Islam considers that the health part of the favors of Allah was the greatest. In medical, fasting... more Islam considers that the health part of the favors of Allah was the greatest. In medical, fasting can cleanse toxins and substances that accumulate indigestion tract, kidneys, and other organs due to preservatives, dyes, artificial sweeteners, carcinogenic substances that cause cancer, cigarette smoke and others who accumulate many years. Although our body's mechanism has the ability o treat hem selves, but also the body's has capacity limits. With the fasting to protect the organs of the body could be perfect. Fasting is obligatory for us to be pious. In the Qur'an Surat al-Baqarah 2: 183. Allah says, "you the one who believe, fasting is obligatory upon you required people before you, that you cautious to Allah". Latar Belakang Islam tidak hanya mengatur hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan (habl min Allah), tetapi juga mengatur hubungan manusia dengan manusia (habl min al-nas) yang mencakup seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia, seperti sosial, budaya, politik, hukum, eko...
This study aims to look at the differences of Islamic stocks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI... more This study aims to look at the differences of Islamic stocks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) before and after the announcement of the price increase of fuel oil (BBM) on 15 May 2015. The method used is quantitative research with paired sample t-test. Research shows that there are significant differences abnormal return before and after the announcement of fuel price increases as well as demonstrate the difference by delaying the trading activity in the stock transaction that makes the average transaction decreased from prior events (event).
Cooperative as one business entity that has evolved over 68 years in 2015. The foundation of coop... more Cooperative as one business entity that has evolved over 68 years in 2015. The foundation of cooperation and togetherness that is contained in the cooperative to manage economic resources is a tool for people who are not able to escape from poverty, it is in line with expectations as Bung Hatta the father of the cooperative. Cooperative as a pillar is a manifestation of economic democracy as outlined in Article 33 of the Constitution, 1945. It can be seen from a different mechanism of capitalist economic system that promotes individual interests and personal gain alone. However during the course of the cooperative operates based on the system of interest, but the interest drawn by the cooperative finally returned to members as Time Results of Operations (SHU), so that the loans extended by the cooperative to members can be utilized. Nevertheless the interest rate offered is lower than the cooperative banking interest. The basic problem is the system of interest that should not be pr...
Among many divisions of contract (‘aqd) in mu’âmalah shar’iyyah, the dichotomy between tabarru’ a... more Among many divisions of contract (‘aqd) in mu’âmalah shar’iyyah, the dichotomy between tabarru’ and mu’âwaḍah contracts is the most influential paradigm in getting to know the jungle of classical and contemporary mu’âmalah contracts. Tabarru’ contract (tabarru’ât) means contracts of virtue as if it should be free from material self-interest or any other profane benefit. Meanwhile, mu’âwaḍah contract (mu’âwaḍât) means business contracts as if it is laden with material calculation and other various forms of self-interest. The dichotomic paradigm of these contracts is quite urgent that it is often made the ground to determine whether or not some material benefit obtained from certain contracts is allowed. It is interesting to observe, that the Indonesian law of obligation which is originating from a Dutch colonial legacy actually also acknowledges such a contract. It is, however, not as strict as its divisions in Islamic fiqh.
The research theme is the concept of business According to Islamic economics. This study aims: (1... more The research theme is the concept of business According to Islamic economics. This study aims: (1) Obtaining data about the quality of alumni. (2) Obtaining the absorption data of the world of work. (3) Obtaining data on public confidence in universities. (4) To know the effect of the quality of alumni on the absorption of the world of work and the community's belief in higher education. The sample of research is as many as 201 people. The research results are: (1) There is a relationship between the quality of alumni with public trust. (2) There is an influence of alumni's quality on absorptive capacity of the world of work and public trust.
