sativa) gelisimi ve verimi uzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesidir. Arastirma yuksek cozunurlukteki sodyum klorur (NaCl) ve dusuk cozunurlukteki kalsiyum sulfat (CaSO4 ) tuzlari kullanilarak hazirlanan 4 farkli sulama suyu tuzlulugunda (T1= 0 dS/m, T2= 2 dS/m, T3= 4 dS/m, ve T4= 6 dS/m) yurutulmustur. Iki ayri deneme, sera kosullarinda tesaduf parsellerinde faktoriyel duzende 3 tekrarlamali olarak tasarlanmistir. Marul yas ve kuru agirlik degerleri olculmustur. Elde edilen sonuclara gore, cozunurlugu yuksek NaCl tuzunda en yuksek ortalama verim (yas agirlik) T1 (57.96 gr/saksi ) konusunda elde edilmis onu sirasiyla T2 (30.07 gr/saksi), T3 (21.10 gr/saksi) ve T4 (14.39 gr/saksi) konulari izlemistir. Cozunurlugu dusuk olan CaSO4 tuzunda ise ortalama verim sirasiyla 62.37 gr/saksi, 32.55 gr/saksi, 28.8 gr/saksi ve 26.17 gr/saksi olarak T1, T2, T3 ve T4 konularinda olculmustur. Kuru agirlikta ...
Bu calisma, farkli tuzluluk seviyesindeki sulama sularinin ve PAM (poli-akrilamit) hidrojel kayna... more Bu calisma, farkli tuzluluk seviyesindeki sulama sularinin ve PAM (poli-akrilamit) hidrojel kaynagi olarak piyasada su tutucu, denetimli gubre salgilayicisi ve toprak duzenleyicisi gibi tarimsal amacli olarak satilan hidrojelin Merit F1 cesidi seker misir (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) bitkisinin verimine olan etkilerini arastirmak amaciyla saksi denemesi seklinde serada yurutulmustur. Deneme konularini 4 farkli sulama suyu tuzlulugu (T1; Şebeke Suyu, T2; 1.5 dS/m, T3; 3.0 dS/m T4; 5.0 dS/m) ve 4 farkli hidrojel (H1; 0 gr/saksi, H2; 0.5 gr/saksi, H3; 1.0 gr/saksi, H4; 1.5 gr/saksi) seviyesi olusturmus ve deneme tesaduf parsellerinde faktoriyel duzende 3 tekrarlamali olarak yurutulmustur. Arastirma sonuclarina gore; sulama suyu tuzlulugu ile bitki yas ve kuru agiliklari arasinda onemli ve negatif bir iliskinin oldugu bulunmustur. Tuzluluk konulari arasinda en yuksek bitki yas ve kuru agirlik degerleri T1 konusunda elde edilmis ve sirasiyla bu degerler 170.94 gr/saksi ve 22.77 gr/saksi ...
Kisitli su kullaniminda temel amac, optimum bitki verimi elde edilmesinde sulama suyunu daha az v... more Kisitli su kullaniminda temel amac, optimum bitki verimi elde edilmesinde sulama suyunu daha az ve etkin kullanmaktir. Farkli su kosullarinin verim uzerine etkilerinin degerlendirilmesinde bitki gelisme modelleri onemli bir aractir. FAO-AQUACROP (Ver. 3.1 plus) bitki modeli; yeterli, kisitli veya tamamlayici sulama suyu uygulamalari ile kuru kosullar altinda, su tuketiminin fonksiyonu olarak verim tahmini yapmaktadir. AquaCrop modeli evapotranspirasyonu, bitki tarafindan tuketilen su (transpirasyon) ve toprak yuzeyinden olan buharlasma (evaporasyon) olarak tahmin ederek, gunluk biyokutle verimini hesaplarken gunluk transpirasyonu kullanmaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci; Ic Anadolu Bolgesi gibi yari kurak iklim kosullarina sahip alanlarda tam ve kisitli su kosullarinda kislik bugday icin verim tahmininde AquaCrop modelinin kullanilabilirliginin test edilmesidir. Model Bala Tarim Isletmesinde arazi sartlarinda sulu ve susuz kosullar altinda elde edilen bugday verileri kullanilarak degerle...
