Papers by Ryszard Kaczmarek
Brill | Schöningh eBooks, Apr 28, 2023
Pamiętnik Cieszyński, 1996
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht eBooks, Jun 7, 2021
Zapiski Historyczne, Mar 28, 2023
Budrich UniPress eBooks, Sep 27, 2012
Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne. Seria Nowa, 2010
In this article the author tries to estimate chances for the borderland of Upper Silesia created ... more In this article the author tries to estimate chances for the borderland of Upper Silesia created by modern European regional politics. From a historical point of view it can be said that there are two kinds of territories, i.e. those playing a central role in the consolidation of adjacent lands (great nations and big countries were created of such territories). The second are called borderlands, where we deal with the lack of both uniformity and centralization. These are known to make a mixture of different elements and cultural influences. Modern Silesian Voivodeship belongs to the second category, in which the problem of integration is currently perceived from a perspective of historical heritage. Thoughtless aspiration to achieve integration at all costs will lead to unnecessary social conflicts as well as arguments in the power elites, but what is the most important it will impoverish the region. Due to considerable regional diversity and transfer of ideas the borderland is seen as culturally attractive, with its dynamic economy and creativity in adopting new patterns of behaviour as well as political visions. Present Silesian Voivodeship is this kind of territory. On the one hand it is an interesting mixture of a national state model, but on the other hand it draws on the experience of historical heritage of patterns, ideas, traditions, which should create a natural bond between inhabitants of common Europe. Although nowadays we talk about chances for the borderland, in the 20 th century this region was considered to be problematic. In terms of international relations the region was a controversial issue, which was known as a 'bleeding border'. As far as domestic politics of both Germany (Kulturkampf) and later Poland (autonomy, settling accounts with the past after the II World War) are concerned, the borderland was seen as a difficult topic as well. At present, the variety of traditions of European borderland should not be treated as a burden. The development of these regions is dependent on the ability to answer the out-of-date question: Is there a desperate need to integrate (i.e. to unify) those regions into homogeneous national state? The Silesian Voivodeship will make use of this opportunity if the past is seen as a rich multicultural heritage and not as a burden of 'Silesian tragedy'.
Kwartalnik Historyczny, 1987
Biuletyn Polskiej Misji Historycznej, Sep 29, 2022
This project examines LARC V, which is water and land interface vehicle designed for support of a... more This project examines LARC V, which is water and land interface vehicle designed for support of amphibious operations (troops and cargo transport) in rivers and protected waters. Vehicle's mission evolved to more stringent, involving amphibious assault operations in the highly demanding surf zone, as well as support of the dive and salvage operations. The age (35 years), and increasing requirements, including weight, stability, range, speeds, and reliability dictated study on improvement or replacement of the existing design. Research concentrates on conceptual study and development of various options for presentation to the sponsor, U.S. Navy Ocean Facilities Program (OFP), and the ultimate owner, U.S. Navy, Underwater Construction Teams. "The very act of studying something may change it."
Zapiski Historyczne, Mar 28, 2023
Zaranie Śląskie. Seria druga
Following the decision to divide Upper Silesia between Germany and Poland, detailed regulations w... more Following the decision to divide Upper Silesia between Germany and Poland, detailed regulations were established according to which individual counties were supposed to be taken over by both states. Major celebrations on the German side were held in the summer of 1922 in Opole, where the official assumption of control over the German Upper Silesia by the government of the German Reich took place. The legality of the actions undertaken in the Upper Silesia by the victorious western states was undermined and postulates were put forward to peacefully revise the course of the border established in the wake of the plebiscite and the Silesian Uprisings. In his article, the author presents this issue, as seen from the perspective of the then German press.
Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, 2004
Jahrbuch Historie, Jan 6, 2011
Dzieje obozów masowej zagłady są od dawna już nie tylko w Polsce osobną dziedziną badań historycz... more Dzieje obozów masowej zagłady są od dawna już nie tylko w Polsce osobną dziedziną badań historycznych. Największe zainteresowanie tą tematyką było bezpośrednio po zakończeniu II wojny światowej, w czasie trwających w drugiej połowie lat czterdziestych procesów norymberskich, a w Polsce w latach 1946-1953, podczas serii procesów przeciwko niemieckim zbrodniarzom wojennym. Później odżywało kilkakrotnie, gdy toczyły się śledztwa przeciwko członkom załóg obozowych (tak było np. w wypadku procesów we Frankfurcie nad Menem w latach 1963-1976, kiedy osądzono esesmanów z KL Auschwitz) i w czasie głośnych procesów przeciwko pojedynczym zbrodniarzom. Najbardziej spektakularnym przykładem była sprawa Adolfa Eichmanna. W ostatnich latach daje się zaobserwować odżywanie zainteresowań naukowych tą problematyką. Świadczą o tym częste konferencje naukowe i ukazujące się na ten temat publikacje. Obecnie nastąpiła jednak zmiana celów badawczych. Niemieckie obozy koncentracyjne i obozy masowej zagłady...
Rüther A. Die deutschrechtliche Siedlung. Die "deutsche" Perspektive . In: Bahlcke J, G... more Rüther A. Die deutschrechtliche Siedlung. Die "deutsche" Perspektive . In: Bahlcke J, Gawrecki D, Kaczmarek R, eds. Geschichte Oberschlesiens. Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart . Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa. Vol 61 . München : Gruyter ; 2015: 580-586
Papers by Ryszard Kaczmarek