The formation of sakinah and mawaddah family is a dream of every husband and wife. However, the h... more The formation of sakinah and mawaddah family is a dream of every husband and wife. However, the harmonious relationship within family could not always be achieved. Divorce is utilized as a solution to resolve it. In relation to this, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the issue of divorce in khulu'. Muslim scholars themselves have different views on khulu' whether it comes in the field of thalaq or fasakh. Practically, in Indonesia, this issue has been regulated in the Compilation of Islamic Law in the area of thalak. Therefore, if khulu' occurs thus both husband and wife could not be reconciled. Divorce must be decided in the Religious Court so as to acquire its law determination
The theme of the article is based on economic principles Islam. The purpose of writing the articl... more The theme of the article is based on economic principles Islam. The purpose of writing the article is: to analyze the Sharia in BEI exchange offer. Research is the study of literature. The index of sharia has become a part or the instrument in capital market transactions. Any securities that enter the Islamic capital market flows through a rigorous selection on sharia indekk that JII (Jakarta Islamic Index). The selection is part of the bidding process before the Islamic securities offered to investors through the capital market. Among the sharia always dimanati index at the level of investors were shares of sharia, Islamic mutual funds, Islamic bonds (Sukuk) which is a part that can not be separated in capital market transactions. The institute is a precondition towards Islamic securities with principal business does not conflict with Islamic law, as stated in a fatwa DSN-MU. In the presence Index sharia, the Islamic banks, Takaful and other Islamic financial institutions have alte...
In general, this study aims to get a clear description of the events of speech acts in procession... more In general, this study aims to get a clear description of the events of speech acts in procession Temu Manten Javanese Traditional Wedding Ceremony containing prayers at every stage. The focus of this study include the stages of the procession Temu Manten, meaning each procession Temu Manten, and speech acts that occur at each stage of the procession Temu Manten containing prayers. This study was conducted over 6 months, in the City of Madison. Based on research problems that have been set, the design of the study is a qualitative research design. The study looked at every procession that held in Temu Manten, and seek information from several informants or sources that exist. Informants in this study are the Messiah Rias and Shaman Manten. Data collection techniques used in this research is interview, observation, recording technique, refer to the technical, and engineering notes, whereas the data analysis technique used is an interactive model. From the research findings related to the focus of the research results as follows: (1) the stages of the procession retrieval manten on Marriage Indigenous Java from three different locations in the City of Madison, all of them have a sequence of steps that together, (2) any procession Temu Manten has meaning that contain a request to Allah SWT (3) there is a non-verbal speech acts, namely the prayer said over the heart at any stage in the procession Temu Manten. Thus it can be concluded that there are religious values in the Speech Acts in
The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". In the matter o... more The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". In the matter of ownership, individuals, society and the State as the subject of the economy have its own property rights, established by the sharia. The concept of ownership becomes very clear presented by Taqiyuddin an-Nabhani in his book Islamic economic system. In this book explained that Islam divides the concept of ownership becomes: individual ownership (private property); public ownership; and possession of the State (private state). Individual ownership is an individual right recognized by the sharia which such rights a person may have a wealth of moving or not moving. This right is protected and restricted by sharia law and no control. Moreover someone can finally have the authority to manage the assets held. Public ownership is all the wealth that has been set ownership by Allah to the Muslims so that the wealth of the Muslims belongs together. Individuals are allowed to take advantage of th...
The research theme is the concept of business According to Islamic economics. The objectives of t... more The research theme is the concept of business According to Islamic economics. The objectives of the research are: to see the influence of culture and family on the interest of saving customers. The research variables are: 1. Family, 2. Culture, and 3. Interest Saving. Hypothesis1: There is a significant influence between cultures (X1) with interest in saving (Y). 2. Hypothesis2: There is a significant influence between family (X2) with interest in saving (Y). The object of research is Islamic Bank in West Sumatra. The type of research is causality research with quantitative approach. The research population is all Islamic banking customers in West Sumatera. The sample of research is as many as 250 customers. The technique in sampling is non probability sampling method. Data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. The results found that culture and family significantly affected the interest of saving Islamic bank customers.