The purpose of this study is to predict optimal drainage design parameters for ensuring maximum c... more The purpose of this study is to predict optimal drainage design parameters for ensuring maximum crop yield under irrigated arid lands. The water management simulation model, DRAINMOD was applied to compute the effects of land drainage on soil moisture conditions in the root zone and their effect on crop yield in Bala-Koprukoy Basin in Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. Soil, crop and site parameters were obtained as inputs from field experiments. Model was run for 5 years to simulate optimum drainage design parameters (drain depth, drain spacing) while controlling soil salinity in root zone. Soil water conditions were simulated for crop rotation of corn and wheat. Yields of individual crops were predicted for each growing season. Results of the simulations were analyzed to identify alternative of subsurface drainage system that would satisfy maximum crop productions. According to the simulation results the optimum drain depth were found to be 1.2 m and drain spacing were 160 m for t...
This study was carried out to determine the different irrigation regime effects on oxygen isotope... more This study was carried out to determine the different irrigation regime effects on oxygen isotope discrimination of stem water (Δ 18 O s) and its relationship with grain yield (GY), aboveground biomass (BM), and stomatal conductivity (g s) of winter wheat. For this purpose a field experiment was conducted between 2009 and 2011 in a semiarid region of Turkey under rainfed (RF), deficit (DI), moderate (MI), and full irrigation (FI) conditions. The highest GY and BM (4.5 t ha-1 and 14.5 t ha-1) were measured from the FI treatment. However, the difference between the yield of DI and FI treatments was insignificant. It might be recommended that the DI treatment be used for wheat irrigation to increase water-use efficiency for semiarid climate conditions. Average Δ 18 O s values were obtained as 35.36‰, 34.56‰, 34.35‰, and 33.18‰ for RF, DI, MI, and FI treatments, respectively. Applied irrigation water and GY were found to be strongly negatively related to Δ 18 O s , so it may be a useful predictor of yield in irrigation programs. Effects of water regime on yield probably reflected the correlation with the isotopic composition of transpiration. A negative relationship was obtained between average Δ 18 O s and g s at a significant level for which the correlation coefficient was 0.68. However, the relationship was positive between GY and g s .
Cucurbit species (such as gourd, melon, cucumber, squash, and pumpkin) are among the economically... more Cucurbit species (such as gourd, melon, cucumber, squash, and pumpkin) are among the economically most important vegetable crops worldwide, and are grown in both the temperate and tropical regions (Berdiyev, Arslan, & Özcan, 2009; Egbebi, 2014). The cucurbit seeds are a potential sources of oils, and the dehulled seeds contain about 50% of oil (Badifu, 1993; Mariod et al., 2009; Mariod & Matthaus, 2008). Because many of these oils were used as cooking oil in some countries in Africa and in the Middle East, the melon seed oils could be developed into the commercial products to serve as alternate vegetable oils (AL
Bu çalışma farklı toprak bünyelerinde yetiştirilen fasulye bitkisinde, değişik konsantrasyonlarda... more Bu çalışma farklı toprak bünyelerinde yetiştirilen fasulye bitkisinde, değişik konsantrasyonlarda uygulanan sulama suyu bor (B) düzeylerinin bitki verim (yaş ve kuru ağırlık olarak) üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, aynı B düzeyine sahip sularının ağır veya hafif bünyeli topraklarda kullanılması durumunda ortaya çıkacak farklılıkları incelemek amacıyla saksı denemeleri şeklinde serada yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada deneme konularını; kumlu ve killi olmak üzere iki farklı toprak bünyesi ve B 0 ;0 ppm, B 1 ;0.5 ppm, B 2 ;1.0 ppm, B 3 ;2.0 ppm, B 4 ;3.0 ppm, B 5 ; 5.0 ppm olmak üzere 6 farklı B konsantrasyonu içeren sulama suyu oluşturmuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; her