Article examines the issue of psychological pricing. The formulation of the research is whether t... more Article examines the issue of psychological pricing. The formulation of the research is whether the psychological price already meet the criteria for a fair price and not contrary to business ethics in Islam. Research is a research library. The study is qualitative. The research approach is hermeneutic data analysis technique used is descriptive-analysis-critical. The study's findings are a) The relationship between ethics and business is something that cannot be separated from each other, and b) pricing of psychological conflict with Islamic business ethics.
Eksistensi agama lokal seperti aliran kebatinan meskipun mengalami diskriminasi tetaplah berkemba... more Eksistensi agama lokal seperti aliran kebatinan meskipun mengalami diskriminasi tetaplah berkembang dan banyak diminati. Claim kebenaran yang kerap kali disuarakan oleh agama ”resmi” (baca: Islam, Katolik, Kristen, Hindu, Budha, Konghucu) nampaknya tak membuat penganut agama lokal takut apalagi pindah kepercayaan. Bahkan yang menarik kerap kali justru para penganut agama ”resmi” pun disadari atau tidak disadarinya mencampur keyakinannya dengan kepercayaan agama lokal. Lalu jika sudah seperti itu, masihkah kita bercita-cita mengusir dan menganggap keyakinan mereka sebagai keyakinan yang salah?. Bukankah benar dan salah itu urusan Tuhan?. Inilah yang menarik untuk dicermati.
This article aims to critically analyze the secularization perspective on political Islam, focusi... more This article aims to critically analyze the secularization perspective on political Islam, focusing on the Indonesian context. The secular perspective has its fundamental doctrine that democracy, separation of State and Religion, and nationalism should be the only system to manage one State. Many people always use kind of argument, even scholars, including in Indonesia, to reject the concept of the Islamic State. This article used descriptive analysis to elaborate the secularization perspective on political Islam in Indonesia and the critical analysis from the Islamic perspective. Furthermore, it also explains the impact of using such a perspective in analyzing the discourse of Political Islam. This article found that the responses of the Muslim figures or people on political Islam in Indonesia are influenced by the secularization perspective instead of using the Islamic perspective. Islamic perspective on political Islam is derived from the Islamic methodology that authoritative s...
Untuk menjawab tantangan zaman sebagai umat Islam ingin menawarkan dan melaksanakan aktivitas ked... more Untuk menjawab tantangan zaman sebagai umat Islam ingin menawarkan dan melaksanakan aktivitas keduniaan berdasarkan atura-aturan Islam yang sesuai dalam Al-Qur’an Hadits dan bersifat rahmatal lil’alamin. Pola kelembagaan bank syari’ah dalam manajemen bisnis Islam ini meliputi pengertian manajemen, unsur-unsur manajemen antara lain: perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan. Terkait dengan fungsinya sebagai lembaga keuangan yang menghimpun dana dan menyalurkannya kembali pada masyarakat maka setidaknya lembaga keuangan seperti bank harus mampu menjalankan peran pemasaran, manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Insani, manajemen Keuangan dan manajemen resiko yang baik. Dalam bisnis Islam ada prinsip dasar bisnis Islam antara lain: saling ridha, barang halal, bukan judi, menjauhi riba, tidak mengurangi timbangan, dilarang bersumpah, tidak manipulasi, tidak menimbun barang, bukan bisnis asusila dan menunaikan zakat, dan strategi bisnis dengan cara membangun jaringan bisnis, marke...
The theme of the article is based on economic principles Islam. The purpose of research is to see... more The theme of the article is based on economic principles Islam. The purpose of research is to see economic development in the perspective of the Islamic economy. Research is the study of literature. Economic development is one of the strategies to achieve the goals aspired nation. The goal is how poverty, unemployment, economic disparity and social resolved so as to realize human welfare. But in fact, the construction of which is expected to have an influence on society has not caused yet siding with the people. Increased poverty and unemployment occur, ultimately requires all state elites to reformulate development strategies that are better suited to be applied in a country rich in natural resources. Thus, there is no society that neglected and underdeveloped. It is appropriate experts economic, social, technological and political start doing a lot of studies on how to make successful development without being haunted by their poverty and unemployment. economic development as the ...
The research theme is the concept of business according to Islamic economics. The object of resea... more The research theme is the concept of business according to Islamic economics. The object of research is the existing sharia banks in Indonesia. The purpose of research are: 1) To see the effect of promotion costs on customer growth of sharia banks, 2) To see the effect of the cost of education and training on customer growth of sharia banks. The research variables are: 1) The independent variable (cost of promotion, education and training), 2) The dependent variable (customer growth). The study design was quantitative. This type of research is causality. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regressions. The data is used is secondary Data Obtained from Bank Indonesia. The data is in use are: 1) Cost of promotion in sharia banks, 2) The cost of education and training in sharia banks, and 3) The number of accounts in sharia banks. The results of the research are: 1) The cost of promotion has a significant influence on the growth of the customer, 2) The cost of education and trai...
The problem of this research is how Islam regards the economy Foreign Debt Government of Indonesi... more The problem of this research is how Islam regards the economy Foreign Debt Government of Indonesia and the solution according to Islamic economic perspective. This research was library research. Analysis of data using content analysis. The results of the study revealed that foreign debts are increasing in number every year. The government's foreign debt is a source of development financing is commonly done by developing countries. Indonesian government's foreign debt has been to contain the system of interest, known as riba nasi'ah, riba nasi'ah are in addition to the debt repayment required by donor countries. Thus, in their views of Islam, the government's foreign debt is currently not in accordance with the Qur'an and Hadith. Posts offer a solution formulation of the government's foreign debt in other forms of cooperation permitted under Sharia, such as Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Murabahah, Ijarah and others, can be developed as a form of external financi...
Islam considers that the health part of the favors of Allah was the greatest. In medical, fasting... more Islam considers that the health part of the favors of Allah was the greatest. In medical, fasting can cleanse toxins and substances that accumulate indigestion tract, kidneys, and other organs due to preservatives, dyes, artificial sweeteners, carcinogenic substances that cause cancer, cigarette smoke and others who accumulate many years. Although our body's mechanism has the ability o treat hem selves, but also the body's has capacity limits. With the fasting to protect the organs of the body could be perfect. Fasting is obligatory for us to be pious. In the Qur'an Surat al-Baqarah 2: 183. Allah says, "you the one who believe, fasting is obligatory upon you required people before you, that you cautious to Allah". Latar Belakang Islam tidak hanya mengatur hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan (habl min Allah), tetapi juga mengatur hubungan manusia dengan manusia (habl min al-nas) yang mencakup seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia, seperti sosial, budaya, politik, hukum, eko...
This study aims to look at the differences of Islamic stocks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI... more This study aims to look at the differences of Islamic stocks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) before and after the announcement of the price increase of fuel oil (BBM) on 15 May 2015. The method used is quantitative research with paired sample t-test. Research shows that there are significant differences abnormal return before and after the announcement of fuel price increases as well as demonstrate the difference by delaying the trading activity in the stock transaction that makes the average transaction decreased from prior events (event).
Cooperative as one business entity that has evolved over 68 years in 2015. The foundation of coop... more Cooperative as one business entity that has evolved over 68 years in 2015. The foundation of cooperation and togetherness that is contained in the cooperative to manage economic resources is a tool for people who are not able to escape from poverty, it is in line with expectations as Bung Hatta the father of the cooperative. Cooperative as a pillar is a manifestation of economic democracy as outlined in Article 33 of the Constitution, 1945. It can be seen from a different mechanism of capitalist economic system that promotes individual interests and personal gain alone. However during the course of the cooperative operates based on the system of interest, but the interest drawn by the cooperative finally returned to members as Time Results of Operations (SHU), so that the loans extended by the cooperative to members can be utilized. Nevertheless the interest rate offered is lower than the cooperative banking interest. The basic problem is the system of interest that should not be pr...