iki toprak bünyesi için en yüksek bitki yaş ve kuru ağırlık değeri B 2 (1 ppm) konusundan elde edilirken en düşük değerler ise B 5 (5 ppm) konusundan elde edilmiştir. Toprak bünyeleri açısından uygulanan B seviyelerinin etkileri karşılaştırıldığında fasulye bitkisinin kumlu toprakta daha iyi gelişme gösterdiği görülmüştür. Bu nedenle kumlu toprakta elde edilen bitki yaş ağırlığı değeri % 17-31 arasında ve kuru ağırlığında % 18-23 arasında killi toprakta elde edilen değerlere göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Ancak; toprak bünyelerine göre uygulanan B düzeylerinin kontrol konusuna göre oransal farkları incelendiğinde özellikle B 4 ve B 5 konularında kumlu topraklarda bitki gelişimi üzerine B zararının, killi topraklara oranla % 40 daha fazla olduğu bulunmuştur. Her toprak bünyesi için bitkinin B eşik değeri 1 ppm olarak saptanmıştır. Eşik değerini aşan yüksek borlu suların kumlu topraklar yerine killi topraklarda kullanılması önerilebilir.
Farming winter wheat in Central Anatolia of Turkey traditionally is rainfed. Crop yields are freq... more Farming winter wheat in Central Anatolia of Turkey traditionally is rainfed. Crop yields are frequently affected in this region because of the drought events of varying severity. There is apparent necessary for an aim appraisal of the effect of dryness on this critical crop, to answer the contradiction whether irrigation is essential or not. For this reason the FAO-AquaCrop (Ver.5.0) crop water productivity model was preferred to predict attainable yields of winter wheat (Triticum durum L.) under four different irrigation regimes. Field experiment was conducted under four different irrigation treatments in Central Anatolia Region of Turkey during 2008-2010. The AquaCrop was calibrated with 2008-2009 field data and model validation was performed using 2009-2010 data. Model simulation results showed that model simulates soil water content in root zone (SWC), canopy cover (CC), grain yield (GY) and aboveground biomass (BM) of wheat reasonably well. The average root mean square error (RMSE) between simulated and observed SWC, CC, GY and BM were 21.1 mm, 7.1%, 0.32 t ha-1 and 0.34 t ha-1. Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (EF) and index of Willmott (d) also were obtained 0.89 and 0.98 for CC, 0.74 and 0.93 for SWC, 0.98 and 0.92 for BM, 0.95 and 0.82 for GY. Model predicted canopy cover, grain yields and biomass with high accuracy while soil water content at 90 cm soil depth was estimated in the moderate accuracy. The results presented that AquaCrop model can be suggested as a convenient model for decisionmaking whether irrigating wheat is in the priority or not at the limited water resources areas.
The aim of this study was to determine the reliability of DRAINMOD-S for simulating water managem... more The aim of this study was to determine the reliability of DRAINMOD-S for simulating water management in irrigated land and to simulate drainage system design criteria to ensure high crop yields for the western part of the Central Kızılırmak Basin in Turkey. The model was tested under arid conditions using field data for winter wheat and corn. Daily water-table depth, drain outflows and drainage water salinity were monitored throughout the growing season. Soil salinities were measured to a depth of 1.00 m from the soil surface. The reliability of the model was evaluated by comparing measured and predicted values of the daily ground water table depth, drain outflows, drainage water and soil salinity during each season, and relative crop yield. Good agreement was found between the measured and predicted values. Absolute deviation was 5.68 cm for water table depth, 10.13 mm for drain outflows, 0.66 dS m-1 for drainage water salinity, and ranged from 0.51 to 0.96 dS m-1 for soil salinity. The corresponding coefficients of efficiency (E) were between 0.48 and 0.95. The results also showed that DRAINMOD-S can be recommended as a useful tool for design and evaluation of irrigation and drainage systems in salt-affected soils under arid and semi-arid climates.
Papers by Sema Kale