Among many divisions of contract (‘aqd) in mu’âmalah shar’iyyah, the dichotomy between tabarru’ a... more Among many divisions of contract (‘aqd) in mu’âmalah shar’iyyah, the dichotomy between tabarru’ and mu’âwaḍah contracts is the most influential paradigm in getting to know the jungle of classical and contemporary mu’âmalah contracts. Tabarru’ contract (tabarru’ât) means contracts of virtue as if it should be free from material self-interest or any other profane benefit. Meanwhile, mu’âwaḍah contract (mu’âwaḍât) means business contracts as if it is laden with material calculation and other various forms of self-interest. The dichotomic paradigm of these contracts is quite urgent that it is often made the ground to determine whether or not some material benefit obtained from certain contracts is allowed. It is interesting to observe, that the Indonesian law of obligation which is originating from a Dutch colonial legacy actually also acknowledges such a contract. It is, however, not as strict as its divisions in Islamic fiqh.
The research theme is the concept of business According to Islamic economics. This study aims: (1... more The research theme is the concept of business According to Islamic economics. This study aims: (1) Obtaining data about the quality of alumni. (2) Obtaining the absorption data of the world of work. (3) Obtaining data on public confidence in universities. (4) To know the effect of the quality of alumni on the absorption of the world of work and the community's belief in higher education. The sample of research is as many as 201 people. The research results are: (1) There is a relationship between the quality of alumni with public trust. (2) There is an influence of alumni's quality on absorptive capacity of the world of work and public trust.
The formation of sakinah and mawaddah family is a dream of every husband and wife. However, the h... more The formation of sakinah and mawaddah family is a dream of every husband and wife. However, the harmonious relationship within family could not always be achieved. Divorce is utilized as a solution to resolve it. In relation to this, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the issue of divorce in khulu'. Muslim scholars themselves have different views on khulu' whether it comes in the field of thalaq or fasakh. Practically, in Indonesia, this issue has been regulated in the Compilation of Islamic Law in the area of thalak. Therefore, if khulu' occurs thus both husband and wife could not be reconciled. Divorce must be decided in the Religious Court so as to acquire its law determination
The theme of the article is based on economic principles Islam. The purpose of writing the articl... more The theme of the article is based on economic principles Islam. The purpose of writing the article is: to analyze the Sharia in BEI exchange offer. Research is the study of literature. The index of sharia has become a part or the instrument in capital market transactions. Any securities that enter the Islamic capital market flows through a rigorous selection on sharia indekk that JII (Jakarta Islamic Index). The selection is part of the bidding process before the Islamic securities offered to investors through the capital market. Among the sharia always dimanati index at the level of investors were shares of sharia, Islamic mutual funds, Islamic bonds (Sukuk) which is a part that can not be separated in capital market transactions. The institute is a precondition towards Islamic securities with principal business does not conflict with Islamic law, as stated in a fatwa DSN-MU. In the presence Index sharia, the Islamic banks, Takaful and other Islamic financial institutions have alte...
In general, this study aims to get a clear description of the events of speech acts in procession... more In general, this study aims to get a clear description of the events of speech acts in procession Temu Manten Javanese Traditional Wedding Ceremony containing prayers at every stage. The focus of this study include the stages of the procession Temu Manten, meaning each procession Temu Manten, and speech acts that occur at each stage of the procession Temu Manten containing prayers. This study was conducted over 6 months, in the City of Madison. Based on research problems that have been set, the design of the study is a qualitative research design. The study looked at every procession that held in Temu Manten, and seek information from several informants or sources that exist. Informants in this study are the Messiah Rias and Shaman Manten. Data collection techniques used in this research is interview, observation, recording technique, refer to the technical, and engineering notes, whereas the data analysis technique used is an interactive model. From the research findings related to the focus of the research results as follows: (1) the stages of the procession retrieval manten on Marriage Indigenous Java from three different locations in the City of Madison, all of them have a sequence of steps that together, (2) any procession Temu Manten has meaning that contain a request to Allah SWT (3) there is a non-verbal speech acts, namely the prayer said over the heart at any stage in the procession Temu Manten. Thus it can be concluded that there are religious values in the Speech Acts in
The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". In the matter o... more The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". In the matter of ownership, individuals, society and the State as the subject of the economy have its own property rights, established by the sharia. The concept of ownership becomes very clear presented by Taqiyuddin an-Nabhani in his book Islamic economic system. In this book explained that Islam divides the concept of ownership becomes: individual ownership (private property); public ownership; and possession of the State (private state). Individual ownership is an individual right recognized by the sharia which such rights a person may have a wealth of moving or not moving. This right is protected and restricted by sharia law and no control. Moreover someone can finally have the authority to manage the assets held. Public ownership is all the wealth that has been set ownership by Allah to the Muslims so that the wealth of the Muslims belongs together. Individuals are allowed to take advantage of th...
The research theme is the concept of business According to Islamic economics. The objectives of t... more The research theme is the concept of business According to Islamic economics. The objectives of the research are: to see the influence of culture and family on the interest of saving customers. The research variables are: 1. Family, 2. Culture, and 3. Interest Saving. Hypothesis1: There is a significant influence between cultures (X1) with interest in saving (Y). 2. Hypothesis2: There is a significant influence between family (X2) with interest in saving (Y). The object of research is Islamic Bank in West Sumatra. The type of research is causality research with quantitative approach. The research population is all Islamic banking customers in West Sumatera. The sample of research is as many as 250 customers. The technique in sampling is non probability sampling method. Data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. The results found that culture and family significantly affected the interest of saving Islamic bank customers.
Article examines the issue of psychological pricing. The formulation of the research is whether t... more Article examines the issue of psychological pricing. The formulation of the research is whether the psychological price already meet the criteria for a fair price and not contrary to business ethics in Islam. Research is a research library. The study is qualitative. The research approach is hermeneutic data analysis technique used is descriptive-analysis-critical. The study's findings are a) The relationship between ethics and business is something that cannot be separated from each other, and b) pricing of psychological conflict with Islamic business ethics.
Eksistensi agama lokal seperti aliran kebatinan meskipun mengalami diskriminasi tetaplah berkemba... more Eksistensi agama lokal seperti aliran kebatinan meskipun mengalami diskriminasi tetaplah berkembang dan banyak diminati. Claim kebenaran yang kerap kali disuarakan oleh agama ”resmi” (baca: Islam, Katolik, Kristen, Hindu, Budha, Konghucu) nampaknya tak membuat penganut agama lokal takut apalagi pindah kepercayaan. Bahkan yang menarik kerap kali justru para penganut agama ”resmi” pun disadari atau tidak disadarinya mencampur keyakinannya dengan kepercayaan agama lokal. Lalu jika sudah seperti itu, masihkah kita bercita-cita mengusir dan menganggap keyakinan mereka sebagai keyakinan yang salah?. Bukankah benar dan salah itu urusan Tuhan?. Inilah yang menarik untuk dicermati.
This article aims to critically analyze the secularization perspective on political Islam, focusi... more This article aims to critically analyze the secularization perspective on political Islam, focusing on the Indonesian context. The secular perspective has its fundamental doctrine that democracy, separation of State and Religion, and nationalism should be the only system to manage one State. Many people always use kind of argument, even scholars, including in Indonesia, to reject the concept of the Islamic State. This article used descriptive analysis to elaborate the secularization perspective on political Islam in Indonesia and the critical analysis from the Islamic perspective. Furthermore, it also explains the impact of using such a perspective in analyzing the discourse of Political Islam. This article found that the responses of the Muslim figures or people on political Islam in Indonesia are influenced by the secularization perspective instead of using the Islamic perspective. Islamic perspective on political Islam is derived from the Islamic methodology that authoritative s...
Untuk menjawab tantangan zaman sebagai umat Islam ingin menawarkan dan melaksanakan aktivitas ked... more Untuk menjawab tantangan zaman sebagai umat Islam ingin menawarkan dan melaksanakan aktivitas keduniaan berdasarkan atura-aturan Islam yang sesuai dalam Al-Qur’an Hadits dan bersifat rahmatal lil’alamin. Pola kelembagaan bank syari’ah dalam manajemen bisnis Islam ini meliputi pengertian manajemen, unsur-unsur manajemen antara lain: perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan. Terkait dengan fungsinya sebagai lembaga keuangan yang menghimpun dana dan menyalurkannya kembali pada masyarakat maka setidaknya lembaga keuangan seperti bank harus mampu menjalankan peran pemasaran, manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Insani, manajemen Keuangan dan manajemen resiko yang baik. Dalam bisnis Islam ada prinsip dasar bisnis Islam antara lain: saling ridha, barang halal, bukan judi, menjauhi riba, tidak mengurangi timbangan, dilarang bersumpah, tidak manipulasi, tidak menimbun barang, bukan bisnis asusila dan menunaikan zakat, dan strategi bisnis dengan cara membangun jaringan bisnis, marke...
The theme of the article is based on economic principles Islam. The purpose of research is to see... more The theme of the article is based on economic principles Islam. The purpose of research is to see economic development in the perspective of the Islamic economy. Research is the study of literature. Economic development is one of the strategies to achieve the goals aspired nation. The goal is how poverty, unemployment, economic disparity and social resolved so as to realize human welfare. But in fact, the construction of which is expected to have an influence on society has not caused yet siding with the people. Increased poverty and unemployment occur, ultimately requires all state elites to reformulate development strategies that are better suited to be applied in a country rich in natural resources. Thus, there is no society that neglected and underdeveloped. It is appropriate experts economic, social, technological and political start doing a lot of studies on how to make successful development without being haunted by their poverty and unemployment. economic development as the ...
The research theme is the concept of business according to Islamic economics. The object of resea... more The research theme is the concept of business according to Islamic economics. The object of research is the existing sharia banks in Indonesia. The purpose of research are: 1) To see the effect of promotion costs on customer growth of sharia banks, 2) To see the effect of the cost of education and training on customer growth of sharia banks. The research variables are: 1) The independent variable (cost of promotion, education and training), 2) The dependent variable (customer growth). The study design was quantitative. This type of research is causality. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regressions. The data is used is secondary Data Obtained from Bank Indonesia. The data is in use are: 1) Cost of promotion in sharia banks, 2) The cost of education and training in sharia banks, and 3) The number of accounts in sharia banks. The results of the research are: 1) The cost of promotion has a significant influence on the growth of the customer, 2) The cost of education and trai...
The problem of this research is how Islam regards the economy Foreign Debt Government of Indonesi... more The problem of this research is how Islam regards the economy Foreign Debt Government of Indonesia and the solution according to Islamic economic perspective. This research was library research. Analysis of data using content analysis. The results of the study revealed that foreign debts are increasing in number every year. The government's foreign debt is a source of development financing is commonly done by developing countries. Indonesian government's foreign debt has been to contain the system of interest, known as riba nasi'ah, riba nasi'ah are in addition to the debt repayment required by donor countries. Thus, in their views of Islam, the government's foreign debt is currently not in accordance with the Qur'an and Hadith. Posts offer a solution formulation of the government's foreign debt in other forms of cooperation permitted under Sharia, such as Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Murabahah, Ijarah and others, can be developed as a form of external financi...
Papers by Kajian Islam